An organization called anti-entropy also appeared in front of people, and announced to the public that many members who joined the anti-entropy organization, such as Bronya, Kiyana, Raiden Mei, Wuliangta Himeko, Teresa, Xier, etc...

These people and even the anti-entropy organization all came from a game called "Honkai III". Because of the adaptation of the drama, many people naturally mastered powerful power in the actor's mutation.

At this time, someone from Anti-Entropy was being interviewed by many people. It was a girl with long white hair tied into two braids, blue eyes, a very beautiful appearance and a very good figure. Her name was Qia. Na!

"Miss Qiyana, what do you want to say to everyone?" The reporter asked Qiyana with a microphone.

"Of course there is." Kiyana put her hands on her hips and said helplessly: "Actually, many people in this city have already noticed our existence, right? So, everyone has already created it for me. Some troubles, for such troubles, I just want to say... can everyone stop calling us wives, we are still young girls, we will be embarrassed."

"Wife wife wife!"

Accompanied by Qiyana's words, many people around watching the interview shouted excitedly.

Kiana rolled her eyes.


Some organizations officially announced their existence and accepted interviews, but some organizations were established but did not announce to the public, but they also left traces to be known.

Among them, someone shot a video and posted it on the Internet, and it was reposted by many people in the short video.

In the video, a group of fairy-like people are walking. There are men and women, and their demeanor is extraordinary.



"Gan Yu?"

"Wife wife!"

"It's my husband!"

People who saw the video were very excited, because all the people who appeared in the video were familiar people.

"The people in the video are all from "Original God" and belong to Liyue. They must have established an organization, and that organization is probably called Liyue!"

"Dijun is so aura, but what is he doing with everyone?"

"I don't know, but the emperor must have his...reason for doing this."

A lot of people commented in the comments, amazed at this.


Under the night of a city, a slender man wearing a golden armor stood on a street lamp, with erect golden hair and red eyes.

He opened his hand slightly, and said with a sneer: "Miscellaneous cultivators, let's have a Holy Grail War!"

This is Gilgamesh!

Such a picture was accidentally photographed and posted on the Internet, causing a lot of heated discussions.

"Is the Holy Grail War about to start? But in this situation, how should the Holy Grail War be fought?"

"Although I don't know how to fight, Gilgamesh's arrogance remains the same as before."

"Ah, I really want to be scolded by him in front of the miscellaneous cultivator."




In addition, more videos circulated on the Internet.

The seven generations of Naruto from "Naruto", the [-]th Goute from "Reaper" declared to rule a city, and many people from "Fairy Tail" announced the establishment of the guild Fairy Tail... In short, a large number of organizations are This has sprung up from cities all over the world like mushrooms after rain.

Everyone understands that the pattern of the world is about to change.


Haiyun City is a city facing the sea. After approaching, it seems that there is some sea water in the wind.

Fei Yongyue and others flew over, and finally landed in the sky above Haiyun City at nightfall.

Looking down at the gorgeous city with neon lights below, Huangshu Momeixiang said: "We can land now... Sister Altair, what's wrong with you?"

It wasn't until this time that Huang Shumo Meixiang realized that something was wrong with Concubine Yongyue's expression.

And hearing Huang Shumo Meixiang's words, the rest of the people also looked at Concubine Yongyue.

Concubine Yongyue didn't say anything, but sabers emerged one after another around her body, and seven sabers appeared in one breath.

Wait, seven?

Everyone's eyes were fixed, counting the three sabers used to let them fly, isn't there ten in total?

"Sister Altair, have you acquired a new ability?" Huang Shumo Meixiang immediately understood.

Everyone in God's Sorrow knows that each of Concubine Yongyue's abilities corresponds to a saber, and the increase in sabers means that the abilities she has mastered have also increased.

Realizing such a situation, everyone's spirits were lifted.

"Which video we made got enough views?" Ma Yin asked curiously, and at the same time looked forward to it.

Because she has already uploaded a video, which is a video of trying to give Fei Yongyue the ability to resurrect, and she most hopes that Fei Yongyue can master the ability in that video.

Seeing everyone's gazes, Fei Yongyue frowned and said, "It's true that I suddenly grasped a new ability just now, and I understand what the new ability is, but to be honest, it's not the ability that appeared in the video made by all of us."

"You mean..." Ma Yin seemed to think of something.

