Facts have proved that he is very successful, and no one expected that he would leave suddenly.As for those who were sold?Doflamingo didn't care if those people lived or died.

It was purely a coincidence that the three of Izumi Sagiri were caught. When Doflamingo was about to evacuate, he saw the three of them and recognized them as people who had joined the fourth sequence of God's Sorrow, so he caught them by the way. gone.

But who is the dark gaze?Just looking at one's eyes can bring a strong sense of threat to oneself, I'm afraid it's not a simple person.

Doflamingo couldn't help thinking about it.

Unknowingly, the Zhongda truck drove out of Xiamu City, and began to drive away on the uninhabited road.

At this moment Diamanti said: "Dover, there is movement!"

Doflamingo looked up.

Diamanti is holding her mobile phone, and there is a surveillance video on it. In the video, two figures can be seen passing by from a high altitude, and it is the concubine Yongyue who is flying with Esdesi.

"Are they coming directly towards us?" Doflamingo immediately shrank his gaze.

They were very cautious. When they left, they left some monitoring equipment along the way, which could monitor the situation everywhere. Unexpectedly, they actually found something.

Judging from the position in the surveillance, the target is not even far away from them.

"Give up this car, let's go straight away!" Doflamingo decisively controlled the driver to stop with a silk thread, and then let his men leave with the three hostages.

Although it seemed that there were only two people chasing after him, Doflamingo didn't dare to be careless. He was watching his eyes secretly around the Grief of God station before, so he couldn't ignore it. He always felt that Grief of God had hidden a lot.

But why did those two people know their location accurately and come after them?

Doflamingo thought for a while, and his eyes fell on the three of Izumi Sagiri, as if he had guessed something.

"Take out all their mobile phones and throw them away. And our own mobile phones, throw them all away." Doflamingo said very clearly and decisively.

Doflamingo's subordinates didn't quite understand what Doflamingo meant, but since Doflamingo said so, they followed suit one by one. Take out your phone and destroy it.

After completing this step, Doflamingo immediately left the place with everyone.


Fei Yongyue took Esdesi's hand and flew quickly.

She held the phone in the other hand, and the real-time map on it was being updated. The three red dots were not far ahead, but the three red dots had stopped before.

"We're almost there." Estes also saw the message on Fei Yongyue's phone.

"Yes, we have to get ready." Fei Yongyue didn't care.


The two quickly flew to their destination and saw a truck parked on the road below. From the air, they could only see a driver lying on the steering wheel in the cockpit of the truck.

Fei Yongyue and Estes landed immediately, checking the truck and the surrounding situation immediately.

"The truck driver is dead. It looks like he was killed by silk thread. This is undoubtedly the work of Doflamingo." Estes made a judgment after checking the situation.

Fei Yongyue didn't speak, but looked inside the carriage, where several mobile phones were stacked on the ground.

Estes walked over and said unexpectedly: "Doflamingo and the others actually knew that we would come? And knew how we found them?"

Just looking at the phones that were put down, Esdeth knew what was going on, and was naturally surprised by such a situation.

Concubine Yongyue picked up the mobile phones of Izumi Sagiri and the others and put them in the Treasure of God. As for the mobile phones of Doflamingo and others, they have been violently distorted into human shapes, and the parts in them are basically scrapped, and have no value.

"They should be nearby." Fei Yongyue looked around and said: "The time when the red dot stops can be determined through the previous positioning. It is not too long before we arrive. Let's look around."

Estes nodded, raised his eyebrows slightly: "Why don't I cause a blizzard, and use the freezing temperature to force Doflamingo and the others out."

"That's not necessary. This may not freeze Doflamingo and the others, but it may freeze Izumi Sagiri and the others... I already have an idea of ​​how to make them show up."

As Fei Yongyue said, she stretched her hand to grab the void, and took out an antique violin from the treasure of God.

Ever since she mastered a certain ability, although she felt that the ability was a bit strange and might be difficult to use, she still prepared a violin in God's Treasure for emergencies, and it can be used at this time.

Under Esdeth's curious gaze, Fei Yongyue flew directly into the air, put the violin on her shoulders, and slowly pulled the violin on it with the bow.

Everything in the Universe·No.15 Movement·Shenming Overture!

This ability can make anyone who hears Fei Yongyue play the violin laugh uncontrollably. It looks like a rather funny ability, but for those who need to hide themselves, it is undoubtedly a big trouble .

