Seeing the open window on the second floor, Fei Yongyue flew in from inside, then floated towards the direction of the sound, and arrived at the first floor not long after.

Concubine Yongyue was slightly startled when she saw the first floor, because she found that this place seemed to have been remodeled, and the interior looked like a palace, which was extraordinarily grand.

But there was no one in this position, the voice was still farther away, and Fei Yongyue continued to drift past.

When she came to the outside of a room, Fei Yongyue stopped, listened to the communication in the room, and quickly judged that there should be four people in the room, and judging from the name, it should be Luo Luo from the empire. Stop the four ghosts!

But only these people?

Concubine Yongyue took out her mobile phone and looked at it, and the rest of the people would send messages from time to time, saying that they didn't find anything.

Seeing this, Concubine Yongyue put away her phone, opened the door and entered the room.


The arrival of Fei Yongyue startled the four people in the room who were eating and communicating around the table, and quickly looked up.


Some of them recognized Concubine Yongyue, and their expressions changed immediately.

The Raksha Four Ghosts are two men and two women. The two men are Ji and Zhu Tian. The former has a slender body and long hair, while the latter has a bald head, a big beard, and a very sturdy figure.The two women are called Suzuka and Matou. The former is tall and wears a long skirt, while the latter is a girl with wheat-colored skin and a petite figure.

The strength of the four people is considered very good in the drama, but in reality, their performances have already reached the upper limit, and they have mastered all the power they can master. Therefore, when they see a character with a very high upper limit like Altair appearing, they will inevitably be a little surprised.

"Being able to see me, should I say you are lucky or bad luck?" With an unfriendly smile, Fei Yongyue shot four of the eight sabers behind her directly.

Seeing this, the four ghosts of Rakshasa shot one after another, but just when they thought they were dealing with a normal-sized saber, the saber suddenly became huge when it approached them. This made them completely unexpected. The attack immediately followed suit.

Immediately after...


The entire room was blasted abruptly by the gigantic saber, the walls collapsed, the ceiling shattered, turned into pieces of rubble and splashed out in all directions, and smoke and dust billowed for a while.

The gigantic saber slapped downwards, and the Raksha four ghosts were caught off guard and knocked to the ground abruptly. Then the other four sabers flew out from Fei Yongyue's side, like a streamer, they seized the opportunity and directly penetrated the bodies of the four Raksha ghosts, nailing the four of them to the ground, unable to move.

Concubine Yongyue stepped on the thick black heels, walked over slowly step by step, looked at the four of them condescendingly and said, "Your Majesty, where did he go? Esthers, where did he go? "

"I don't know, we don't know." Ji Qiang replied, enduring the physical pain.

"I don't know? That's all."

Fei Yongyue didn't ask any more questions. If the emperor or Esdes was here, then the movement she caused at this moment should not be ignored. It can only be said that the high-level officials of the empire really don't seem to be in this island in the middle of the lake.

As for the question of where she went, Fei Yongyue felt that it would be better to leave it to professionals for interrogation, so she sent a message to Misaka Mikoto.

Misaka Mikoto is certainly not a professional interrogator, but the Actors Guild has enough professionals.

Concubine Yongyue left after sending the message, and it was enough for the Raksha Four Ghosts to continue nailing them with their sabers.

After Fei Yongyue walked out, she floated into the sky overlooking the lake island. She might be able to see something from the height, but she only saw Irena and others coming in and out of the villa after looking for a while. , found nothing.

Not long after, Misaka Mikoto rushed over and took away the Raksha Four Ghosts who had been severely injured by Concubine Yongyue. In order to avoid accidents, Irena also followed Misaka Mikoto to capture these four guys back to the Actors Association.

During this process, Fei Yongyue and others have been trying to find something in Huxin Islet, but they have not found anything. There are only four Raksha four ghosts in Huxin Islet.

After the search was fruitless, Fei Yongyue flew to the terrace of a villa, sat down on a chair here, and thought about the situation.

"Drip drip..."

Concubine Yongyue didn't think for long when Misaka Mikoto called.

Fei Yongyue answered the phone.

"Altair, the four ghosts of Rakshasa couldn't stand the interrogation, and quickly confessed a lot of things." Misaka Mikoto came to report.

"So where did the Emperor of the Empire go?."

"They don't seem to be clear about this. They only know that there are important things that made the emperor and other high-level officials leave."

"Does the Four Rakshasa Ghosts have any useful information?"

"Yes, at least we know what the purpose of the empire is."

When Misaka Mikoto said this, her tone became serious: "This matter is still related to the Alvarez Empire!"

