Everything in the Universe·The Third Movement·Exhibition of Appearance!

Fei Yongyue immediately used this ability, trying to change the structure of Esdesi's Teigu, but...failed.

Unlike the case where the structure of the Protector Mechanism cannot be changed due to insufficient power, the situation on Esdeth's side is the same as her inability to change the structure of the biological Tegu. Because of its particularity, it cannot produce effects.

However, this had an effect on the ordinary knife in Esdeth's hand, making Esdeth hold it empty, and only the bright red rose petals were scattered in the wind.

Such a situation made Estes startled at first, and then smiled and said: "Is it a good idea? It's a very good ability, but it can only be used on my ordinary weapon. It seems that Altair, you can't use this to destroy my Teigu. It's a pity."

Speaking of the coldness in Estes' hands, another knife emerged, this time it was an ice skate, which looked exactly like the previous knife.

After holding the ice blade, Estes kicked on the ground, and with the pervasive cold air, a frosty road spread directly from her feet to Fei Yongyue's body, and she stepped on such an ice-blocked ground, and was driven to come to Fei Yongyue, slashing directly with the ice blade in her hand.


A saber appeared in Fei Yongyue's hand, and she swung it heavily, colliding with Esdesh's ice blade, making a crisp sound.

Immediately afterwards, more sabers emerged from Fei Yongyue's side, stabbing aggressively at Esdesh, and beside Esdesh, the frost condensed into a large number of ice spears that shone coldly in the sun, and stabbed towards Esdesh as well.

The two clashed quickly, colliding dozens of times in a short period of time.

Although Estes is good at controlling ice, his fighting skills are also exceptionally proficient, and his every move is extremely delicate, and he will not be at a disadvantage in close combat with Fei Yongyue, who masters swordsmanship.

"What's wrong? Estes, is this your power? If it's just like this, you won't be able to change everything that will happen today!"

Esdeth said while attacking, with a particularly cold smile on his face.

"Really? Everything today will definitely be changed by me!"

Speaking of which, Fei Yongyue soared into the air directly, distanced herself from Esdes, and a handful of sabers around her body revolved around her. The blades reflected the sunlight and shone brightly, which made her look a bit detached.

"Flying? It's really a good ability, but although I can't fly, it doesn't affect the result. If you escape, I really can't do anything about you, but you can't escape, you can only fight with me, right?" After Esdeth finished speaking coldly, he launched an attack again.

Around her, the ground was condensed by frost, and then one after another icicles rose directly into the sky, and the tips were extremely sharp. Once they pierced someone, they would undoubtedly pierce them through, and came roaring to Concubine Yongyue.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Fei Yongyue deftly moved through the air, avoiding the icicles one by one.

"It's useless, Altair, everything is doomed." Estes waved his hand again, and many icicles shot out directly, like bullets pouring down, sweeping across the tall buildings.

The walls of the high-rise buildings were pierced with ice, and the windows were smashed to pieces. The strong cold air directly covered the huge block with frost that froze people's bone marrow.

Because of the appearance of the God of Protecting the Country, many people in Xiamu City have already fled. Currently, the block where Fei Yongyue and Esdesi are located is already a deserted block, with only devastated buildings and some ruins.

Concubine Yongyue avoided the attacks of many icicles, and her flying altitude began to decrease, and she came to the top of the street under the building. The saber around her revolved around her, resisting all the flying icicles one by one.

But at this moment, Fei Yongyue noticed a darkness above her head.

She looked up, and saw a huge ice ball floating in the sky, exuding an extremely strong cold air, and then fell directly downward.

"Boom rumble..."

The hockey puck was too huge. When it fell, the tall building next to it was slightly touched, and then collapsed on the spot. The tables and chairs, refrigerators, beds, computers and countless other appliances inside also fell and destroyed. A large area around it could be said to be turned into ruins in an instant.

Concubine Yongyue looked up at the huge ice ball, and murmured, "Everything in the Universe·Third Movement·Exhibition of Appearance!"

Immediately, the falling ice ball changed drastically, and it turned into a ball of rose petals that was congregated against common sense. It was magnificent and bright, and then these rose petals that were congregated into a ball collapsed, directly scattered into flying petals, and fell down from Fei Yongyue's body profusely, spreading layer after layer on the ground.

Ahead, the sound of high heels stepping on the ground came.

Estes walked on the road paved with rose petals, and some rose petals fell on her shoulders when they fell, and she didn't pay attention to her hair.

"Altair, can you change the structure of any of my attacks? In this case, it seems that the only way to defeat you is through physical contact. Unfortunately, I haven't reached the upper limit yet. Unable to cast it." Esdeath had a smile on his face, not afraid of the strength of the enemy.

She is a person who likes to challenge the strong. If the opponent is strong, she will be very happy. A hearty battle is undoubtedly a very enjoyable thing.

