Kitahara Itha gave Kitagawa Kaimeng a speechless look.

Kansa Kotoba was going to take a cosplay photo of Nikaido Shion, and Kitagawa Kaimeng wanted to order a cosplay suit for Kurogetsu.

Is this too coincidental?

"Master Zhuzhu?"

Kitagawa Kaimeng was taken aback by what Kitahara Itha said.

After thinking of something.

She immediately showed a look of surprise.

Chapter 185 The Raised Kitagawa Kaimeng

"Master Zhuzhu also wants to cosplay the character in "Flower Princess Rei!!"?"

"Is it Nikaido Shion?"

"It's definitely Nikaido Shion, right?"


Kitagawa Kaimeng asked excitedly.

In her opinion, there was only one possibility.

As long as Gansha Shouye really wants to cosplay "Flower Princess Lie!" ! "The character in ", that can only be Nikaido Shion.

This is her cosplay style based on Gansha Shouba's favorite cosplay, and "Flower Princess Rei! ! "The analysis made by the role suitable for Gansha Shouye cosplay.

It's the kind that makes sense!


Kitahara Yisha did not refute, but admitted~ come down.

"Great, great!"

"Then wouldn't it be possible for me to fight with Master Zhuzhu in a group cosplay?"

It was affirmed by Kitahara Itha.

Kitagawa Kaimeng was even more delighted.

Quite a bit high to the extreme feeling.

Unexpectedly, I could still cosplay with my favorite coser.

For her, this is undoubtedly something to be happy about.

Not to mention, the role she wants to cosplay has a corresponding relationship with the role that Gansha Shouba wants to cosplay.

She wants to cosplay the black lobelia, but Gansa Kotoba wants to cosplay the older sister of Nikaido Shion.

In this way, presumably Gansha Shouye wouldn't mind cosplaying with her!

"You're thinking peach!"

Kitahara Itha gave Kitagawa Kaimeng a white look.

"Sashou Ye only likes cosplaying alone."

"She is not very willing to join a group cosplay or something."

"I guess you were rejected when you talked to Sashou Ye."

Kitahara Isha Road.


"why is it like this!"

Hearing this, Kitagawa Kaimeng was naturally very disappointed.

Her focus, however, was soon elsewhere.

"How did Yisha know?"

Kitagawa Kaimeng looked at Kitahara Itha with some curiosity.

I heard Kitagawa Kaimeng ask this question.

For a moment, even Megumi Kato's eyes faintly cast towards Kitahara Itha.

As for the number of people playing the piano beside him?

As early as when Kitagawa Kaimeng asked Kitahara Itha to make cos clothes, their eyes never left Kitagawa Kaimeng and Kitahara Itha.

Seeing that everyone's eyes were on him.

The corner of Kitahara Isha's mouth twitched slightly.

Then, he glared at a certain culprit.

Regarding this, Kitagawa Kaimeng blinked unconsciously.

"I've heard about Xiaoshou!"

Kitahara Yisha directly moved out of Qianxinshou.

"Be careful Shou?"

Hearing this name, Kitagawa Kaimeng was stunned.

"Is it Lord Zhuzhu's younger sister?"

"Master Zhuzhu's younger sister is coming to work today?"

Kitagawa Kai dreamed of this crop.

Of course she knew that Gan Xinshou would come to work in the store these two days, and Gan Sha Shouye would be 'concealed'.

Because, last night and this morning, Kitahara Yisha had talked to them.

Moreover, all of them are private chats.

Although they were very curious about the reason, they didn't ask any more questions, and just followed through.

If Gan Xinshou told Kitahara Itha about the habit of drying shoushi leaves, then there is no problem.

"Be careful Shou!"

"When the time comes, Sasuke will be very happy!"

Thinking of Gan Xinshou, Kato Megumi's mouth curled into a smile.

She is the only insider besides Kitahara Itha among the people in the store.

Hearing what Kato Megumi said, Kitagawa Kaimeng blinked for some reason, his eyes full of confusion.

This is a world where she doesn't know anything?


"I will help you make your cosplay suit."

"As for cosplaying together with Sha Shouye, it's probably useless."

Kitahara Itha said to Kitagawa Kaimeng.

"OK then!"

Kitagawa Kaimeng pouted.

Naturally, she was not very satisfied with this result.

And... I don't intend to give up because of it.

She planned to ask Gansha Shouye herself in the future to see what Gansha Shouye had to say.

If Gansha Shouye finally said she was unwilling, then she would not force her and choose to give up.


Come to the new storefront!

Just like last time, Akakubo Momo and Nakiri Erina have been waiting outside for a long time.

"too slow!"

Seeing the arrival of Kitahara Yisha and others.

Nakiri Erina, who was tapping the ground with her feet, immediately expressed her dissatisfaction.

It would be fine if Kitahara Isha didn't tell them when they left.

But when Kitahara Isha left school and planned to go to the new store, he had mentioned it to them.

They also waited boredly during this period of time, and they waited for a long time.

"You go in and prepare the materials first!"

"I didn't ask you to wait for me outside!"

Facing Kitahara Isha's dissatisfaction, Kitahara Isha responded lightly.

Of course he told Nakiri Erina and Akakubomomo what he was going to do.

Nakiri Erina can prepare their own materials and processes to pass the time.

"Of course those are ready!"

"I'm just waiting for you to come."

Nakiri Erina said.

Although there is a lot to do today, they are all veterans.

Such a small amount is not too much for them.

It took almost ten minutes and it was done.

"Isn't this coming?"

"Then get ready to make it!"

Hearing what Nakiri Erina said, Kitahara Itha raised his eyebrows.

The efficiency of Akane Kubomomo and Nakiri Erina surprised him slightly.

However, it seems quite normal to put it on Akakubo Momo and Nakiri Erina.

"Xiaohui, Haimeng, take them to change clothes!"

"For the locker room, it's at the end of the corridor on the left!"

Kitahara Itha pointed to Kato Megumi and Kitagawa Kaimeng for the location of the changing room in the new store.


Kato Megumi and Kitagawa Kaimeng nodded.

However, compared to Kato Megumi, Kitagawa Kaimeng's face was faintly agitated.

Among them, there is a reason for visiting Kitahara Isha's new store for the first time.

Also, what Kitahara Yisha called her just now.

If she heard correctly.

Kitahara Itha's name for himself was not the previous Kitagawa.

But... Haimeng!

So, her previous 'offensive' was effective?

Kitagawa Kaimeng was very excited.

Kato Megumi didn't know the excitement of Kitagawa Kaimeng.

Seeing that Kitagawa Kaimeng was so excited, she just glanced at Kitagawa Kaimeng in surprise.

It's just that Kitagawa Kaimeng is excited about the new store and "leading the team for the first time".

"Come with us!"

Kato Megumi said to Qin Fuzume.

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