Fei Yongyue waited for a few seconds, saw that Abu Salom was still rolling his eyes, and said coldly: "It seems that you didn't think of any excuses, then I will give you the justice you deserve."

As soon as the words fell, another saber flew out, cutting off Abu Salom's head without mercy, and with the splash of blood, let this guy bid farewell to this world.

Seeing this, Krulu asked: "We still need to ask Moonlight Moriah for help, right? Just kill Moonlight Moriah's men, isn't it inconvenient to continue with the rest?"

Fei Yongyue said in a deep voice: "I originally planned to do things peacefully, but Absalom's behavior is undoubtedly unforgivable, so I can only choose to do things violently. Moonlight Moria? If he confesses honestly The situation, maybe he can let him go, if he resists, he will understand what regret is!"

With the existence of Abu Salom, Fei Yongyue's behavior plans have changed.

"Boom boom boom!"

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

Fei Yongyue and Krulu looked at each other, and Krulu immediately turned and walked towards the gate.

But before Kruru opened the door, a voice came from outside: "Master Absalom, is the matter completed? If it is completed, hurry up and bring these people back to Moonlight Castle."

Krulu paused when he opened the door, then looked back at Concubine Yongyue.

Fei Yongyue's pretty face became colder and colder: "It seems that this matter is not planned by Absalom alone, so no matter what the reason is, it should be done with fists. Kruru, get rid of all those guys outside."

"no problem."

Cruru had a smile on his face.

She opened the door directly and walked out leisurely.

"Why are you awake? Where is Lord Absalom?"

"Stop it, don't come here!"


There was some commotion outside.

Concubine Yongyue ignored the commotion, turned around and lightly stroked her finger with a saber, some blood flowed out, then opened Ma Yin's small mouth and stuffed her finger in, so that Ma Yin could use her blood to relieve the unconscious toxin.

After confirming that Ma Yin swallowed the blood instinctively, Fei Yongyue went to Huang Shumo Meixiang and Esdeth to help them detoxify in the same way.

When Fei Yongyue detoxified Esdesh, Krulu also came back from the outside, and when he walked to the door of the bedroom, he couldn't help showing a strange look when he saw Fei Yongyue's behavior.

"This is my new ability, blood can detoxify." Fei Yongyue knew what Krulu was thinking, and explained the situation directly.

Hearing this, Krulu couldn't help being surprised, she didn't expect Fei Yongyue to master the new ability so quickly, and this time the ability seems to be pretty good.

Surprised but surprised, she then reported the situation: "Those guys outside are all zombies, with sacks on them. It looks like what the zombies said before, they want to arrest us and bring us back to Moonlight Castle."

"The zombies created by Moonlight Moriah cannot be killed because they are corpses, right?" Fei Yongyue thought for a while and said.

"That's true, but these zombies have a weakness, and that is salt. I went shopping in the hotel kitchen and found a lot of salt." Krulu said, and also gestured for the bag of salt that he brought back, and threw it to Fei Yongyue.

Fei Yongyue took the bag of salt and put it in the treasure of God.

In "One Piece", all devil fruit users have a common weakness, that is, they are afraid of the sea, and the power related to sea water will limit their abilities.Since the zombie was created by Moonlight Moriah with the shadow fruit, it will naturally inherit this weakness, and salt has the energy of the sea. Putting it into the zombie's mouth will purify the zombie, that is, let the shadow integrated into the zombie escape, and the separated shadow will naturally return to its owner.

However, for Fei Yongyue, there is no need to use salt if she wants to deal with these zombies. The situation of these zombies is essentially a setting. You only need to use karma restoration to make the setting disappear, so that the shadow inside the zombie will return to its owner.

"What's going on here?"

At this time, Estes and the others woke up one after another and walked into the living room.

Among them, Ma Yin was taken aback, because when she got out of bed, she found a dead body lying beside her bed, which made her sleepy-eyed wake up straight away.

"What... what is this?" Ma Yin hurried to the door of the bedroom, but the dead man, who could see clearly, said to many people in the living room: "A person died in my bedroom. That guy seems to be Absalom from "One Piece", a person with a transparent fruit."

"That's right, it's Abu Salom, the guy who came to attack us in the middle of the night." Krulu laughed: "If someone hadn't rescued you just now, Ma Yin, you might have faced a very terrible situation What about the matter, you should understand what it is, right?"

Looking at the person who died beside her bed, Ma Yin's face turned blue and white, and she could roughly guess the situation, so she couldn't help grinding her teeth.

"The situation is like this..."

Concubine Yongyue briefly explained the situation just now, and showed that she was fine because she possessed the ability of being invulnerable to all poisons.

Although everyone was surprised that Concubine Yongyue had mastered new abilities, they were not surprised. They knew that Concubine Yongyue would master a lot of abilities in the near future, and this was not the end yet.

