While the Crimson Demons around were discussing, Eris suddenly looked at the ground, and hurriedly said: "Under the ground—something is about to come out!!"

The next moment, accompanied by a roar, two giant tree men with a height of 20 meters emerged from the ground, and then rushed towards Graeme in front of them with heavy steps.

"Σ( ° △ °|||)——"

Everyone looked at Yoyo dumbfounded, as if they couldn't understand how this kind of thing was summoned.

"Yuyo, Yoyo, how did you do this?" Babar walked towards Yoyo, trying to ask the truth about this magic, but he was stopped by Lin Qiong on the way.

"Mr. Babar, don't disturb Yoyo just now, she is accumulating power for the next magic." Lin Qiong glanced at Yoyo who was preparing super-level magic, and said: "Those two treants alone can't stop that monster's attack." go ahead."

"Can't you stop it?"

Everyone looked at the Treant who looked like a Gundam, and saw that they came in front of Graeme, and then hugged Graeme's legs from left to right, trying to stop him from moving, but their strength was greater than their height. In front of twice as many Grahams, it is really not enough to look at.

The next moment, a large number of tree roots burst out from the tree man dragged away by Graeme, took root in the nearby ground, and then quickly began to spread, forming a huge root system underground.

For a moment, Graeme's progress was delayed.

"very good--"

A smile appeared on the corner of Lin Qiong's mouth, he turned his head to look at Yoyo, and said, "Next, it depends on Yoyo's performance—"

Time passed by second by second, under the gaze of many Crimson Demons, Yoyo suddenly opened her eyes.


Accompanied by the humming of the air, gradually expanding magic circles appeared on the top of Yoyo's staff one after another - the first magic circle was only the size of a fingernail, but the top magic circle was already the size of a football field .

"so beautiful……"

I don't know who made such an exclamation.

"Super-level magic——" Under the expectant eyes of everyone, Youyou raised the staff in his hand, and then shouted: "—the sky is falling!"

The next moment, all the magic circles lit up with white light, and a beam of light several tens of meters thick descended from the sky, enveloping Graeme and the tree man.


The surrounding Crimson Demons involuntarily raised their arms, covering them in front of their eyes, preventing the dazzling light from hurting their eyes.

A few seconds later, when the light dissipated and everyone looked in Graeme's direction again, they were stunned by the scene in front of them - a huge crater visible to the naked eye appeared on the great plain full of rocks and ruins, as if The entire ground was sunken for more than ten meters, and the dark brown ground exuded a faint burnt smell.

"Okay, that's awesome..."

Hezhen stared at Huihui beside him in a daze, and asked in a low voice: "Huihui, if you release your blasting magic with all your strength, you can do this kind of thing, right?"

Huihui, whose expression had become oxo, shook her head vigorously, and said, "Even with magic stone charging, I can't do it at all!"


But how did Yoyo do it?



After the war, Yoyo's status in the Crimson Demon Clan has been visibly improved.

No one would say to her face anymore, "Yuyou, this kid, is fine in everything, but not normal" - now it was said behind her back, and in person for fear of being beaten.

Cough cough, there is no way, in the Crimson Demon Clan, it is really "abnormal" for Yoyo who is not in the second grade!There is really no way to reverse this impression.

However, the Crimson Demons' previous impression of Yoyo's "bad power" has undergone a 180-degree change!Even in just one morning, three groups of people came to ask Yoyo how she learned magic and how many skill points she needed.

Yoyo finally experienced the troubles of a "super popular character".

It's really gratifying, but...

Oh, by the way, the plain that was hit by the falling sky - originally the people of the Crimson Demons felt headaches because of the rocks and ruins in its area, but now because of the falling sky, it has become a fertile place of farmland.

Therefore, it is really gratifying and gratifying!

Chapter 0200 Aqua actually has such a background?


"I can't go on with this day!"

"I can't stay in this house for a second!"

"Uuuuuuu, Qiongni-san, Erina-san, take me away—"

Yoyo lay on the eldest lady's knee like a monster, and let out a scream of covering her.

The past two days had really tired her out. Group after group of Red Demon clan members came to visit, and then asked her how she learned her magic and whether they could learn it.

This is simply a kind of mental torture for Youyou, who has some slight social fears.

Lin Qiong put down the light novel in his hand, looked at the moaning Youyou with a smile, and said: "You have finally changed your previous reputation and become a 'super genius that is rare to see in the red demon clan in a hundred years'? No? Are you ready to enjoy this day more?"

When she was young, Yoyo couldn’t understand the Crimson Demons’ handsome ([-]) thinking because she behaved too strangely (positively) and abnormally, and she couldn’t even explain the ordinary ([-]) introduction of the standard style of the Crimson Demons. , so they are regarded by the residents of the Crimson Demons as "a child with an abnormal brain", resulting in almost no friends.

However, all of this was changed on the night when Yoyo released super magic - she became the hottest supernova of the Crimson Demons.

Youyou shook her head vigorously, and hurriedly said: "I don't need it for a day!"

The sense of separation given to her by the current tribe is too heavy.

For example, the fat aunt who brought her little grandson over in the morning, she remembers that when she was young, the fat aunt once said to her grandson, "Mihawk, Yoyo's brain is not normal, don't play with her, be careful Infected", what is the result now?

