However, before leaving.

"If you have anything to talk about, please come to me anytime." Eden stood at the door, smiling at Mebius in the room, "Although it may not help you change the status quo."

After all, she smiled and closed the door.

Hearing this, Mebius smiled, raised his hand and lightly brushed the green hair beside his ear, and his emerald green eyes were a little strange.

As expected of the brightest pearl of this era, even though there is no mention of it, it is still guessed that there is an unspeakable constraint behind her.

"No matter where you are, you can't get rid of the constraints." She lay on the soft bed, her long green hair spread out, and she closed her eyes.

Whether it is in the previous life or in this life, the invisible and tangible constraints cannot be shaken off.

The drowsiness was getting stronger, and she seemed to be dreaming about the memories of her previous life vaguely.



In the room of about [-] square meters, all kinds of modern facilities are available, it is spotlessly clean, and has undergone strict sterilization.

The sterile room can also be understood as a cage.

"Hey, 42, the plan you gave me is useless." The man looked at the figure in the room through the glass.

Even through the white curtains, you can still feel the other person's slender body, like a fragile lily that will break when the wind blows gently.

However, it is this figure, this weak figure, which possesses the strongest mind of current human civilization.

"It's because you have a problem with execution." The soft voice revealed indifferent reason through the white curtains.

"With her character and ability, the success rate of pursuing her is extremely low."

"I strictly followed your plan, and there were no mistakes in the process!" The man was emotional, waving his hands, and yelled, "You deserve to have it like this, named after the ultimate answer of the universe, 42?"

"..." There was no answer, and the figure behind the white curtain seemed to have lost interest in speaking.

But the man was still chattering, asking the figure behind the curtain to give an explanation, he knew that the other party would have a way.

After all, the other party is an almost miraculous coincidence, and the most advanced genetic technology in modern times, created... a superhuman being.

Of course, such existence also has drawbacks, that is, it is impossible to leave the sterile room, and the body must be maintained with expensive drugs on a regular basis.

Otherwise, it will soon die of life failure.

After a long time, the man said he was tired. He looked at the slender figure who said nothing behind the curtain, and hammered the tempered glass hard.

And it was this action that made the figure in the sterile room respond.

"Performance personality disorder. People with this kind of personality often like to perform themselves, using exaggerated behavior and tone to attract the attention of others, but they don't think about others." The slender figure behind the curtain, passed on With a cold voice, "The person you like is an excellent woman with a sound personality. It is unlikely that she will like a man with changeable emotions, extreme emotions, immature thinking, and exaggerated words and deeds."

"You want to say that I have a personality disorder?" The man widened his eyes angrily, feeling that he was being humiliated by the other party.

In this regard.

"That's right, you have a problem with your personality." The slender figure behind the curtain replied calmly, "Unless you have fully grown up, otherwise, the chance of success in pursuing the other party is extremely low."

"An artificial human locked in a sterile room, what kind of human beings do you know!" the man shouted, but his eyes were very unwilling.

Despite being dissatisfied, Angry believes the other party's words, that is an existence with a superhuman mind.

"Really, in my opinion, you are as stupid as a monkey." The slender figure behind the curtain smiled mockingly, "Even though I told you the most likely plan to succeed, you still failed."

"That's better than you." The man sneered, his head was dazed with anger, and he couldn't help mocking the artificial man in the sterile room.

In response, the figure behind the curtain chuckled.

"You are really cowardly and pitiful. You can only curse at me through the glass and vent your incompetence."

Having said that, let me add one more sentence.

"You don't even have the right to be near me."

"If it weren't for the damn combination lock and multi-factor authentication, I would have gone in and beat you up." The man sneered.

In response, the figure behind the curtain smiled.

"There is no need for multi-factor authentication, as long as it belongs to the core password, you can ignore the multi-factor authentication and come in directly."

"..." The man felt something was wrong, but before he could think about it, he heard the other party laugh.

"Sure enough, you are timid and incompetent." The voice behind the curtain laughed mockingly, "Is it possible that the core code is a lie to expose you as incompetent and cowardly?"

"Hmph, who will be led away by your speech skills!" The man's voice raised a lot, and immediately, he heard laughter from the figure behind the curtain.

"The core password is sdsd23ffsd456, do you dare to enter it?"

The man fell silent, of course he didn't dare, the value of the people in the sterile room, even a small person like him, is very clear.

Any accident would end his life.

"As expected, you are still so incompetent and cowardly." The figure behind the curtain sighed in disappointment.

"Even if it's a false password, you're too scared to take any action, even if your rationality tells you that it's impossible for me to know the password."

"..." The man's eyes widened angrily, and he could no longer bear the other party's ridicule. He knew that the people in the sterile room could not know the so-called core code.

However, the other party took advantage of this and unscrupulously laughed at his incompetence and cowardice.

Thinking of this, he reached out to the virtual password keyboard.

"Bang!" With the sound of the gun, the hand reaching for the virtual password keyboard was disconnected, and the blood gushed out and stained the glass wall red.

Then, the broken arm fell to the ground.

"Ahhh my hand!!" The man wailed like a pig, clutching his blood-spitting arm, rolling on the ground in pain.

Seeing this, the figure behind the curtain sighed softly, as if very disappointed.

Histrionic personality disorder, in addition to excessive self-awareness, inconsideration of others, very childish thinking and behavior.

Another point is that it is very easy to be influenced and suggested by others.

