I can't stand Kitahara Isha's 'affectionate eyes'.

Eri Sawamura turned her head shyly, and said arrogant words in her mouth.

"What do you say?"

Kitahara Itha directly smashed Masawamura Eriri's head off.

Then, unceremoniously tapped Sawamura Eriri's small mouth.

"I'm going to die, Zhenbai is still there!"

Was attacked by Kitahara Isha.

Sawamura Eriri looked at Shiina Mashiro who was still painting in the dining room with a guilty conscience.

Then, he gave Kitahara Itha a vicious look.

However, the secret joy 287 on her face was a little uncontrollable.

Through her vicious expression, it was undoubtedly revealed.

"Isn't this not being seen?"

Kitahara Isha laughed.

After finishing speaking, he pointed at Eri Sawamura's small mouth and nodded again.

This also made Sawamura Eiriri's small fist directly hit his shoulder the next moment.

"If you are worried about being seen by Zhenbai, how about we go to the room?"

After grabbing Sawamura Eirari's small fist with both hands.

Itha Kitahara winked at Eri Sawamura.

"I, I don't want it!"

Eri Sawamura said in shame and indignation.

If he really went to the room, he might not be able to get out for a while.

Can we still have dinner then?

"You'd better go by yourself!"

Eri Sawamura struggled to leave Kitahara Isha's embrace.

Also after successfully escaping!

Immediately, she trotted to Shiina Mashiro's side in panic.

This is the rhythm of directly using Shiina Mashiro as his own amulet.

"Ha ha--"

Looking at the cute appearance of Sawamura Eiriri looking at her defensively, Kitahara Itha laughed out loud.

However, he did not launch a pursuit.

Instead, he turned his attention back to his computer screen.

The choreography has reached the last verse.

Speed ​​up the progress a little bit, and it will be finished.

Get the video done early and send it to Nan Xiaoniao, he is also happy and relaxed.

Chapter 118 Don't know who will ride next time

after dinner!

Kitahara Itha, who had finished washing the dishes, walked out of the kitchen and looked at Sawamura Eiri, who was lying lazily on the table.

"Are you going back tonight?"

"Still, stay here with me."

Kitahara Isha asked.

"Should...should go home and sleep!"

"Dad asked me to stay at home for a few days."

"Otherwise, after he has rested for the past few days, he has to go on business again, and he will not see him for a long time."

Looking at Kitahara Isha's eyes full of 'hope'.

Eri Sawamura's complexion was reddish, and she hesitated.

She wanted to stay at Kitahara Itha's house overnight and have a friendly exchange with Kitahara Itha.

However, these days are indeed a bit unlucky.

"That's it!"

Kitahara Itha nodded regretfully.

It looked like it was going to be a calm night.

"Then I'll take you back later."

Kitahara Isha Road.


Eri Sawamura nodded.

As if thinking of something, a red cloud appeared on her face.

Then, he stretched out his hand and waved at Kitahara Itha.

Seeing Sawamura Eirari's mysterious look, Kitahara Itha raised his eyebrows.

However, he still came to Sawamura Eriri with his ear.

I thought that Eri Sawamura was going to tell him some 'secret'.

However, the extra warm feeling on her cheeks surprised her very much.

"This... This is your compensation."

Eri Sawamura blushed.

"Then your sincerity is not enough!"

"Anyway, we have to change places."

Kitahara Isha smiled and said.

"You, you think beautifully."

Eri Sawamura glared at Itha Kitahara shyly.

In front of Shiina Mashiro, it would be nice if she dared to take the initiative.

Where did such a high requirement come from!


"Then I will reluctantly accept it."

Kitahara Itha smiled.

He did not continue to 'make things difficult' for Eri Sawamura.

After glancing at Shiina Mashiro who was on the side, he said to Sawamura Eri: "Before you go back, let Mashiro take a bath. 々!"



Eri Sawamura suddenly realized.

Shiina Mashiro can barely eat by himself now.

However, taking a bath or something, I was still a little helpless.

Even if she and her mother Sayuri Sawamura went together these two days, they failed to teach Shiina Mashiro.

Therefore, they still have to come to take a bath or something.

If she forgot to help Shiina Mashiro take a bath, she would just go back.

Then, the important task of helping Shiina Mashiro take a bath should be handed over to Kitahara Itha.

Sawamura Eriri couldn't even imagine that scene.

Even her girlfriend has only bathed with Kitahara Isha once.

How can Shiina Mashiro equal herself!

Thinking of this, Sawamura Eriri left immediately.

"Zhenbai, let's go take a shower!"

Holding Shiina Mashiro, Sawamura Eriri went directly to Shiina Mashiro's room to prepare for a change of clothes, and was about to give Shiina Mashiro a bath.


It was almost 08:30 when Shiina Mashiro took a shower.

After a short break!

Eri Sawamura, who was quite tired, was about to go home.

"Do you need me to carry you?"

After sending Sawamura Eriri to the door, I saw Sawamura Eirari looking exhausted.

Itha Kitahara made a gesture of me carrying you on my back.

Seeing that Kitahara Isha wanted to carry him back.

A hint of shame flashed in Sawamura Eriri's eyes.

After hesitating for two or three seconds, she nodded without hesitation.


After finishing speaking, she said "Hey" and jumped onto Kitahara Itha's back with a happy face.


Kitahara Isha, who almost lost his footing because of Sawamura Eiriri's rush, rolled his eyes.

Then, he even patted Eri Sawamura behind him.


An exclamation came from Sawamura Eriri, who was attacked by Kitahara Itha.

Her face was also flushed with embarrassment.

"No sneak attack!"

"This is not at home."

Eri Sawamura said shyly.

It's okay to do it at home.

It's not good to be seen by others outside.

Although it was late at night and there was no one on the road, an accident would happen if we were not sure.

"Then you haven't caught it yet!"

"It's all going to fall."

"If I don't adjust my position, I will continue to fight."

"Anyway, it's soft and tender when you fight, which is very interesting."

Kitahara Isha snorted softly.

"Where is the fun!"

Eri Sawamura rubbed her little canine teeth angrily.

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