Misaka Mikoto and Irena are also among them.

With someone by his side, Emiya Shirou gained confidence, and said, "Altair, you want Natsuki City, can I understand that you are starting a war against the Actors Association?"

"What a ridiculous judgment, Shirou Emiya." Concubine Yongyue sneered and said, "As the person in charge of Xiamu City, don't you know what is going on with the Actors Association? You are simply unable to manage so many sites, so it is only natural to give up Xiamu City to us, so that we can better protect Xiamu City."

Although Fei Yongyue and others came directly to the door with a sense of persecution, but what Fei Yongyue said was right.

The Actors Association is indeed unable to manage so many cities, since it is unable to control it, why do they want to occupy it by force?This will not be a good thing for the residents of Xiamu City, because the Actors Association cannot protect them.

"You guys will protect Natsuki City?" Emiya Shirou glanced at several people.

"Do you have any doubts about us? Are you questioning our power?" Fei Yongyue was very confident about her own power.

"Altair, your restoration of karma cannot directly eliminate our setting as actors. You don't want to use your power to frighten us."

At this moment, a person next to Wei Gong Shirou spoke, and Fei Yongyue didn't recognize him, after all, she hadn't watched all the dramas, so it might be some unpopular person.

But there is no doubt that the other party should have seen the video of her performing karma restoration on Moonlight Moriah, but it failed to produce any effect.

Concubine Yongyue sneered at this and replied: "Even if my ability can't affect you, am I not worthy of your awe? As long as I have a thought, all of your clothes will change and disappear."

As soon as this remark came out, many people in the Actors Association changed their faces and felt a little uncomfortable.

However, some people instinctively showed anticipation and looked at the women around them, causing these women to stare back.

"Altair, don't mess around." Shirou Emiya said quickly, he didn't want to see the scene of all the members of the Actors' Association running wildly, it would undoubtedly make everyone lose face, and the consequences of unbalanced mentality would be unpredictable.

"Shirou Weigong, haven't you understood my decision?" Fei Yongyue said coldly.

"Altair, will the residents of Xiamu City be willing to do this? You can't force others to do what you want, right? Everyone just wants to live a stable life, and doesn't want their future to become unknown. For them, following the official The best choice." Emiya Shirou said in a slow tone.

He didn't want to get rough with Concubine Yongyue, that would be a huge trouble for the Actors Association.

Hearing Emiya Shirou's words, Concubine Yongyue said with a half-smile, "What a strange idea, you actually think that the people of Xiamu City would not accept my rule?"

"Altair, although you protected everyone from the empire's attack, everyone may be grateful to you, but you can't directly reject the official management and choose to accept you because of this?" Shirou Emiya had his own opinion.

"In that case, Shirou Emiya, I'll give you another chance." Altair said confidently, "Go and ask the people in Xiamu City, ask them, do you want to accept the rule of the Actors Association, or The reign of God's sorrow!"

"Yes." Emiya Shirou agreed directly.

He can also see that if there is no compromise, Fei Yongyue may really choose to fight. Although the number of opponents is not as large as theirs, it is hard to say who will win.

Immediately, Emiya Shiro notified and asked people to contact all the TV stations for live broadcast.

This is not too troublesome. After all, this is an order from the Actors Association. There is no need to report to each other. Soon, all the people from the TV station are connected to a camera here, and that camera is also aimed at Concubine Yongyue, Emiya Shiro and others in the compound.


On this day, whether the people in Xiamu City were watching a drama, a recorded variety show, or bored watching an advertisement, as long as they were watching a TV program, the picture would change at a certain moment.

The people headed by Altair and the people headed by Emiya Shiro appeared in the picture, and the two sides were confronting each other.

When such a picture was presented in front of people, many people were stunned. Relevant information and screenshots quickly spread like snowflakes on the Internet, causing more and more people to turn on the TV.

"Everyone." Emiya Shiro spoke first: "Today's Xiamu City is ruled and managed by our Actors Association, and our Actors Association is also an official organization. We will try our best to protect everyone's safety in the future. However, in today's Altai But Er established an organization called God's Sorrow, saying that he would replace us to manage Xiamu City, what do you think about this?"

