Crocodile: "There's no way around this, right? Villains don't rule the world, and those who claim to be righteous will still come to trouble us. Instead of doing this, it's better to take the world into our hands first."

Uchiha Madara: "This is very reasonable. The control of this world can only be reassuring if it is in your own hands."

Gilgamesh: "If you can rule the world, this king is the most suitable to be the king of everyone. Fortunately, miscellaneous cultivators, you can follow this king to overlook the world!"

Uchiha Madara: "Want to be king? Gilgamesh, you are not enough. That position can only belong to me."

Gilgamesh: "Shut up, miscellaneous cultivator, with your lowliness, do you want to covet the throne of this king?"

Estes: "Gilgamesh, please restrain yourself. Even if you pay attention to your performance, don't call others one by one."

Gilgamesh: "Are you telling the king what to do? Miscellaneous cultivators should have the consciousness of being miscellaneous cultivators. It is a great honor for you to be in the same group as this king!"

Uchiha Madara: "Gilgamesh, if you dare to appear in front of me, I will shoot you to death."

Big Devil Piccolo: "You are all bloody bastards who want to take control of the world from me?"

Uchiha Madara: "Don't talk about your combat power at this level, you are just old Piccolo."

Piccolo: "Heh, why don't you and I fight first and see who is stronger?"

Crocodile: "Fighting? I'm interested. Who told me to look at you and you are not pleasing? Why don't you let me beat you up at this moment."

Gilgamesh: "A group of miscellaneous cultivators pecking each other, what a ridiculous show."

Seeing that the villains in the group began to spray each other without saying a few words, Fei Yongyue was also very speechless. Is this what Esdes said, a chat group where everyone helps each other?

Just when Fei Yongyue was speechless, a message appeared in front of her eyes.

"The group administrator has turned on the ban on all members."

Of course, it is said that all members are forbidden to speak. As the group leader, Estes himself can still speak.

"I know everyone's words have to be said for the sake of acting, so let's calm down first."

Estes himself seemed calm.

Fei Yongyue nodded thoughtfully when she saw Esdeth's words. In order to conform to her role, the villains naturally have to be a little more polite, and if you are not polite, he is also not polite. The final result can be imagined.

Thinking of this, Concubine Yongyue lost interest in this villain chat group. It is impossible to help each other, so this chat group should be used as a place to obtain information.

Fei Yongyue looked away, picked up the tablet again and started making videos.


After a long time, Huang Shumo Meixiang's arm was re-bandaged and appeared in front of Concubine Yongyue.

Although gauze is wrapped around her arms, it doesn't spoil her overall beauty, and she still looks slim when she stands there.

"How's the situation?" Seeing Huangshumomeixiang appear, Fei Yongyue put away her tablet and came to Huangshumomeixiang's side and asked with concern.

Huang Shumo Meixiang said pitifully: "Sister Altair, the doctor said that my condition is quite serious, and they actually want me to be hospitalized for observation, what should I do?"

"Hospitalized?" Concubine Yongyue pondered for a while: "Since the doctor told you to be hospitalized, then go to hospital."

"But...but is it safe to be hospitalized?" Huang Shumo Meixiang hesitated.

If possible, she wanted to go back to hide in her little villa.

Concubine Yongyue replied: "There should be no problem. The stability of society is far better than we imagined, and nothing bad will happen. The only concern is whether Guiwu Tsuji will send ghosts to attack us, but Guiwu Tsuji should not be able to grasp our whereabouts. Besides, Guiwu Tsuji has many targets, and we may not let him care."

The only person who is very dangerous today is Oni Wu Tsuji. Although there are many villains besides him, and they even threaten to rule the world, they have not made any substantive content after all.Only Muma Onimai, who has caused a lot of bloody accidents, needs attention.

Hearing what Concubine Yongyue said, Huang Shumo Meixiang nodded and said: "I see, Sister Altair, then I will be hospitalized first."

Next, she went to contact the hospital staff and went through the hospitalization procedures. Although she was still a little girl, she did a good job in handling this aspect.

Chapter 15 Sleeping Together

The main color of the ward is white, with two beds placed, and the open window blows in the wind, and the blue curtains sway gently.

The time gradually came to night.

The wind at night is very cold, and the wind in March still feels cool.

Huang Shumo Meixiang sat on the bed, her small body huddled under the quilt, and looked up at Concubine Yongyue who was sitting next to her in the chair. At this moment, Concubine Yongyue was using a tablet and didn't know what she was doing.

After thinking about it, Huang Shumo Meixiang said: "Sister Altair, why don't you go back to the villa first, I can just stay here alone."

"Why?" Fei Yongyue raised her head and asked.

"You are here, so you can't play Altair well, right?" Huang Shumo Meixiang pursed her lips and said, "If possible, I don't want to be the one who drags Altair's sister down."

Fei Yongyue couldn't help smiling and said: "But Altair, he won't let go of the people he cares about, will he?"

Hearing what Concubine Yongyue said, Huang Shumo Meixiang was a little happy in her heart, because it meant that she was someone the other party cared about.But when I think about it carefully, I haven't seen the other party have any other friends since I rented together this year. The other party always stays alone in the rented house, only active on the Internet, and seems very withdrawn. I may be the only friend of the other party.

