"Lazy, Wendy is really too lazy." Lazy scratched her face, and said with a distorted expression: "Even though Wendy is a newcomer to Shichibukai and is not familiar with us yet, can't she see the resistance of the original team members in Qiwuhai to us? She didn't choose to act with us, she is lazy!"

Today's Wangxia Qiwuhai is composed of original class members and new members. Under such circumstances, it is normal for the two parties to disagree.

Under such circumstances, Tokisaki Kurumi made a suggestion, that is to leave the original team and come to Xiamu City to defeat God's Sorrow, prove their strength, and beat the original team members, that is, the faces of Doflamingo and Crocodile.

Deep Sea King, Laziness, and Enilo all agreed to this, but Wendy didn't agree to come because she was a newcomer and was not familiar with them.

It is worth mentioning that although Enilo himself belongs to the crew of "One Piece", because he appeared on the stage relatively early, his role ended soon, and he is not familiar with Crocodile and Doflamingo. Ri is not a member of Qibuhai, so he is also at odds with Crocodile and Doflamingo.

"Well, don't think about Wendy any more, let's think about how to deal with God's Sorrow." Tokisaki Kurumi said, looking at Enel with a smile: "Enel, you are the key person, you are the strongest among us."

Hearing what Tokisaki Kuumo said, Deep Sea King and Lazy glanced at Enel, but they didn't deny that Enil was the strongest among them. After all, they were indeed not Enel's opponents, and they were not opponents together.

Hearing Tokisaki Kurumi's words, Enilu said with a smile: "It's very simple to deal with God's Sorrow. Because, everything is under my watch."

He sat sideways on the sofa with a leisurely posture and a smile on his face.

Enel is the ability user of the thunder fruit, and also possesses a special ability heart net.

In "One Piece", there are three special settings: king-like domineering, armed-color domineering, and knowledge-color domineering, and Xinwang is actually another name for knowledge-color domineering. This ability can sharpen people's five senses, detect the hidden biological atmosphere around them, and can also be used to predict and avoid danger.

Enilo can combine the ability of knowledge-colored arrogance and thunder fruit to receive radio waves, greatly enhancing the coverage of knowledge-colored arrogance, so that he can hear sounds from extremely distant places with deliberate listening.

Their location is not too far from the location of God's Sorrow, so Enilu, who is here, can actually monitor all the movements of God's Sorrow, and the means must be terrible.

"Diligence, Anilu, you are really too diligent, so what is God's Sorrow going to do?" Lazy asked excitedly.

They felt that the presence of four people would be enough to defeat God's Sorrow, and Enilo was the key figure. As long as Enilo exists, all the means of the opponent will be clear.

Enilu replied with a smile: "God's Sorrow seems to be a bit exaggerated, and it only intends to let four people take action to deal with the king Shichibukai."

"Four people? Lazy, too lazy, how can you be so lazy." Lazy scratched his face again.

"Are they trying to kill themselves?" The King of the Deep Sea couldn't help laughing: "Even though Esdes is powerful and Altair's methods are quite treacherous, why should the four of them fight against the king Shichibukai? No, they don't even have the ability to fight us."

"Well, there is no way, there are not enough of them." Tokisaki Kurumi said with a smile.

Enilu didn't pay much attention to the power displayed by God's Sorrow, and told everyone what he heard, and soon made everyone understand the situation of God's Sorrow.

After Anilu finished speaking, Tokisaki Kurumi said with a beautiful smile: "They are four people, and we are also four people, so one-on-one seems to be just right. Why don't we take the initiative to deal with them next, just How about I deal with Altair, Enel against Estes, Petichius against Chi Tong, and the King of the Deep Sea against Krulu?"

"What is your basis for this allocation?" the King of the Deep Sea asked.

"Ah, ah, isn't it obvious? Altair's ability is the most weird, about the same as mine, so it's better for me to restrain him? Esdesh is undoubtedly powerful, so it's better to be dealt with by the equally powerful Enel, right? Chihito's Teigu has a one-hit kill effect, and the King of the Deep Sea can't fight Chihito as a melee fighter, right? But Petichius' invisible hand will be particularly suitable for dealing with Chitong, right?" plan.

