"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha--"

Chen Feng leaned back and laughed, even showing a ninety-degree angle, regardless of the continuous sound of bones breaking on his back.

"Seventeen days, seventeen days!"

"I `m coming out!!!"

"*Sky swear*!" The keeper of the law of heaven hurriedly shot, using all his power, also covering the entire sky island, helping to resist the malice, and preventing the malice from spreading too quickly.

"Calling all people and gods on Sky Island!"

The Keeper of Law issues an order.

"All staff are on the highest alert, against Chen Feng's malice!"

At this moment, Sky Island boiled up.

Countless people carrying the God's Eye dedicated all their strength to strengthen the power of the maintainers of heaven.

"So that's it, the power of Sky Island is so terrifying?" Chen Feng narrowed his eyes, looking at the power erupting from Sky Island at this moment, he sighed a little.

"An army composed entirely of God's Eye owners, almost all of them are at the level of immortals, and the number is at least around 10,000+... The God's Eye is indeed a scam, and almost all of them have become puppets of Sky Island, right? "

"Plus 72 envoys..."

"How much background has accumulated in Sky Island?" Chen Feng frowned tightly, he was not sure if Sky Island still had any hole cards.

he just felt...

A recent breath change.

very disturbed


PS: I'm sorry, I'm a little busy today on the first day of the Lunar New Year, and I haven't saved any manuscripts, so I will keep the four changes as normal today.

Chapter 97 The Imprisoned Chen Feng

"Are you ready? I feel like we can't wait any longer. Chen Feng's malice has already begun to invade Sky Island, and delaying it will only be very bad for us."

"Ready, do it anytime."

"Alright, Chen Feng just left the Winter Palace, this is an opportunity!"


According to Buyer's request, the ten envoys teamed up to create a barrier around them that blocked their sight.

"Why do this?"

The envoy asked Buyer.

"I suspect that Chen Feng's intelligence network is very powerful." Buyer looked around vigilantly, even though there was a barrier, she still felt uneasy.

"Either someone is staring at us now, or everything we said before was collected by the other party."

"...Is there such a supernatural power? We just arrived at Sumeru." The corner of the envoy's mouth twitched, but he understood that Buyer's caution was right.

"Have you started?" Buyer counted the time, "Barbatos said... Chen Feng has already left the Winter Palace, and no one knows what he wants to do."

"The operation on Sky Island is about to start."

The envoy said to Buyer.

"Are you sure this plan guarantees us an advantage?"

"It's definitely possible." Buyer nodded firmly, "As long as we successfully hit Chen Feng and let him leave the battlefield temporarily, we are absolutely sure that we can gain an advantage in front of Zhidong Kingdom in a short time."

"This advantage must be continuously expanded while Chen Feng is being held back. Otherwise, when Chen Feng escapes, he can still turn things around by himself, and it will still be a deadly situation."


"Listen to the command." Buyer's face was serious, "As long as we successfully hit Chen Feng, we will rush to Liyue Port at any time."

Chen Feng put his hands in his trouser pockets, feeling more and more uneasy about the breath in the sky, he narrowed his eyes slightly.

He took the initiative to walk out of the Winter Palace and went to an unknown snow field.

"I'm so curious..."

Chen Feng recalled the past memories.

The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, as if looking forward to the next action.


Above the sky of Zhidong Country, at an altitude of an unknown number of meters.

The two envoys looked down at Chen Feng who walked out to the Winter Palace.

The two looked at each other, then nodded, and pointed at Chen Feng.

Chen Feng raised his head sharply.

Looking up at the sky.

His brows furrowed a little.

But suddenly thought of something, let go again.

"It's manifested." Chen Feng murmured, "As expected...as expected, the time has really come."

Chen Feng didn't hesitate anymore, and went straight to a very purposeful place.

"Success!" The envoy waved his hand in great excitement.

His cheers attracted everyone's attention.

"It really succeeded as Buyer said!" The envoy said excitedly, "Chen Feng has already been recruited, and the ruling authority of time has confirmed that he has hit Chen Feng!"

"Don't worry, the ability to govern time is invisible and intangible. It can even change the time flowing around us. Even if it is as strong as Chen Feng, it will definitely not be so easy to find out that it has been tricked."

"Phew." Buyer breathed a sigh of relief.

"Since Chen Feng has already been recruited... can we go to Liyue right now?" The envoy beside him asked hastily.

"Wait a minute, I'm afraid there may be fraud." Buyer raised his hand to stop the envoy, "It succeeded once, and something is not right, so we must be more cautious."

"Can you tell me, what kind of situation did you use the power of time to govern Chen Feng?"

"We exiled the current Chen Feng to three years ago." The envoy fell silent for a moment just after finishing his sentence. At the same time, he pricked up his ears, as if he was listening to the words of other existences.

Buyer's head was full of question marks: "???"