"I'm afraid it was caused by the incident in Xiamu City." Concubine Yongyue said solemnly, "Because of that incident, my reputation suddenly increased, which led to the emergence of wild second creations about me on the Internet. Those wild second creations may become popular, and I will acquire various unexpected abilities."

Hearing what Concubine Yongyue said, everyone's expressions became serious, and they quickly took out their mobile phones to search for the source of Concubine Yongyue's new ability.

It wasn't difficult to find. They quickly found a video with 50 views on the video website. It seemed that this video had only recently become popular, and the number of views was still increasing rapidly.

Chapter 106 The Tenth Movement, No.11 Movement (10W more)

The video is called Lonely Altair.

Everyone clicked on the video for the first time, and in the video, Altair's figure walked through the cities, and the people in those cities seemed to be unable to see Altair.

The video is short and has no connotation, but it just happened to become popular.

After watching the video, the sad crowd looked at Concubine Yongyue again.

Fei Yongyue said: "No matter what, since this is a new ability, then I will also compile it into the Myriad of Things. This is, Myriad of Things · The Tenth Movement · Cognitive Impairment!"

As long as Fei Yongyue uses this ability, her own existence will change from the eyes of others. Others will regard her as anything that reasonably exists in that position, but they just won't recognize that she is a person.This ability is not invisibility, but the effect is very close, but once Fei Yongyue takes action to fight, the state of cognitive impairment will also be broken.

"Although this is an unexpected ability, it seems to be pretty good." Krulu nodded his head and said: "But the current ability is good, it doesn't mean that the rest of the abilities will be good, more importantly, it will improve the ability Difficulty of obtaining."

This question is exactly the reason why Fei Yongyue's expression became serious.

They already know that through the secondary creation video, the requirements for the number of views will increase each time, which means that the requirements for the next ability will always be higher than the previous one. If Fei Yongyue creates a second creation, then the videos they make themselves may never be able to give Fei Yongyue the ability.You must know that their own videos are targeted at obtaining any abilities, but wild second creations will not have this kind of targeting, and all kinds of strange but useless abilities may appear.

In short, this is not a good thing.

"This is a big problem, Altair, do you have any solution?" Krulu asked.

Fei Yongyue thought for a while and said, "Since I should be able to obtain any ability, then I should also be able to obtain the ability that allows me to obtain unlimited secondary creation ability and cancel the restriction?"

This may sound a bit convoluted, but it’s actually not difficult to understand. Taking video creation as an example, the ability acquired through video before has an increasing requirement for playback volume, from 15 to 20, to 25 to 30. [-], [-], and so on, the ability will only be granted when the corresponding value is reached. This is the limit.But if there is an ability that can remove this limitation, then the ability can be obtained from the minimum number of playbacks. For example, any ability can be obtained with only [-] playbacks, or it may be lower to [-]. Require.

In short, this is what Fei Yongyue meant.

But such words made the rest of the people present look at each other in blank dismay.

"This ability sounds very complicated. What kind of video do you need to make to achieve this step?" Huang Shumo Meixiang couldn't help asking, feeling that it was difficult to handle.

You must know that the rest of the videos they make may not be popular, and it is even more difficult to make this kind of more complicated video. In addition, there will be countless wild second creations, it can be said that the road is blocked to death Yes, there is almost no way to get ahead.

"This kind of thing can only be left to the novel written by Irena." Fei Yongyue thought for a while and said: "Let Irena also show the dilemma we are facing in the novel, and then use the plot in the novel to solve this problem, so that it can become more reasonable."

Hearing what Concubine Yongyue said, the rest couldn't help but nodded.

The creation of novels is the most free. Many things that are difficult to achieve with other technologies can be solved through words in novels.

Immediately, Concubine Yongyue took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Irena, telling her about the situation.

As soon as the news was sent, Fei Yongyue's delicate body was shocked, and then a saber appeared beside her.

"Are you capable again?" Huang Shumo Meixiang's eyes widened.

"Altair has just been famous in the world, and it is the most popular moment. He may gain a lot of abilities due to a large number of wild second creations in the near future." Estes judged.

"It should be like this, what kind of ability is it?" Ma Yin asked expectantly.

"If the ability given by the wild second creation is a good ability, then it is acceptable. For example, the cognitive impairment just now is actually not bad." Crulu said.

Under everyone's gaze, a submachine gun appeared in Fei Yongyue's hand, which was placed on her shoulder like a violin.

