
Today, the weather in Xiamu City is relatively cool, with gusts of wind constantly blowing high in the sky.

Concubine Yongyue flew under the blessing of cognitive impairment, and arrived at her destination in a short time, which was the roof of a restaurant, where she saw her target.

Does the other party like to stay on the roof?

With such thoughts in mind, Fei Yongyue landed.

As if sensing someone coming, the girl on the roof also turned around.

The girl's short purple hair was tied into a side braid with a yellow hair tie, her upper body was wearing a buttoned black coat, her lower body was a red plaid skirt, and her legs were wearing black knee socks.On the delicate face, the right eye is covered by a white eyepatch, and the left eye is green.

There is no doubt that this is Little Bird Touring Liuhua.

Seeing Concubine Yongyue appear, Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua laughed "kekeke": "Princess in military uniform, you appear here, are you also looking for the invisible boundary line?"

The so-called invisible boundary line is just a situation imagined by Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua, who suffers from the second-degree illness, and Fei Yongyue will not take Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua's quotations seriously.

"I'm here for you, True Eye of the Evil King." Concubine Yongyue said in a deep voice.

"Explain your reason for coming, princess in military uniform, I have a feeling that in the future on the other side of chaos, you will be my comrade in arms, so I am willing to listen to your words." Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua said with a smile on his face.

Although it was not the first time facing Xiaoniao Youliuhua, Fei Yongyue still felt uncomfortable when facing this girl, but it seemed that the other party didn't have that discomfort, and it seemed that she was very adapted to this way of speaking.

Without thinking too much, Concubine Yongyue mentioned the serious matter: "Xie Wang Zhenyan, I want to know what is the organization behind you."

"I have already answered these questions last time, princess in military uniform, this is not something you can know." Little Bird You Liuhua refused mercilessly.

"Xie Wang Zhenyan, do you know that there have been cases of missing residents in Xiamu City recently? In Xiamu City, apart from God's Sorrow, the only organization formed behind you is the organization behind you. Do you know about this?" Concubine Yongyue asked in a deep voice.

Chapter 128 The True Eye of the Evil King

This question made Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua startled, then shook his head and said, "I've never heard of such a thing, maybe some monsters from the realm of darkness have begun to erode this world."

"I suspect that this matter has something to do with the organization behind you. You must tell me about the organization behind you." Concubine Yongyue looked at Xiaoniaoyouliuhua.

"Unfortunately, I can't agree to your request." Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua shook his head: "I still have a lot of matters to attend to, so I won't communicate with you any more, princess in military uniform."

Speaking of which, Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua turned around and planned to leave.

However, with the sound of "Qing Qiang Qiang", a handful of sabers flew towards him, directly blocking Xiao Niao You Liu Hua's body, preventing Xiao Niao You Liu Hua from leaving.

Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua turned around and looked at Concubine Yongyue.

Concubine Yongyue said seriously: "Although your existence last time indirectly helped God's sorrow, we should not be hostile to you. But this matter cannot be ignored. It concerns the safety of many residents of Xiamu City, so you must inform me of the organization behind you."

"Even if something bad happened in Xiamu City, why must it be related to my organization?" Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua asked back.

"I'm not 100% sure, but I need to know any clues. The only clues now are the organization behind you, so you should let me know whether you are innocent. Maybe you won't do bad things, but is it the same for other people in your organization? Do you know enough about them?" Fei Yongyue asked in a deep voice.

Xiaoniao Youliuhua said seriously: "The organization I belong to, and the companions I know, naturally there is no problem. Princess in military uniform, I can't give you what you want to know."

"This kind of thing is not something you can't just say. As the ruler of Xiamu City, I am responsible for the safety of the residents under my command. Can you understand what I mean?" Fei Yongyue's eyes were firm.

Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua looked at Fei Yongyue's eyes and nodded: "I understand."

As she said that, she directly bit her thumb, causing a drop of blood to flow out. Then, with a wave of her hand, she held the drop of blood coagulation in her hand, and with the red light sweeping out, it turned into a huge black weapon in her hand.

She could see that if she couldn't give a satisfactory answer this time, Fei Yongyue would not let her go, so after she refused, she decisively put on a fighting posture.

"I'm very grateful for your indirect help in the past, but I can't just sit back and watch the residents of Xiamu City have accidents, so you can't talk about some things." Fei Yongyue walked over step by step as she said.