"Chi Tong, she is very hardworking, I will treat her well." Lazy laughed lowly.

His invisible hands, as the name suggests, are many hands that cannot be seen by the naked eye. These hands exist behind his back and have strong destructive power when released.

"I understand the situation, but Krulu is a vampire, and I don't have overwhelming power against her, so I'm afraid I won't be able to kill her." The King of the Deep Sea said unhappily.

"It doesn't matter, I probably can't beat Altair, I can only hold back, just like you." Tokisaki Kurumi said with a smile: "But Petichius and Enel should be able to defeat the opponent. When they free their hands, we can win, right?"

"They are really sure to win?" The King of the Deep Sea had some doubts.

"There is no doubt about it?" Enil spread his hands and said, "I am Enil, mere Estes, no matter how you think about it, you can't beat me, right?"

Seeing Enilu's confident appearance, the King of the Deep Sea couldn't say much.

With the passage of time, many of the actors who have been playing have reached the upper limit. For example, Deep Sea King and Sloth have actually reached the upper limit, but Enilo and Tokisaki Kurumi have not yet reached the upper limit. Generally speaking, Deep Sea King will not say much about the stronger existence in the future.

"Ah, ah, it's finally raining." Tokisaki Kurumi looked at the scenery outside the window and smiled, a very happy smile.

"Then let's start doing it too." The King of the Deep Sea became energetic when he saw the rain.

"No hurry, wait for Altair and the others to leave the station." Tokisaki Kurumi said with a smile: "Otherwise we will face off, not the four people we planned just now. Too many people is not a good thing for us."

Hearing this, the Deep Sea King nodded.

Tokisaki Kurumi turned around and looked at the heavy rain outside the window, with a sickly smile on his face.

Finally... finally got a good chance.


At this moment of God's Sorrow, everyone didn't know that they and others were completely monitored by Anilu. It wasn't that they didn't expect that Anilu could do this, but they didn't expect that some people would come first.

Because Doflamingo and Crocodile have many subordinates in Shichibukai, so the members of the third sequence who are in charge of investigating the location of Shichibukai, even if they did not see Tokisaki Kurumi, Enelo and others They didn't think too much about it, because Qiwuhai and the others came by car, and they only thought that everyone they didn't see was in the car.

In the resident of God's Sorrow, Fei Yongyue has finished discussing with everyone, and now it's time to act.

It was raining heavily outside at the moment, and the bean-sized rainwater fell one by one, hitting the ground and splashing crystal water, and there was already a little water in the corner, with ripples circle after circle.

God's Sorrow prepared a car, driven by Krulu, and the rest got into the car one after another and began to drive out of the city.

While driving, Krulu couldn't help but look at Fei Yongyue who was sitting in the co-pilot.

Because there is a second-order person called Chitong, so Fei Yongyue didn't plan to take everyone to the destination in the air?

Regarding the divine favor of Fei Yongyue, Krulu already knew it two days ago. It stands to reason that after using the divine favor and cognitive impairment together, he could go to the destination as quickly as possible without attracting anyone's attention, but the other party didn't do it because he wanted to hide it from Chi Tong?But in the future, he will have to fight the Qiwuhai under the king, so should he keep hiding his strength?Wouldn't it be impossible to give full play in that case?

Although he was a little puzzled, since it was Fei Yongyue's decision, Krulu couldn't say much.

And... She always felt that Concubine Yongyue seemed to be hiding something, and she felt that this trip didn't seem to be purely to deal with Wang Qiwuhai, and she didn't know if it was her own illusion.

No matter what, the car quickly shuttled out in the rain, and after half an hour of driving, it has arrived at the new urban area, which is a deserted land that has not yet been built.

After God's Sorrow takes over Xiamu City, the first thing to complete the construction is naturally those areas destroyed by the God of Protecting the Country. The construction of the new city can only be postponed, so this place is still very desolate, and there are not many people to see.