After finishing speaking, Emiya Shirou looked at Concubine Yongyue, indicating that Concubine Yongyue could also say something.

Concubine Yongyue had a special smile on her face: "Misters, I am very happy to meet you under such circumstances. You are not immersed in the previous disasters, and you can live a new life. It is not in vain for us to fight to the death."

Hearing this, Emiya Shirou was somewhat uncomfortable, feeling that Concubine Yongyue was playing the emotional card.

Fei Yongyue continued: "I established an organization called God's Sorrow. What is God's Sorrow? When actors are gaining the power to play their roles, how do they consider themselves? Do they consider themselves masters? Are they superior? Are they gods? No matter what other people define, they will think that they are gods, there is no doubt. Sad movement. This is, the sorrow of God!"

Following Fei Yongyue's words, not to mention ordinary people watching TV, even many people in the Actors Association's expressions changed, and the way they looked at Fei Yongyue and others changed.

"Choose us." With a smile, Fei Yongyue opened her arms slightly, looked at the crowd and said, "Let the power of the lords and our power merge into one, and occupy a place in this chaotic world together. This is I, Altair, promise to you lords!"

On the TV screen, Fei Yongyue spoke unhurriedly, her gestures and words were deeply reflected in a person's heart.

"God's Sorrow...too domineering, I choose God's Sorrow."

"Wait, is there another Esdesh behind Altair? Isn't she with the former Mech God?"

"In the fan drama, they are a group, but in reality they are not. Don't bring the relationship in the fan drama into it. Judging from the situation, Esthers obviously also joined God's Sorrow."

"Of course you have to choose God's Sorrow. After all, when the Protector God hurt us, it was Altair and the others who stood up, not the so-called Actors Association!"

"You can't say that. There are Misaka Mikoto and Irena in the actor's association. They stood up at that time."

"What about the rest? Where are the rest when we need them?"

"Anyway, I choose God's Sorrow."

"I also choose God's Sorrow!"


Concubine Yongyue looked at the camera, and she thought of the strong desire of the people that she felt when she was dealing with the Mech-God of Protecting the Nation that day, and that was why she was temporarily strengthened to defeat the Mech-God of Protecting the Country.The reason why she is willing to let the public decide whether to choose Grief of God or the Actors Association is also because of her feelings that day, and she believes in everyone's choice.

"Come on, call out your choices. God's Sorrow, or the Actors Association?" Fei Yongyue looked at the camera and asked.

At this moment, people from various locations in Xiamu City shouted loudly without hesitation after seeing Fei Yongyue's inquiry on TV.

"God's Sorrow!"

"God's Sorrow!"

"God's Sorrow!"

In the Actors Association, Shiro Emiya and other members of the Actors Association's faces changed. Even though they were separated by a lot of distance, they could still hear a roar like thunder. In that roar, they called a name together, and that name was ——God's Sorrow!

How could this be?

Concubine Yongyue looked at Wei Gongshirou with a smile and said: "It seems that you have made their choice, a choice that is very satisfying to us. Then from now on, Xiamu City will be the Xiamu City of God's Sorrow. The Actors Association People, please get out. Give you three days, you should be able to get out completely, right?"

Emiya Shiro: "..."

With a hesitant expression on his face, he turned around and looked at the rest of the Actors Association. At this moment, he wanted to know what the rest of them were thinking.

"Forget it, let's go." Misaka Mikoto said, showing helplessness: "This is what the people want, and we can't go against the public."

Irena also said: "In fact, other cities also need our help. We really can't manage so many cities. Since Xiamu City can get a good choice, we can only back down."

Emiya Shirou's face was a little pale.

It turns out that the people in the Actors Association also think the same way?

"I understand. From now on...the Actors Association will withdraw from Natsuki City." Emiya Shiro announced this fact helplessly.

At this point, the sorrow of God is fully presented to the eyes of the world!

Relevant videos were also circulated wildly on the Internet for the first time, letting the world know that Xia Mu City will belong to an organization called God's Sorrow in the future!


It didn't take three days, just on that day, the members of the Actors Association's branch in Xiamu City left disheartened.