In other words, it is very easy to be drawn and used by words, and it is a very suitable role as a pawn.

"42, how did you know the core code?" A woman in a white coat walked in. She stared at the figure behind the curtain and asked:

"Leaving the sterile room, do you... want to die?"

"He's so noisy." The figure behind the curtain replied, and the woman in a white coat frowned slightly.

Then, he waved to the guard who walked in, signaling to get rid of that idiot controlled by 42's words.

Soon, the man who was howling on the ground was carried away by several big men in black, covering their mouths.

"Now you can talk." The woman in a white coat asked the figure in the sterile room. She wanted to know how the other party got the core code, and also wanted to know why the other party came to the outside world.

"You know, the vaccine you asked me to develop is actually highly contagious and lethal." The slender figure in the sterile room said to himself, "After the incubation period, it will cause a larger-than-dark vaccine." Severely ill mass deaths, and you, as the person in charge, are also to blame."

"Are you threatening me?" The woman in a white coat narrowed her eyes slightly, her voice was cold.

Hearing this, the slender figure in the sterile room smiled softly.

"The lifespan of my body is coming to an end, and now I just want to go to the outside world and experience the feeling of freedom."

"..." The woman was silent, thinking and struggling, she didn't know whether she should agree or not.

"Have you considered it?" The slender figure behind the curtain asked, "Time is running out, and you don't want to go to jail, do you?"

"Tell me first how to crack the virus you researched." The woman said coldly.

But the slender figure in the aseptic room shook his head, obviously not intending to hand it over easily.

Before gaining that moment of freedom.

"Let me think about it." Without immediately agreeing, the woman turned and left coldly.



The next day.

in the afternoon.

The setting sun is slanting to the west, the sky is dyed with red clouds, and the golden tulle covers the busy city.

The woman lit a cigarette and looked at the slender figure with long green hair standing on the edge of the roof, wearing a white hospital gown.

"Actually, you haven't studied mass-death viruses at all, have you?"

"Well," replied softly, the slender figure with long green hair turned around and smiled softly at the woman.

"You were tricked by me."

"The price is your own life." The woman smoked a cigarette and exhaled white smoke. She slightly raised her head and looked up at the sky, as if she had a premonition of a meteor falling at night.

In the first place, maybe she shouldn't have participated in that experiment.

However, it is too late now, to create... no, it is a life pushed by fate.

Today, when I am free, I have completely entered the end of my life.

In the future, there will probably not be such a miracle again. This is a miracle bestowed by God, a light kiss given by God to human beings by chance.



187 chapter

In 5 years, there is someone I want to see

"Not a good dream."

Waking up from the dream, Mebius looked at the ceiling and sighed softly. She dreamed about her previous life.

That was not a wonderful life, inexplicable...birth, passing away without any accident, if it stopped there, it was just a miracle of accidental birth, however, she was very clear and understood about the abnormality in her body.

After death, he traveled to another world, was selected by the reincarnation space, and started an adventure.

Is this series of highly correlated miracles really accidental miracles?

Remember, I heard from the light ball before that the reincarnation space will collect the soul information of the dead and strong according to the situation, and randomly throw it into another world for reincarnation.

Then, recruit them to venture into the reincarnation space, so... the newcomers they get are not only of good quality, but also extremely malleable.

Therefore, she may have not only one past life, but two past lives, as for who the previous life was at the very beginning.

We have to wait for her strength to rise to a certain level before I can investigate by myself.

As for inquiring about the light sphere, she had also inquired sideways before. This is classified information in the upper layer of the reincarnation space, and unless the person concerned said it himself, otherwise, even the guide would not be able to know it.

"Let's go find another Mebius for an experiment." She supported the bed with her slender hands, her green hair slid down her fragrant shoulders, and her emerald green eyes showed great interest. For bullying... Cough, seeing another hard-talking Mabius Us was very interested.

And now she also has the ability to find another Mebius, the ability to confirm the truth with her own eyes.

She got out of bed, showered and washed, left the room, and went down the stairs to the living room.

"Mebius, you're awake." Alicia greeted Mebius with a bright smile, "I was planning to call you up for breakfast."

"If I'm not tired, my biological clock is accurate." Mebius chuckled, pulled the chairs from the dining table and sat down.

Alicia, on the other hand, was a little subtle, and glanced at Sakura who was sitting upright with a calm expression.

The eyes of the two met.

Then, Sakura turned her head slightly, if Mebius stayed in her room yesterday, she might not be able to get up early.

"Let's eat, I made the breakfast by myself." Alicia didn't choose to take the opportunity to tease Sakura, but pulled out a chair and sat down, had breakfast leisurely with everyone, and chatted about irrelevant topics.

Until, Mebius suddenly brought up a certain topic, and said as if casually, "Speaking of which, I plan to go to another world and find another self. Are you interested in going?"

The atmosphere suddenly fell silent.

Alicia, Eden, and Sakura, looking at Mebius's pretty smiling face, couldn't tell whether the other party was joking or serious.

"Time can be reversed and changed." Mebius said in an extremely gentle voice, "However, it doesn't mean that the original timeline will disappear, it will still exist and remain unchanged, and move forward continuously toward the future."

She blinked.

"However, time will fork. For the person concerned, he still returns to the future. The people and things he sees are the people and things in the past, but the fate is no longer the same as before."

"Do you want to go to the bifurcated timeline?" Eden's amber eyes showed surprise.

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