The flames covered the charred black land covered with origin stone crystals, which looked so strange.

Nian recognized the broken sword.

She was silent.

"Where's Brother Anang? Where's Brother Anang?"

Zhang Yubai cried out.

"He...has already walked out." Nian Qiang smiled.

"He's dead, right? Right!"


Nian silently possessed himself, picked up the sword fragments with one hand, then condensed a box to store them, and walked out of the cave that was about to collapse, holding the crying Zhang Yubai without looking back.

So it it it is...

It was hard for her not to care about it anymore.

If he had known, he should have... given him a good sword.

The explosion was obviously caused by him, with a good sword, maybe he can last a little longer.....

I am sorry.

She didn't know whether the sorry was addressed to the boy or the brat.

After walking out of the cave, Zhang Yubai was still crying, but his voice was softer.

His heart is dead.

Nian knew that everything that happened to this child was irreversible.

In a short period of time, three people around him died...

It's cruel, but indeed, it's all because of him...


After leaving the ruined place, Nian quickly headed towards the town.

The sky has turned crimson, and thunder is rolling.

Natural disasters are coming...

Or rather, it has come.

The meteorite fell to the ground at an extremely fast speed with flames, people cried out, and the buildings built by the craftsmen with painstaking efforts were in danger and crumbling...

This is a natural disaster, enough to destroy everything here.

After all, human beings... no matter how great their spirits are, their bodies still limit their upper limit.

What a sad thing this is.

Insignificant mortals are like ants in front of God's will. Even if they can have the courage to be taller than the sky, they are just like Don Quixote in Casimir's myth.

—However, they rejected their fate.

Under Nian's shocked eyes, the stones gathered like dragons were flying towards the sky above the city. They gathered together, trying to resist the natural disaster that fell that day!

Heavy rocks overlap, covering the sky and blocking out the sun!


No matter how hard the few celestial masters or other Originium skill users try, natural disasters are not something they can resist.

In order to defend the rebuilt city, they are about to give their lives...

But they don't allow it.

As for a certain child, none of this was allowed to happen.

He has lost enough...


At this moment, Zhang Yubai's body in Nian's arms suddenly emitted a ray of light, she quickly moved her gaze down, and suddenly found that his eyes were bursting with golden light!

Exactly the same as back then...

"I don't allow...I don't allow it!"

He cried out angrily.

Facing the blood-stained sky, he showed his final minions.


Don't say anything, ruin the atmosphere.

Volume 45: Sophistication of the world: Chapter 45 Chapter [-]: Turning the world around

Shield, a crimson orange shield.

Immediately afterwards, there was a slowly rising existence similar to a city wall.

Nian's pupils vibrated.

The temperature of the body surface of the child in my arms is constantly rising. This feeling...

Much like a person.

And this man...

It was Nian herself.

"Zhang Yubai! What are you doing!"

Nian immediately stopped Zhang Yubai in his arms.

She doesn't even call him "kid" anymore.

"...I have to do something."

The young unicorn jumped from Nian's arms to the ground tremblingly, his red eye sockets shone with an incomparably majestic golden light.

Qilin's blood flowed in his body, and at the same time, he was also mixed with the composition of the supreme god and giant beast from ancient times.

He is a godman, and he can even be regarded as a long-lived species.

His bloodline is extremely high.

At this moment, he is exerting the power derived from the blood.

"Most of the reason why Dad wants to fight those thieves is for me... The reason why Xia Bo died is to protect me... Brother Anang is to save me... .They were all for 'me'."

Nian knew that the kid in front of him had completely transformed.

Very cruel metamorphosis.

"I never knew what I was carrying... I just knew that this is not the time to lie to myself."

"Sister Nian, I have always understood the meaning of the lone star of Tiansha... Even when I was young, when I met another gentleman with my father, he told me that I was born as a Tiansha Lone Star's system will kill everyone around me when I was a teenager... I just don't believe it, I don't believe it will develop like this. But now? They all If you die... these artisans will die too. They are all for protection... and I have belonged to that protected group from the beginning to the end, so what have I done?"