As for the matter of Abu Salom, they were all very angry, especially when Abu Salom wanted to attack Ma Yin, which touched the bottom line of everyone. Even if Absalom was dead, this kind of anger would not disappear.

And it wasn't just Absalom who wanted to take them to Moonlight Castle. Was Moonlight Moria really an innocent character in this matter?

They will figure this out for themselves.

Afterwards, all the girls put on their clothes one after another, and then did not do anything else. After Fei Yongyue used her cognitive impairment, she immediately flew into the sky and headed for Moonlight Castle.

During the flight, Fei Yongyue came to Esdeth and said, "Esdeth, we may forcefully attack Moonlight Moria next, what do you think about this?"

Esdeth smiled and said: "Don't worry about my thoughts. If Moonlight Moriah really has wrong thoughts, then we really have no reason to be polite to him. And forcefully grab him and ask Ernest There may be a better way.”

"If...Esdes, I mean if, if your family really has an accident, please don't worry, because I may be able to master the ability of resurrection in the future." Fei Yongyue thought about it and said such comforting words.

"I see." Estes nodded.

Although she entered God's Sorrow not long ago, she also knows the situation of Fei Yongyue. With the unlimited ability of secondary creation, it is not impossible to master the ability of resurrection in the future.This has always been Ma Yin's driving force, and it is Ma Yin's goal.

During the conversation, several people have come to the sky of Moonlight Castle.

Chapter 108 Moonlight Moria (11W more)

Looking down, the Moonlight Castle is still as gloomy as before. The lights inside are not turned on, making people feel horrified just by getting close.

"Let's go!"

Concubine Yongyue landed with everyone, appeared on top of the largest building, directly blasted the building out of a huge hole, and broke through to the interior of Moonlight Castle with a group of people.

This kind of movement naturally caused commotion inside the Moonlight Castle immediately. Countless zombies were awakened and began to rush towards the place where the movement occurred.

Fei Yongyue and the others didn't do much, since they had broken into the Moonlight Castle and caused a commotion, they knew that the owner of the Moonlight Castle would honestly appear in front of them.

But while Fei Yongyue and the others were still waiting, Huang Shumo Meixiang suddenly lay on the ground: "Until today, I didn't know how humble my existence is. If possible, I just want to be a mayfly."

Concubine Yongyue and the others all looked at Huang Shumo Meixiang, with strange expressions on their faces.

Before everyone could say anything, Ma Yin also showed a dejected expression and sat down on the ground: "If there is an afterlife, I just want to be a weed. I don't deserve to be a human at all."

Everyone: "..."

Immediately afterwards, Krulu lay down sprawled on his back: "What is the meaning of my life? I am a waste. You can play with me as much as you want, and I have no right to resist."

Fei Yongyue and Estes couldn't help but look at each other.

Immediately afterwards, the two retreated and left their original positions at the same time, and just as they left their original positions, an illusory ghost flew past them from their original positions.

Seemingly aware that they were flying in the air, the two ghosts hurriedly left in the distance after a pause in the void, and did not continue to attack Fei Yongyue and Esthers.

"This is a negative ghost." Fei Yongyue made a judgment.

"That's right, it's the display of the ability of the ghost fruit ability user." Esdeth said, looking at the three negative people on the ground with strange eyes: "But this ability is really good, it can actually make people show such a posture , looks pretty interesting."

At this time, it is obvious who made the shot. There is no doubt that it will be Perona, one of the three weirdos under Moonlight Moriah, and the only woman among the three weirdos.

Perona is a ghost fruit capable person. Negative ghost is one of her abilities. People who are penetrated by negative ghost will become extremely negative in a short period of time, which is what the three of Huang Shuma and Mika showed.

Fei Yongyue and Estes waited by the side for not long, and the latest passive Huang Shumo Meixiang had recovered, and stood up with a blushing face, holding the magic wand in her hand tightly, looking very angry.

Just now I showed such a shameful side in front of Altair's sister?Even if she was taken away by Lei, she didn't feel so ashamed, and the anger in her heart gradually came up.


With a soft shout, Ma Yin also recovered, and Tegu Romantic Fort Pumpkin was directly set up by her, and the atmosphere of terror permeated it.

She remembered the previous events clearly, and after watching the drama, she also knew that she was accidentally murdered by the negative ghost, and the one who could release the negative ghost was undoubtedly Perona.

"Damn it!"

Krulu also recovered, kicking the ground cracked open, eagerly looking around, looking for the figure of the enemy.

Seeing this scene, Fei Yongyue said, "Just do whatever you want."

With Fei Yongyue's words, the three couldn't bear it anymore.

"Magic splash flashbangs!"

Huang Shumo Meixiang flew out directly, and blasted out with love towards the outside, directly knocking down a building next to it, and dust and smoke billowed up with the rumbling sound.