Alvarez Empire?

"Isn't this the empire in "Fairy Tail"?" Fei Yongyue judged immediately.

"That's right, the reality of the Alvarez Empire is said to be composed of people from that drama. Altair, since you have watched this drama, you should understand that many characters in this drama have upper limit." They are all very high." Misaka Mikoto seemed to be worried about something.

"Their upper limit is indeed very high, so why is there a connection between Zhan Chi's empire and Fairy Tail's empire?" Fei Yongyue's expression was very calm.

No matter how high someone else's upper limit is, she herself has a very high upper limit and unlimited possibilities, so she won't show obvious worries under such circumstances.

Misaka Mikoto explained: "According to the interrogation, it seems that Zanchi's high-ranking empire knows very well that they may not be able to occupy a place in this world after reaching the upper limit in the future, so they chose to join the Alvarez Empire. The Alvarez Empire has attached a condition to them, that is, if they can become the actual controller of a city, they will accept their refuge."

Do you rule a city?

Some thoughts flashed through Fei Yongyue's mind, and many things became clear immediately.

Why did Zhan Chi's high-level empire attack vampires and control vampires to create a large number of vampires?Because rule requires manpower, and in order to ensure safety, obedient manpower is the most important thing, so they will focus on vampires.

In addition, why a large number of people from the Actors Association are attracted to Changyun City next door can also be understood. This is to reduce the number of opponents that the Empire needs to face. It is easier to grasp the actual control of the city.

As for what to do when the Actors Association reacts, that is another question. Anyway, there are a large number of ordinary people in Xiamu City, and it is impossible for the Actors Association to start a large-scale war with the empire.

After clarifying some thoughts in her mind, Fei Yongyue asked quickly: "Where is the Alvarez Empire now?"

Misaka Mikoto's tone revealed a little helplessness: "I didn't find it. After interrogating the information, I checked the relevant information of the Alvarez Empire, but no matter how I searched, I couldn't find it. The people of the Alvarez Empire seem to know their upper limit is high.

"This is a reasonable choice. It obviously has a terrible upper limit. Many people don't want to encounter any accidents before the upper limit is reached." Fei Yongyue understood the plan of the Alvarez Empire.

"There are quite a few other organizations, such as the Navy Headquarters, the Heroes' Association, Liyue, Anti-Entropy, Akatsuki Organization..." Misaka Mikoto read out the names of many organizations.

Concubine Yongyue didn't pay much attention to the rest of the organizations. After all, they didn't overlap, and there might not be an intersection in the future. It's better to focus on Zhan Chi's empire for now.

However, there is no information from the empire at present, so we can only monitor this island in the middle of the lake first, so that if the people of the empire can come back, they can come back as soon as possible and respond.

Thinking of this, Fei Yongyue couldn't help but think of what Esdes said before deleting her friend.

Do I have to do something bad...

"Meiqin, Esdeth seems to be controlled by the empire for some reason, do the four Rakshasa ghosts know the reason?" Fei Yongyue asked.

"I'll ask."

Misaka Mikoto has never been asked this question, but it's not too late to ask now.

The four ghosts of Rakshasa were imprisoned separately, and the same question would be asked to four people separately, and only if all four people gave the same answer, this answer could be trusted.

It didn't take long for Misaka Mikoto to ask about the result, and said to Fei Yongyue: "I asked about the situation, and they didn't know about Esdesh's situation, they only knew that one day Esdesh suddenly joined the empire."

Concubine Yongyue understood, and said: "I understand, then let it be like this, thank you for your hard work, Meiqin."

Misaka Mikoto on the other end of the phone felt a little awkward when she heard what Concubine Yongyue said: "You don't need to say these things, I... I don't particularly want to help you, the main reason is that you are under your control, and there is no other way to help you."

Concubine Yongyue smiled slightly when she heard the words: "Then, continue to help me as much as you can in the future."

Misaka Mikoto: "..."


Not long after hanging up the phone, a figure jumped up outside the terrace and appeared in front of Fei Yongyue.

It's Maine.

Seeing Fei Yongyue here, Ma Yin was also startled, and then walked over: "Altair, why are you resting here? We have worked so hard to search around, even if you are the leader of the organization, you can't be blatantly lazy."

Concubine Yongyue sat leisurely and said: "The main reason is that I understand that there should be no information worth investigating here, so the search is naturally unnecessary."

"Then you asked us to search before?" Ma Yin's eyes widened suddenly.

"That's the previous order." Fei Yongyue took out her mobile phone and said in the group: "There is no need to search any more. We can go back when Meiqin comes here to install the surveillance. Everyone can take a rest now."

