Only Nakano Sanjiu's doubts could be heard out loud.

However, when he saw that it wasn't Nakano Itsuki outside the door, but Kitahara Itha.

Nakano Sanjiu was taken aback for a moment.

After that, he showed a slightly embarrassed expression.

"Yi... Yisha, you are here!"

Nakano Sanjiu said.

While speaking, she used her fingers to twirl the hair on her shoulders, her gaze seemed a little dodgy.

His attire at the moment is a rustic sportswear.

The long hair on the head is also draped around the shoulders and behind.

This made her a little shy, afraid that Kitahara Isha would think she was sloppy or something.

"I'm here to play games with you, welcome?"

Kitahara Isha laughed.

"Huan... welcome!"

Seeing that Kitahara Isha didn't care, he still wanted to play games with him.

Nakano Sanjiu immediately changed the nervousness on his face and changed into a happy look.

"Come in first!"

Nakano Sanjiu couldn't wait to bring Kitahara Isha into her room.

As for the boy's shyness when he entered her room, it didn't show on her face.

Possibly, but can't say no!

However, under the joy of the moment, it seemed insignificant at all.

"Sanjiu, are you playing "Nobunaga Crusade"?"

After entering the room!

Looking at the picture on the host screen, Kitahara Isha became interested.

This is one of the games he made himself and gave to Sanjiu Nakano.

The content of the game is to play Oda Nobunaga and fight with other daimyos.

It includes not only the use of strategies, but also the formation of troops, as well as fighting, etc.!

It can be said that if you don't know much about various strategies and tactics or use them improperly, it is easy to suffer.

If you suffer in this respect, you can only rely on your own control of the character, show the corresponding 'heroic' and 'technical', and use personal force to break the situation.

of course!

If there are too many opponents, and there are still a bunch of archers shooting cold arrows.

Then, no matter how powerful the operation is, it is hard to beat four hands with two fists.


"However, I haven't been able to play very well."

"Frequently tricked or something!"

Nakano Sanjiu nodded.

Between the words, there was a little frustration.

She is a dignified player, but she often falls into the tricks of NPCs in the game, so that the whole army suffers heavy losses from time to time.

Even Oda Nobunaga, whom he controlled, fell several times and was beheaded.

Although this can be compensated by personal operations, she cannot be regarded as excellent in operations, but can only be regarded as quite satisfactory.

Therefore, it is even more difficult to break the game.

Even so, Nakano Sanjiu never gave up, nor did he turn to other games immediately.

Because of the 'realism' and playability brought by this game, she was deeply attracted.

Especially the former!

She likes generals and history, but she was planted a lot of new knowledge in the game that she didn't know?

This is unprecedented in other games!

And this knowledge is not fictitious, and can be found on the Internet and in literature.

This is why she values ​​this game more.

"¨Then let's go together!"

"I will guide you!"

"If there is no corresponding judgment and strategy, this game will indeed be difficult!"

Kitahara Isha Road.

Although this game is a stand-alone game, it can also be 'opened' together.

Either one plays Nobunaga, and the other plays a counselor/general.

Either one will act as Nobunaga, and the other will act as another daimyo, forming hostility.

In short, there are various ways to play.

It doesn't matter whether it's black or white, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.

"it is good!"

"Isha, teach me."

Hearing Kitahara Isha (that's a good thing to say, Nakano Miku was very happy.

After speaking, she directly picked up another game controller.

After wiping it carefully, she was handed over to Kitahara Yisha.

"No need to be so grand!"

Kitahara Itha was a little dumbfounded by Nakano Sanjiu's solemnity.


Nakano Sanjiu replied with a reddish complexion.

Immediately, she reset her game without hesitation, and started a black journey with Kitahara Itha.

However, in terms of casting, Nakano Sanjiu's choice this time is a little different.

"Yisha, you choose Nobunaga, I will be a general and I will take it!"

Nakano Sanjiu said.

She, who was supposed to be the 'prince', gave up her position directly.

She wanted to stand in the perspective of Kitahara Yisha and see how Kitahara Yisha played.

Then... learn it!


Kitahara Itha nodded.

Then, under Nakano Sanjiu's hopeful eyes, he started his various operations.


Chapter 89 May: Sanjiu, give up!

While the game is in progress!



See Kitahara Yisha using various strategies and superb operations to continuously win the game.

Nakano Sanjiu exclaimed again and again.

Looking at Kitahara Itha, his eyes were full of admiration.

The scene and process of Kitahara Itha playing the game are completely different from her.

Although Kitahara Isha is the reason for the game developer, the judgments and choices made by Kitahara Isha in the game are undoubtedly very correct.

This is also the reason why she is so admired!

I always feel that Kitahara Isha seems to have really become Oda Nobunaga.

And she is the follower general who followed Oda Nobunaga all the way to success.

At this moment, Nakano Sanjiu had a feeling in his heart: If only he could go on forever.

The going on here may not refer to the game itself.

Maybe there is... the company of Itha Kitahara.

Although Nakano Yotsuba will often play games with her, but it feels too different.

Especially... Nakano Yotsuba's game level is actually not good!

Better than her!


"Let's continue playing!"

After witnessing Kitahara Yisha's successful siege of the city again.

Nakano Sanjiu and Kitahara Isha will continue to conquer the next plot.

However, there was a knock on the door.


Moreover, the voice of Nakano May also came.

Say yes...the dough is ready?

"Almost forgot!"

"I'm still making buns for May."

Listen to Nakano May's call.

Kitahara Yisha suddenly discovered this thing that he had almost forgotten.

"Can we play here first?"

"Wait a minute, if I have time, I'll play with you again!"

Kitahara Itha looked at Nakano Miku and said.


Hearing what Kitahara Itha said, Nakano Sanjiu was a little reluctant.

She puffed up her face, as if she wanted Kitahara Isha to continue playing games with her.

However, in the end she didn't force her to stay.

"OK then!"

"Next time Yisha must play with me!"

Nakano Sanjiu grabbed Kitahara Itha's sleeve and said softly.

"it is good!"

Kitahara Itha smiled.

He reached out and touched Nakano Sanjiu's small head.

This made Nakano Sanjiu a little embarrassed.

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