Bronya raised her head, and then something unexpected happened to both of them.

Because one person was just lowering his head, and the other was just raising his head, so the two people actually had a kind of intimate contact under such a coincidence.

Although the time was short, Bronya still felt ashamed in her heart, and subconsciously moved her head away.

"Altair... this..." Bronya didn't know what to say.

"You... as long as you're fine." Fei Yongyue let go of Bronya.

The unexpected situation just now took her by surprise. It was not what she expected at all, and she didn't know whether this situation passively triggered the mark of the kiss, but judging by Bronya's paralyzed expression, maybe it was not triggered because the other party was not shy?

As Fei Yongyue let go of Bronya, Bronya's motorcycle returned directly to the seat.

After riding the motorcycle again, Bronya breathed a sigh of relief, temporarily forgetting the brief contact just now, and then rushed to Wendy again to launch a fierce attack. The floating cannons around her launched a fierce attack, and Fei Yongyue also Controlling the saber keeps flying to aid.

Wendy's strength is still very strong. She can fly and master a wide range of attacks, which are undoubtedly troublesome methods. However, without reinforcements, fighting Concubine Yongyue and Bronya alone, after a long time, it is obvious that she still can't hold on. She is suppressed by the two at first, and her movements of avoiding attacks are becoming more and more thrilling.

"Where are people? Where are people? Why haven't you come yet?"

Wendy's mentality was a little out of balance, and she began to worry about gains and losses.

She really didn't understand, after such a long time, why should Doflamingo and Crocodile come?What the hell did those two guys do?Could it be that he was given up?

Just when Wendy was distracted for a short while, Bronya seized the opportunity and rushed directly in front of Wendy, and then the front wheel of the motorcycle was lifted up and hit Wendy's stomach forcefully.


The blow was so hard that Wendy was bent over on the spot, and the saliva in her mouth was splashed out. The severe pain drained all the strength in her body.

Bronya seized the opportunity to sway her tail again, let the rear wheel of the motorcycle sway past, and violently knocked Wendy into the air. She passed out on the spot and fell powerlessly from the air.

After completing this step, Bronya drove the motorcycle through the air, appeared under Wendy, let Wendy land on the back seat of the motorcycle, and just like that, Wendy landed on the ground.

Seeing that Wendy was finally defeated, Fei Yongyue also flew over and stopped beside Bronya.

Seeing Concubine Yongyue approaching, Bronya said: "Altair, Wendy has been caught, and I plan to take her back to Anti-Entropy."

"and many more."

"Anything else? Altair."

Bronya asked strangely.

Fei Yongyue thought about it, she still cared more about whether she could control Bronya, so after pondering for a while, she decided to try the situation.

"Bronya, raise your hand." Fei Yongyue ordered.

Bronya looked at Fei Yongyue strangely, not knowing why the other party asked her to raise her hand, but before she could think about it, she realized that her hand was raised uncontrollably.

This situation made Bronya startled, and let Fei Yongyue know the result lightly.

"What's going on? What happened?" Bronya, who raised her hands high, didn't quite understand.

"Bronya... very sorry, from now on, you will be mine." Fei Yongyue looked at Bronya and announced the result.

Chapter 118 You will be mine from now on

Bronya: "???"

What does it mean that you will be the other party's person in the future?

Looking at Bronya's puzzled eyes, Fei Yongyue explained the situation, telling the other party that she had mastered an ability called the mark of the kiss, which could force the target she kissed to become her subordinate. Because of the previous accidental intimate contact, Bronya had been forced to become her subordinate.

"This is an unchangeable result. From now on, you are destined to be my brother and follow all my orders." Fei Yongyue looked at Bronya and smiled.

Although this result is unexpected, it is not a bad thing for her, because Bronya's ability is very good, and she becomes a member of God's Mourn, which can definitely bring great benefits to God's Mourn.

Among other things, the other party can be responsible for network security issues alone.

To be honest, in this world, Fei Yongyue has always been concerned about the Internet, worried that there will be problems at some point.And Bronya is very good at character setting in this regard, so this situation can be handled by Bronya.

However, to Fei Yongyue, this was a good thing, but to Bronya, it was like a bolt from the blue, causing a look of shock to appear on her face that had always been paralyzed.

Is he actually under the control of Altair?

In the future, if the other party wants to do whatever they want with themselves, can they do whatever they want with themselves?

Seeing Bronya's distraught look, Fei Yongyue gently hugged Bronya and said, "Don't worry, I'm not an evil person, and you won't be treated badly. Next, I will It will also bring you back to anti-entropy, allowing you to live the life you want to live."

"You mean, you won't deliberately control me?" Bronya asked with some hope.