Ma Yin also directly chose to fire, turning the muzzle half a circle, directly causing the wall in one direction to collapse rumblingly, revealing the night sky outside.Then change the romantic fort into a machine gun form, and carry it towards the outside.

Krulu leaped out, turning over several times from the height of the castle and onto the ground outside. When he fell, the ground burst open, and the area was so wide that a large group of zombies approaching here were knocked to the ground on the spot.

"Is it alright to let them do this?" Esdes asked Concubine Yongyue with his arms folded.

"It's okay, under my gaze, everything is fine." Fei Yongyue gave a very sure answer.

Seeing that Concubine Yongyue has entered the state of Junji, Esdesi said, "Then I'll take a look around too."

"Of course, my ally." Fei Yongyue nodded slightly.

Estes also left the position immediately.

Then in the rest of the positions, all kinds of roars came, which were all the movements of Esdeth and others hanging the zombies.

Fei Yongyue was the only one who didn't do anything, she stayed where she was and waited.

She didn't wait long before a huge shadow appeared in front of her.

"Hehehe, Altair, the way you greet is really special." Moonlight Moriah's body approaching seven meters appeared in front of him.

"Moonlight Moriah, you really are here. You let Hobak deceive us before, because when you saw us, you already planned to murder us?" Fei Yongyue sneered when she saw Moonlight Moriah, her eyes became very dangerous.

Moonlight Moriah had no intention of shrinking back, and said with a smile: "Don't say that, Altair, it's just a test for you, and it's obvious that you have passed the test."

In fact, it wasn't a test at all, but Moonlight Moriah always had to find a suitable reason for himself in this kind of thing. After all, the opponent was someone who could defeat the God of Protecting the Nation, and he didn't want to collide head-on with the opponent.

"Test? Moonlight Moriah, what are you worthy of testing us?" Concubine Yongyue said coldly.

"It's not me who is testing you, hehehehe, it is the Navy Headquarters who is testing you." Moonlight Moriah lied without blinking, as if it was true.

"Navy Headquarters?" Fei Yongyue still sneered.

"Yes, it is the Navy Headquarters. The Navy Headquarters is very optimistic about the strength you have shown. It decided to test you. If you pass the test, it will try to recruit you to become one of the Shichibukai under the king. Although this position is full, the Navy Headquarters intends to increase the number of Shichibukai and become Eight Wuhai, Nine Wuhai, etc." Moonlight Moriah spoke more and more smoothly, almost like a temporary excuse.

However, no matter what Yueguang Moria said is true or not, the result will not change the slightest for Fei Yongyue. After all, what Absalom has done is absolutely unforgivable.

However, Fei Yongyue was not in a hurry to act, but asked, "Moonlight Moriah, where is Ornest?"

"Hornest, I don't know about that." Moonlight Moriah spread her hands.

"I don't know? Then you are worthless to me." There was a cold light in Fei Yongyue's eyes.

"Wait." Moonlight Moriah quickly said again: "I have seen Ernest, but where is he now? I can't remember it for a while, let me think about it again. "

Fei Yongyue is not a fledgling person. Looking at Moonlight Moriah's appearance, she knew that Moonlight Moriah was trying to delay the time, so she had no intention of continuing to ask, so she beat the other party to the ground first.

Concubine Yongyue raised her hand, and with the clang clang clang, one after another sabers appeared beside her, forming a row, with a cool luster under the moonlight.

Seeing such a scene, Moonlight Moriah's complexion changed, and he quickly said: "Altair, I advise you not to mess around. I represent the Navy Headquarters. You can attack me casually. The Navy Headquarters can't deal with this kind of thing." Turn a blind eye."

"The whereabouts of Ernest!"

"Aren't I just thinking about it?"


Concubine Yongyue sneered, and shot several sabers mercilessly.

Shadow Warrior!

Faced with this blow, Moonlight Moriah immediately let the shadow who had been far away from him switch places with himself, and switched to another position, and the shadow would naturally not suffer the slightest damage from the saber attack.

Immediately after...

Shadow Gun!

Moonlight Moriah moved quickly, condensed his shadow into a sharp spear, and stabbed directly at Fei Yongyue. At the same time, he raised his hand to grab Fei Yongyue's shadow, trying to cut off Fei Yongyue's shadow when Fei Yongyue was responding to the attack.

But at this moment, a violent cold air poured into the hall.

Estes is here!

Her arrival startled Moonlight Moriah, and her original movements stopped immediately, and the shadow horn gun that was launched at Fei Yongyue was also blasted away by Fei Yongyue, turning into fine shadows and falling on the ground again. Get together.

Estes glanced coldly at Moonlight Moriah, and said to Fei Yongyue: "Altair, Ernest may have been turned into a zombie by Moonlight Moriah, this is the zombie with the shadow of Ernest .”

In the hands of Estes, there is still a fat zombie frozen.

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