Just as the car was driving on the road without people, there was a sudden bang, and a dazzling thunderbolt emerged from the sky, and then turned into a lifelike giant thunderbird, flapping its wings, and rushed towards the car in a berserk posture, almost instantly reaching the front.

Seeing this scene, the expressions of Krulu, Esdes, and Chitong who were in the car changed. The Thunderbird flew in too fast, and they had no time to react.

"Everything in the Universe·The Ninth Movement·Returning Karma!"

At this time, Fei Yongyue's voice came at the right time, and immediately after that, a pair of sabers broke through the windshield of the car and flew out, piercing the Thunderbird, and wiped out the settings of the Thunderbird on the spot, dissipating in place.

Immediately following the sound of braking, the car quickly stopped in place after completing a period of drift, and everyone in the car got out of the car immediately.

"Is this the repayment of karma? What an interesting ability."

A voice came from not far away.

Fei Yongyue and the others looked up one after another, and saw three figures standing there on the road not far away, as if they had been waiting for a long time.

Ernie Road.

Deep Sea King.


"Why are the three of them here?" Estes was a little surprised.

According to the report of the members of the third sequence, there should still be a little time before Wangxia Qiwuhai arrives in Xiamu City.

"Ah, ah, it's not three people." At this moment, another voice came from behind.

Everyone turned around and saw the figure of Tokisaki Kurumi.

At this moment, the appearance of Tokisaki Kurumi has also changed, with black double ponytails short on the right and long on the left, and the left eye that was originally blocked is also revealed, which is different from the wine-red right eye. The left eye is golden, as if a golden clock is inlaid there, and the hands rotate.She was wearing a black and red gothic dress with straps, her forearms were wrapped in black sleeves with red edges, and her legs were wrapped in black pantyhose.

At this moment, Tokisaki Kurumi looked a little more sharp and delicate than before.

"Tokisaki Kuangsan!"

Seeing Tokisaki Kurumi, everyone in God's Sorrow also looked very serious, and they would not be careless in the slightest.

"Well, there are four of you, and there are four of us. Four against four is not safe. I'd better arrest a few ordinary people and threaten you." Tokisaki Kurumi smiled, and a rifle and a pistol appeared in his hand.

Behind her, a golden clock twice as tall as her materialized, and then she raised her pistol and pointed it at the direction representing one o'clock, immediately causing a wine-red airflow on the clock to flow into the gun, and then she He pointed the pistol at his head.


When the shot fell, Tokisaki Kurumi disappeared directly in place, and when he reappeared, he was already in a distant direction.

The embodied golden clock is called Kekedi, her angel Kekedi. This is the setting in the drama. In simple and easy-to-understand terms, it is the manifestation of her ability.

Every time on Kekedi corresponds to a kind of ability, which represents one o'clock, is Kekedi Yizhibomb, the effect is to speed up the time of the target being hit, and the effect reflected on oneself is teleportation .

Seeing Tokisaki Kuumo heading towards Natsuki City, the expressions of the saddened people changed. If Tokisaki Kuumo were to arrest ordinary people and threaten them, it would undoubtedly be very troublesome.

"I'm going to chase her, you stay here and deal with the rest." Fei Yongyue had already entered the army concubine form, her silver-white long straight double ponytails were raised in the wind, and she quickly soared into the air to chase after her.

"Altair, Tokisaki Kurumi may have lured you away on purpose." Akahito shouted hastily.

"It's okay."

Concubine Yongyue did not hesitate, and still quickly chased Tokisaki Kurumi.

Seeing the grief of the gods, everyone couldn't say much, so they could only look at the three Enelu in another direction.

Although they didn't know why four people came from Qiwuhai under the king instead of all the members gathered together, but since they met at this moment, a battle might be inevitable.

"Without Altair, my abilities would not be wiped out, which is very good." Enelu was very satisfied with the result, everything went as planned.

