A burst of heat gushed out from the head, and the spirit came from [16] to [17].

... draw again,

Suddenly, a burst of purple light burst out,

[Wow, epic! 】

Lei Cang's spirit was shaken, he raised his spirits immediately, looked at the drawn item,

【Repair Charm (Consumable)】

[To repair damaged weapons, the upper limit of props is epic level]

【Treat equipment like a lover】

"...it seems familiar."

Lei Cang pondered for a while, rummaged through the things he had drawn out before, and found an unremarkable stone.

[Repair Stone (consumable)]

[Used to repair broken props, the upper limit of props is excellent level]

He still remembered that he was planning to use this thing to edit photos.

From the description, [Repair Charm] should be an upgraded version of [Repair Stone]... an upgraded version that strengthens certain aspects.

After all, the range that [Repair Charm] can repair is limited to the entry of 'weapon', while [Repair Stone] can repair anything.

Lei Cang played with this spell-stone, thought for a while,

I don't seem to have anything to fix...

But in the future, you can find some powerful props...or things that were once powerful but are now broken. You should be able to make a fortune after repairing them.

He put away the two restoration items and clicked to extract them casually.



Haoxuan didn't throw Lei Cang out,

——Bright golden light burst out!

[Wow, legend! 】

【Taixu Sword Qi—Heart Accumulation (First Realm)】

[Heart accumulation, the foundation of the five aggregates, do not cultivate the dantian, but use the body to penetrate the qi... There are four realms in total, divided into water-stopping, dust-free, bright mirror, and Taixu]

[The state of mind melts into the lake until the water stops, the lake of the heart freezes to be dust-free, the ice of the heart penetrates into a mirror, and the heart's energy is invisible to the void]

[After the cultivation is completed, it needs to be wiped from time to time... There is little wavering, and the heart of the sword is broken]

The next moment, a violent headache hit,

It seems that someone picked up a saw axe and hammered thousands of chisels on the head, the steel and the skull collided, and the scandium and scandium made a sound,

Pain, numbness, swelling, itching... all kinds of tastes come together,

Lei Cang screamed, covered his head and immediately rolled on the ground,

But this is just the beginning,

Suddenly, there was a pain in the left arm, as if someone came invisible with a sword and cut off the left arm,

Immediately, the left arm lost consciousness, only the severe pain in the remaining arm, and the weakness of the blood gurgling out,

He struggled to open his eyes in pain, but saw that his left arm was intact, but the feeling of the broken arm and the outflow of blood came from the nerve clearly and unmistakably.

There is a clear contrast between the visual picture and perception, which makes Lei Cang's brain confused for a while,

But this is not the end,


broken foot,

Several sharp swords crossed, twisting the legs,

through the heart,

The blade stabbed into Rehuo's heart, stirring as if dissatisfied, making the inside full of holes,

A hundred blades scrape thorns, thorns pick out bones,

In this torture for an unknown amount of time, Lei Cang lost even the strength to scream, and could only roll on the ground holding his head in pain,

In the end—a pain that split his head completely knocked him unconscious, announcing the end of this torture.


After an unknown amount of time, Lei Cang woke up groggy,

He covered his head and sat up from the ground,

The previous pain dissipated as if it were all fake,

After checking the body, there was no wound, but the room was completely rotten.

There are traces of being cut by sharp weapons everywhere, and deep sword marks are everywhere. I don't know what he did during the painful period.

The bed, cabinet, and computer were all reimbursed.

There is simply no problem with the chassis, so I can continue to use it just by buying a display screen. This makes Lei Cang a little lucky.


Lei Cang sat helplessly on the ground and refused to get up.

There is not even a place to sit in the whole room, why is he getting up?

But... such a big loss, his gain is also very impressive,

——Now, in Lei Cang's perception, the world is filled with an inexplicable energy,

Like running water, like gauze,

With a little concentration of consciousness, they can be used for one's own use, entering all parts of one's body, strengthening defense, or strengthening attack.

However, it would be too extravagant to simply pour them into the body as a defense.

Lei Cang raised his hand, turned his palm into a knife, and swiped lightly,

The knife in the hand drew a half-arc like a waning moon in the air, and a bright sword qi shot out, cut through the air, and sank into the wall without a trace.

——Then there were sounds of panic and yelling from the other end of the wall, and a woman was asking what was going by just now. It took a while to calm down,

Lei Cang: "..."