"It can also be understood in this way, but you can't tell anyone in any way about this kind of thing between us." Fei Yongyue whispered in Bronya's ear.

Bronya: "..."

She originally wanted to tell her about her situation after she went back, and asked everyone from Anti-Entropy to help find a way to release Fei Yongyue's control over her, but following Fei Yongyue's orders, she realized that she might not be able to say any relevant words.

"You asked me to go back to the anti-entropy, did you want me to be an undercover agent? You don't want to be disadvantageous to the anti-entropy in the future, do you?" Bronya asked worriedly.

She was already under the control of Concubine Yongyue, unable to resist any orders from the other party. Under such circumstances, the other party really wanted her to do something against anti-entropy, and she felt that she might really do it uncontrollably.

"I didn't want to mention this matter, but since you asked, I will tell you. You are indeed my undercover agent, but as long as the anti-entropy does not do things that are not good for God's Sorrow, I will not take the initiative to deal with the anti-entropy. Do something. But if Anti-Entropy makes an overreaching move, you, as an undercover agent, can play a role." Fei Yongyue said unhurriedly.

Bronya's heart can't help but feel a little heavy.

She knew that after returning to Anti-Entropy, she had to try her best to watch everyone so that they would not confront God's Sorrow.This was not only the reason why she could not resist Concubine Yongyue and might hurt everyone, but she also remembered another terrible conjecture.

Why does this guy have the ability to control people by kissing them?

Thinking of this, Bronya knew how great Fei Yongyue's potential was. This is an existence with great potential that can subvert the whole world. Such a person must never be an enemy.

"Let's join the group first." Fei Yongyue took out her mobile phone and signaled Bronya to enter the first sequence group of God's Sorrow.

Bronya couldn't resist this, and joined the chat group.

The addition of Bronya immediately made everyone in the group stand out.

Krulu: "Is this Tokisaki Kurumi? Altair, have you finally captured her?"

Estes: "Reloaded Bunny? The one who uses this nickname should not be Tokisaki Kurumi, but someone who shouldn't be in Natsuki City."

Ma Yin: "Bronya? Could it be her?"

Huang Shumo Meixiang: "Congratulations for adding a new member to our big family!"

Looking at the people in the group, Bronya had a complex expression on her face. She guessed that most of these people, like herself, were controlled by Fei Yongyue. Who would have thought that God's Grief was based on such a situation? What about?

But why does everyone in the group seem to be very relaxed when talking?Shouldn't it be a sign of depression when you are controlled by others?

Fei Yongyue also spoke in the group at this time: "The new member is indeed Bronya. I took her in because of some accidents, but Bronya is not suitable to stay with us in Xiamu City. She will return to her organization Anti-Entropy and become an undercover agent."

Misaka Mikoto: "It's just like us."

Irena: "However, being an undercover agent is actually quite free. You just have to be careful not to be discovered. At least you can't lend your phone to others."

In the first sequence group, everyone used the character name as a nickname. Bronya recognized who was who, and then changed her group nickname to Bronya, but she didn't speak.

She just became Concubine Yongyue's subordinate, but she couldn't adjust her state quickly in her heart, and she didn't have the desire to speak.

Fei Yongyue didn't care, and ordered Bronya to maintain Xiamu City's network, at least to prevent the network from being hacked.

Bronya nodded and agreed, and said, "Can I do these things later? I want to take Wendy back first, so as not to cause any accidents. I can also do it when I go back to Anti-Entropy to maintain Xiamu City's network."

"Of course, but remember not to be discovered by anti-entropy people what you are doing." Fei Yongyue instructed.

"I see." Bronya nodded.

She took out the high-tech handcuffs she brought from anti-entropy, and handcuffed Wendy first. This kind of handcuffs is very strong. Although I dare not say that it can trap a person 100%, at least if Wendy wakes up halfway, how many It took some time to break free, which was enough for her to control Wendy again.

After completing these, Bronya rode her own motorcycle, drove Wendy, and left with complicated emotions.

How could she have thought of this action before she came, and would let herself be restrained by Concubine Yongyue?I don't know what the cause will be in the future.

After Fei Yongyue watched Bronya leave, she planned to go back to Tokisaki Kurumi together.

But at this moment, several messages suddenly appeared in the first sequence chat group.

"Enemy attack!"

"@Altair, someone attacked."

"It's Doflamingo and Crocodile!"

"To the enemy, let's go to the enemy first!"

Seeing the sudden message in the chat group, Concubine Yongyue was startled, but she wasn't too alarmed, because even though she wasn't in the station, the rest of the members were basically there. Although they were ready to come to help Concubine Yongyue, they hadn't started to act yet because they couldn't find Doflamingo and others.

