When the words fell, the contact was directly hung up, and the senior executives present were not given a chance to speak.

The atmosphere fell silent.

The high-level people present looked at each other in blank dismay, and began to continue discussing whether or not to sneak attack while the Evolution Herrscher was asleep, so as to prevent the Evolution Herrscher's strength from improving dramatically.

Finally, they came up with an answer.

For now, wait and see for a while.



seven days later.


Human beings sometimes don't know whether they are fragile or strong creatures. There is a terrifying monster sleeping beside them, but they have begun to return to their normal life trajectory.

Those who should go to work should go to work, those who should work overtime should work overtime, and those who should be fired should be fired. The society still retains a strong inertia.

Monsters also seem unable to change the world.

"Is there any change?" Sakura stood on the edge of the high-rise building, observing the city as before. When people should go to school, they still go to school, and when they should go to work, they still go to work. The inertia of life seems fragile, but it is very Strong, those who are eager to break everything, instead actively maintain the inertia of society at this time.

This feeling is very subtle, as if the world has become a little normal.

"Under the Lord's will, the world will become a better place." Gray Snake walked out slowly, holding a black umbrella, observing Sakura's appearance, "Let's go, invite our brave man."

"..." Sakura didn't respond, she put her hand on the knife at her waist, stared at Gray Snake with icy eyes and said, "Are you really only taking orders from Mebius?"

"You are the first person to suspect that I am loyal to the Lord." Gray Snake sighed and nodded understandingly, "Indeed, I am a bit mystic, but please don't have any doubts about me being the shadow of the snake. Suspect."

"..." Sakura didn't speak, and jumped directly downstairs. The height was clearly enough to kill people, but she fell lightly like a cat, and even the corners of her skirt were held down by her hands, without any loss.

"As expected of the person chosen by the lord." Gray Snake sighed in admiration, turned around and chose to go down the stairs, instead of choosing Sakura's way of playing handsome, that high distance, even if he jumped down, there would be problems.

I also don't know why Ying is able to jump off the building without getting hurt even though she is made of flesh and blood, and why she is more threatening than any firearm even though she is only using a cold weapon.

Is martial arts really that magical?

Near Qianyu College.

Kevin smiled brightly, waved goodbye to his friends, then turned around and walked towards home. He played basketball a little late today, and he probably wanted to use it to clear away the complicated thoughts in his heart.

Not long after, he walked into the corner of the alley, which was the shortest way home, and he didn't need to wait for the red street lights.

Today, however, something is different.

At the end of the alley, a man with a black umbrella and red eyes blocked his way.

Turning around, behind him was a girl with pink hair who looked like a samurai holding a samurai sword.

blocked his retreat.

"Kevin, humans need your power." Gray Snake said to the vigilant Kevin, "We can let you master that power, enough to face the power of "Evolution Herrscher"."

"Don't you think you're suspicious?" Kevin asked Gray Snake without fear, "Are you from Mebius?"

"That's right." Gray Snake nodded, "So, what's your choice?"

"..." Sakura looked at this scene, and raised her hand to press the katana on her waist. What is so special about this young man whom Mebius valued so much that it deserves Mebius to invite him with the righteousness of a human being.

"Can I get in touch with Mebius?" Kevin didn't refuse immediately, and Sunshine made a request with a smile, "If Mebius really needs me, let her come and talk to me."

"Yes." Gray Snake readily agreed, took out a mobile phone to unlock it, entered a string of numbers, and threw it to Kevin.

"Call, you can directly contact the Lord."

"..." Kevin was silent for a while, chose to dial the phone, and listened to it.

After a while, a familiar cold female voice came.

"what's up?"

"Dr. Mebius, hello." Kevin greeted, and then found that the cold female voice was much warmer.

"It's you, boy." Mebius chuckled, "Have you made a decision yet?"

"It's not so much about making a decision." Kevin smiled bitterly, "Do I really have the qualifications that you value? I'm just an ordinary high school student, and there's nothing special about it."

At school, he was indeed quite popular and considered a very outstanding person, but in the eyes of Mebius, he was...too ordinary.

Unless it is a genius of Mei's level, then it is worthy of being valued by Mebius.

But he couldn't find a reason worthy of Mebius' attention.

"Didn't you say that you have that qualification." Mebius explained, "You can become a hero and bear the name of saving the world."

"I'm sorry, I can't imagine myself taking on this honor." Shaking his head, Kevin expressed his thoughts very bluntly.

It is true that the young man has his own spirit, but it does not mean that he thinks that he can become the savior of the world.

That's not anger anymore, it's...second-degree illness.

"Actually, I have a message from your future." Mebius said to Kevin, "Do you want to hear it?"

"Doctor, can you predict the future?" Kevin asked, "So, you want me to be a hero?"

Having said that, he shook his head and smiled again.

"Sorry, even if the person named Kevin becomes a hero in the future you foresee, it doesn't mean that the current Kevin can become a hero. I don't have his experience, nor his awareness, let alone his pain. "

"Do you want to feel his pain?" Mebius' voice became a little weird, giving people a bad feeling.

But Kevin agreed, "If there is really a memory of me becoming a hero in the future, I want to experience it myself."

"Okay, you and Gray Snake can come to see me." He readily agreed, and then the phone was hung up.

"It seems that you have already made a decision." Gray Snake chuckled, turned to lead the way, and Kevin didn't say much, catching up with Gray Snake.

The figures of the two melted into the darkness and disappeared.

