in the living room.

Fei Yongyue and the others were looking at Sheila with their mobile phones.

"This Sheila, doesn't she know that we have surveillance cameras installed?" Huang Shumo Meixiang held the phone in one hand and rested her chin in the other hand.

"Our monitoring is relatively hidden. Who would have thought that there is a monitoring in the handle of the broom, the plastic flowers in the flowerpot are monitoring, and the bell hanging under the door is also monitoring?" Irena said with a smile.

"Huh? What happened to Sheila all of a sudden?" Krulu looked at the phone and said strangely.

They watched Sheila through surveillance, but they could only judge when Sheila noticed something. At this time, they found that Sheila suddenly retreated under the wall, waiting for something at the edge of the wall.

What's going on here?

When several people were curious, Misaka Mikoto had finished dressing and walked into the living room.

She was quite embarrassed when she saw everyone, but when she saw that everyone was not paying attention to herself, but staring at the phone, she immediately knew that something important had happened, and quickly took out the phone.

Just glanced at Misaka Mikoto to understand the situation, and quickly sent a message to the staff of the Actors Association, asking the other party to send a more comprehensive monitoring.

So it didn't take long, in the surveillance of everyone, besides the picture of staring at Sheila, there were several more pictures, one of which was the picture facing the front of the gate.

In that picture, three figures appeared.

Red pupil, Leonai, Chelsea!

"Why are they here?" Ma Yin subconsciously called out when she saw the information on the screen.

"Have you been followed?" Fei Yongyue glanced at Ma Yin.

Ma Yin had met Chitong and the others before, and went directly to Huxin Island after that. If they were followed, it would not be surprising that Chitong and the others knew about Huxin Island.

Ma Yin thought for a while and said, "I'm not sure, but I told them not to follow me, and I really didn't notice anyone following me."

"Then maybe they didn't know about this place by following you." Concubine Yongyue thought for a while and said, "If they followed you during the day and found out about this place, they could show up during the day. There is no need to wait until now. Maybe they learned that this place is related to the empire through other channels, so they came here."

Hearing what Concubine Yongyue said, Ma Yin's expression was startled.

She clearly told Chitong and the others that it was enough for the empire to deal with it by herself and the organization, so that Chitong and the others would not have to worry about this matter anymore, but why didn't they listen?

Ma Yin forgot that Chitong and the others are not irresponsible people, and it is not because others tell them not to take responsibility that they can truly let go.

Moreover, they can't do things like leaving everything to their companions and hiding behind themselves.

"Don't worry too much about them, right?" Irena's tone was very relaxed: "How can this guy, Sheila, be the opponent of the three of Chitong? If Chitong wants to make a move, it will be very easy to defeat Sheila, right?"

This judgment made everyone nod their heads.

Sheila's strength, the upper limit is just like that, and it has reached the peak long ago, and Chitong's strength is even stronger. At this time, there is no doubt that it has not reached the upper limit. It is more than enough to deal with people like Sheila who have not been able to improve for a long time.As for Leonai and Chelsea, although they are much weaker, there is no need to worry too much about their situation with Chi Tong.

"The question is whether the appearance of Chitong and others will cause any unknown changes." Irena continued: "Although Sheila can't beat them, she can escape, and then she may bring wrong information to the empire because of the appearance of Chitong and others. In this way, I don't know what will happen."

"It's okay, just wait and see what happens." Fei Yongyue continued watching the video.

In the video, Chi Tong and the others obviously haven't found Sheila yet, but Sheila probably figured out who it was. After all, Chi Tong and the others were also talking, and the voice was enough for Sheila to recognize the person.

Therefore, Sheila seemed to be ready to make a move, with a ferocious smile on her face.

His face was very close to the nearest surveillance camera, and that ferocious smile was also clearly displayed in the surveillance surveillance.

"He still wants to make a move? Where did he get the confidence to fight Chitong and the others?" Ma Yin was puzzled when she saw this.

Rather than being puzzled, it's better to say that she was a little uneasy. She knew that Sheila could definitely judge the things they could judge. But since she knew she was not an opponent, why did Sheila plan to take the initiative?

For a moment, the atmosphere in the living room became heavy. Everyone was watching the video, lest they miss any information.

Finally, Sheila made a move!

"Teigu Shangri-La, activate!"

Sheila directly used her own Teigu, which was the trigger on his hands, and when he was close to it, a strong purple light radiated out, and a Tai Chi pattern appeared on the ground, covering Chitong and the others all at once.

