After that, he looked at Kitahara Yisha with a look of surprise.

Unexpectedly, they would meet Kitahara Yisha here.

"Beiyuan, do you work here?"

Yuigahama Yui asked Kitahara Isha curiously.

"Yugahama-san, this seems to be Kitahara-san's shop."

Kitahara Itha was just about to speak.

Thinking of Yukinoshita Yukino that Isha Kitahara just said, she has already spoken first.

She looked at Kitahara Itha with complicated eyes.

Chapter 213 About Saki Kawasaki's Ministry of Service Commission


I heard Yukinoshita Yukino say so.

Yuigahama Yui, who didn't know much about Kitahara Isha, immediately showed a confused look.

In other words, this store belongs to Kitahara Isha?

This is too unbelievable!

"Is such that!"

Kitahara Isha first glanced at Yukinoshita Yukino, then nodded in affirmation.


It was affirmed by Kitahara Itha.

In this regard, Yuigahama Yui exclaimed directly.

"Your dessert shop is not in..."

When Yuigahama Yui wanted to say something.

Yukinoshita Yukino asked Kitahara Isha with some curiosity.

She has never been to Kitahara Yisha's dessert shop.

However, my sister has been there.

And, I also recommended her.

Because of this, she still has a good impression of Kitahara Isha's dessert shop.

Now, Kitahara Yisha's dessert shop, which was supposed to appear in another place, appeared here, which surprised her a little.

Is this...a branch?

"You know my dessert shop?"

Kitahara Isha raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this, and looked at Yukinoshita Yukino with some surprise.

It still surprised him that Yukinoshita Yukino actually knew about his old storefront.

However, when he thought that Yukinoshita Yono had also visited his dessert shop, he was not surprised.

"As you can see, I switched to a bigger one."

"The previous one is now idle!"

Itha Kitahara explained why.

"...That's it!"

Yukino Yukino nodded slightly.

Then, the look at Kitahara Itha became more complicated.

Changing to a better store, doesn't it mean that Kitahara Yisha has become bigger and stronger, and has achieved better achievements?

Kitahara Isha, whose grades are higher than hers, has gone a step further in his career.

On the contrary, she is still blindly trying to surpass Kitahara Itha in grades and prove her ability.

As for other aspects, there is no comparison.


She has no business of her own.

Even my living expenses and my current residence cannot be separated from the help of my family and my family.

"So, you two didn't come to buy desserts from me, did you?"

Looking at Yuigahama Yui and Yukinoshita Yukino, who were exclaiming again and again, and who were slightly silent.

Itha Kitahara got to the point and asked.

Judging from the conversation between Yuhihama Yui and Yukinoshita Yukino just now.

Yuigahama Yui and Yukinoshita Yukino should have come to find someone.

And the name of his store, because it happened to have the keyword Yuhihama Yui and the two were looking for, so he came to him.

What about the store name? The current store name is not the name of Kitahara Itha's old store, but the name it had when it moved here.

The same is true of the old storefront.

He didn't bother to think about the name of the store, so he just used it.

Therefore, if Yuigahama and Yui really came to him to find someone for this reason, there is a high probability that they are looking for someone in the wrong place.


"Actually, we're here to find someone."

Yuigahama Yui shook her head embarrassingly.

Then she explained why.

"Our community service department received a commission, which was initiated by the younger brother of a girl named Kawasaki Saki in our class."

"Because Kawasaki-san often stays out at night, and always returns home very tired in the morning."

"So, he wants to ask us to investigate the specific situation of my sister and let her return to a normal life."

Yuhihama Yui Road.

"Saki Kawasaki?"

"I seem to have a little impression."

Kitahara Isha was thoughtful.

Kawasaki Saki's situation, thinking about what Yuigahama Yui and Yukinoshita Yukino are doing now, he remembered.

As for the reality, he hasn't met Kawasaki Saki several times.

"Does Kitahara-san know about Kawasaki-san's situation?"

Yubihama Yui's eyes lit up.

She thought Kitahara Isha knew where Kawasaki Saki was.

Even if it's not in the Kitahara Isha shop, as long as you know the exact location.

For them, it is also a big help.

"That's it!"

Kitahara Itha nodded slightly.

"Can you talk to us?"

I heard Kitahara Itha say that.

This time, even Yukinoshita Yukino's attention was attracted.

And, expressed a request to Kitahara Isha.

It is undoubtedly good for her to spend less time wasting effort.

Moreover, if they were only asking for news, it would not be considered that they had completed their association's commission with the help of others.

If it was Kitahara Yisha who wanted to help them finish it directly, she would have to consider declining it instead.

"Student Beiyuan..."

With Yukinoshita Yukino first, Yuigahama Yui also made a request to Kitahara Isha.

"I can only provide partial clues."

Kitahara Itha nodded.

"First of all, she seems to be working in a high-end club with Angel in its name."

"For this point, I saw it by accident before, but I don't remember the exact location."

"However, there are not many high-end clubs with angels in their names, so it must be easy for you to find them."

Kitahara Itha provided the first clue.

"A high-end club?"

Yukinoshita frowned when she learned about Kawasaki Saki's part-time job.

She subconsciously thought of something.

It's not the location of the high-end club with an angel in its name, or the reason why Kawasaki Saki returns so late every day.

Rather... age restrictions.

Generally speaking, to work in a clubhouse, one must be above adult age.

Kawasaki Saki's age, although not much less than adulthood, is still below the age of adulthood.

In other words, if Kawasaki Saki really works in the clubhouse.

So, Kawasaki Saki is working illegally.

If it is discovered, not only the club will be punished by the higher authorities, but Kawasaki Saki himself will also be punished by the school, writing a review or something.

"¨So Kawasaki-san works part-time in the clubhouse?"

Yuigahama Yui didn't notice the blind spot.

On the contrary, after learning about Kawasaki Saki's part-time job, she was a little surprised and surprised.

"Next is the second clue about Saki Kawasaki!"

"It's... the reason for her part-time job."

Kitahara Isha Road.


Yukinoshita Yukino's reaction at this moment was even more surprising than what came to the king just now.

Unexpectedly, Kitahara Itha not only knew the clues of Kawasaki Saki's whereabouts, but also the reason why Kawasaki Saki worked part-time.

This is actually one of their goals.

Find out why, and let Kawasaki Saki return to normal school life.

No longer staying out at night, going home early in the morning or something.

Now being able to learn directly from Kitahara Yisha made her feel as if she had directly read a certain reference answer.

After making a choice in my heart.

Yukinoshita Yukino still decided to listen carefully to the "reference answer" that Kitahara Isha said.

"She works or something, not to buy luxury goods and have fun."

"Her family background is quite satisfactory, but there are quite a few children in the family!"

"So, there will still be some economic pressure."

"Because of this, she doesn't want to bother her family, and wants to work part-time to earn tuition for college."

Itha Kitahara revealed the reason for working part-time about Saki Kawasaki in his memory.

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