As for Moko Botmo, it is Esdesh's unique move, which can freeze the entire time and space, and the effect is extremely amazing.

"If you want to fight against me, you can only fight in close quarters. All weapons are pale and useless, but in this way, Esdesh, is your strength enough?" Fei Yongyue looked at Esdesh.

"This is indeed a trouble. I can't use weapons, but you can. But... this is more exciting!" Esdeath rushed over after finishing speaking.

Her speed was very fast, almost in the blink of an eye, she had already arrived in front of Concubine Yongyue, because the violent running caused a wild hunting wind to blow around, a large number of rose petals that fell on the ground flew up again because of her movements, and among the magnificent petals, she punched Concubine Yongyue hard.


A saber came across, pointing directly at Esdes, so that Esdes had to let the fist that hit Fei Yongyue go to the side, and blasted the saber away.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

More sabers flew over, Esdeth used both hands, and sometimes kicked, blasting many sabers away, no matter how dense and chaotic the attacks of the sabers were, they couldn't get close to her.

But it was enough. In a high-density battle, it was easy to show flaws.

Fei Yongyue stood there watching for a while, and finally caught a flaw, and let herself rush over, grabbing Esdeth's arms.

This made Esdesi stare, her hands would not be restrained by Fei Yongyue for a long time, but in this short period of time, those sabers would undoubtedly cause her a lot of trouble.

But when Estes thought so, he found that those sabers were just floating in the air and did not approach.

How is this going?

Although puzzled, Estes found that Fei Yongyue seemed to want to throw himself down, so he quickly grabbed Fei Yongyue's hands to resist her movements, and froze in place for a while.

Although there was a stalemate, Estes was a little confused by the situation in front of him, because the opponent's saber did not continue to attack for a long time. Such a move was tantamount to exploiting weaknesses and avoiding strengths, which was very unreasonable, but because of the unreasonableness, it made people feel like they were carrying out some kind of conspiracy.

Will there be a conspiracy?

As soon as this idea came into being, Estes felt another rose petal flying out of his eyes.

Is this an appearance?

What has been changed again?

Estes understood the answer almost as soon as he had this idea.

It's her clothes!

The other party actually changed the structure of her clothes at this moment, making her lose all cover at once. Even Esdeth didn't expect such a situation, and the strength on her arms was in a mess.

Chapter 104 Be My General

Fei Yongyue seized this opportunity, and with a sudden force, she threw Esdesh directly on the street paved with rose petals, pressing on Esdesh firmly.

The petals formed from the changed structure of the ice hockey ball were still falling freely at this moment, and Esdeth was pushed to the ground, and the petals fluttered one after another, as well as Fei Yongyue's face could be seen.

Such a situation is not in Esdeth's imagination, but she is not someone who will give up easily. Even if the clothes are changed and disappear, she can still fight.

So just after being pressed to the ground, Esdeth suddenly pushed Fei Yongyue aside, interrupting the follow-up action that Fei Yongyue was going to do, then turned around and pressed Fei Yongyue on him instead.

Fei Yongyue didn't expect Esdeth to have such strong strength. When she was pressed to the ground, the hat on her head fell off, and her silver hair scattered on the ground.

"Esdes, you don't even have any clothes, don't you feel shy at this time?"

As Fei Yongyue spoke, she pushed Esdesi aside again.

But this time she failed to hold Esdesh under her body, Esdesh resisted her strength.

"Altair, for a real fighter, this level of situation can be a reason to back down?" Esdeath's will was very firm.

She tried again to press Fei Yongyue under her body again, but Fei Yongyue's strength was not low, the two grabbed each other's arms, quickly rolled out on the road covered with rose petals, and fought fiercely.

Fei Yongyue had to admit that Esdesh's stubbornness exceeded her expectations. This was not what she expected, but she had to subdue Esdesh!

From the beginning, Fei Yongyue made up her mind to subdue Esdes.

Irena told her that their strength alone might not be enough to defeat the Guardian Mech-God. If they can subdue Esdeth, they will be able to gain a powerful force, and only then will they have a chance to defeat the Guardian Mechanism, so Esdesh must be subdued.

But Estes obviously didn't understand all this, and when he was fighting with Fei Yongyue, he was also very angry: "Altair, why don't you use those sabers of yours? Don't you think that abandoning your strengths to fight me is more than enough to deal with me? Don't look down on me too much!"

As a person who longs for strength, she is very dissatisfied with being slighted, even if it is beneficial to her.

Under her anger, her strength seemed to be even greater, and she directly pressed down on Fei Yongyue's body, her hands and Fei Yongyue's hands grasped each other, resisting purely in strength.