He shot again, and a huge Thunderbird appeared in front of him, whistling and sweeping towards the God's Sorrow, the speed was so fast that no one had much time to think.


Accompanied by the huge explosion, Esdes and the others dodged one after another, but they were not harmed by the blow.

But then Estes found himself separated from Krulu and Chitong by a certain distance.

Seeing that the three separated, the Deep Sea King rushed directly to Krulu, and threw his huge fist at Krulu, and Krulu was not afraid at all, his petite body jumped up, and the long pink hair with three ponytails rose with her movements, and then punched the Deep Sea King.


The fists of the two collided heavily, and strong air waves swept out in all directions. The ground was torn apart on the spot, and pieces of rubble flew in the air.

At this time, Chitong met Laziness.

"Diligent, you are really diligent, please continue to dodge diligently."

Sloth's head twisted to a degree that normal people can't do, his hands are grabbing his face, his face is full of sickness, and behind him only dozens of black and purple arms that he can see stretch out long , kept shooting down towards Chi Tong, and every time it landed on the ground, the ground would shatter with a bang, making Chi Tong have to dodge with all his strength, otherwise once it was shot on the body, it would definitely be severely injured, but because of the invisible Chitong couldn't see it, so it was very difficult for Chitong to avoid it, and laziness directly took the upper hand.


After looking at the other two, Estes immediately felt the chill around him, looked forward and said, "If you want to help them, it seems that you must be dealt with first."

Enilu had already come to Esdeth, with lightning flashing around his body, with a relaxed expression on his face, he said indifferently: "You can't help them, because you can't beat me."

"Whether it works or not, you'll know after the fight, Enel!" As Des said, the surrounding chill became more turbulent.


The heavy rain was pattering down, falling on a long road, splashing clusters of water.On both sides of the road, there is deserted land, which quickly becomes muddy under the rain.

On this road, a beautiful figure quickly passed by, followed by the huge golden clock from time to time, she would absorb the power of time from it from time to time, then shot herself, and went away with a click.


The concubine Yongyue in the sky quickly chased after her, and from time to time, a karma restitution was cast out, turning into light blue bubbles and spreading, but was immediately avoided by Tokisaki Kurumi with a bullet.

As for the appearance, it will not work for Emperor Keke, it is a very special power.

Tokisaki Kurumi didn't just focus on running, she looked back at Concubine Yongyue who was flying in the air, pointed the pistol at the direction of Kekedi's seven o'clock, and absorbed a force.

At this time, Concubine Yongyue just waved several sabers to fly towards him quickly, and Tokisaki Kurumi shot the bullet at this moment.

Kekedi·Seven Bombs!


When the bullets collided with the sabers, everything in that area was directly stopped, and several sabers seemed to be frozen there.

The Seventh Bullet is an attack that stops the target's time!

Seeing this Concubine Yongyue directly dissipated the saber in that area, allowing the saber to condense around her again.

"Altair, if it's just like this, you can't catch up with me." Tokisaki Kurumi said with a smile, using a bullet to speed up his speed and headed towards Xia Mu City.

Concubine Yongyue continued to follow without saying a word.

Both of them were very fast, one in front of the other, and it didn't take long for them to distance themselves from the battle site where Esdes and the others were.

Finally, Xia Mu City appeared in front of him.

Connecting the new urban area is a riverside park. This park is built beside the river and is very long. Therefore, there are no tourists at this edge. All you can see are green lawns and various vegetation. , they also seem to be more colorful than usual in the rain.

After Tokisaki Kumzo appeared in the park with a teleportation, she stepped on the lawn and stopped. She raised her head and looked ahead. There was an orange kitten hiding from the rain in the grass, probably seeing someone coming. The cat let out a "meow" and immediately turned around and ran away, but accidentally fell down when passing the stairs, twisted its foot directly, and fell pitifully and helplessly in the rain. screaming.

"How pitiful."

Tokisaki Kurumi came to the kitten's side, took out a pistol and pointed it at the kitten.

Immediately after...


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