Is this intended to directly teleport Chitong and the others to another place?

Seeing such a situation, Ma Yin subconsciously flashed the idea, if instead of teleporting herself to escape, teleporting the enemy to move the enemy away, it seems to be okay.

But just when Ma Yin thought so, Tegu Shangri-La also showed its effect, teleporting Chi Tong and Leonai away at once.

Yes, only two people were sent away, and the weakest Chelsea was left there.

Chelsea's Teigu is Transformation Free Gaia Foundation, which can make herself look like other people through Teigu. Under such circumstances, she can assassinate others silently, but she can only assassinate , her own strength can be said to be very weak.

At this time, Chelsea was unable to enter the disguised state, and was exposed to Sheila alone. It was almost predictable what the ending would be.


Ma Yin's expression suddenly changed.

During the monitoring, Chelsea obviously sensed that something was wrong at the first time. She was also a decisive person, and immediately retreated to the back, trying to leave this place.

And Sheila also quickly chased it out.

"Hahaha, do you want to escape? Where else can you escape? Now that you're here, just stay here." Sheila laughed and chased after Chelsea.

Unlike Chelsea who can only rely on Teigu, even if Sheila throws away Teigu, she still has a very good fighting power, which can completely crush Chelsea.

"Chelsey!" Seeing this scene, Ma Yin's eyes widened and her hands were trembling.

Chelsea is also her good friend, so she naturally doesn't want to see something happen to Chelsea like this.

"Don't be afraid." At this time, a voice came from the side, and just hearing this voice, Ma Yin felt a sense of peace of mind inexplicably.

Ma Yin raised her head and looked over, it was Fei Yongyue who spoke.

When she saw Concubine Yongyue, Ma Yin was also taken aback, because Concubine Yongyue, who was originally wearing home clothes, had already entered the form of a military concubine, and she looked heroic under a military uniform.

"I'm going to save someone, so don't worry."

After Fei Yongyue left such a sentence, she immediately flew out of the window like an arrow from the string, and quickly disappeared into the vast night.

Seeing this, Ma Yin couldn't help praying secretly in her heart.

If it was Altair... If it was that person, she would definitely be able to save Chelsea, right?

The rest continued to watch the surveillance and watched the subsequent development of the matter.


Night, crescent moon, forest!

Chelsea ran in quickly, looking for a way to get out.

But before she ran a few steps, a shadow floated over her head, and it fell in front of her all of a sudden, blocking her way.

It's Sheila!

Sheila looked at Chelsea with a playful smile on her face: "What do you think is the reason why I let you stay alone?"

Chelsea's orange hair was fluttering in the night wind, she was wearing headphones, and she had a lollipop in her mouth.

She took out the lollipop and threw it away, looked at Sheila and said, "So, what do you want to do?"

Chelsea tried to delay the time, Chitong and Leonai were just teleported away, and they would definitely come back as soon as possible, but she didn't know how long it would take to come back, because she didn't know how far Sheila sent them.

Sheila looked at Chelsea leisurely, her eyes especially lingering on Chelsea's clean thighs under her short skirt for a while, a possessive desire appeared in her eyes.

As a lustful person, seeing a beautiful girl like Chelsea in front of him, he couldn't hold back anymore.

"What I want to do is actually obvious, isn't it?" Sheila walked towards Chelsea and said as she walked, "I could have teleported you all away, but you are the only one left. There is a reason for this, and the reason... I think you should have figured it out, right?"

When talking, Sheila had a sense of joy in controlling the life and death of others, which made him always have a chilling smile on his face.

Chelsea took a few steps back and said, "Sheila, are you usually very unpopular with girls? So, in similar matters, you can only choose to do it by force? A truly attractive person should let girls approach him on his own initiative?"

Sheila dug her ears, and said nonchalantly: "What you said seems to make sense, but I just like to use force. The girl's appearance that she doesn't want but can't resist is really too attractive. I like to see such an expression. Just thinking about it makes me feel."

"Really? It seems that you are indeed a pervert." Chelsea sighed, and said: "But, although you are a pervert, do you really plan to change? Change to become a gentleman, maybe many girls will like you in the future."

"If you want girls to like me, you can just use your fists." Sheila replied indifferently, and looked at Chelsea with a half-smile: "Are you delaying time, trying to wait for Chitong and the others to come back? If that's the case, then you must be disappointed, but I teleported them to a very far away place. If you come back from that place, I'm afraid it will be dawn, right?"