"What do you mean? Why did you exile Chen Feng three years ago?" Buyer was completely confused by Sky Island's operation, "Don't you guys know... Is Chen Feng from three years ago still alive? Are you crazy? Chen Fengpeng

noodle? ? ? "

"Something happened on Sky Island." The envoy's face became extremely ugly, "We originally planned to use the power of time to exile Chen Feng to 500 years ago."

"But for some reason, the maintainers suddenly gathered all their power, resulting in the power of time that we can use... At most, they can only exile Chen Feng to three years ago..."

"What kind of consequences will there be if Chen Feng is exiled three years ago?" Vulcan asked with a confused expression.

"It's equivalent to past and present, two different time dimensions collide, plus this is Chen Feng!" Buyer looked embarrassed, "One Chen Feng is difficult enough to deal with, guess what will happen to two Chen Feng?"

"It means that the current trend of the situation is completely out of our control!"

Chapter 98 What exactly is Chen Feng's plan?

"*sky swear*!!!"

The envoy was extremely depressed, bent down and punched the ground directly.

The power of this punch directly cracked the ground under everyone's feet, forcing everyone to be suspended in mid-air.

"What are you doing?" Vulcan was a little puzzled, "You can find me if you want to fight, what are you doing with the ground?"

"That is to say, all this is as he wished?" The envoy's eyes turned red with anger.

"Whether we use the authority of the ruling of time to apply to him, causing him to be trapped by time... In fact, all of these are within his plan?"

"Even his being trapped was part of his plan???"

"When I heard from Barbatos that Sky Island was almost completely fallen, I already felt that something was wrong." The envoy took a deep breath.

"I just said I can't believe it..." The envoy originally wanted to swear, but he held back.

In the end, he slapped himself directly to force himself to calm down.

"Forget it, it's also my fault. It's all because of my bad brain. I didn't turn around for a while. I should stop you..."

"... I don't understand." Vulcan immediately babbled.

The same is true of the water god Fukaros.

"What he meant was that the information that Barbatos perceived that Chen Feng had left the Winter Palace to storm the Sky Island was wrong."

Even Buyeur sighed.

It was obvious that Chen Feng hadn't come out yet, and he had been staying so far away in the Zhidong Kingdom, which caused them so much trouble.

"It is true that Chen Feng went out to the Winter Palace, but he never thought of directly attacking Sky Island."

"In addition, the envoy said that the maintainers of the laws of heaven are resisting Chen Feng's malice spread on Sky Island, and just before we were about to take action against Chen Feng, something happened to Sky Island."

Buyeur rubbed his temples with a headache.

"Chen Feng's malice oppressed the maintainers of the laws of heaven and had to use the power of the entire Sky Island to deal with the scattered malice. Therefore, we were planning to use the ruling power of time to trap Chen Feng, and we were deliberately guided by Chen Feng. exiled him three years ago."

"If it wasn't deliberate, I absolutely don't believe it. Otherwise, why didn't you exile to four years ago, or five years ago, but it happened to be such a sensitive three years ago?"

"In other words, Chen Feng used our plan to bring him back to the time three years ago." Buyer affirmed, "It's just that we still don't know what Chen Feng wants to do when he goes back to the time three years ago." , it would be better to say that we haven't figured out his purpose from beginning to end."

"This..." Vulcan Ting's eyes were almost like mosquito-repellent eyes, "Is Chen Feng so perverted? Why did he know our plan in such detail? He even used our plan to trick him?"

"Oh, of course it's easy, because there must be a traitor here." The envoy sneered, and then glanced at Wendy and Lei Movie.

"The two of you stayed in the Winter Kingdom for the longest time. No one can guarantee whether the two of you have taken refuge in Chen Feng to avoid being polluted by his malice."

"Calm down!" Buyer raised his hand to stop, "Now is definitely not the time for infighting, and there is no need for Barbatos and Balzeb to betray us, they have no reason to do so."

"Or, if we have such a situation, Chen Feng may be happy to see it. Do you want to continue to pursue it?"

"It doesn't matter whoever joins Chen Feng, but it's absolutely impossible for me." Wendy looked at the envoy who said he had betrayed with some unkind eyes, "I will never forget... Chen Feng slaughtered my people They will even destroy the country of Mond!"

The envoy was silent for a while, but still said:

"You said that you have been connected with Chen Feng's thoughts for a while... Then, will Chen Feng take advantage of this time to see through your inner thoughts?"

"You can see through him, and he can see through you!"

Wendy frowned tightly, recalling the experience at that time.

Then, he seemed to remember something.

His expression dimmed little by little.

Chapter 99 This is a time travel

"Have you thought about it? Sure enough, the reason has been found out."

The angel couldn't help shaking his head helplessly.

"Forget it, this is also very normal, there will always be some mistakes... It is impossible to go on smoothly forever."

"Sorry, I really didn't expect..." Wendy opened her mouth and finally sighed.

It was actually defeated by this trick...

After he sensed that Chen Feng had become a demigod, he started to act in a hurry.

Never expected...that's where I lost.

"Wait, since Chen Feng needs to go back to three years ago to do something..."

Buer suddenly said.

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