Buyeur walked out.

Watching the nine envoys outside, plus the water god Fukaros, struggling to support the offensive of hundreds of demon gods.

"We have been trapped here by these demon gods for three days."

"But the Winter Kingdom still didn't order us to die."

Buyeur raised his hands in a camera gesture.

"why is that?"

"According to Chen Feng's previous methods and style, he will never let us slip through the net."

"Kill us all, take away our power, and gather the hearts of gods. At that time, he should attack Sky Island immediately."

"But now...he actually stopped the first wave of offensive, instead of continuing to kill us, he trap us with hundreds of demon gods?"

"You mean..." God made his face change slightly, "It is of great benefit to him that we are alive?"

"Then next, if he launches a second wave of offensive, what else can we do?"

"Even if we have the upper hand in the number of gods, that Chen Feng has already reached a demigod!"

Horror appeared on the envoy's face, and he recalled that as soon as the maintainer of the law of heaven returned to Sky Island, he hurried to his palace and sealed himself up.

One can imagine how terrifying this Chen Feng was.

This move is directly equivalent to banning the Tianli maintainer, who is currently the top combat power of Sky Island, and is equivalent to being unable to play.

As soon as she appeared on the stage, the malice in her body erupted directly, and Sky Island fell instantly.

Therefore, the keeper of the law of heaven is equivalent to being restrained by Chen Feng, and she can't get out at all.

This move directly cut off one of Sky Island's strongest killing moves.

"Fate shows that he is a perfect person." The envoy continued to share information with the God of Wisdom, "It's just that his fate has been completely dimmed. He bears the evil of the whole world, the best and the best The worst evils appear in one person at the same time."

"The fate of the Tivat continent was forcibly changed by a "powerful will" outside the world..."

"What's your plan for Sky Island?" When Buyer was thinking, he became calmer than ever, and was not surprised by the information that the envoy said.

"Go to the World Tree and erase the existence of the like-minded partners who were with Chen Feng three years ago. In this way, Chen Feng will live forever, and the husband will not appear."

The envoy said it without any reservations. After all, they now need to rely on the wisdom of the God of Wisdom.

"What happened three years ago? Why did it lead to the birth of Mister?" Buyer looked serious.

"... At this time, do you still want to hear a story?" The envoy smiled wryly.

"Tell me, maybe there will be some information." Buyer looked at Vulcan and Traveler Ying, and the latter two immediately signaled their understanding, and rushed to help other envoys repel the demon god.

"Well, let me simply say that three years ago, Chen Feng used some method without the knowledge of everyone, including Sky Island." The envoy paused.

"Being "pulled" to the Tivat continent."

"His birth point is the Winter Kingdom."

"I don't know the specific reason, but Chen Feng seems to have regrouped, and he is very familiar with it, as if he was a veteran businessman a long time ago. He started to do business in the Winter Kingdom, and the business grew bigger and bigger, gradually affecting the Winter Kingdom. .”

"He has a group of like-minded friends who have embarked on the path of changing the Winter Kingdom together with him."

"Chen Feng has a unique personal charm, as if he was born to be a leader." The envoy began to recall Chen Feng's past, and gradually became obsessed, as if substituting it in, "There will always be people who follow behind him inexplicably, Will follow him voluntarily and help him."

"And he is also very... er, kind." God

Some people are not used to the contrast of Chen Feng.

"At that time, he would rather be hungry to his stomach than give food to children. Even if he only had a coat to keep out the cold, he would take it off without hesitation when he met someone who almost died of the cold. give to others."

"A leader who truly loves his people, all he does is based on the happiness of the people."

"He's always sacrificing himself to help others, it's just...just."

The angel shook his head.

"All his like-minded friends died in front of him with extremely tragic endings. Some even died because they were killed by the people of the Winter Kingdom. That's right, they were the people they wanted to help."

"And he, because of his own powerlessness, can't change their ending at all."

"Not to mention that one of his friends died in front of him. He just wanted to raise his mind and pursue another woman, but stabbed him in the back with his backhand."

"Even in the end, he discovered that that woman and that group of people were the culprits who killed his friend... That is, the group of people who drank with them and talked about their ideals..."

"Think about it, Buyer, you have a group of friends who have the same ideals as you, and you walk side by side with each other, but one day, as you walk, your friends fall, and you don't even have to be killed by anyone." have no idea."

"Falling down one by one, Chen Feng hated those murderers, but later discovered that the culprit was the group who had been following him all along, and even the woman he just fell in love with was only because he liked his ability to make money, and he just needed to Chen Feng's ability to get rid of their control over the fools, the executives, the rich."

"What is warm and beautiful? What changes Zhidong Kingdom and makes the people happy?"

"Everything, everything, everything is a lie."

Speaking of this, the envoy couldn't help laughing.

Just a bitter smile.

"In the end, Chen Feng's ending was that the group of people tied his hands with iron chains and dragged him for a distance of more than ten kilometers to a dilapidated grass house, where he hung it high and suffered from the cold and pain. The triple torture of body, mind and spirit."

"It's hard to believe that they were good friends one second, and they were enemies the next second."

