Who knows?Anyway, under the white snow, he was almost left in human form.

After all, Nian doesn't care about all this.

"Save people, take revenge."

The young swordsman said in the sonorous voice.

"Tsk... Trouble." Nian became even more helpless, "You should explain clearly."

"Save people, take revenge."


"Save people, take revenge."

No matter how Nian asked, the young swordsman's answer was only four words: "Save people, take revenge".

He was already unable to say any more... These four words were the strength that supported him until now.

Nian couldn't help but think of the kid's appearance.

He used to be so stubborn...

But in the final analysis, she just doesn't care about the reason why the boy begged for the sword.

After all, is it a common thing in the world, kindness and resentment...

She has seen too many people die because of grievances, and there is one more recently.

Thinking of this, Nian thought of more things that upset her.This made her even more irritable.

Because it was too troublesome, Nian raised her hand, and the matter gathered into the shape of a sword in her hand, and with another shake, a sword appeared in her hand.

"Take it!" Nian threw the sword to the boy.

But he didn't pick it up, and still maintained his original posture.Until the sword fell in front of him, he stretched out his hand slowly like a tortoise, and picked up the sword...

"You can't afford this sword anyway, so I can only lend it to you, and you must return it after a hundred days."

Nian said casually.

To be honest, even if the boy doesn't return the sword, it doesn't matter.

"Mr. Xie."

The boy's movements were still as slow, but with a bit more vitality.

He bent down his upper body, which was originally firm, and kowtowed repeatedly in the snow.

...Do all human beings look like this?

Stubborn to scary!

"Let's go." Nian flicked his sleeves, no longer intending to communicate with this person.

"I have one more thing to ask—" The young man had recovered his sanity at this time, and the sword in his hand might have made the flame in his heart burn more vigorously, thus dispelling the ice in his body and mind.

"Why do you ask so much? Are you annoying?"

"I can't move now... I wonder if Mr. can send me down the mountain... Even if you throw me down, it will be fine."

Nian turned around abruptly and stared at the boy carefully.

"Saving people, revenge?"

She repeated what the boy had said earlier.


The boy responded firmly.

"it is good."



Why are people here again?

Annoyed for years.

Not long after that strange boy was sent away by him, another person came here.

This voice is very familiar.

"I'm Long Shuwen from Si Suitai, I'm here to inform you—"

Si Sui Tai?

Long Shuwen...wasn't this guy half disabled by Zhang Yuting?

The mind of the year was confused.

The people at Si Sui Tai are looking for themselves...

Either it was because of her own affairs—and she had been silent for the past few days, and Cao Qin had also resolved the matter of doing something to the Si Suitai people earlier.


It must be the fault of that brat!

Nian kicked open the door violently, and appeared in front of the man in the white exercise uniform with a displeased expression on his face.

"What's the matter?"

"Zhang Yubai's upper body was poisoned for three days at Nianjiangfeng. It was caused by that group of bandits! Not long ago, that group of bandits abducted Zhang Yubai from his home!"

"......What did you say?"


After thinking about it, in fact, there is no need for so much pen and ink to add a sense of fullness to the supporting roles.

Just like Zaratul in Lord of the Mysteries, we have always known that he is a villain, but only "resurrection from death is a miracle" can see his general life.However, this is just speculation.

What we pay attention to is often the psychological journey of the protagonist.

The first volume has now been written.That is to say, in the two chapters after the boss battle, the protagonist and Nian are directly separated.

I was wondering if this would be faster...

The second volume should be written at night.

Volume 41: Sophistication of the world: Chapter 41 Chapter [-]: Enmity and Resentment

"Brother! This cup is for you under the Nine Springs!"

In the valley, in a natural cave, the jade-faced young man held a wine glass in his hand and solemnly said to the tall altar in front of him.

"Brother, today, I will kill the enemy's son to avenge you!"

The jade-faced youth continued.

"Big brother!"

