"Instead of waiting for them to attack, it is better to go deep into the hinterland, find the root of the disaster, and solve the urgent need!"

"What the general said is very true, then I will immediately lead the special unit to go deep...to go straight to Huanglong—"

Zhang Yubai bowed his head immediately, and was about to get up immediately.

"Wait a minute!"

The general raised his hand, his forceful voice made Zhang Yubai stop.

"I wonder if the general has any instructions?"

"...It's too hasty to lead the troops to go deep now. This time, I just informed you first. As for the specific matters, I will think about it later."

A hint of hesitation clearly appeared on the general's steely face.

It's not normal.

The dragon's tail, which was like a steel whip, shook for a while, and finally fell to the ground without making a sound.

Zhang Yubai frowned.

This is rare.

The general has always been resolute, resolute and decisive. What he wants to do is always correct, and he always executes it extremely quickly, without any delay.

At this moment, the general's hesitation also proves the seriousness of the situation from the side?

It's not that Zhang Yubai hasn't thought about these things.But the answer is already there.

It snowed heavily for three days, and the evil spirits were unusually quiet...There can be no reassuring answers in everything that was originally abnormal.


"That's the whole process."

The cold wind blows across the snow field, like a knife, making the sound of howling piercing the space, piercing the body like a poisonous wolf, bringing a cold experience.The fingers gradually became numb, became stiff a little bit, and the skin color gradually turned red...if it continues, it will turn purple.

Suddenly, a warm yellow light shone over. After a while, the chill dissipated. Zhang Yubai made a comfortable sound, and his body trembled slightly, like a feline subconsciously shaking its body.

"Even the general... Well, just take a step and watch, drink and drink!"

With bright eyes, Ling Gao raised his wine glass, then poured the whole glass of wine down his throat, and swallowed it all without hesitation.

She felt the scorching heat wave that exploded in her chest, narrowed her eyes, and breathed out the warm smell of alcohol.

"..." Zhang Yubai was stunned for a moment, then raised his wine and drank it.

There is a slightly spicy feeling in the mouth, and then there is a tingling sensation in the throat and eyes. Even if the wine has penetrated into the depths of the body, the tingling pain has not diminished until the wine enters the abdomen and gradually spreads.

The warm current spreads from the lower abdomen to the surroundings of the body.Perhaps because the amount was too small, the warm current subsided before spreading.

Zhang Yubai took another sip of wine.

He still remembers the first time he drank alcohol, at that time he hated the hot taste very much, but now... he likes this feeling.

The old man's face was slightly blurred in his memory, but he still remembered her words.She said wine was the panacea that could cure a grudge.But at that time, he was too young to drink alcohol.

"Sister Ling, tell me, what is going on?"

"Aren't those guys always so weird? Weird is synonymous with them." Ling shrugged his shoulders with a look of indifference, "Let me tell you... I still remember when you were a candle holder ten years ago, Do those people above want the message from you and my eleventh sister?"

"Oh, you mean that...existence that exhibited abnormal energy fluctuations?"

Zhang Yubai remembered.

"Isn't that confirmed to have died a few years ago? After so many years, nothing unusual has been found."

"That doesn't mean that He doesn't exist. There is an old saying - it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, and a gentleman among human beings can endure such a fiery emotional behavior for revenge for more than ten years, let alone those guys? Although I don't know the source... But, we still have to guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and treat it with caution. It is wrong to make a conclusion until the day you witness it with your own eyes. It's like the power in your body, doesn't it come from this Is it a strange area? You have been here for so many years, have you found a power similar to what you have?"


Zhang Yubai nodded.

"Master Guerrilla! You still have to pay attention to everything."

As Ling spoke, he took a drink break, looking very satisfied.

"Let's share more wine, the big guy is too cold."

Zhang Yubai looked at the figures around him and said in a low voice.

In the howling wind, he stood up abruptly, took a deep breath and shouted burningly——

"Assemble! Divide the wine!"

Local dialects from all over the world are mixed together, forming a carnival sound wave.Joy and excitement dominate people's rationality, and sensibility gradually gains the upper hand.

Zhang Yubai looked at the soldiers who gathered together, with an expression of not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

"Master General, don't you want to go together?"

He looked back at the general behind him who was staring at the horizon with his hands behind his back, and said.