Ma Yin took out her mobile phone to look at it, put it away again, and didn't ask this question again.

She looked at Concubine Yongyue with complicated eyes, but there were other thoughts in her heart.

"Do you have anything to say?" Fei Yongyue saw that Ma Yin seemed to want to say something, so she couldn't help asking.

Ma Yin hesitated for a moment, but after thinking about it, she said: "Altair, thank you for being able to avenge Hill so quickly."

She wanted to say the words of thanks after Sai Liu's death, but she had something to do before, so she didn't say it. At this moment, she thinks it's better to say it.

However, she is not a straightforward character. When she said such words, her face flushed slightly, and she was a little embarrassed.

"You are already a member of the organization, so you don't need to thank me." Fei Yongyue didn't expect Ma Yin to say this.

"I'm not thanking you for myself, I'm thanking you for Hill." Ma Yin quickly explained.

"Really? Then I will accept this thank you, but you really don't thank me yourself?" Fei Yongyue looked at Ma Yin.

"You have been able to have a subordinate like me forever, my gratitude is undoubtedly pale, of course I don't need to thank you." Ma Yin turned her head away, looking a little arrogant.

Fei Yongyue didn't speak, just looked at Ma Yin with a smile.

Ma Yin, who lowered her head, waited for a while before Fei Yongyue could speak, but she had some misunderstandings, thinking that Fei Yongyue was dissatisfied, and then said: "Actually, it's not that I really don't thank you Altair, in fact, your Behavior is a very important redemption for me, how could I really not thank you, just... just thank you, I am really embarrassed to say it."

"Then how are you going to thank me?" Fei Yongyue looked at Ma Yin's pink twin tails blown by the wind.

"I'm already under the control of you, Altair, how can I thank you? Whatever you want me to do, then do it." Maine replied.

When she answered, she didn't think much, and she never thought that after the answer fell, a figure would embrace her from behind.

This made Ma Yin subconsciously turn her head to look at Concubine Yongyue, and saw Concubine Yongyue's beautiful eyes, and those eyes were so close to her, that she could already feel the breath of the other party's breath.

Ma Yin's heartbeat couldn't help but quicken.

"Do whatever you want?" Fei Yongyue said slowly: "Ma Yin, you have said similar things before, don't you know that such words will bring you unexpected things?"

"What... is the unexpected thing?" Ma Yin stammered a little: "Could it be... don't tell me... Altair, you really have any special... that kind of hobby? You probably don't have it? "

Ma Yin thought of the last time, last time Fei Yongyue didn't do anything to her in the end, so she felt that Fei Yongyue was just trying to scare her, and she didn't have any special hobbies.


"Ma Yin, you are too absolute. No matter what it is, you can't think too simply, otherwise it may have a negative impact on your future growth." Fei Yongyue said seriously.

" that so?" Ma Yin hesitated.

"It seems that you still don't understand Ma Yin, so let me teach you a lesson."

As Fei Yongyue said, she made Ma Yin sit directly on the chair next to her with her hands, and then she sat on Ma Yin's lap, holding Ma Yin's hands so that Ma Yin could not move around, and then slowly approached.


Concubine Yongyue's actions made Ma Yin's heart beat like a drum, and she probably guessed what Concubine Yongyue wanted to do, but she couldn't believe it, thinking that Concubine Yongyue was just like last time, just scaring herself.

So she wanted to say something, but before she could say anything, Fei Yongyue lowered her head and blocked all her words.

For a moment, Maine's eyes widened.

It's actually true.

This time it turned out to be true, and the other party wasn't trying to scare her.

The breath belonging to Fei Yongyue impacted Ma Yin's heart at this moment, causing Ma Yin's brain to short-circuit for a while, and the whole person had forgotten to think.

Chapter 100 Who is here?

The body became weak, the limbs seemed to be going limp, only the breathing became short of breath.

Ma Yin just endured everything in a daze, until she realized that a hand was on her collar, and she suddenly came back to her senses.

Should I resist?

No... If it's Altair, let her come as she pleases.

Maine has resigned herself to her fate.

In other words, because Fei Yongyue helped her succeed in avenging Hill, she was very grateful to Fei Yongyue in her heart, so even if Fei Yongyue really wanted to do something to her, she would not choose to resist.

It was this man who gave him hope.

It was this man who gave him his future.

So if it's this person, then anything is fine.

She, Ma Yin, is ready for everything.

But at this time, Fei Yongyue let go of Ma Yin, and turned her head to look at the sky behind her.

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