In any case, even if they don't use it for themselves temporarily, they can still make money by saving it first or selling it to others.

It is strange that this is not crazy.

"The government doesn't impose restrictions, so it's not surprising that there will be such a result." Einstein shrugged, looking at the crowd rushing to the door of the pharmacy, "Regardless of whether it is safe or not, vaccines should be strictly regulated."

She raised her hand to lightly cover her forehead.

"It seems that before the announcement of the vaccine, it has been used by the upper classes of humans on a large scale, so there is not much resistance."

"It's not surprising." Tesla put his hands on his hips, "The focus now is to find out whether the vaccine is safe or not."

At present, the expansion and acceptance speed of the vaccine A-872, if it is not limited by production capacity, and people worry about becoming subordinate dependents, the number of human beings vaccinated with the A-872 vaccine may have increased dozens of times.

Although, according to the research of the two of them, the A-872 vaccine will not be formed at all, similar to the vampire hierarchy.

It will only be affected by the Theresa vampire at the source.

"Two, if you are really worried about the safety of the vaccine." A calm and elegant girl in a gorgeous maid outfit walked over.

"Why don't you just go and witness it with your own eyes?" She came to Tesla and Einstad and bowed gracefully.

"My lord and Lord Teresa really want to meet the two of you."

"You are?" Einstein frowned slightly. She and Tesla came to this city with their identities hidden.

Why was it found so quickly.

"You can just call me Rita." The maid girl smiled gracefully, and pointed to Shencheng Medicine, "My lord and Lord Teresa, I have prepared refreshments for you two."

"How did you find us?" Tesla looked around. Both she and Einstein had put on all disguises, including the identity of boarding the plane.

However, his identity was still discovered.

"Snakes are everywhere." Rita blinked, "There are always people who like to hide in the dark and observe information that ordinary people don't know."

Chapter 40

Give you a job, but also give you money?

The atmosphere froze.

Tesla and Einstein glanced at each other, then looked around, and found that they seemed to have been surrounded by some unknown time.

The eyes of many passers-by around them were vaguely on them, ready to take them under control at any time.

Can't run away, this is the conclusion drawn from observation.

"You guys are well prepared." Tesla gritted his teeth, looking at the smiling, elegant and calm maid Rita, feeling aggrieved and powerless. This feeling of being manipulated is really uncomfortable. Comfortable.

However, after all, people are bound to be strong.

"Let's go with you." Einstein sighed, his expression was not panicked, unexpectedly flat, he seemed to have expected the situation he was surrounded by, and the promotion of the A-872 vaccine did not go through a long period of time. test.

This is obviously something that does not conform to the routine and procedures, which shows that Shencheng Medicine has a considerable degree of influence in the upper layers of human society.

So, finding them... makes sense.

"Those two, this way please." Rita pursed her lips and smiled, and led the two into a black car and headed for Shencheng Medicine.

In fact, for both Tesla and Einstein, Mebius was a rare talent who pointed out the talent to meet.

Originally, the World Snake was still worried about how to get them to invite them from Anti-Entropy, but these two actually came to their door on their own initiative.

Isn't this just a coincidence?



In the Shencheng Medical Building.

"I can only send you two here." Rita stopped, folded her hands in front of her stomach, and bowed slightly, "My lord, I'm waiting for you two inside."

"Aren't you her personal maid?" Tesla asked with one hand on his hip, looking at Rita who didn't intend to enter, "Aren't you planning to go in to serve your master?"

After entering the Shencheng Medical Building, she discovered that Rita's identity is not simple, she has extraordinary authority.

After inquiring, I found out that she was still the so-called 'Honor's' maid, responsible for helping the Lord to deal with many things.

It's a job like a secretary.

"After all, Rita is still a spy." Rita smiled sweetly, "Some information, the lord is still unwilling to let Rita hear."

After saying that, she pushed open the closed door.

"Don't keep your lord waiting, both of you."

"Cunning little guy." Tesla snorted softly, and walked slowly into the room vigilantly.

And behind her.

"Is Rita a man of destiny?" Einstein asked Rita, and then walked into the room without waiting for an answer.

Rita blinked in surprise, then smiled slightly, turned and left to do other things.

Maids are very busy.

And at the same time.


"You are the lord of the world's snakes?" Tesla looked at the beautiful woman sitting on the sofa not far away. She was dressed in the style of a researcher, wearing a white coat of a researcher, with a gentle temperament but revealing scientific research. the rationality of the reader.

This was very different from what she expected.

Originally, she thought that the so-called lord had at least the same painting style as Cocolia, even more domineering and cold.

However, the reality is very gentle people.

Wait, speaking of Otto, he also looks very gentle and elegant, but when he does things, it's the exact opposite.

"That's right, I am the Lord of the World Snake." Mebius nodded amusedly, looking at Tesla's expression of relaxation for a while, and vigilance for a while, feeling that the other party was unexpectedly interesting.

Well, it must be fun to bully.

"In other words, Teresa is your... woman." Tesla felt that the words he said were a little twisted, and he didn't know how the Jackal said it so naturally.

