"Coincidentally, I also... have no reason to lose." Sora said intermittently.

"If it weren't for our different positions, if you hadn't killed Ying, maybe we would still be friends."

Kong looked at Chen Feng in front of him, and said abruptly.

"Haha...do you think I think so?"

Chen Feng laughed miserably a few times

, the breathing became more and more rapid.

"You are for your sister, and I... am for myself!!!"

Chen Feng's chest that had been pierced by Kong was still slowly coming back to life.

"That's right, I'm a person who will do whatever it takes to achieve my goals."

"No matter how dirty the means are, as long as it can be done, that's enough!"

"It used to be for her, but now it's for myself!"

As if returning to the light, Chen Feng rushed forward suddenly, throwing Kong to the ground, and the figure belonging to Chen Feng occupied the top of Kong again.


Chen Feng's lips trembled, his pupils fluctuated a lot, and his mental state had already officially entered a breakdown.

He bears the malice of the death of everyone in the entire Tivat Continent, the wear and tear of the Seven Gods and the Dragon King, plus the heavy burden brought by his body...

Now add an empty power of the abyss.

Chen Feng's spirit, which had been tense all this time, finally broke at this moment.

"Why on earth..."

Chen Feng punched Kong directly in the face, even if his hand bones were broken, he didn't care at all.

"I worked so hard, I tried so hard to change everything, but why in the end, everything was in vain, everything was a scam?"

"All... Are you kidding me?!!"

"When I told that woman in front of that woman to give me ten years ago... she must be laughing at me in her heart, right?"

"Hahahahaha, I'm such a ****, a complete idiot!"

"The Gobi of the fuck!" Chen Feng punched and punched, as if venting, he crazily smashed on Kong's body.

"My goals have betrayed me time and time again, then, this spring, and now!!!"

"I can see through the hearts of my enemies, but I can't see through the hearts of my teammates!!!"

"What the hell, why, why!!" Chen Feng roared unwillingly, his immortal consciousness began to gradually weaken.

"I just want to go back to the past, I just want to go back to the past, but why do all the timelines, the endings of all the timelines, and Chen Feng in all parallel worlds reveal my tragic death?"

"Everything is the end of my death."

"Why, why, why?!"

"Why is my whole life a lie?!"


Chen Feng punched it down again.

Until the sky was smashed into mud...

So far, this prince of the abyss has completely died in the hands of Chen Feng.

Completed as a demigod, beheaded two people at the "Tianli" level.

But Chen Feng was completely desperate.

Because he sees no hope.

without any hope...

He delusionally tried to change the timeline, but found that...

In the end, nothing changed.

His ending seemed to be doomed.


Chen Feng stood up slowly, staggering, as if he might fall down at any time.

But Chen Feng's perseverance was simply astonishing, even so, he still didn't fall to the ground so ugly, breathing like a dog.

He raised his head and suddenly calmed down.

There is no more irritability before.

He stared blankly at the starry sky belonging to Tevat, which was slowly shattering. Obviously, the "eggshell" also completely disappeared at this moment.

But he didn't rejoice, didn't feel happy, but...

He sighed heavily.

"A person who wants to change the world..."

"First of all, he will understand how powerless he is."

Chen Feng said to himself.

"Even if I am full of crimes, the end is already to die..."

"30 years, 30 years of perseverance, the short life of an ordinary person."

"A life of deceit full of deceit."

Chen Feng's consciousness began to blur.

The force also climbed up his neck.

From this moment on, all the negative effects he was carrying exploded at this moment.

A familiar voice began to appear in his ears.

"Your name is Chen Feng? This name...why does it look like someone from Liyue, are you from Liyue?"

"Ah, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, it's a great honor for you to join our big family."

"We are all part of the mission to change the icy coldness of the solstice!"

"Even if we don't have any bones left, as long as we can shake this huge cold winter, that's enough!"

Chen Feng's pupils had completely dilated.

He began to sink into his own illusion.

Just like when Inazuma used her own power overload.

While his spirit can pollute others, it can also pollute himself...

However, although he has sunk into his own illusion, he is still acting.

Raise your hands slowly.

At this moment, his whole body began to emit a golden light.

This is the power of heaven...

"My goal...has never changed, never...never..."

Chen Feng spoke intermittently like a walking corpse.

The power of heaven was forcibly suppressed by him in his body.

His strength became stronger and stronger.

But his consciousness has almost disappeared.

Like a swaying little flame in the darkness.

It seems that as long as there is a slight disturbance, it will completely dissipate.

"Chen Feng, come with us."

The voices of the partners who lived in Zhidong three years ago rang again.

"That's right, Chen Feng, you can go with us."

"You have avenged us."

"Chen Feng, you are the most powerful person among us. If it were you, if it were you...you can definitely do it."

Chen Feng felt in a daze at this moment.

His consciousness, if only data is used to describe it...

Only one hundred percent, one percent...

"I... will go with you."

Chen Feng said slowly with a happy smile.

He also missed... the past of those three years.

He is willing, willing to use his own consciousness to sink into his own illusion forever.

I don't want to come out anymore...

Chen Feng raised his hand and slowly rose into the sky.

Due to the power of heaven, his current level has successfully reached the existence of a creation god.

His hand pointed to the solstice that was destroyed by Vulcan.

With just a slight wave of the hand, all the remaining ice and snow that belonged to Zhidong was transferred to another place.

At the same time, his other hand swung around violently.

In just a short period of time, signs of green life once again appeared in the entire Tivat continent.

The Tivat that had been completely destroyed before, slowly grew out again with hopeful greenness just after Chen Feng waved it down.

Everything has been changed.

Just like what Chen Feng said.

Burn the old world...shape the new!

Chen Feng, the god of creation, began to move mountains and seas to create an original ecology...


The ice and snow in the solstice, the heat in Nata... All the harsh environments of this Tivat were transferred by him to the uninhabited place in the world,

At the same time, Chen Feng raised his hands higher and higher, even holding the sky high.

One environment after another suitable for human habitation was created by him bit by bit.

"The earth will eventually reveal delicious cheese, the sun in the sky will eventually bring hope, and the day and night will eventually reincarnate. The world has experienced a dark night, and it will surely usher in tomorrow's dawn."

Chen Feng still did not forget his original intention.


His methods cannot be accepted by everyone.

After finishing all this, Chen Feng smiled


Although he couldn't... achieve his ultimate goal.

But he fulfilled... his long-cherished wish three years ago.


Chen Feng sighed all the injustices done to him.

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