What is this.

Mai Sakurajima was very depressed, but at this moment she had no choice but to take a deep breath, lowered her head and had an intimate contact with Concubine Yongyue like a superficial touch.

Now that the mark of the kiss has been eliminated, he can only let the mark of the kiss be imprinted on himself again.

After the kiss, Mai Sakurajima shook her hand: "Altair, you should be able to notice me now, right?"

Mai Sakurajima looked at Concubine Yongyue, but Concubine Yongyue continued to watch the short video, as if she didn't notice her existence at all, which made her heart panic.

Why can't the mark of the kiss work?

Even if the rest of the people had forgotten her existence before, at least with the connection of the kiss mark, Altair was able to see him, why can't he now?

Even if only one person can remember himself, that is better than being forgotten by the whole world.

"Altair, think of me quickly."

Mai Sakurajima was very unwilling, she just messed around with Concubine Yongyue, leaving traces of herself on Concubine Yongyue's face and lips.

Chapter 123 Upheaval

At this time, Mai Sakurajima got a little messy because of her inner urgency.

However, she didn't understand the point of the mark of the kiss. She didn't know that it required her to enter a state of shyness. Instead, because of her inner panic, she completely forgot what shyness was, so she couldn't trigger the mark of the kiss.

After a long time, Mai Sakurajima stopped in despair.

It's over, this time even Altair has forgotten himself, and he can't remember himself anymore, he is really finished.

Mai Sakurajima sat down beside her in a daze, not knowing what to do for a while.

She just sat there blankly, and all kinds of pictures in her past life emerged in her mind one after another like a revolving lantern, as if her life should come to an end.

"How can I make Kuang San shy? Afterwards, I can't keep my strength when I face Akainu, right?"

At this time, Mai Sakurajima heard Concubine Yongyue's voice.


Mai Sakurajima seems to have captured the key words. At this time, I recalled it carefully. I thought of the situation when Fei Yongyue explained the ability of the mark of kiss to Ying Lili. It seems that she said to make the target shy?

"So it is!"

Mai Sakurajima suddenly came over, and immediately knew what to do.

But when she already understood the essence of the matter, it was really difficult to make her shy on purpose. At this time, shyness must be from the heart to be effective, right?

Thinking of this, Mai Sakurajima gritted her teeth and straddled Concubine Yongyue.

It is amazing to say that when one's own existence disappears, the other party is unaware of the touch that occurs to others.

After straddling Concubine Yongyue's lap, Sakurajima Mai was already a little embarrassed by this posture, but still took a deep breath, hugged Concubine Yongyue tightly, and then lowered her head to have intimate contact with Concubine Yongyue. During this process, she felt her body temperature was rising.

What a shame...

Concubine Yongyue was scrolling through the short video, and felt a little more weight on her body as she swiped, and looked in front of her, Mai Sakurajima was slightly closing her eyes, immersed in something.

Concubine Yongyue: "..."

All the memories she had forgotten before were restored at this moment, and looking at Mai Sakurajima's actions, she naturally knew that the other party was re-establishing the relationship with her with the mark of the kiss.

It turned out that when I used the abstract source, what I removed was the setting of the mark of the kiss?

Thinking to herself, Fei Yongyue patted Mai Sakurajima, signaling to the other party that she could already detect the other party now, so she could stop.Although the taste of doing this kind of thing is quite good, Fei Yongyue knows that the other party needs a result more now.

Accompanied by Fei Yongyue's movements, Mai Sakurajima jumped up like a frightened bunny, and stood aside with a blushing face.

Seeing Concubine Yongyue looking at her, Sakurajima Mai, who knew that she had been remembered again, finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then stammered: "I... I kissed many times just now, but it didn't work, so I have no choice but to be like this."

Concubine Yongyue could feel this, she always felt moist on many parts of her face.

"I understand." After wiping her face, Concubine Yongyue signaled Mai Sakurajima not to be nervous, and then said: "From the previous situation, it is the setting of the mark of kiss that was removed by the abstract source, so it is will become like this."

"Altair, can you make the abstract source only clear the setting of puberty syndrome?" Mai Sakurajima asked expectantly.

"I can't do it." Fei Yongyue shook her head and said, "At present, this ability can only clear the latest settings, and I can't choose to delete a certain setting. The reason for this is because I am not strong enough. I can only continue to play Altair, let the time become longer, and make the abstract origin slowly strengthen to a certain level before I can specify to clear a certain setting."

"...Is that so?" Mai Sakurajima couldn't help being a little disappointed by this answer.