Seeing such a scene, everyone's eyes lit up immediately. After all, this is a posture of returning karma, and it is not necessary for Fei Yongyue to use the garden of karma at this moment, so does this posture also need to be used for the newly acquired ability?That must be a very good ability, right?

Under the expectant eyes, Fei Yongyue held the No.11 saber in her hand, and slid it slightly on the submachine gun, and suddenly flower petals floated down from the sky.

It was pink and white petals, one after another, eloquently, covering a large area.And in the flying petals, a BGM sounded, it was an extremely sad melody, I don't know where the sound source is, but it seems to be everywhere.

"what is this?"

Everyone in God's Sorrow was a little dazed.

Fei Yongyue stopped playing, and the flying petals and melody gradually dissipated.

Facing everyone's eyes, she said helplessly: "This ability seems to only allow me to create an area like the one just now. As for more functions, it has no effect at all. It is purely for viewing."

Everyone: "..."

Sure enough, good luck doesn't last forever. I just acquired a cognitive impairment that looked good before, but what I acquired in a blink of an eye is just a viewing ability.

"Let's look on the bright side, at least Altair can have one more saber, right?" Krulu thought for a while and said.

"Is this ability going to be incorporated into the myriad phenomena?" Estes asked curiously.

Concubine Yongyue nodded and said: "Although it's just a viewing ability, it can make me have an extra saber after all. Then this ability is the No. 11 movement of the myriad phenomena - the field of flowers."

Originally, Concubine Yongyue wanted to call it the Realm of Gods, but after all, thinking about it, it is only a viewing ability, which can only be used when the flowers are under the moon, so it should be called the Realm of Flowers.

It is unknown how many such useless abilities will appear in the future, and Fei Yongyue's heart is full of sighs.


In Haiyun City near the sea, there is a gloomy looking castle called Moonlight Castle. It was originally an amusement park, but since many days ago, it has been closed to the public, and even the surrounding shops have been closed. This has become the doubt of many people in Haiyun City.

Because of all these situations, the area around Moonlight Castle became desolate and deserted.

At this moment, inside the Moonlight Castle, in a large hall, a huge figure is sitting there.

Although the environment looked relatively dark because the lights were not turned on, the moonlight shining from the window still reflected the appearance of this figure.

Nearly seven meters tall, with a fiery hairstyle, looks like a devil, with cross-shaped stitches from head to neck that resemble stitched wounds, wearing a shirt with a bat-like collar and Gothic art clothing, the lower body is round like a ball.

Anyone who has watched "One Piece" will undoubtedly be able to recognize this figure when they see it. This is the villain who has been the final boss in a chapter—Moonlight Moriah!

"Hehehe...Altair, what an interesting person."

In the hands of Moonlight Moriah, he was holding a mobile phone, which showed the scene of Fei Yongyue defeating the God of Protecting the Nation in Xiamu City.

"Boom boom boom!"

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

Moonlight Moriah looked towards the gate, and the voice of his subordinate Hobuck came from outside the gate: "Here comes Ernest from the Empire."

"Let him in." Moonlight Moriah ordered nonchalantly.

So not long after, the door of the hall opened, and Ernest came in front of Moonlight Moriah.

Looking at the huge body in front of him, Ernest was a little startled.Although it was not the first time he had seen Moonlight Moriah, every time he saw this huge physique, his heart was a little shaken.

The other party didn't have such a big body. After all, the actors are also normal people, and the images in the drama are all blessed by special effects.But as the performance got longer and longer, even if the opponent didn't use props to disguise, his body shape began to move closer to that of Moonlight Moriah in the drama, and gradually became what he is now.

"Hehehe, Ernest, what are you doing here? The empire is gone, right? Without the empire, all our previous cooperation will naturally be cancelled, right?" Moonlight Moriah said with a smile.

"Although the empire is gone, I'm still here. I'm willing to rely on you." Ernest said with a forced smile.

After losing the empire, he also lost his best backer. In this situation, he felt that he had nowhere to rely on. In the end, I can only choose Moonlight Moriah.

Although she felt that Moonlight Moriah was not strong enough to be the backstage, but the other party had already joined the Navy Headquarters. This organization established on the sea is very powerful, and there are many actors with amazing ceilings. That is what he really wants to join. .

"Take care of me? What specialties do you have?" Moonlight Moriah looked at Ornest and asked.

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