"The craftsmen's rough faces, simple smiles, and sweat... They are all ordinary people, but they are also giants among the general public... No, really shouldn't! "

"Father said, Jianghu is not about fighting and killing, it's about people's sophistication... It is because of people's sophistication in their hearts that so many things are happening...I will not blame anyone, I will only blame I'm to blame."

"But...why is fate so cold-blooded?"

Zhang Yubai's figure was as firm as a mountain, he was like a hero.Even if he's just a kid.

Step by step, he walked slowly but vigorously towards the center of the natural disaster, the blood-red tide.

The year is clear, this is the pride flowing in his blood.

"What kind of sophistication... What life and death! Why, why do I have to be the lone star of Tiansha? Why do everyone around me suffer from misfortune! Fate took away my father, Xiabo and his son! Now Also take away the lives of the artisans and everything they painstakingly built!"

"And what did I do?"

He resolutely walked towards the center of the natural disaster.

"I was just walking passively in the flow of that damned fate, confused and at a loss, asking others to protect...depending on was precisely because of this dependence that they all died ’” His voice rose, “How can I forgive myself?”

"Everything is because of what I'm carrying... If I can't do something with it, then everything that happens is my fault!"

His eyes, nose, mouth, and even his ears were bleeding.

"I have to do something...I have to do it!"

The barriers that the warlocks worked so hard to condense were vulnerable to the falling meteorites, and after resisting for a while, they began to collapse.

In the face of God's will, they intend to defend with their lives the result of their toil, this symbol of hope...

Unfortunately, they failed.

"There is a big furnace in the sky, ahem... the earth produces hardware, the brilliance of the cold and the quenching of the cold... shines on the clouds!"

He spat out the sentence exuding a thick majesty jerky.

Nian looked at his back complicatedly, trying to stop him, but couldn't move for some reason.

"You, use my authority?"

Zhang Yubai did not respond to her.


The copper pillars rose from the ground, as if they were the four pillars in the legend that supported the entire world. What they supported was a bronze-colored steel plate.

It protected the core area of ​​Shangshu.

Immediately afterwards, countless shields were scattered throughout Shangshu to resist the falling meteorite together.

"It's... not enough!"

Zhang Yubai spit out a mouthful of blood with a wow, he gritted his teeth and stared at the sky——

I saw countless stairs bursting out from the ground, and Zhang Yubai stepped up step by step on the ladder that continued to extend to Tianyuan.

He raised his hand, and it turned out that there was a thunderbolt appearing, and the falling meteorite was shattered abruptly.

"I am Zhang Yubai! There is only one way to turn the tide of the sky! What *Shangshu dialect*'s fate——" He wiped the blood from his mouth, and an angry roar spewed out from his immature throat, he did not look like a child at all Can say, "I! No! Yes! Yes!"

"My God! Shang Shu, Shang Shu...Thanks to God's grace!"

The creatures on the ground fell to their knees.

"Are you all crazy? At this time... are you kneeling down? Stand up! Fight for ourselves!"

At this time, the civil engineering master of the Fengtou tribe roared loudly.

His words awakened everyone's fighting spirit.

Once again they drive the power of the whole body.

Nian watched in shock at what happened before him.

Those people, those rough faces...every one has a determined look.

They are full of determination.....

She understands that there are always creatures on the ground who dare to face the tilted sky.

Just like that Marquis Wu, who knew that there was nothing to be done but did it, went against the general trend of the world, just to save the world that he knew was hopeless...

Humans are a great species through and through.

Zhang Yubai's figure began to tremble, but he never stopped.The golden light in his eyes flickered again and again, and the thunder rolled...

Every time the meteorite fell on the shield he condensed, his body would tremble like being struck by lightning. The moment the existence supported by the pillar was broken, he condensed a new structure to resist.

The blood was flowing, the life was dying, but he didn't want to stop.

He is not afraid of death.

Not afraid at all.

"Little devil."

She floated behind the young unicorn.

"Although it's my authority, it's not as good as my own." She laughed heartily, "Come on!"

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