According to the information that Misaka Mikoto secretly revealed to Concubine Yongyue, they should go to Haiyun City, because there are too many actors in the Navy Headquarters, and many ordinary people have been called to form the so-called Navy, which makes people feel uneasy. Haiyun City is the closest city to the Navy Headquarters, so the Actors Association will send more people to Haiyun City to guard it.

God's Sorrow completely took over all matters in Xiamu City.

Concubine Yongyue did not personally participate in what to do, but handed it over to Estes and Krulu. In the drama, one is the general of the empire and the other is the queen of vampires, both of whom rule over many people. With his existence, what he gained now is not only the ability to fight, but also the experience of domination will be mastered naturally, so there is no problem in entrusting them to handle this aspect.

But in the beginning, this matter was mainly handed over to Esdeth, because Krulu had another thing to do, and that was to develop dependents!

In the afternoon, the former residence of the Actors Association and the current residence of God's Sorrow, Fei Yongyue, Krulu, Ma Yin, Huang Shumo and Meixiang are all here.

After the previous transformation of the Actors Association, this resident has already covered a very large area. Many buildings are scattered in the shape of "eyes", including offices, accommodation areas, and canteens.At this moment, Fei Yongyue and the others had just passed through the building from the courtyard to the courtyard, and were continuing to go outside.

"Has the news been released? How is the situation?" Fei Yongyue asked.

After the members of the Actors Association left, they released information that they would recruit a group of people to be transformed into vampires, and those who volunteered could sign up outside the station and wait.

"There should be a lot of people here, right? Let's go outside and see." Krulu was a little excited.

She had never developed a family member before, because she didn't like forced things, but if someone else voluntarily became her family member, she still didn't mind this kind of thing.

During the conversation, several people finally came to the entrance of the vestibule. Even if the door had not been opened at this time, they could still hear the noise and boiling outside.And when the door was pushed open, the dense figures made people even more dazzled.

"So many people?" Ma Yin gasped.

Countless people were huddled together outside, bustling, and it was impossible to count the number. After seeing the gate of the station opened, those people scrambled to come in, shouting to become vampires.

Nowadays, there are many actors and extraordinary abilities in this world. Under such circumstances, many people are naturally unwilling to be ordinary, so becoming a vampire is a very good choice.Moreover, the increase in lifespan and permanent appearance alone are temptations that many people cannot refuse, so it is not surprising that so many people come.

Seeing such a situation, Fei Yongyue said to Krulu: "I will leave it to you, how to deal with it, I believe you can do it well."

Crulu: "..."

To be honest, there are more people than she imagined, and it will be quite hard to deal with.

"One more thing." Fei Yongyue said again: "Besides vampires, someone needs to provide blood for vampires to survive. When the time comes, ask who will volunteer."

"I see." Krulu nodded.

Concubine Yongyue didn't wait any longer here, and walked away with Ma Yin, Huang Shumo and Meixiang.

Not long after the three of them left, Fei Yongyue looked at Ma Yin and said, "Ma Yin, if you have something to say, just say it, you don't have to be so coy."

"Did you see it?" Ma Yin was startled.

"Hesitation is clearly written on your face, I can see it naturally." Fei Yongyue said affirmatively.

"Okay..." Seeing this, Ma Yin didn't hide anymore, and said, "Altair, I was thinking about Chitong and the others. After we announced the establishment of God's Sorrow, Chitong sent me a message , said that she was very optimistic about the purpose of God's Sorrow and planned to join, and then both Leonai and Chelsea sent messages saying they wanted to join."

This is what makes Maine feel helpless.

In order to let Chi Tong and others have freedom, she asked Concubine Yongyue not to accept several people as members of the organization, but what kind of thing are those guys thinking about adding them?

Although Ma Yin has changed a lot towards Concubine Yongyue today, she still has some hesitation about letting Chi Tong and others be controlled by Concubine Yongyue.

"Chitong and the others? They can join, but they must be placed in the second sequence." Fei Yongyue thought for a while and said.

"Second Sequence? What is that?" Ma Yin asked suspiciously.

Huang Shumo Meixiang also tilted her head curiously.

