"Dead?" the officer muttered to himself, looking at the dying monster lying on the ground, and the monster almost killed him.

However, at this time, he died by himself.

"This kind of monster beyond common sense really can't survive for too long. It simply doesn't have enough energy to support that level of evolution and activities." He calmly analyzed it, then fell to the ground, showing the expression of the rest of his life.

At this time, he had a clearer understanding of the weight of Mebius, and he was able to create the existence of this monster.

That must be an even more monstrous existence than this monster.



In Canghai City.

"..." Sitting in a taxi, Mebius suddenly glanced at the distant night sky as if aware of it.

Dead, the environment-purpose life form she researched, although it was a failure, was still a creation of her with a little thought.

However, due to the short lifespan of the environment-purpose life form and the limit of its evolution and adaptability, she gave up on that failed experimental body and planned to destroy it after a while.

Unexpectedly, someone thoughtfully helped her destroy the experimental body.

"Miss, we have arrived."

And at this moment, the driver suddenly spoke to Mebius in the back seat, "Please pay attention to safety, the environment here is not good, you... are not suitable for this kind of place."

This time his guest is a beauty, very easy to attract people's attention, coming to this kind of poor area... a bit dangerous.

So he felt that he still needed to be reminded.

"Actually, a friend who is very good at calling is already waiting for me here." Mebius explained with a smile, took out the money and handed it to the driver, then opened the car door and left.

And just as the driver expected, when Mebius got out of the car, he quickly attracted people's attention.

Out of place, really out of place, like black spots on white paper, very eye-catching.

However, Mebius didn't care about these insignificant things, and walked straight to a small shop not far away.

Under the attention of everyone, she came to a table of a native girl, pulled out a chair and sat down.

"Dr. Mei, why are you here?" Hua looked at Mebius who was sitting next to him, and subconsciously wanted to call out the other party's name, but immediately thought of the other party's identity and situation. After shouting a word, the rhetoric changed.

"Because, I really want to see Hua." Mebius rested his chin on his slender hands, and stared at Hua across the table with tender eyes, as if he was looking at his lover, so gentle that one felt his heart soften.

"Please... don't make such jokes." Hua blushed and lowered her head, eating the dumplings in the bowl. She was a little uncomfortable with Mebius's way of speaking, which really aroused people's imagination.

"It's not safe here, doctor, it's not suitable for you to come here." She raised her head and warned Mebius.

This is the old street near where she lives. There are not only gangsters, but also gangsters and other dangerous elements.

It's not suitable for someone like Mebius to come here.

"Hua, isn't such a cute girl here too?" Mebius didn't care, and said with a smile.

This place is relatively remote, with mixed fish and dragons. Students really shouldn't come here, but there is an advantage here.

That is the price is very cheap.

"Doctor, you don't have to worry about my safety." Hua Xiaosheng explained, if ordinary students are really worried about the environment here.

However, she... is not very scared, it is better to say that others should be afraid of her, in case she accidentally beats someone to death with force.

That would make things worse.

"Then if Hua protects me, don't you have to worry?" Mebius blinked his eyes, as if he trusted Hua very much. Although Fu Hua has not undergone super-transformation surgery, he is qualified to inherit the family's martial arts gym people.

And if you want to inherit the martial arts school, you must have at least some military strength as the owner of the martial arts school, otherwise how can you teach students.

"Doctor, please don't come to these dangerous places casually in the future." Hua sighed, then frowned slightly, "However, doctor, how do you know that I'm here?"

"What's so strange?" Mebius took it for granted, moved his chair, and whispered in Hua's ear.

"I have lived in Hehua for 5 years, so I know your past and habits very well, such as which restaurant you liked to visit when you were a student."

During this period, Fu Hua's life was relatively tight. Although his family opened a martial arts gym, they were not very rich.

Therefore, after Fu Hua came to Canghai City to go to school, he had to save money as much as possible, and the restaurant where Fu Hua is currently, although the location is a bit remote, the price and quality are very good, very suitable for Fu Hua who is struggling to consume.

As for the bad environment, it is easy to encounter danger, this is for Fu Hua whose force value is over the top.

It's nothing to worry about.

Chapter 73

another self

"Please don't make such jokes." Some helplessly, Hua sighed, "It's easy to give people undue expectations."

Now she feels like the protagonist of a manga. She is plain and without any advantages, but she is able to attract the love of beautiful girls who can't find faults. This... is obviously a daydream.

Reality is not a cartoon, even if we put aside the issue of her being a girl, we still have to consider the issue of whether we are worthy or not.

If he indulged in the false tenderness given by Mebius.

It will be very painful in the end.

"... Hua, you seem to be very unconfident." Mebius smiled slightly, "Obviously you are a very good person."

Hearing this, Hua didn't refute, and ate a mouthful of dumplings silently. She didn't lack confidence, but she knew herself.

If she told her father about her experience, then her father probably didn't think her daughter was attractive, but instead thought that she was under too much pressure and her mind was out of order, so she would dream up such unrealistic content.

Although, the reality is that there is one of the world's most famous scientists, who is too beautiful, and a super rich woman is opposite her.

And sent her a marriage invitation.

"This is really distressing." Tilting his head, Mebius said after thinking about it, "Hua, do you want to gain power beyond human beings, so that you can be more confident."

"...power beyond human?" Hua pursed her lips, feeling a little disappointed in her heart. Sure enough, Mebius had an ulterior motive in looking for her.