Hearing this, Chelsea's heart suddenly sank.

If Chitong and others don't have time to come back, what can I do?

"Okay, let's stop talking nonsense. Although the night is still long, I can't wait!" Sheila rushed towards Chelsea after finishing speaking.

Chelsea also ran back without hesitation, but her speed was far behind Sheila, and she was caught up within a few steps.

Under such circumstances, even though she knew that she was invincible, Chelsea couldn't just let her go. A long needle appeared in her hand, and she stabbed towards Sheila directly.

"Useless, useless!"

Sheila laughed loudly and grabbed Chelsea's wrist, then raised her hand and threw Chelsea's thin body straight up, and then with another force, she threw Chelsea's whole body into the distance.


Chelsea was thrown over and hit a wall heavily. The strong vibration made her feel like her internal organs were about to burst, and she spewed out a big mouthful of blood when she opened her mouth. Her face became extremely pale, and she slid off the wall. down.

It was only a blink of an eye, and she was no longer able to fight.

In any case, what she is good at is transforming into someone else's assassination. It is really too difficult to fight head-on, especially when the opponent is Sheila.

Chelsea raised her head reluctantly, only to see that Sheila had already appeared in front of her eyes.

"It's really a face that I've seen so pitifully. It must be very smooth to the touch." Sheila stretched out her hand with a smile, and it was about to fall on Chelsea's face.

But at this moment...


Accompanied by the sound of breaking through the air, a cold light suddenly flashed between Sheila and Chelsea, making both of them a little unresponsive.

The next moment, Sheila let out a violent scream and backed away, because his entire arm was broken, and the blood splashed on the broken arm, which made him extremely painful.

What's going on here?

Chelsea stared blankly, then raised her head subconsciously, and saw a person floating there in the air at some point.

A Spanish-style double coat, a navy blue cavalry cap, black knee socks, black platform high-heeled shoes... and a silver-white long straight double ponytail that seemed to be covered with a layer of luster under the moonlight, all of which showed the identity of the other party.


Chelsea recognized it.

In the air, Fei Yongyue, who was floating there, spoke slowly with a cold smile: "Everything in the sky · The third movement · Appearance."

Just as Fei Yongyue's voice fell, a rose petal flew out of Sheila's hand.

After one arm was broken, Sheila didn't see clearly who was coming, and wanted to use Shangri-La to escape at the first time, but he never expected that Tegu, which he relied on so much, suddenly turned into flying rose petals at this moment.

His Teigu is gone.

It wasn't until this time that Sheila raised her head and saw the lonely figure under the moonlight.

Chapter 102 The moonlight is too lonely

"Altair?" Sheila held her broken arm, endured the pain, and shouted through gritted teeth, "Do you know what you are doing? Do you want to be an enemy of the Empire?"

In Fei Yongyue's smile, there was a hint of sarcasm: "Empire? Where I am, how can there be an empire? In my eyes, empires are nothing more than ants on the ground or mayflies in the water. They can be destroyed with the palm of your hand."

"It's too arrogant. You don't understand the power of the empire at all. If you insist on being an enemy of the empire, you will not end well, Altair!" Sheila threatened loudly.

"Under my feet, there are already many corpses of members of the empire, and you will be next." Fei Yongyue said, and a cold light appeared behind her.

It was one saber after another, neatly arranged behind her, and the blade of each saber looked so cold under the moonlight.

Seeing this scene, Sheila's scalp tingled.

Although Concubine Yongyue's words just now were simple, Sheila could tell that those people in the empire who couldn't be contacted were probably dead and had something to do with this guy.


Without the slightest hesitation, Sheila turned around and ran, knowing that if she stayed any longer, she would definitely die.

But... can he escape?

"The moonlight is so beautiful. It's a pity that there is one less wonderful battle to match the moonlight. If you can be stronger, maybe the moonlight won't feel lonely."

As Fei Yongyue said, she raised her hand, and eight sabers flew out from behind her, each of them was like an arrow leaving the string, turning into a stream of light and approaching Sheila quickly.

"Puff puff puff..."

Sheila didn't run far at all, and felt a series of stabbing pains coming from his body. When he looked down again, there were many saber tips protruding from his chest. When he saw these knife tips, several sabers came out through his body, and blood dripped from the knife tips.

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