It was precisely because I saw the other party's loneliness that I chose to share the rent and stay with the other party at the beginning, didn't I?

Huang Shumo Meixiang herself is also lonely. I don’t know if it’s because she was too sensible since she was a child. Her parents would never stay by her side. After all, she can do everything well by herself, so her parents prefer to go around. Tourism will disappear for a day or two at the beginning and disappear for several months later.

Because of loneliness, when Huang Shumo Meixiang saw the lonely concubine Yongyue a year ago, she felt a resonance, so she took the initiative to find the other party and chose to share the rent with the other party. It has been a year now.

And a year has passed, and in the heart of the other party, I have become a person who can be cared about by the other party. When a person has a person who cares about him, he shouldn't be lonely, right?

At least she doesn't feel alone anymore.

Huang Shumo Meixiang had a sweet smile: "I'm really happy to be with Sister Altair."

"Why do you suddenly say such hypocritical words?" Fei Yongyue laughed.

"I'm a girl, so it's reasonable to be hypocritical, right?" Huang Shumo Meixiang said with a smile.

"That's right, you're right." Concubine Yongyue rubbed Huang Shumo Meixiang's head and said, "Just rest for a while and go to sleep."

It is now ten o'clock in the evening.

Huang Shumo Meixiang nodded her head and said, "I'll watch the news for a while."

Having said that, Huang Shumo Meixiang also turned on her mobile phone with a pink mobile phone case.

"It's rare for you to like to watch news at your age. Normally, don't you like to watch dramas? Or chase stars?" Fei Yongyue couldn't help but said amusedly.

"I've acted in fan dramas myself, so naturally I'm not too obsessed with fan dramas. As for chasing stars? Isn't there a star around me?" Huang Shumomeixiang blinked and smiled.

"Are you talking about me? I'm not a big star, and I only have [-] followers on Twitter." Fei Yongyue shook her head and said.

Huang Shumo Meixiang immediately said: "That's because Altair's sister has no chance to appear in more dramas... If there is no change in the actors, then the direction of the entertainment industry will change to a diversified one." In other words, Sister Altair should also have the opportunity to reopen the business, but under the current situation, there should be no one to make fan dramas, especially the ones with combat characters."

Concubine Yongyue nodded.

Indeed, under the current circumstances, who would dare to continue making fan dramas?Unless the actor's mutation disappears, I still haven't figured out why this kind of thing happened, let alone make it disappear.

At this time, Huangshu Momeixiang had already entered the news interface with her mobile phone, and saw a piece of news, and many of these news mentioned various death cases that occurred in Xiamu City.

Seeing such news, both Fei Yongyue and Huang Shumo Meixiang knew that it was all caused by Oni Wutsuji. Although Oni Wu Tsuji did not do it himself, he created a large number of ghosts, and those ghosts hunted around for the purpose of cannibalism. Naturally, the bloody killings produced would not be less.

Seeing such news, Fei Yongyue's expression was also a bit serious: "Currently the news is only that there has been a serial murderer, and the matter of Gui Wu Tsuji has been suppressed, but I don't know how long it can be suppressed. Gui Wu Tsuji, a dangerous guy, must be dealt with as soon as possible, otherwise there will be a big problem."

Huang Shumo Meixiang nodded her head and said: "I saw that in the group of the Actors Association, many people with strength came to Xiamu City spontaneously, intending to clean up the ghosts everywhere. I think they must have their help, so Only the influence of ghosts can be suppressed."

Don't look at the fact that there are already a lot of death cases, but if no one is secretly suppressing this situation, there will only be more people who died.

I don't know how the incident caused by the ghost dance Tsuji will end in the end?

Concubine Yongyue slowly chatted with Huang Shumo Meixiang about this matter, and it was eleven o'clock when they were chatting.

After reading a piece of news, Fei Yongyue said to Huang Shumo Meixiang: "It's getting late, go to bed first."

Huang Shumo Meixiang nodded and said: "Sister Altair, can I sleep with me tonight? I think the hospital bed is still very big, so I should be able to sleep on it."

There is currently only one bed in this ward, if Fei Yongyue is not allowed to go to bed, then the other party can only sleep on a chair, Huang Shumo Meixiang can't bear to see such a situation happen.

"Sleeping with you?" Concubine Yongyue hesitated: "Your arm is still injured, if you accidentally press it down, you will be in trouble."

Huang Shumo Meixiang raised her cute face and smiled, "Don't worry, Elder Sister Altair, it's fine for you to sleep on my other arm, there won't be any problems."

Concubine Yongyue thought for a while, nodded and said: "That's fine."

She agreed, mainly because she really didn't have a place to sleep, and the hospital didn't have an accompanying bed, so if she really stayed, she had to ask the hospital for a recliner, which was too disgusting.

At this moment, Huang Shumo Meixiang was wearing a blue long-striped hospital gown, she didn't need to change any clothes, she could just sleep like this, but Concubine Yongyue still had to take off her clothes.