"This is what I just came up with." Fei Yongyue explained: "The first sequence of God's Sorrow is me and you who have been recognized by the mark of the kiss. The second sequence is actors who have not been recognized by the mark of the kiss. The third sequence is people who have extraordinary powers but are not actors, such as vampires controlled by Krulu. This is a part of God's Sorrow. What do you think? Is there any room for improvement?"

Huangshu Momeixiang's eyes lit up and said: "This method is very good, especially the second sequence. Sister Altair can only control women but not men, so if there are male actors who want to join our organization, it will be difficult to handle. But if there is a second sequence now, it can be classified among them. Although people in the second sequence cannot be 100% trusted, it is the second sequence after all and cannot affect the first sequence."

From Huang Shumo Meixiang's point of view, if there are different sequences, then Concubine Yongyue doesn't have to kiss others frequently to get her subordinates, and Concubine Yongyue reduces the number of kisses with others, which makes Huang Shumo Meixiang feel good.

"So that's it." Ma Yin said clearly: "There is no problem in this way, but I don't know if Chitong and the others are willing... Well, there should be no problem, just tell them that the first sequence is approved by you, Altair People, in this way, they don't have anything to say, do they?"

"You can tell them this." Fei Yongyue nodded, and then continued: "There is another thing that our organization must do."

"What's the matter?" Huang Shumo Meixiang asked curiously.

"That's the issue of actors." Concubine Yongyue said seriously: "There must be more actors hiding in the dark in Xiamu City. These people are all unstable factors. We must find out these actors. If they can be included in the second sequence, they will be included. If not, we can only drive them out of Xiamu City. If they encounter evil, they need to be killed on the spot, so as not to endanger the people we care about."

After owning the residence, they have decided to let the family members of the organization members come to live here. The surrounding environment is not connected to the downtown area. Once someone approaches, it will become obvious. Hundreds of members of the third sequence and a few actors Joint guarding, security can be very adequately guaranteed.

The premise is that no actors come to make trouble!

The actors come from different dramas, and their abilities are all kinds of strange. No one dares to say that they can defend against all abilities. For example, Perona herself is not an opponent of Krulu, Ma Yin, and Mika Koki, but she can overwhelm the three of them by relying on the negative ghost.

Ma Yin nodded in agreement: "Altair is right, it is about the life and death of the people we care about, this matter must be cautious... I'd better explain the situation to Chitong and the others first."

She walked away with her mobile phone, wanting to inform her friends of the situation as soon as possible.

"Sister Altair, how can I find out the remaining actors in Xiamu City?" Huang Shumomeixiang asked.

"I'll send a message to Esdes, asking Esdes to contact the TV station and announce our attitude through the TV station. All actors in Xiamu City must either join God's Sorrow or quit Xiamu City. These are the two paths in the open." Fei Yongyue quickly made a decision.

As for the third way of directly killing people, it is hard to tell. It has to be done in secret, so as not to let the evil actors hide deeper.

After answering Huang Shumo Meixiang, Fei Yongyue also notified Esdeth of this information on her mobile phone.

Huang Shumo Meixiang understood the situation, but still had doubts, and said: "It is a good choice to directly tell the actors our attitude, but what should we do if some actors don't cooperate, neither join God's Sorrow nor quit Xiamu City?"

"This requires us to find out the people, but this requires enough manpower. So we give a notice first, so that those who are willing to cooperate will be dealt with first. As for those actors who do not cooperate, we will wait for Krulu to come up with enough Let's do it later, when the time comes, there will be a blanket search, and no one will be able to hide." Fei Yongyue thought for a while and said.

"I see, then I'll go and inform my family to come to Xiamu City first." Huang Shumo Meixiang said expectantly.

"Of course." Fei Yongyue nodded and said, "All of you can notify your family members to come."

Huang Shumo Meixiang happily took her mobile phone and went to make a call in a place where no one was around.

In a blink of an eye, Concubine Yongyue was left with only herself.

She didn't care, she took out her mobile phone and opened the short video, intending to see what happened when she announced the establishment of God's Sorrow.

As a result, as expected, when I just opened the short video, the first thing that appeared was the picture of myself explaining the purpose of God's Sorrow. As a bystander watching this picture again, Fei Yongyue couldn't help touching her face.

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