When she stepped forward, the momentum exuded from many battles on her body also surged, with a rather fierce feeling, which was not something that someone who had no strength but had not experienced too many battles could parry.

Just feeling Fei Yongyue's aura, Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua had a feeling that this was this person, and he was not an opponent.


Xiaoniao Youliuhua gave a yell, swung the huge weapon with a strange shape in his hand, and slashed directly towards Fei Yongyue's void. For a while, red, blue, yellow, purple... all kinds of slashing attacks whizzed out, covering Fei Yongyue in it at once.


Seeing this concubine Yongyue flying directly into the air, avoiding these attacks, but when the many attacks landed on the roof of the tall building, there was an extremely loud roar, which made the huge tall building tremble, and the top few floors were directly lifted up.

Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua's attack didn't seem strong, but the destructive power it caused was quite astonishing.

Seeing a large number of broken stones falling from the sky, Fei Yongyue shrank her eyes, because the area below is a bustling area, and there are many pedestrians going back and forth. If these stones fall, it will definitely hurt many people.

Under such circumstances, Fei Yongyue could only quickly display her appearance, covering a large area of ​​falling stones all at once, causing these stones to turn into flying petals and fall down.

After completing this step, Fei Yongyue raised her head and looked at Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua's position, but at this time Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua had disappeared.

"Escape so fast?"

Concubine Yongyue was also surprised by such a situation, she subconsciously wanted to perform Shenming Prelude, but seeing that many people below had already looked up, she put it down after thinking about it.

When fighting in her own city, there will be such a situation of restraint, which is why she wants to find out all the actors in Xiamu City who do not belong to her side, otherwise, if some troubles are caused someday, it will be extremely headache.

Taking out her mobile phone, Fei Yongyue sent a message to Krulu: "Xiao Niao You Liu Hua escaped, continue to look for her, and everyone else who is an actor."

"I see." Cruru quickly replied.


At the same time, Xiaoniao Youliuhua hid in a bush of flowers.

She looked up, but she didn't see Concubine Yongyue's figure again, so she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, the aura that Concubine Yongyue showed just now really shocked her.

After relaxing, Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua couldn't help but think about what Concubine Yongyue said just now.

Has someone disappeared in Xiamu City recently?

Who could have done it?

Shouldn't someone in your organization do it?

Just as Xiaoniao Youliuhua was thinking this way, she thought of another sentence Fei Yongyue said, and asked her if she really knew the rest of the organization?

She said she believed in the rest of the organization, but in reality, she really didn't know the rest.

It is impossible for someone to watch all the dramas that have appeared. Although Xiaoniaoyouliuhua has watched many dramas, she has never watched the dramas related to the members of her organization, and she has not made up for them, because when getting along with everyone, everyone behaves like a decent person.

"It's a bit of a headache. Was it affected by the breath of the demon world when the entrance to the demon world was sealed last time?"

Xiaoniao Youliuhua clutched her head, thinking of the last time the sewer cover was closed... Ah no, thinking of the last time the entrance to the Demon World was sealed, when I was suffocated by the stench below, every time I thought about it, I felt a headache.

Withdrawing her attention, she rethought Concubine Yongyue's words, and decided to go home and watch the dramas related to the members of her organization. Although she thought that everyone should not be a bad person, even if she wanted to know everyone better, she still had to watch it. Watch everyone's shows.

Thinking of this, Xiaoniao Youliuhua went home cautiously, without letting anyone see him again.

Her residence is an ordinary apartment, and she currently lives alone.

After returning home, Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua came to his room, turned on the computer and searched the names of the members of the same organization. As long as there are names, you can know which drama they are from.


Xiaoniaoyouliuhua enter information in this way to search.

There are too many people named Hades, and there are people with this name in many dramas, so Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua looked at different pictures of Hades, and recognized the leader of his organization, that is called Hardy Who is Hades.

"Prechto?" Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua tilted his head.

According to the information she found, the leader of her organization should be named Prechto, and Hades is a nickname from a drama called "Fairy Tail".

Thinking of Xiaotiao Youliuhua, she searched for "Fairy Tail", intending to read it for information, but after seeing hundreds of episodes, she gave up this plan.

Just look at the encyclopedia to find out.

Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua clicked on a website called Moemeipedia, searched for Prechto, and soon relevant information emerged, describing some of Prechto's performances in the drama.

Looking at it, Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua's expression inevitably changed.

Because according to these descriptions, Prechto is clearly a villain.

What about the rest?What about the rest?

Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua quickly entered the names of the other members of the organization into the Moemei Encyclopedia, and searched them one by one. As they searched one by one, his face became paler and paler.

The villain!

Still a villain!

Everyone is a villain!

This situation made Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua feel a little flustered, because it was completely beyond expectations.

"Six Flowers!"

Just then, an old voice came from behind.

The sudden sound startled Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua, she quickly turned around to look, only to find that there was an extra person in her room at some point.

This is an old man with long white hair and beard, wearing a black eye patch on his right eye, wearing a red jacket, beige trousers, and a black cloak, giving off a strong aura a feeling of.

This person is Prechto!

When Prechto appeared, he also looked at Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua's computer, and said unhurriedly with a smile: "Liuhua, it seems that you finally know that we are all villains. I made you think that we are all good people. I'm really sorry."

Xiaoniao Youliuhua looked at Prechto: "O caretaker of darkness, have you really fallen into the abyss?"

Prechto smiled and said: "Liuhua, do you think that a character who is a villain in the drama must also be a villain in reality? If so, the current ruler of Xiamu City, Altair, also exists as a villain, right? But not many people think she is a villain now, right?"

Hearing the words, Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua was startled, and felt that what Prechto said was very reasonable.

"O patron of darkness, even though you are deeply in the darkness, you still have a heart for the light, then my evil king's true eyes will definitely bring you to the world of light." Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua said with a smile.

"That's right, we are all villains with a bright heart." Prechto also had a smile on his face.

As for the rest of the organization being villains, that seems to be the case.

Xiaoniao Youliuhua then asked: "O patron of darkness, why are you here to see me? Is there another seal from the demon world ready to move?"

For Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua's way of speaking, Prechto has already gotten used to it.

He smiled and said, "I just want to ask your other friends, when will they come?"

"Did the Thunder Hammer make them? They got lost in the dark place, but I believe that as my partners, they will come when I need them." Xiaoniao Youliuhua replied.

The people she was talking about were the rest of the second-year-old patients in "The Second-Second Disease Wants to Fall in Love".

Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua, who is a patient with the second disease, has mastered the ability, so the rest of the people can undoubtedly master the ability, and Prechto once said to Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua that he wants to develop the organization even stronger , so she needs to call everyone she knows to join the organization, and Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua also agreed.

"Lost in a dark place? I understand, and I believe they will come soon." Prechto smiled, knowing that those people probably lost their way at night.

But as an actor with extraordinary strength, it doesn't matter if he gets lost.

"I'm just asking this question. Now that I understand the situation, I'll go first. Goodbye." Prechto turned and walked outside with a smile.

Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua didn't speak, just watched Prechto leave, and she was relieved when Prechto left the apartment where she was.

Did she believe what Prechto said?

No, it was hard for her to believe it.

What Fei Yongyue said about someone missing in Xiamu City resurfaced in her mind.

She clutched her head and thought about it. Compared with Prechto and others who are not bad guys at present, the people on the side of God's Sorrow have fully proved that they are not bad people, so God's Sorrow may be more trustworthy.

In that case...

Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua intends to meet Concubine Yongyue and explain the situation of his organization a little bit.Although she didn't want to say it at first, her opinion changed after she made new discoveries.

Even if one unilaterally believes that the rest of the organization will not do bad things, who knows the truth?

In short, Xiaoniao Youliuhua has no sense of security after discovering some truths.

Not only for myself, but also for the rest of my companions who are about to come to Xiamu City, I have to figure out this kind of thing.

At that moment, Xiaotiao Youliuhua left the apartment and quietly went to the residence of God's Sorrow.


Xiaoniao Youliuhua wore a hat and a mask to cover up his appearance, walking on the street.

"My true face, mortals can't see it, otherwise they will suffer from it."

Pulling on his mask, Xiaoniao Youliuhua quickened his pace.

Just when she walked halfway and passed an alley, a sense of danger suddenly emerged from the depths of Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua's heart.

The next moment, with the sound of piercing through the sky, diamond-shaped white lights connected to each other appeared in front of her eyes like a chain, binding her whole body with a crash.


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