Accompanied by the melodious sound of the piano, Estes below first laughed uncontrollably: "Hahahahaha...Altair, your ability...hahahaha...so strange."

She struggled to speak, because she would laugh uncontrollably, which was difficult to control.

And not long after Esdeth laughed, a series of loud laughter came from the mountain not far away.

Concubine Yongyue immediately turned her head and looked over.

found it!


At this time, Doflamingo and the others were a little dazed, they never thought that Fei Yongyue possessed such a strange ability, which forced them to laugh uncontrollably and reveal their whereabouts.

"Hahaha, this Altair, hahaha, is not easy, hahaha, mastering this kind of ability, hahaha, makes people think deeply...hahahaha."

Doflamingo barely spoke.

In his impression, Concubine Yongyue shouldn't have such an ability at all, but showing such an ability at this moment can be called extremely frightening.

If the other party can continue to gain abilities in reality, it would not be a good thing for any actor, such news leaked enough to shock the world.

Thinking of this, Brother Doflaming touched his body subconsciously, wanting to take out his mobile phone to send out the news, but at this moment he realized that his mobile phone had been thrown away before... There is no way, he can only leave this place first, and then spread this message to the outside world.

He looked around, besides himself, his three subordinates also laughed uncontrollably.As for the three captured hostages, they were all unconscious at the moment, obviously unable to notice the surrounding situation.

"Hahaha, Dover, hahaha, do you want a fight? Hahaha, the two of them, haha, we can fight, hahaha..." Diamanti asked while smiling.

Hearing the sound of the violin getting closer, Doflamingo shook his head: "Hahaha, don't play."

He reluctantly spoke, explaining that Concubine Yongyue can continue to acquire abilities in reality, and said that it has become easier to solve God's Sorrow, he just needs to leave here and announce the news about it, then The enemies of God's Sorrow will definitely increase significantly.

After all, who would allow a future god to override them?It is almost inevitable that Altair, who has endless potential, will become the god of all in the future, right?

And even though only Fei Yongyue and Esdesi are the ones I see now, it is not 100% certain whether they are the only ones here, and there may be someone hiding.

After various considerations, Doflamingo chose to retreat.

He turned around directly, grabbed Ying Lili with one hand, and Mai Sakurajima with the other, and said to everyone: "Then we will leave separately."

After finishing speaking, Doflamingo left quickly.

After hearing the words, the three Diamanti who stayed behind looked at each other, but Diamanti moved the fastest, rushed over, grabbed Izumi Sagiri as a hostage, and ran in one direction.

Seeing this, the remaining Pica and Torrebol couldn't help but glance at each other.

In this case, if there is a hostage in hand, it will undoubtedly be able to deal with the situation more calmly, but Doflamingo and Diamanti have already taken all the hostages away, so what should they do?

They are naturally dissatisfied with this, but at this moment, can they take hostages regardless of the occasion?Now is clearly not the time for infighting.There is no way, the two can only spread out and escape.


When Fei Yongyue and Esdeth chased after him, Doflamingo was no longer in sight, but three other figures scattered and fled.

Fei Yongyue walked towards Diamanti who held Izumi Sagiri hostage without hesitation, and said, "Esdes, I will leave the other two guys to you. Although they ran separately, For you, it should not be a problem to solve them all, right?"

"Of course there is no problem." Estes smiled.

The two separated immediately.

Fei Yongyue flew quickly from high altitude, and soon caught up with Diamanti's head.

This situation was naturally noticed by Diamanti. He looked up, and immediately picked up the weapon in his hand and placed it next to Izumi Sagiri's head: "Don't come here, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

Seeing this concubine Yongyue's eyes revealed a look of sarcasm.

Everything in the Universe·The Third Movement·Exhibition of Appearance!

Concubine Yongyue had a thought, and the weapon in Diamanti's hand, and even all foreign objects on her body, turned into rose petals and scattered away.


Accompanied by the fluttering rose petals, Diamanti's eyes widened in surprise, and before he could do anything, Fei Yongyue had already landed behind Diamanti, holding a saber on Diamanti's body. next to the neck.

"Where's Doflamingo?" Fei Yongyue asked in a deep voice.

"I... I don't know, we escaped separately." Diamanti raised her hands and swallowed her saliva secretly.

He didn't expect that the gap between himself and Concubine Yongyue was so huge, and he fell into such helpless passivity after just meeting each other.

"Why do you know that I and Estes will come?" Fei Yongyue asked again.