Behind him, there were 39 bandits. They toasted together and shouted at the altar in unison.

"And, from today onwards, your own younger brother, I, will inherit your mantle..."

As he said that, the Yumian youth drank the wine in his cup, "Brothers, do you still remember the day when 100 of us broke away from all the major forces in the rivers and lakes, gathered hundreds of kung fu, and sworn oaths?" ?”

There used to be 100 of them, but due to some accidents, there were only 72 left. Now, in order to encircle and suppress Zhang Yuting, their leader killed another 32 brothers.

"On that day, we made a pledge of eternal love!"

Although the jade-faced young man looks very delicate, he even has a feminine taste.But when it comes to speaking, it is full of masculinity.

He's just plain feminine.

"We agreed that we will create a myth in Jianghu that belongs to our Gang of Hundreds!"

He paused.

"Right now, there are only forty of us left...but there is still a long way to go, come on! After drinking this glass of wine, may we all have a bright future!"

Everyone drank the wine in their glasses at this moment.

Then, they smashed the cups together.

The Yumian young man's surname is Li, and his first name is Wen Cong.

Their previous eldest brother was surnamed Wang and named Ming Cong.

One takes their father's surname and the other takes their mother's.

The husband and wife are not well educated, so they racked their brains to choose these two names, and I don't know if it will look rustic.They only hope that the two children can make achievements in the field of "literature" in the future.

Once upon a time, the elder brother was called big clever, and the younger brother was called little clever.

One big and one small two are smart.

These should have been two lives full of folk tales.

But unfortunately, the two became bandits.

Whether it was forced by life or for other reasons, no one knows.

The wine slid down Li Wencong's neck all the way to his collarbone, and then a few more drops fell.

He raised his head, swallowing his saliva, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

The eldest brother is dead, Xia Changfeng is dead, and that Zhang Yubai is also going to die.

En one head, water one end...

He doesn't know if he's doing the right thing, but...

He had to do it.

I still remember that year, they traveled together in the rivers and lakes.Because they were dissatisfied with the oppression of some existence, the two brothers called on the brothers to rise up and resist the upper class people in the world at that time.

At first they were successful.

But later... they gradually began to forget the most important things in the world.

——Sophistication of the world.

That day they were captured by the imperial court official, Jin Yiwei Commander Zhang Yuting, who killed 28 brothers. Even the elder brother was seriously injured because of him, and even the elders tried to let the rest escape at the expense of themselves.

But to no avail.

In the end, Zhang Yuting gave up chasing and killing them.

Therefore, Wang Mingcong spent ten years, only to avenge his dead brother as he promised.

But he didn't know that he had already been involved in a grievance...

Yes, now, Zhang Yuting is dead, and the elder brother has avenged his elder brother...but in order to avenge his elder brother's death, he found that man's son again...

His wife and children are worse than disaster, he understands the rules, and he also understands that he should let this grievance end here... Moreover, even if he wants to seek revenge, he should not seek this child.

But on the other hand, he also knows that the brothers today have long since lost the enthusiasm of the past... They are about to fall silent.

He needs to ignite them with grudges.

In such a state, no one will consider the authenticity and morality of the grievance...all they need is a goal.

If there is no goal, then they can only be a mess.

In the past, they wanted to change the world, but now... Although this ideal is still there, he understands that this is impossible.


After making arrangements for a while, Li Wencong dispersed the crowd, walked to the kid's cell alone, and smoked a pipe.

Xia Changfeng shouldn't have killed him.

However, if they don't kill him, they can't do it... First of all, they want to kill Zhang Yubai, and Xia Changfeng was saved by Zhang Yuting back then. Even if they don't know the story, they can be sure that A relationship comparable to their previous brotherhood.

Then even if Xia Changfeng didn't take revenge, he would keep that child.

If they killed that child, then Xia Changfeng would avenge that child.

This is grievances...

Cutting constantly, the reasoning is still chaotic.....

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