Although she succeeded in occupying the top position, Esdeth also knew that the opponent's saber floating not far away could fly to attack her with a single thought, but the opponent obviously had many opportunities to attack, but he never showed these attacks.

Why is that?

Concubine Yongyue had a smile on her face: "As expected of Esdesh, the power is so strong, I am no match for pure power."

"Then should you go all out?" Estes looked at Fei Yongyue coldly.

"Go all out? But, if possible, I don't want to be Esther's opponent." Fei Yongyue's expression softened at this moment.

"Do you still have naive thoughts? We are already opponents, and we can only be opponents. There is no room for compromise." Esdeath said with great certainty.

"However, if the opponent is Esdeth, it's really difficult for people to attack, isn't it? After all, Esdesh hopes to save all the villains. For this reason, he established a villain chat group, trying to prevent everyone from doing things they don't want to do." Fei Yongyue softly mentioned the past.

This made Estes' heart tremble.

Once, she also had good ideas

However, Esdesi's expression quickly turned into firmness again: "What's the use of saying this now? Let the villain not do what he doesn't want to do? It's impossible. Even if it's me... Even if it's me, I still have to go this far. This is fate, and fate cannot be escaped. Whatever fate is given to you, you can only have such a result."

"Esdes, why do you believe in such things as fate? What fate is like, and what the future will be like, are all under your control."

"But the reality tells me that destiny is destiny and cannot be resisted."

A bit of self-mockery appeared on Estes' face.

She didn't want to be a general of an empire like in the drama, but what happened?Didn't it come to this point for various reasons?What can she change?

"Esdes, everything can be changed in time, your real future has not come at all!" Fei Yongyue said decisively.

"Shut up, what do you know? My future is gone, I can only be the general of the empire!" Esdes said loudly as if he had been poked into a sore spot.

"Esdes!" Fei Yongyue also yelled: "I don't know anything, but your future can change this, I am absolutely sure, because I am Altair! In front of me, there is nothing The established ending, there is no unchangeable fate, I am the creator of my own destiny, I can change my own destiny, and I can change yours too!"

"Altair...why are you so stubborn? You obviously...you don't know anything." Esdeath didn't quite understand.

She could actually tell that the other party hoped that she could become the Esdesh who she had just met before, instead of an Esdesh who served the empire and did all kinds of unwilling things.

But...but I really can't do it...

"Esdes." Fei Yongyue softened her tone and said, "If Esdes must be a general, then come and be my general."

"What are you talking about? How could I be your general?" Esdes looked at Fei Yongyue strangely.

She really felt that Concubine Yongyue was very strange, she kept doing things she couldn't understand, and said things she couldn't understand. This world is obviously a real world, not a fairy tale world. How could the other party be so naive? ?

But I have to say that Fei Yongyue's performance still touched Esdeth a little, so that the power in her hand subconsciously decreased a lot but she didn't realize it... until Fei Yongyue pulled out the hand that was held by her.

This brought Esdeath back to her senses, and just when she was about to continue to grab the hand, she found that the hand landed on her very gently, which also made Esdesh's movements pause .

"Esdece, actually...I like you very much."

As Fei Yongyue said, she wrapped her free hand around Esdesh's neck, pulled Esdesh in front of her, and slightly raised her head to touch Esdesh.

Esdeath's pupils dilated subconsciously.

I like...myself...

Do you mean your own fans?

But...but why did he suddenly do such a thing?

Even Esthers, his mind went blank for Fei Yongyue's sudden actions. She is a conservative person at heart and has never had any experience in this area. It was synthesized by special effects, and I never knew what kind of feeling this kind of thing was like.

But now she knows.

In a trance, Esdeth was turned over by Fei Yongyue and fell on the road covered with rose petals. What happened next was even more unprecedented for Esdeth!

In this occasion where the battle should have been fierce, the opponent did such a thing.

How did that happen……

Should I resist...

Estes fell into a daze, and at the same time a little bit ashamed.

I don't know how long it took before Fei Yongyue got up from Esdeth's body. With a wave of her hand, some clothes prepared in the treasure of God fell in front of her eyes.Although she can use the ability to change clothes to change clothes at will, she has considered this situation before. After all, there has been a case of Kruluna before, so there are still some spare clothes in the treasure of God.

"Put it on, Estes." Fei Yongyue said swiftly.

At this moment, Estes was lying on the ground of Pucheng with rose petals, and some rose petals were still scattered between his body and hair. He felt a dreamlike unreality about what happened just now.

While she was still immersed in that feeling, after hearing Fei Yongyue's words, she got up uncontrollably and put on the clothes uncontrollably.

"This is..." Estes' face changed.

"You should be able to understand the situation. You have been controlled by me at this moment, and you can only follow my orders from now on." Fei Yongyue looked at Esdesh and said.

"So that's how it is... so this is your purpose!" Esther suddenly came to his senses.

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