"I'll go back now, but I'll leave the previous response to you." Fei Yongyue ordered.

Although I don't want to panic, there should be some seriousness. Although everyone in the first sequence should not have any accidents, it doesn't mean that the rest of the people will not have any accidents.Moreover, the station is located in the center of Xiamu City. If there is a battle in that place, many innocent people may be affected if you are not careful.

Immediately, Concubine Yongyue soared into the sky and flew towards Xia Mu City quickly.

At the same time, Concubine Yongyue sent a message to Shizaki Kuangsan: "The station has been attacked, I will fly back first, and you will come back too."

"Ah, what an unexpected result, I know." Tokisaki Kurumi quickly replied to the message.


Outside the main entrance of God's Sorrow Station.

Doflamingo put his hands in his pockets, his feet were spread wide apart, and he looked ahead in an arrogant posture.

At this moment, their arrival has been discovered by God's Sorrow, and many vampires ran out of it, but Doflamingo didn't intend to take a second look at these vampires.

At this moment, a strong cold air swept out from the station in front, and turned into ice spears with a single stroke, and directly passed the others to come to him.

"Hey, hey, come directly at me, this is not a decent way of entertaining."

Doflamingo laughed, raised his right hand in front of his eyes, closed his middle finger and little finger, and stood upright his other fingers, and gently swiped in front of him, as if he had done nothing, but all the ice spears that flew towards him collapsed It broke.

Accompanied by the scattering of ice chips, people could vaguely see lines emerging from in front of Doflamingo.

As an ability user of the thread fruit, Doflamingo can control the invisible thread with the fine manipulation of his fingers, thereby showing super lethality.

"Entertainment? You also deserve to be entertained by God's Sorrow?"

Accompanied by the sound, a tall figure came out. She was wearing a white skirt military uniform, a military cap of the same style, and a pair of knee-high white boots. She was tall and plump, with a cold and beautiful appearance. Her long silver-blue hair fell down to her thighs.

Esdeth came slowly, his whole body was covered with cold air, the ground creaked as he passed, and the frost condensed out, turning the large area of ​​the ground into ice blue, which brought a strong sense of oppression!

"Esdece." Doflamingo looked at the person coming, and said to a person next to him: "Crocodile, let this guy be dealt with by you. I will go to the back door of the God's Sorrow station to attack and find some hostages along the way."

"Whatever." Crocodile had no objection.

"Then I'll go first, don't fail." Doflamingo walked away with a smile on his face.

Seeing this, when Esdeth raised his hand, ice picks swept towards him, but Crocodile also shot at this time, and a wave of sand and dust engulfed the ice picks.

As an ability user of the fruit of sand, Crocodile can use sand naturally, and his strength cannot be underestimated.

"Crocodile!" Esdeath's eyes fell on Crocodile.


Crocodile had a cigar in his mouth, puffing out the smoke, and looked at Esdeth indifferently.

Behind Crocodile, there were several subordinates who belonged to him, and they also stood up at this moment.

Daz Bonis, the ability user who cuts the fruit quickly, Jem, the ability user who explodes the fruit, and Mikita, the ability user who uses the light fruit, these are Crocodile's current subordinates.

These people are Crocodile's subordinates in the drama, and they still made such a choice in reality. It may be that they left some friendship when they were filming, but this is someone else's business.But there are only these three people, and the rest belong to Crocodile in the drama, but in reality they have no choice to continue to follow Crocodile.

However, although there are not many people, their power should not be underestimated, especially Crocodile itself is strong enough.

Naturally, she wasn't the only one on Estes' side. Krulu and Huangshumomeixiang stepped forward, and there were still many vampires waiting behind them.

As for Ma Yin, Chi Tong, Leonai, Chelsea, Perona and others, they brought another group of vampires to the back door of the station. Doflamingo led his men around to attack, and they had to Can't prevent.

"Everyone, follow me to wipe them out!" Esdeth said, announcing the start of the battle.

A strong and terrifying aura suddenly spread out in the large open space outside the front door.


At the back door of the station.

Ma Yin, who is wearing a pink dress and a pink double ponytail, is lying on the roof at the moment, and the Tegu Romantic Fort Pumpkin in her hand appears in the shape of a machine gun and is aimed at the bottom. She looks left and right very cautiously, looking for the enemy trail.

She had already received news that Doflamingo would bring his subordinates, so she was very solemn in her heart. After all, the strength of those people was not simple at all.


A figure walked over quickly. It was a girl in a British-style uniform, with long orange hair, earphones on her head, and candy in her mouth. It was Chelsea.

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