"Oh, Yoyo, Fat Auntie has always thought you are a special child! This is our family's Hawk Ai, do you think he has talent, can he learn super-level magic?"

Weird, so weird!

"Alright alright."

Lin Qiong shrugged his shoulders and said, "Fortunately, I am going to let Yoyo feel the busyness of big celebrities."

"No, no, no." Youyou hurriedly waved her hands and said, "I, I think life is pretty good now!"

We already have Lamborghinis, what second-hand Alto do we need?

"Qiong, don't bully Yoyo." The eldest lady smiled, touched Yoyo's head, and said, "But Yoyoyo really doesn't plan to stay for two more days, right? You can be a little more arrogant now, and let the past Vent all the grievances you have suffered."

"No, no need—"

Youyou shook her head, she sat up, and said with a serious face: "Poor Ni-san, Erina-san, since I met you, I have already felt very happy!"


Lin Qiong shook his head helplessly, and said, "Youyou has already said that, so there is nothing you can do."

The eldest lady smiled and hugged Yuyou into her arms and said: "Yuyou is such a good child~



After Youyou made the decision, Lin Qiong's team immediately bid farewell to Mr. Babar.

"Don't you want to stay a few more days?"

Yoyo's mother stood next to Mr. Babar, looking at Babar who looked like a "Watching Girl Stone", and said softly: "Aren't you always talking about Yoyo?"

"Her teammates are good kids."

"It can be seen that the three teammates dote on her very much."

"Seeing that she is doing well makes me feel relieved."

Mr. Babar took a deep breath, then turned around and walked towards the house, saying: "The Red Devil Village is not suitable for her, that team is the most suitable place for her."

"What a stupid dad -"

Youyou's mother shook her head, then walked over with a smile, and said, "Ananda, the tuba ran away from home, shall we practice the trumpet?"

Mr. Babar: "!"



"Wait, wait, wait, hey—"

Just when Lin Qiong and the others were about to mount the armored crow and take off into the sky, they came to look for him specially, but the Hezhen team, who learned from Babar that he had left, rushed after him.

"Hey, isn't this Mr. Kazuma?"

Lin Qiong turned around, looked at Kazuma Sato who was out of breath, and said with a smile, "What can you do with us?"

"You, are you really embarrassed to say..."

Sato Kazuma propped his hands on his knees, and said weakly: "Obviously you have whetted our appetite before?"


Hui Hui nodded, she looked at Lin Qiong angrily, and said, "You said that you would take us to the Pokémon World!"

"Hey, hey, don't talk nonsense about this—"

Lin Qiong raised his hands dumbfounded. He glanced in the direction of Eris and said, "I just said, I can take you to the Pokémon World, but you must apply in advance."

"Application? What application?" Huihui looked at Lin Qiong blankly, and said, "Could it be our parents?"

"Well, I have to ask the goddess for an answer on this—"

Lin Qiong looked at the goddess.


A question mark appeared on Akuya's head, and she asked with a blank face: "Application? What application?"


Lin Qiong looked at Aqua expressionlessly. He had to admit that Aqua never disappoints people - laugh, it's Aqua as expected.


Eris was about to cry, and she said with a painful face: "Don't you have any idea after knowing the identity of Mr. Lin Qiong? That is an existence that can freely travel to and from different worlds?"


Aqua suddenly woke up. She slapped her palm, and then came to Lin Qiong excitedly and said, "Then can you take me to a world where there is endless wine? Wuhu~"


This time it wasn't just Lin Qiong, even the others couldn't help but look at Akuya expressionlessly—if mental retardation had a color, it must be blue.


Eris twitched the corners of her mouth, covered her face, and said, "Senior Aqua, um, um, I think it would be better for us to report this matter to the God Realm—"

"Report? No, no, no!"

Akuya shook her head vigorously, and said hastily, "If I tell the God Realm about this, the benefits will be taken away? That's not okay! This is the benefit I discovered!"


Everyone's eyes became even more contemptuous.

Just when Akuya was incomparable, accompanied by thunder from the ground, a huge golden magic circle appeared at the feet of everyone.


The next moment, everyone felt their eyes blur, and the surrounding environment had changed from a wilderness plain to the center of the palace filled with dense aura.

"This, this, this..."

Akuya's eyes widened immediately, and she fell to the ground with the light of money in her eyes, and exclaimed: "Super, super expensive brilliant crystals! They are actually used to make floors? Which idiot is doing this?" Extravagance!? Damn, if you dig up a piece of this kind of brick and sell it, the money you sell is enough for me to drink the fine wine of the God Realm for a year!"

Eris raised her head in despair, looked at the top of the resplendent palace, and thought, "Sorry, Aqua-senpai, I can't help you anymore—"

Just when Aqua was facing the floor, a suppressed angry voice came from the front of the crowd: "A-Ku-Ya-you idiot! Stop destroying the image of God in the eyes of others. So impressive!!”

"Wow ah ah-"

Accompanied by Aqua's panicked voice, she hurried behind Kazuma in a panic, and then looked in the direction of the sound with a wary face.

When she saw the image of the speaker clearly, she couldn't help but blink her eyes. The vigilance on her face quickly disappeared, replaced by an expression of indifference.

"what the hell--"

Akuya stood up straight, put her hands on her hips, and said angrily, "Father, don't scare people!"

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