Although judging from the results, as long as there is enough time, she can still be remembered by everyone in the future, but this also means that in a short period of time, only the person in front of her can remember herself.

"Don't worry." Concubine Yongyue looked at Mai Sakurajima and comforted: "No matter what, at least I still remember you, don't I?"

"But you just forgot about me."

"That's because I lost the imprint of the kiss. As long as the imprint is still there, I won't forget you, will I?"


Mai Sakurajima was silent.

But no matter what, it's better to be remembered by one person than to be forgotten by everyone?

In the fan drama, Mai Sakurajima, whose existence disappeared, finally regained her existence by relying on the rest of the characters to confess loudly to the teachers and students in the school. She didn’t know if this kind of thing could be done in reality, but it seems to be very difficult for Altair to confess herself, right?

"Let's go out for a walk."

Concubine Yongyue got up, pulled Mai Sakurajima and walked out.

"What are we going to do?" Sakurajima Mai asked involuntarily.

"I'll try to tell others about your existence, and see if I can remind everyone of you." Fei Yongyue said with a slight smile.

Mai Sakurajima nodded upon hearing that.

If it can be remembered by everyone, it is undoubtedly a good thing.


But reality will never be as good as imagined.

Next, Concubine Yongyue took Mai Sakurajima to meet many people and mentioned the existence of Mai Sakurajima, but no one knew that there was such a person.

Concubine Yongyue even told everyone about Mai Sakurajima's setting, to let everyone know that there is a person who should know that everyone has forgotten, but it can only temporarily give everyone the impression that "people who know him can't observe or remember it".

After spending an afternoon without any useful results, Fei Yongyue had to give up.

She took Mai Sakurajima back to the office, and said to Mai Sakurajima: "Next, I will request that your original room remain vacant, and you can continue to live there. As for food, you can only go to the cafeteria by yourself After eating, no one will cook for you, but you can cook for yourself, and just put the tableware there after eating. At least, let’s live in this way for a short time.”

"I see." Mai Sakurajima nodded helplessly.

She doesn't have much choice.


Night falls.

The neon lights in Xiamu City are flickering, like a river of stars, which is extraordinarily bright.

The resident of God's Sorrow is still brightly lit, and there are voices of communication in many places.Nowadays, the development of God's Sorrow is getting better and better, and many people live in the resident, which makes the popularity here always very strong.

Since God's Sorrow was established and had a residence, Fei Yongyue and others basically lived in the residence, and did not go to Misaka Mikoto's house anymore. Everyone has their own bedroom in the residence.

Concubine Yongyue's bedroom is right next to her office. You can enter from the office by opening the door. The bedroom is also connected to the bathroom, toilet and other places.

Concubine Yongyue had just finished her bath, and she came out wearing a white bathrobe, her long silver-white hair was naturally scattered, and her usual solemn feeling was a little less, and a little more graceful.

She glanced across the office, there were two other people besides herself.

One is naturally Tokisaki Kurumi, sitting there leisurely looking at the book, with a delicate appearance and intoxicating eyes.

The other is Mai Sakurajima.

For Mai Sakurajima, when other people can't see her, she will feel lonely no matter where she goes, and it's better to stay with Fei Yongyue, at least Fei Yongyue can see herself.

Seeing Concubine Yongyue approaching, Sakurajima Mai greeted immediately: "Altair."

Concubine Yongyue nodded.

Even if Concubine Yongyue won't give any enthusiastic response, Mai Sakurajima is very satisfied just to recognize herself.

Concubine Yongyue came to her seat and sat down. From the open window not far away, the night wind blew in in gusts, making her hair dance lightly, and her skin felt a little bit of coolness.

"Altair." Tokisaki Kuumo put down the book in his hand and said, "There is still no response from the Navy Headquarters, shall we just wait forever?"

"The Navy Headquarters is thinking about occupying Haiyun City, so there is no response from our side. You don't need to be too anxious." Fei Yongyue said.

Regarding the situation at the Navy Headquarters, Fei Yongyue can naturally learn about it through Misaka Mikoto, after all Misaka Mikoto is in Haiyun City.

It is worth mentioning that the Actors Association is really busy. Not long after Emiya Shiro and his group arrived in Haiyun City, because the rest of the city needed help, a large number of people left in a hurry, leaving only a small number of people staying in Haiyun City.

Misaka Mikoto is the one who stayed behind.

But Irena went to other cities with the others.

Therefore, Misaka Mikoto will feel very bored, and has been complaining about her life in the first sequence chat group.

And not long ago, the Navy Headquarters found people from the Haiyun City Actors Association branch, and proposed to let the actors' association give up their territory and hand over Haiyun City to the Navy Headquarters for management.