The general shook his head.

"Master General, let's have a drink together!"

At this time, a rough man with a wine jar came over.He has a rough face and a generous figure, with strong northern characteristics.

This man's name is Heather, a northerner, and an Ursus tribe.Before joining the frontier army, he was a yamen servant, and later entered the military life. He doesn't talk much on weekdays, and always likes to replace words with actions. He is a dull and steady person.


The general stared at Heather, and finally nodded.

The fiery red sun gradually sank into the west, and black night covered the sky.The already cold weather is even colder. In the dark world, only the light of the torch illuminates a part of the space.

—and the flames must not burn too much.

Those guys are phototaxis.

In the cold night, the soldiers still drink.On the other side, the demons are about to move...but the soldiers are still drinking.

Stress is already a daily routine for them, but right now, drinking is completely unnecessary.

In a moment of emotion, Zhang Yubai was thrown down by one person.

"Miss Lingling?!"

The hard-hitting man showed a panicked expression.

"It's agreed! I'm going to get you drunk!"

"When did we agree on this gurgling gurgling..."

Looks like tonight will be more lively.


Exhausted, I coded more than 6000 words

I'm really tired...

Interscroll: Luminous Cup: Chapter 121 110 Chapter [-]: Harmony Wine Competition

Ling met Zhang Yubai long before he was stationed on the border.

If you really want to go back, their first meeting was more than [-] years ago...

The pictures in my memory are all blurred. Now that I think about it, only that short month of that period of childhood was more profound.Now that more than twenty years have passed, even the deepest memories should slowly fade away.On the beach of memory, the sand paintings that were originally so vivid were eroded away by the wind little by little...

But there are still some leftovers.

In the residue, Zhang Yubai could see the shadow of the poet at that time.

The smell of wine was so high that the soldiers seemed to be blooming with warm red flowers on their blushing cheeks.Their laughter pierced the sky, but it was actually whispered.

Presumably it was the gongs and drums shaking the sky in the imagination.

Alcohol is a terrible thing.

It can cause trance and blurred will, and it can be fatal if taken too much.

But for the people here, not taking it is tantamount to killing them.

In the field of vision that was gradually losing focus, Zhang Yubai stared hard at the woman in front of him.

There are already a lot of soldiers lying around, they are drunk, very drunk!Although it is not good to be drunk in danger, as long as someone is sober, they can ignore such danger for a short time.

And in the center of "Corpse Littering All Over the Field", that strange woman's face was not red, and her heart never beat so fast!

"Ho ho... no... no..."


The wine glass hit the metal instrument, and Ling let out a hearty cry.


She opens her arms.

"Who else!!!"

So arrogant!

...But really no one can cure her.

"Hanxue is drunk and unconscious, laughing all by herself!"

She is a poet.

Poets always like to drink. In many stories about poets, the heroes in those words are always drunk and write eternal quatrains, shaking the world and weeping ghosts and gods.

"I don't believe it anymore..."

Zhang Yubai gritted his teeth, revealing a slightly ferocious expression.

He then bit the tip of his tongue, and through the pain, made the paralyzed nerves a little more energetic.

"I...I must...to break the previous record!"

"Okay! Master Guerrilla, come on!"

The soldiers cheered for Zhang Yubai.

Zhang Yubai is actually very popular.

That year, when he just came here, he saved many people from the enemy with his great strength, so these people became friends with him.As the number of times they were born and died increased, their feelings gradually sublimated.

Today, Zhang Yubai has reached the guerrilla position with his illustrious military exploits, and he is already an important person slightly inferior to the general.

"Li Kai!" Zhang Yubai greeted, "Bring the wine!"

Li Kai, a Lupo tribe shook off the Liboli tribe who was hugging his tail, and brought a jar of spirits.

"Come on! Get drunk!"

Zhang Yubai raised his hand, a wine table rose out of the ground, and he roared boldly.


Ling smiled confidently.


"Cai Haoyang! Bring another tank!"

Zhang Yubai raised his hand again...

"Xing Shiyu! Carry the wine!"

"Cao Jiachen! Carry—"


"Yuan Zeyi!"


Zhang Yubai almost called out the names of everyone he looked at.

Those who can do this are tantamount to gods.

You know, the number of people in the whole army is tens of thousands...

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