He was a little embarrassed,

After listening carefully, I was sure that no one was hurt, so I was relieved.

"I didn't think well enough..." Lei Cang rubbed his head, "In the final analysis, the place is still too small, and even the experimental capabilities are inconvenient."

He walked to the wall and found that a transparent gap had been cut into the wall made of cement and steel bars. Looking at the stubble of gray steel bars exposed at the fault, Lei Cang secretly clicked his tongue.

What a sharp sword...

This is still when he didn't use his sword with all his strength, and the weapon was still a hand knife,

If it is cut with a real sword, maybe the sword energy can penetrate the entire house, right?

Lei Cang sensed it, and found that the meridians in his body were slightly swollen after the sword strike...

Unlike other novels, where true qi exists in the dantian, Taixu sword qi directly uses the body to control the qi. It does not cultivate true qi itself, but only cultivates the heart.

...If you swing the sword with all your strength, you can probably make two or three sword strikes.

This is not bad, after all, it is only the first level, and Lei Cang didn't expect to be able to fight the sky and the earth as soon as he came up.

After several experiments, Lei Cang stopped his movements until he felt a slight pain in the meridians in his body, exhaled slowly, and said with emotion:

"Finally, the cultivation of the mind is completed."

In the past few days, apart from playing games, I have not been idle. When I have time, I will practice the mind aggregate.

Unfortunately, apart from some improvement in swordsmanship, little effect has been achieved... Now the clouds are clearing.

"From now on, small thermal weapons should not pose a threat to me."

Lei Cang made a leap and stood firmly on the ceiling, with his head facing the ground, but without any discomfort.

'Zhen Qi' is connected between the soles of his feet and the ceiling, firmly fixing his body on it.

"Coupled with the reaction speed of [Faluklight], even if the opponent shoots first, I can still chop the bullet in half with my sword."

After the 'Xin Yun' is completed, the changes brought about are not just as simple as being able to release sword energy,

His physical fitness has greatly improved,

In the perception, the true energy is slowly nourishing the muscles and bones... It can be expected that this growth will continue for a long time...

When the growth is completed, maybe I can punch through the steel plate with a single punch, just like Fu Hua, the monitor of St. Freya.

Chapter 54 Omens

Lei Cang jumped from the ceiling and landed on the floor,

In the messy room, the mobile phone lying on the ground is constantly flashing.

It was good luck that the phone was not damaged in the chaos.

Swipe open the screen, dozens of messages pop up one after another,

[Paramecium]: I want to eat a hamburger today, but I have no money, and Mei won't let me eat it.

[Cromecium]: Aunt Jizi is lecturing me again. It’s really annoying. She is so much older than me. What’s wrong with calling me aunty?

[Paramecium]: Why don't you reply to me, are you eating delicious food?give me break

[Paramecium]: Oh, mom, mom, I actually ignored this lady... Forget it, since tomorrow is the second round, I will generously forgive you once!

[Paramecium]: The second round is about to begin!

【Paramecium】: Time is up, hurry up and take the order,

[Paramecia]: Hurry up and take the order!All in!

[Paramecium]: Quickly pick up!The battle is on... people? !

[Paramecium]: Woohoo, this lady is going to be angry...


There's a bunch of them in the back,

Anyway, the general process is that the paramecium met the enemy, the paramecium was taken aback, and the paramecium killed it.

In the part about counter-killing, she probably used a dozen sentences or hundreds of words to brag about it, and Lei Cang could feel Kiana's pride through the screen.

...Since there is no accident for the time being, Lei Cang is not in a hurry to get back to her,

looked at the time,

It turned out that two days had passed since he passed out. According to St. Freya's schedule, the hunting battle had come to an end.

Lei Cang perfectly missed most of the tasks and missed them.

But he didn't feel sorry either.

The value of [Taixu Sword Qi - Heart Accumulation] is worth dozens of missions.

Lei Cang couldn't help but feel grateful for his luck.

After getting the system, I won't be able to draw a total of [-] draws. Even if I get two gold, I can still use it, which is considered very European.

He conveniently drew the remaining two prayers,

Got it, [Lace Fat Times], [Spiritual Seed].

All white is probably a law of conservation of luck, after all, gold has just been withdrawn before.

The spiritual seed was eaten, and Pangci threw it aside.

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