"Because there is surveillance." Diamanti replied subconsciously when she sensed that the saber was getting closer to her.


Fei Yongyue understood that she and Esdesi were chasing too quickly, even using cognitive impairment was useless, and her whereabouts were still exposed.

Although the ability of cognitive impairment can make the existence of himself and Esthers reasonable, it will be automatically broken if a battle occurs.Although flying is not the same as fighting, if the flying speed is too fast, the power generated will still break the cognitive barrier. She was in a hurry before, and the flying speed was so fast that the cognitive barrier could not work .

Knowing the situation, the concubine Yongyue didn't intend to waste any more time. With a slash of the saber in her hand, accompanied by splashes of blood, she sent Diamanti to bid farewell to this world on the spot without any mercy.

Afterwards, Concubine Yongyue made a superficial view, which released all the silk threads that bound Hequan Sagiri, and restored Hequan Sagiri to freedom.

At this time, Izumi Sagiri had just woken up from the coma, and when she saw Concubine Yongyue's appearance, her eyes turned red, and she stepped forward and hugged Concubine Yongyue, looking terrified.

"Altair... scared me to death, I thought I was going to die."

Fei Yongyue patted Hequan Sagiri on the head and said: "Don't worry, everything has been resolved, you just wait where you are, I will go to Doflamingo first."

Hequan Shawu nodded her head, and let go of Concubine Yongyue.

Fei Yongyue soared into the sky again, looking for the biggest target.


In the distance, Doflamingo ran away for a distance and stopped, looking at his hands.

The left hand is Ying Lili, the hostage I captured, and it has been tightly bound with silk thread. The right hand... what is the right hand?

Doflamingo remembered that he took two hostages from God's Sorrow during this trip, one was Izumi Sagiri and the other was Eriri. After leaving Izumi Sagiri to his subordinates as a hostage, he took Eiriri as a hostage and left.

Thinking of this, he took back the silk thread in his right hand by the way.

"Altair? Hey, I already know your secret. When the news comes out, you will be dead."

Doflamingo was very excited, grabbed Ying Lili and searched for a suitable hiding place nearby.

Because there is an open area ahead, there is no better place to hide, so he plans to find a place nearby to hide for a while.

When Doflamingo left with Eriri, Mai Sakurajima was a little dazed.

She was in a coma and didn't hear the overture of Shenming. She was woken up by shaking when Doflamingo carried her away, but she never thought that shortly after waking up, she would be awakened by Doflamingo. ignored.

Is this Puberty Syndrome?

Mai Sakurajima thought of the setting about herself, and couldn't help but look a little complicated. She didn't expect that this troublesome setting would help her at this time.

Doflamingo has forgotten her existence, what about the rest?

Inexplicably, Sakurajima Mai felt some fear again.

"I have to calm down. Yinglili is still in the hands of Doflamingo. Only at this time can I help her!"

Mai Sakurajima calmed herself down.

She was wearing a white shirt, a brown knitted vest, a black short skirt and black pantyhose, her long black hair was scattered naturally, she looked exquisite and beautiful, even in this embarrassing moment, she still had a lot of Good image, idol temperament lingering.

She looked at the situation on Doflamingo's side, and found that Doflamingo cut a rock with a width of about ten meters from the mountain with silk thread, hollowed it out, and then carried Ying Lili into the dug After getting out of the rock, he dragged the hollowed out rock back into the hollow of the mountain, and covered himself tightly. If he passed by from the outside, he would not be able to detect anything strange here.

As for the issue of Shenming Overture, Doflamingo also has a way to deal with it, that is to block his mouth, so that he doesn't have to worry about being exposed.

It's just that Doflamingo never expected that he would forget such an existence as Mai Sakurajima.

Seeing that Doflamingo was hiding, Mai Sakurajima rummaged through the pockets of her skirt and took out a lighter.

When she went to the mall with Ying Lili and Izumi Sagiri, she planned to buy some fireworks, so she had a lighter she had just bought.

After looking around, Mai Sakurajima immediately collected some matches and piled them together, put many dry leaves on them, and then lit the leaves with a lighter to make the fire ignite, and a black smoke rose like this.

I hope it works.

Mai Sakurajima looked forward to it.

Chapter 121 The Absolute Victory of the Vanisher (8W more)

Fei Yongyue flew high in the sky, looking down at the situation below, a violin appeared in her hand, she played a few times from time to time, listening to whether there would be laughter coming from below.

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