"When your beliefs are trampled on at will, when your ideals are cast aside at will, when your kindness is belittled at will, and your relatives and friends are all against you and stab you, your life is a deception. Your sacrifice is useless, and all your life's efforts have been in vain, in exchange for so-called betrayal."

"The three views and beliefs that I have always believed in collapsed, my ideas were distorted, and kindness was destroyed, but in exchange for the birth of my husband."

"Would you be crazy if it were you instead?"

Buier was silent.

Chapter 81 That person is the object of fear of all gods

Buyeur wiped his eyes.

Force yourself to calm down.

"Are you sure... is something that World Tree can change by erasing the existence of those people?"

"Also, you have already confirmed that Chen Feng is not from Tevat, he is from outside the world, so... Will the World Tree have any influence on him?"

"As I said, Sky Island has cracked the technology of Chen Feng's face mask." The envoy continued, "And you can also find Chen Feng's personal information in World Tree."

"Also, he is very qualified to issue the God's Eye, but he couldn't find it because he couldn't crack the mask on his face before."

"Strange, he is obviously a person outside the world, and he is not a "descendant"...We can even influence him through the world tree?"

Buyeur squeezed his chin with a small hand.

"Is it really that simple?"

"Simple?" The corner of the envoy's mouth twitched, "Now Xumi has destroyed the country. Except for Fengdan and Liyue, it can be said that almost the entire continent has fallen into the hands of Zhidong Kingdom. Simple?"

"We can't even break through these hundreds of demon gods."

"My suggestion is, don't go to the World Tree." Buier shook his head, "Now the World Tree has fallen into their hands, who knows what they have done to the World Tree, if we are still firm If we implement this plan, we will surely fall into Chen Feng's tricks."

"Maybe, he just wants to leave this hope to us, and then in the end, he will kill the hope and give us a heavy blow."

"So, my suggestion is, you can't go to the World Tree."

"What about you? Aren't you maintaining a connection with the World Tree?" The envoy narrowed his eyes slightly, "If they really did something, you can't observe it?"

Buyer shook his head: "Before knowing the specific methods of Chen Feng, who can guarantee whether he has the ability to hide it from me?"

Having said that, Buyer recalled that in Jingshan Palace, Chen Feng had played reincarnation with her nearly a hundred times.

It was just a shadow, and it almost broke her.

"Understood." Through Buyer's analysis, the envoy also felt that this made sense, "So, how should we prepare for the next wave of offensive?"

"If we all die, I'm afraid..."

"No." Buyer looked up confidently.

"Before you all came down to help, I had already arranged a game against Chen Feng."

The envoy was shocked: "Oh? When? As expected of the God of Wisdom."

Bu Yeer's eyes were also a little worried.

"It depends on Barbatos... If it is possible, maybe our chances of success will be greater."

"Barbatos?" The envoy raised his brows, "According to the information, Barbatos was locked in the Winter Palace by Chen Feng. How can he get back in the enemy's base camp?"

"I admit that he is the first generation god, he has lived long enough, he is still capable...but the opponent is Chen Feng!"

The envoy was really frightened by Chen Feng's deeds.

I've never seen such a perverted person.

The real body of a mortal, shoulder to shoulder with the gods.

"It's okay, as far as I know, Chen Feng has nothing to do with Barbatos at the moment." Buyer said firmly, "I believe that Barbatos will definitely be able to."

"Okay, since this is your plan, let's take a gamble with you for the time being." A cold light flashed in the eyes of the envoy.

Fontaine is ten kilometers away.

Doctor Dotorre, who is sitting in the center of countless demon gods, narrowed his eyes, looking at the current situation in Fontaine Court.

"Oh... isn't the intention a bit too obvious?"

"However, no matter what, Abyss Religion, if you want to participate in this war... you will definitely come to Fontaine to rescue them first."

"Then..." Dr. Dottore wanted to continue, but realized that his behavior was a spoiler, so he could only smile with great interest.


Chapter 82 Belongs to Buyer's Layout

to the Winter Palace.

The Ice Queen looked up at the sky.

He looked in the direction of Sky Island.

There was a little surprise in those gray eyes.

He turned his head and looked at the white-haired Chen Feng who was sitting on the throne with his eyes closed all the time.

"You have nothing to do?"

"Sky Island is not polluted maliciously as you imagined."

Chen Feng closed his eyes and did not answer, as if he had fallen asleep sitting on the throne.

The Ice Queen turned around and walked in front of Chen Feng.

She was a little curious about Chen Feng's state.

Wait, what is he doing now?

The Ice Queen has never been able to understand Chen Feng's mind.

I haven't been able to figure out what Chen Feng's inner thoughts are.

Obviously shared everything with him, but still can't see anything.

Like a piece of chaos, people can't guess, can't figure it out.

How the hell did he do it?

She wanted to see more clearly.

Chen Feng's ultimate goal, everything he did.

What is it for, and for whom are you fighting.

Why is he so obsessed with changing the world?

The Ice Queen approached Chen Feng.

It seemed that he wanted to observe Chen Feng's thoughts from a close distance.

But at the moment of getting together.

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