Mebius just nodded at this, and waved to the two with a smile, "Come over and have a cup of tea, let's talk slowly."

"Then excuse me." Einstein was straightforward, pulling Tesla to sit opposite Mebius.

The atmosphere in this room is very relaxed, and there are not many outsiders present. In terms of combat effectiveness, the combination of her and Tesla is probably a little stronger than Mebius.

So, there is no need to be nervous.

As for the possibility of Mebius, it is the kind of wall hanging that is so powerful that it can blow up the building with a single punch.

That kind of thing doesn't matter, as long as they seem to have the upper hand.

Negotiations are sometimes a psychological duel.

"In fact, I have been known to you two for a long time." Mebius said as if joking while making tea, "Sometimes, I feel like I have known you two in my previous life."

"You are so close, you are more blunt than me." Tesla folded his arms and said delicately.

However, inexplicably, Mebius felt that what Mebius said was natural, and there was an illusion that the other party was telling the truth.

The opponent's nonsense ability... is as strong as [-] million points.

"This is probably the so-called déjà vu." Einstein was very cooperative and seriously analyzed the reasons for Mebius' illusion.

"Is that so?" Tilting his head, Mebius smiled slightly, and handed two cups of tea to Einstein and Tesla respectively.

"So, what do you want from us?" Tesla picked up the teacup, took a sip, and found that it was surprisingly delicious.

This tea... must be expensive.

"You must be worried about our vaccines, right?" Mebius smiled, "Are you worried that we will use Teresa to do bad things?"

"It's a natural thing." Tesla nodded readily, but it's just that everyone is worried, so there's no need to hide it.

It can't be said that they came to Canghai City for tourism.

"...Then we have room for negotiation." Mebius smiled gently, "I can give you a chance to get in touch with Theresa, and I will give your suggestions a chance to be adopted by Theresa."

"You want us to work for you!" Tesla suddenly realized that the other party was trying to recruit them.


"No, no, you misunderstood." Mebius shook his head, "It is an opportunity for you to contact Theresa and give your opinions. You need to pay a certain amount of wealth for this opportunity to have this opportunity."

"Ha!" Tesla slapped the table and raised his voice, "You mean, let us give you a job and pay you back!"

"Your proposal is a little too outrageous." Einstein also had a headache and squeezed the space between his brows. This kind of proposal is like selling them, and they have to help count the money with a smile.

It's a bit too much to be honest.


"Speaking of which, you may not know." Mebius smiled, "The relationship between Teresa and Otto is a grandparent relationship in a certain sense."

She picked up her teacup and took a sip.

"If Otto uses this relationship to influence Theresa to do some bad things, then things will be troublesome."

"Hmph, will you let Teresa be controlled at will?" Tesla snorted, and had no intention of accepting cooperation that was tantamount to prostitution.

And this.

"...I won't stay with Theresa for too long." Mebius told calmly, "If you refuse, in the future world, the person who can influence Theresa the most is Otto."

Her expression was a little playful.

"For me, of course it doesn't matter, but can you really rest assured that Otto can easily influence Teresa?"

"I can't see it." Einstein shook his head, "Whether you will leave or not, let's take it as fact for the time being."

She stared at Mebius and spoke firmly.

"However, you must not want Teresa to be too deeply influenced by Otto, so you asked us to balance it."

"...There is indeed a possibility." Mebius nodded, with a playful smile, "However, even without you to balance, I still have enough staff to advise Teresa, but there may be a slight time gap."

"However, if you refuse, it will be very easy for Otto to use Theresa's influence to target anti-entropy."

"You don't want anti-entropy to have an accident, do you?"

"..." Einstein and Tesla fell silent, and what the other said really made them feel worried.

If Teresa really has the ability to affect all human beings in the future, then Otto will use it to target anti-entropy.

The fate can be said to be self-evident.

"How do we believe what you said is true?" Tesla frowned, not wanting to admit defeat, at least to fight for the initiative for his side.

Mebius didn't say much, took out a pile of prepared materials and put them on the table, allowing Tesla and Einstein to watch.

In fact, she still attaches great importance to Tesla and Einstein. The other party has a strong mind and research and development capabilities, and there is no doubt that they are very suitable support staff.

More importantly, these two people... are good people.

That's why she hoped that after she left, Tesla and Einstein could stay by Theresa's side to help.

As for Otto's ability is indeed very strong, but it is impossible for her to truly trust her, and it is necessary to leave some checks and balances.

Of course, the so-called asking them to pay to approach Teresa also needs to pay to give Theresa advice.

That's just to bully Tesla a little bit.

It is also to strive for a little more right to speak.

Chapter 41

I can only rely on the blessing of the fairy

"How are you thinking about it?" Mebius took a sip of tea, with a playful look on his face. Looking at Tesla's unwilling expression, he seemed to have made up his mind, and he had a good handle on Tesla and Einstein.

However, this is a matter of course. With the memory of her previous life as a reference, she knows that both Tesla and Einstein are gentle and kind people in nature.

And good guys are often easier to deal with than bad guys.

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