The Actors Association did not agree to this, and the two sides were wrangling, and Misaka Mikoto was the one in charge of wrangling, and there were quite a lot of complaints about it.

"The people at Navy Headquarters are really annoying. They come several times a day, but they refuse to give up." Misaka Mikoto said in the group.

Although the Actors Association can't manage too many cities at the same time, and Haiyun City doesn't have to occupy it, the current Navy Headquarters gives the Actors Association a feeling of untrustworthiness. After all, there was Moonlight Moria who created the zombie army before. The matter of killing and imprisoning many people is why the Actors Association has not compromised on this matter.

Of course, Misaka Mikoto, as the person in charge of the Actors Association in Haiyun City, was also the main force who disagreed.After all, her true identity is a member of God's Sorrow. With the Navy Headquarters on the opposite side of God's Sorrow, it is impossible for the Navy Headquarters to occupy a prosperous city for development.

Fei Yongyue looked at the communication in the group, and sent a message saying: "Esdes, Krulu, do you know which organization Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua belongs to?"

After the previous contact with Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua, Fei Yongyue also mentioned this matter in the group, hoping to find out the organization behind Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua.

She suspected that this organization was in Xiamu City, so she had to pay attention to it.

Estes quickly answered: "I didn't find the answer here."

Krulu also said: "I don't have this either."

Concubine Yongyue saw this and said: "It's okay, just continue to pay attention to this matter in the future, don't force it."

Judging from the current situation, Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua's organization hasn't made any troubles, and it may not be an enemy, so she is not so eager to deal with it in her heart.

"I just learned a piece of news that made me feel a little uncomfortable." Misaka Mikoto sent a message in the group.

"What's the matter?" Irena, who was far away in other cities, asked curiously.

Misaka Mikoto said: "Everyone knows that after the establishment of various organizations, the members may not all be the original cast members, and many characters from different dramas may be included in the organization, right?"

Everyone knows this.

The most typical is their God's Sorrow, which is not even an organization that existed in the drama.

Misaka Mikoto continued: "Just now I learned that a character from the same drama as me has joined the Navy Headquarters. That character is very unfriendly to me."

"Who is it?" Concubine Yongyue was also curious.

"Kihara Gensei." Misaka Mikoto mentioned the name.

Seeing this name, an image of a person immediately appeared in everyone's minds.

It was an old man who looked like he was about to die, but he was a very good scientist. In the drama, he almost put the character of Misaka Mikoto to death. In the end, he relied on others to save Misaka Mikoto.

"This guy actually joined the Navy Headquarters? Became a scientist in the Navy Headquarters? This combination always gives people a bad feeling." Bronya said with a rare bubbling, all worried.

Anti-entropy, the organization she belongs to, attaches great importance to scientists, so it will not ignore the well-known scientists in the drama, especially Kihara Gensei is not a kind scientist.

"Is it this guy? If that's the case, Misaka Mikoto, you have to be careful, maybe he's after you." Seeing this, Ma Yin kindly reminded her.

"Don't worry, I am familiar with the situation in the drama, and there will be no accidents. Besides, there is no Misaka Network in reality, so it will not affect me at all." Misaka Mikoto said confidently.

In the fan drama, the character of Misaka Mikoto once created more than 1 clones because of an experiment, and those clones are collectively called Misaka sisters.And these Misaka sisters can be connected with each other, and that kind of connection is called the Misaka network.Because Misaka Mikoto is the body of all Misaka sisters, this Misaka network can also have an impact on Misaka Mikoto.In the drama, Kihara Gensei once used Misaka Network to hurt Misaka Mikoto.

But for Misaka Mikoto, both Misaka Mikoto herself and Misaka sister are played by herself, which means that there will be no Misaka sister in reality.In fact, she didn't sense the existence of Misaka Network either.

As soon as everyone heard that Misaka Mikoto didn't feel Misaka Network, they stopped worrying about this issue.

Looking at the exchanges in the chat group, Fei Yongyue couldn't help thinking.

What she was thinking about was another question, which was the question that the Navy Headquarters wanted to acquire Haiyun City, but the Actors Association refused to give it. What would happen under such a situation?

If it were me, I would have to take down Haiyun City no matter what, because the geographical location of that city is too critical for the Navy Headquarters, and it is the closest city to the Navy Headquarters.

Thinking about it this way, Fei Yongyue made a decision, and said in the group: "Next, I will go to Haiyun City with Tokisaki Kurumi."

Misaka Mikoto asked in surprise, "Altair, are you coming?"

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