That's what they're here for.

A boy from another school rashly came to Osaka Kino Academy. As members of the student union, they naturally couldn't sit idly by.

Let alone Nan Rihezi, the chairman of the board, take the lead and let others follow suit.

"It's him?"

His gaze also fell on Kitahara Itha.

There was a bit of surprise on Tojo Nozomi's face.

She recognized Kitahara Isha.

It seems to be the person who gave Minami Kotori idol clothes and maid clothes before the shrine last time.

Afterwards, she asked Nan Xiaoniao the next day.

Only then did I realize that this was not about the love between Nan Xiaoniao and her boyfriend, but Nan Xiaoniao's work clothes.

As for Kitahara Itha, he is the manager of Minami Kotori's part-time job.

This surprised her.

After that, I didn't pay attention and care anymore.

I never thought that today I would meet Kitahara Itha at the Otosaka Kino Academy.

And Kitahara Yisha is actually still a student?

Could it be that Kitahara Yisha was here for the performance of the three of Minami Kotori?

Tojo Nozomi subconsciously thought of this.

To be honest, considering the relationship between Kitahara Yisha and Minami Xiaoniao, she really wanted to let Kitahara Yisha in.

But with her best friend Ayase Eri by her side, she naturally couldn't do this blatantly.

Tojo Nozomi's thoughts, Ayase Eri and Minami Kazuko naturally don't know.

On the contrary, after hearing Ayase Eri say this, Minami Kazuko responded.

"This person is not a student from another school who is visiting our school, but a student who intends to acquire Osaka Kino Academy."

"We have reviewed the relevant information and qualification certificates, and now I am taking him to visit our Yinsaka Kino Academy."

Nan Rihezi explained.

"Acquisition of Osaka Kino Academy?"


Hearing Minami Kazuko's explanation, Ayase Eri naturally had a look of disbelief.

She had heard the news that Otozaka Kino Academy might be acquired, and she also knew that Nan Rihezi and his party were waiting for the other party's arrival.

However, the other party would be a student from another school, so young, it shocked her very much.

She even wondered if Nan Rihezi was lying to herself.

But Nanri and Zi have said so, presumably there is no falsehood.

After all, this lie is too easy to expose.

So, Kitahara Isha is really the one who intends to buy Otozaka Kino Academy?


Let me talk about Ayase Eri's feelings about the acquisition of Otozaka Kino Academy.

Of course she was absolutely unwilling.

Even if the Otozaka Kino Academy is preserved in this way, the Otozaka Kino Academy may change its name in the future, and it will no longer be the Otozaka Kino Academy.

And everything in Otosaka Kino Academy may also change.

This is what she does not want to see.

Not to mention, the acquirer was a 'peer' like Kitahara Itha.

If the other party is the son of a big family, the acquisition of Xiayinzaka Kino Academy is just a whim.

The future of Otosaka Kino Academy is even more worrying.

Thinking of this, Ayase Eri gritted her teeth slightly, and then said to Nannichi Kazuko and Kitahara Itha: "Chairman, let me do it!"

She wanted to use her own guidance to let Kitahara Isha see the 'shabby' and 'unworthy' of Otozaka Kino Academy.

Perhaps, this will make Kitahara Yisha give up the acquisition.

And they can rely on their own strength to find another way to save the Yinsaka Kino Academy.

"Eri, are you coming?"

Hearing what Ayase Eri said, Kazuko Minami was slightly taken aback...

After thinking about it, she did not refuse Ayase Eri.

"Alright then, leave it to Eri!"

"Remember to entertain people well!"

Nan Rihezi laughed.

It means that the other party is Kitahara Itha, and the purpose of Kitahara Itha's trip is to watch the performance of the three Minami Kotori, so she will hand Kitahara Itha to Ayase Eri.

Otherwise, it would undoubtedly be a very disrespectful behavior for those who came to buy Yinsaka Kino Academy.


"We definitely will."

Ayase Eri makes a promise.

"Well, I'm sure you can do it."

Nan Rihezi nodded with a smile.


"Yisha, I'll go get busy first."

"Let Eri and Nozomi show you around!"

"They are the president and vice president of the student union, maybe they will show you a better Otozaka Kino Academy."

Nan Ri Kazuko smiled at Kitahara Itha.


"Aunt Hiheko, go and do your work first!"

Kitahara Itha nodded.

Also after saying goodbye.

Minami Kazuko headed towards her office building.

Only Kitahara Itha, and Ayase Eri and Tojo Nozomi were left in place.

Such a reaction was naturally because they were surprised by the relationship between Kitahara Isha and Minami Kazuko.

It seems that Minami Kazuko and Kitahara Itha are very familiar.

and many more!

Could it be that Kitahara Isha was invited by Minami Kazuko to rescue the 1.3 soldiers?

Let people in need and acquaintances come to buy the Yinsaka Munai Academy, so as to keep the Yinsaka Munai Academy as much as possible?

Ayase Eri couldn't help but think of this.

After thinking of this, she immediately hesitated.

If this is the case, should she take Kitahara Isha to see the 'old' and 'unworthy' place of Otozaka Kino Academy?

Ayase Eri was slightly confused.


Nozomi Tojo called softly to Eri Ayase, who seemed to be in a daze.


"I'm fine!"

Called by Nozomi Tojo, Ayase Eri quickly came back to her senses.

And, a decision was made.

She decides to take Kitahara Isha to see the better side of Otonaka Kino Academy.

Let Kitahara Isha see the 'bad' side of Otozaka Kino Academy. As the student council president, she still can't do it after all.

Chapter 282 Directly Destroying Eri Ayase

"excuse me!"

"As the chairman said, I am Eri Ayase, the student council president of Otonozaka Kino Academy, and she is Nozomi Tojo, the vice president."

"Next, we will take you to visit our Yinsaka Kino Academy!"

Ayase Eri bowed slightly to Kitahara Itha, and made a simple self-introduction.

"If there is any place where the hospitality is not good, please forgive me!"

Tojo Nozomi on the side also saluted slightly.

"Then...there are President Laurie and Vice President Xi!"

Kitahara Isha laughed.

He and Ayase Eri had a little joke.

"Also, call me Ayase!"

Being called that, Ayase Eri immediately blushed, looking a little shy.

This is why Kitahara Yisha has a special status.

If it were any other boy, she would have looked at him coldly by now, turned around and left.


Seeing her best friend Ayase Eri's shy and unable to attack, Nozomi Tojo couldn't help laughing out loud.

The 'store manager' of Nan Xiaoniao is really good.

As soon as they come up, they can break the house of President Ayase of Otonaka Kino Academy.

Nozomi Tojo was amused.


Listening to Tojo Nozomi's 'sound of laughter', Ayase Eri glared at 22 Tojo Nozomi in embarrassment.

Isn't this tearing her down?

"this way please!"

After staring at Nozomi Tojo, as if to change the subject, Eri Ayase started to take Kitahara Itha for a stroll around Otonozaka Kino Academy.

Since there was still some time before the Minami Kotori trio's performance, Kitahara Itha was not in a hurry to go to the small auditorium, and went to Otonozaka Kino Academy with Eri Ayase and Nozomi Tojo.

"Speaking of which, how did Mr. Kitahara meet the chairman?"

After taking Kitahara Isha to a few unique sights in Otozakumino Academy, I saw that Kitahara Isha was not such a difficult person to get along with.

Nozomi Tojo took the initiative to ask Kitahara Itha about this question.

This is also where her curiosity lies.

The same goes for Ayase Eri.

"Just call me Beiyuan!"

Kitahara Isha did not answer directly, but explained the address.


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