Although she has mastered the ability to change clothes, Fei Yongyue does not intend to disclose this ability to anyone, because once this ability is revealed, it is tantamount to letting people know that she can gain a lot of abilities again through more secondary creations, which is very risky.

Concubine Yongyue is not worried that Huang Shumo Meixiang will expose this kind of thing, but as the saying goes, the more you know, the more dangerous it is. Letting Huang Shumo Meixiang not know that she has this ability is also a kind of protection for Huang Shumo Meixiang.

Thinking of Concubine Yongyue standing up, taking off her goose-yellow jacket and putting it on the chair, leaving only the white camisole on her upper body, her white arms and delicate collarbone are clearly displayed, the undulating chest that is not easy to see in military uniform still has a clear curve when she only wears a camisole, her waist is naturally gathered, and she has a graceful figure that a girl should have.

Then Concubine Yongyue bent down slightly, took off her white pleated skirt and put it on the chair, followed by flesh-colored pantyhose, exposing her slender and fair legs to the air.

Chapter 16

Concubine Yongyue got into bed after finishing all these, sat on the bed and went deep into the inside of the suspenders with both hands, and took off the things that bound the double winds and put them outside.


The lights in the ward were turned off.

Concubine Yongyue just lay down beside Huang Shumo Meixiang.

In the darkness, Huang Shumo Meixiang whispered: "Sister Altair, is this the first time we sleep on the same bed?"

Concubine Yongyue replied: "Yes, when we rented together before, we all had our own bedrooms, there was no reason to sleep together."

Huang Shumo Meixiang said with a smile: "Actually, when I sleep alone, I will be very lonely. Although I usually sleep with a pillow in my arms, there is no pillow in the hospital... So, I can hug Sister Altair. Is it?"

"Is your arm okay? It won't be affected if you hug me, right?" Fei Yongyue asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, there's no problem. Hee hee, Sister Altair agreed, right?" Huang Shumo Meixiang said, she turned sideways and hugged Concubine Yongyue, like a koala.

Being hugged by Huang Shumo Meixiang, smelling the girl's fragrance that naturally came from Huang Shumo Meixiang's body, Concubine Yongyue found some ripples in her heart.

What's wrong with me?For Huang Shumo Meixiang, shouldn't I always treat her as a younger sister?

Concubine Yongyue quickly closed her eyes to calm her heart, and wanted to fall asleep as soon as possible.

However, under such circumstances, the more you want to fall asleep, the harder it is to fall asleep. On the contrary, Fei Yongyue feels that her body temperature is gradually increasing, and her heartbeat is also becoming faster and more obvious.

Although Concubine Yongyue couldn't fall asleep, Huang Shumo Meixiang fell asleep quickly, breathing evenly, and because of the close distance, the breath of those breaths would even be transmitted to Concubine Yongyue's face, giving off a warm feeling.

Generally speaking, a girl of Huang Shumo Meixiang's age doesn't know how to dress herself up, and she can't even brush her teeth diligently, so she will inevitably have a little bad breath, but this is not the case with Huang Shumo Meixiang.

However, this made Concubine Yongyue feel even more uncomfortable. The girl's soft body, her fragrant smell, and her non-resisting posture all made people feel distracted.

There is no way, Fei Yongyue can only carefully move Huang Shumo Meixiang's hands and thighs away, so that she has zero contact with the other party, only in this way can she relax.Fortunately, Huang Shumo Meixiang is relatively dead after falling asleep, and such behavior will not wake the other party up.In other words, Huang Shumo Meixiang trusted Concubine Yongyue too much, that's why she fell asleep like this.

No matter what, after zero contact with Huang Shumo Meixiang, Fei Yongyue also heaved a sigh of relief, then closed her eyes and planned to go to sleep.

But at this moment, her ears moved, and she vaguely heard a cry for help outside the hospital.

Is it an illusion?

Concubine Yongyue opened her eyes and listened attentively.

It seems... It seems that it is not an illusion.

At this moment, Fei Yongyue thought of all kinds of information published in the news recently, and immediately came out of bed.

She is just a person who has been labeled as a villain, far from a compassionate saint, but this does not mean that she will turn a blind eye when she realizes that other people's lives may be in danger.

After getting out of bed, the previous clothes suddenly appeared on Concubine Yongyue's body, and the clothes on the chair also disappeared there.

Immediately afterwards, Concubine Yongyue left the ward softly.


In the underground parking lot of the hospital, the environment looked extremely dark, and the cars parked in the parking spaces looked icy and cold at the moment.

"Help... um..."

Someone yelled for help, but was quickly knocked unconscious and fell heavily to the hard ground.

In the darkness, some figures stood there, and some fell there.

The skins of the figures standing there turned blue one by one, and the veins protruded from their heads. They looked extremely hideous, and this was clearly the characteristic of a ghost!

There were men and women, old and young, surrounded by ghosts, but they were all knocked out, and they had undoubtedly become the food of these ghosts at this moment.

"Let's start eating. It's a pity. It would be more delicious if I could eat them amidst the miserable screams of these people. But in order to avoid being discovered by the guys from the Actors Association, I had to knock them unconscious before eating. The taste will inevitably be a bit worse."

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