"Is it because of my qualifications that the doctor wants to ask me for body modification?" Her voice was so soft that only she and Mebius could hear it, this was to prevent Mebius' identity from being exposed.

Although Mebius currently looks like the purpose of approaching her is to find the experimental subject, and he doesn't have a good impression of her.

However, this is also a very normal thing. The other party is the top group of people in this era. The purpose of approaching an ordinary person like her is definitely not as simple as being friends.

As for the fact that among so many people, she was chosen as the experimental subject, it may be because of her good physical fitness as a warrior or her special aptitude.

Anyway, looking at the problem from this perspective can explain Mebius' logic of action.

At least it makes people feel more reasonable.

"...Hua, you actually think of me like this?" As if aggrieved, Mebius turned his head in dissatisfaction, just in time to see a few punks walking over.

And the target was obviously herself.

"...Miss, let's get acquainted." The leader of the gangster greeted Mebius with a smile as friendly as possible.

The other gangsters dispersed and surrounded Hua and Mebius.

Jaipang Hua speeded up his meal, ready to help Mebius drive away the harassing gangsters.

As for why she helped after eating, it was because doing it might affect her dinner.

It is easy to waste food.

Now she is just an ordinary student, and her life is a bit tight. If she can save, it is naturally better to save.


"Go away." Mebius said coldly, his voice was calm and unwavering, he was just narrating his own opinions without any threats or curses.

However, the leader of the gangster instinctively took a step back, and then he realized that he had lost face, and gave Mebius a threatening look.But he found that the other party's eyes were too calm, as if he was looking at a dead person.

It would be very difficult for such a seemingly extraordinary young lady to kill him, wouldn't it?

The answer is about to come out.

"Hahaha, I just want to get to know each other." The leader of the gangster smiled awkwardly, "If you don't like it, then forget it."

After all, he beckoned his brothers to leave. As for continuing to harass without knowing what is good or bad, this is an unwise choice.

The intuition of being a gangster is sometimes much stronger than that of ordinary people, who can't be provoked, and who can be bullied.

With a little contact, they will be able to understand.

And someone who is as indifferent as Mebius who can calmly look down on them is probably someone they can't afford to provoke.

There is no need to ask for trouble for lust.

(...Leave now?) Huadu was ready to show off his strengths, but he didn't expect the little bastards to leave very cowardly.

No stalking was carried out.

"...Hua, do you want a hero to save the beauty?" Mebius said with a smile, looking at the surprised Hua with a chuckle, "Should I give you a chance to show off your skills?"

"No, this is the best." Hua shook her head. Although she is a martial arts practitioner, she is not interested in hurting others. She is more interested in protecting herself and helping others.

Well, there is also the reason for inheriting the family business.

"Hey, don't you want a hero to save the beauty?" Mebius' delicate pretty face revealed a little disappointment, and the brightness of the emerald green eyes was a little dim.

It's obviously fake.

However, Hua felt a little guilty, she didn't mean that, she just thought it would be better not to fight.

Why did Mebius understand this way.

"Doctor, it's not what you think." She explained honestly, but.

"In other words, Hua... wants to protect me, right?" Mebius winked at Hua playfully.

And Hua opened his mouth, not knowing how to answer, or whether it was an illusion, feeling that Mebius was a little bullying her.

Is the other party too able to handle himself?

"Let's get down to business, I'm here to find Hua this time." Mebius said with a serious expression, looking at Hua holding his breath and concentrating.

"Let's go on a date."

"Huh?" Hua made a confused voice, looking at Mebius' serious expression, he realized that the other party didn't seem to be lying.

"Dating, the two of us?" She raised her finger and pointed to herself, why, things are so jumpy.

Isn't it time to talk about whether she wants to be a test subject?

"Two people, it's not impossible." Mebius's voice gradually weakened, and he turned his head and said guiltily, "But, I don't have that much money with me, so I need... Let her provide the dating funds."

"Doctor, are you also short of money?" Hua subconsciously said, and immediately realized the situation of Mebius. Now Mebius is in the state of being offered a reward by the whole world. As long as he finds it, he can become a billionaire. millionaire.

However, it was precisely because of this that countless pairs of eyes were looking for Dr. Mebius, which naturally included Dr. Mebius' bank account.

If it is used, it will be hunted down immediately and locked to a specific location. At that time, not only the government will take action, but countless bounty hunters will also flock to it.

It would be strange not to dig Canghai City three feet into the ground.

Therefore, even though Mebius is a rich woman, she has no way to use her wealth.

In a sense, he may be poorer than her.

"It's just what you think." Seeing Hua's understanding expression, Mebius turned his head to look at Wei Wei who was walking not far away, and raised his hand to attract the other party's attention.

The wallet has arrived.

"It seems that I didn't come too late." Wei Wei walked over, and her tone returned to a lively and confident look, obviously switching her personality again.

Not surprisingly, it should be the personality of the Great Magic.

"It's just that we came in a timely manner." Mebius stood up and faced Wei Wei, and chatted with each other for a few words.

And Hua took advantage of this spare time to pay the money in advance, so that Mebius would not have to pay for her later.

Although the other party does not lack the money.



Bustling commercial street.

"Speaking of which, it seems that I rarely go shopping with people." Mebius looked at the passers-by. After she came to this world, she was either acquiring new knowledge or doing research.

By the way, start a business and earn some research funding.

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