"Doctor, do you really know the future?" Sakura frowned slightly, and couldn't help sighing. She didn't know what that young man thought, why he imagined Mebius' words so easily.

No matter how you look at it, it reveals suspiciousness and deceit.

Shaking her head, she turned around and walked into the bright light of the block, blending into the commotion of the crowd, and soon disappeared.



Chasing the fire moth.

After passing through the heavily guarded laboratory.

"Young man, you are here." Mebius took off his mask, looked at the white-haired boy not far away, showed a joyful smile, and pointed to the test bench beside him, "Lie down, let's start the body modification."

"I want to know about his memory." Kevin shook his head. He didn't believe that someone in this world could predict the future, but after the appearance of the Evolution Herrscher and the outrageous things like Houkai Neng.

I quickly changed my mind. There are many possibilities in this world, let alone knowing the future.

Even if a genuine god appears, it is barely acceptable.

"I can't do that kind of thing now." Mebius said confidently, "It requires Hua to cooperate with me."

"Where is Hua?" Kevin asked.

"I don't know, but you just need to defeat the Herrscher of Evolution." Mebius smiled, "Then you can meet Hua."

Kevin fell silent. Why did he think that someone could have future memories? After thinking about it, he knew it was impossible.

To be deceived by such a trick.

"Young man, since you're here." Mebius patted Kevin on the shoulder, "Let's do body transformation by the way."

Kevin: "..."

Chapter 98

spaceship, no... a railgun


However, it is not cold.

Kevin lowered his head and looked at the thermos in his hand. The scalding hot water inside had been frozen after he touched it.

This is the power he has now. After the super-transformation operation, he naturally mastered the ability to control the power of ice.

Lightly touching people can freeze blood and deprive people of their lives. No natural species on the known planet can resist, even giant whales and elephants.

However, this is not only beneficial, he loses...the possibility of embracing others, the power of ice can not only freeze the enemy, but also cause his body temperature to become unacceptable.

Just touching it can cause frostbite.

"How does it feel to be a superhuman?" Mebius came and smiled at Kevin.

And Kevin was expressionless, handed the thermos cup to Mebius, and said his feelings indifferently, "With my current body temperature, replenishing water and food are very troublesome things."

"Don't worry, it's just a small problem." Mebius comforted, and after Kevin showed hopeful eyes, he said the fact that made people even more desperate, "Eat more fruits, after swallowing, they can also replenish water and food .”

The air froze.

No... This is not a metaphor, with Kevin at the center, the icy chill emanating from it dropped the temperature to freezing point.

"That's right, it's too early for you now." Mebius didn't panic, pinching his chin with his slender hand, "Do you need to seal your ability? As long as you add a gene lock, you will become an ordinary human being."

"But, don't you need me to... fight?" Kevin hesitated at this moment.

And Mebius just lightly brushed the green hair around his ears, put the thermos cup in his hand on the table beside him, stared into Kevin's eyes, and said in a very soft voice, "It depends on your choice. Put on the sword to protect the important ones, or put down the sword and embrace the important ones."

"Give up my ability, so I can't protect anything?" Kevin frowned, looking up at the cold palm.

"You can still use your "life" to protect it." Mebius smiled, "But it's just protection. I can't predict whether you can save the important people around you."

"..." Kevin fell into a long silence. After completing the super transformation operation, he felt that he was very strong, but he didn't know how strong he was.

What is even less clear is whether it is worth giving up the qualification to hug others.

Think for a long time.

"Can the gene lock be used at any time?" He asked Mebius, at least he needs this power now, if he can use the gene lock at any time, to seal his ice power.

Then there is no need for hesitation for him.

"Anytime." Mebius chuckled and explained, "Actually, it's not very difficult to solve the problem that you can't hug others, as long as you follow up with my surgery."

"No, does it have any strange side effects?" Kevin stared at the smiling Mebius with some doubts. This hateful woman is a bit... no, very wicked, not at all like the Virgin in Su's words.

Now he seriously doubts that the follow-up super transformation surgery will add all kinds of strange side effects to him.


"Probably...not." Somewhat uncertain, Mebius turned his head, "Anyway, it can make you stronger."

"..." Kevin twitched the corners of his mouth, feeling even more uneasy, but he was helpless. He couldn't beat Mebius, let alone moral issues. Many kinds of strange black technologies made him die without knowing how to die.

"By the way, doctor... Please don't tell my family and friends about my super-change surgery." He shook his head and spoke to Mebius, not wanting his friends and family to worry about him.

And Mebius hesitated a little, turned his back to Kevin, and raised his hand to signal to follow, "Come and meet your future teammates, you will all be heroes against Honkai."

"Is it also a fusion fighter?" Kevin asked curiously, but Mebius shook his head.

"It's a more special existence. I hope you get along well. Even if you want to fight, you have to find a place far away from people, and make sure that no one exists within a ten-mile radius." Mebius smiled and said, "Your partner is a little enthusiastic , I feel that I can get along very well with you, a sunny boy."

"It feels like a very troublesome person." Scratching his head, Kevin expressed his feelings.

"Those who are not familiar with it will indeed find it troublesome." Mebius nodded, "However, it will be fun after getting familiar with it."

"..." Kevin didn't really believe it. It felt like a human being, and he thought dogs were very cute.

Cats, however, don't necessarily think that way.



After a while.

After the heavy metal door opened, a man wearing a mask came into view. He was leaning on the soft sofa with his hands on the sofa.

Beside her, there was a blond girl with big boobs, sitting beside her gracefully, whispering these words in a soft voice.

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