

"Final exam?" x6

Nanoha, Alisa, Suzuka, Feite, Alicia, and Elf stood in a row, repeating Lin Qiong's speech just now.

"That's right—"

Lin Qiong raised his finger with a smile, and said, "A few days ago, I 'accidentally' lost the sacred stone seed I collected on the earth, so I would like to trouble you to help me recover it."

"This..." Suzuka looked at Lin Qiong puzzled, and said, "But, what does this have to do with the final exam?"

Lin Qiong waved his hand and said with a smile: "There are a total of thirteen holy stone seeds lost on the earth! So I hope you will be divided into the Nanoleaf group and the Feite group, and compete with each other to see who can collect more——"


Everyone will understand, is it such a "final exam"?

"However, master—"

Alisa put her hands on her hips and said, "Then there must be a reward for the exam, right? I got a high score in the final exam last time, and my mother even gave me an amusement park!"


All of a sudden, the aura of "local tyrants" shocked the group, making them deeply realize that the gap between people is really bigger than that between people and dogs!

"Well, indeed—"

Lin Qiong touched his chin and said, "Since you do well in the exam, you must be rewarded, right?"


"That's it~"

Lin Qiong snapped his fingers and said, "In this assessment, the team that collected more holy stone seeds can follow me to the elf world, and then capture a Pokémon you like as a companion, how about it?"


As soon as this remark came out, the little ones immediately became excited.

"Is it the world of Wind Speed ​​Dog, Fairy Eevee, and Pikachu?"

"That's right~"

"In other words, if we win, we can catch a Pikachu?"

"Well, it's fine if you like something else."

"No, just Pikachu!"

Alyssa made a fist with her right hand and made a single push declaration, "Pikachu is the cutest! I want Pikachu to squeeze!"


Alicia, who was at odds with Alisa (the writing rival is pronounced as spitting Daji), sneered and said, "Some people feel that their whole life is over before they even write the first stroke of victory? Funny oh!"

"What do you mean?"

"That's what I mean!"

"You mean I'm going to lose?"

"Isn't that obvious?"

Alicia pulled Feit beside her, then put her hands on her hips and said confidently: "Your team's big C Nanoha was suppressed by my Feit? Humph, so the outcome of this game is , our Fit team will make a reservation first!”

"You you you, what are you talking about!?"

"Hmph, and I want to choose Pikachu too!"

Alicia smiled and said, "Not only do I want to choose Pikachu, but I also want to take Pikachu to dangle in front of you every day!"

"You, you, what did you say!!??"

At this time, Alisa was even more angry than before.

This gap made Nanoye puff up her mouth and thought resentfully: 'So in Alisa's heart, Nanoye is still not as good as Pikachu? '

Suzuka, who discovered this, thought for a while, then leaned into Nanoye's ear and whispered a few words - the next moment, she saw Nanoye's bright eyes as she wished.

The two looked at each other, then nodded in unison.

'I'm sorry, Arisa-chan. '

Suzuka thought, 'But we really need a cute pink furry bunny in our team! '

Chapter 0303 I must not be poisonous milk


Accompanied by an unbelievable exclamation, Alisa stared at the few people sitting in front of her with wide eyes.

Nanoye said sadly: "I'm sorry, Alisa, although I really want to speak for you, but you have indeed lost -"

Suzuka also had a look of pity: "That is to say! It's the most basic principle to be willing to bet and admit defeat, and I can't help you—"

Alicia was even more rampant: "Wow ha ha ha! I just said it? Brother Lin will make a big move, you still don't believe it!"


Alisa, who was backstabbed by her friend (although Alisa didn't notice it herself), let out a scream of being hit by a magic cannon. She took two steps back in embarrassment, and then said with disbelief: "I, I almost forgot This thing! Do you still remember it?"

This is a lie!

She wants to default.

"You're not going to renege on your debt, are you?"

Alicia looked at Alyssa suspiciously and said, "Your friends and Elf heard with their own ears that you bet with me? It's bad character to refuse to pay!"

"Yeah, I won't renege on my debt!"

Alyssa, whose thoughts were exposed, puffed up her mouth, and she raised her voice to try to cover up her guilt: "I, I, I, I am willing to admit defeat, how could I renege on my debt!"

"Just be willing to admit defeat—"

Alicia showed a satisfied smile, rubbed her hands and said, "Then, I won't be polite about your combat uniform!"

"wait wait wait--"

The sixth sense from Lolita made Alyssa instinctively aware that something was wrong, she hurriedly said: "It's a matter, let's talk about it in advance! Keep things on the line, so we can see each other in the future, don't you know? Don't go too far! Otherwise You will fall into my hands in the future, I guarantee you will not have any good juice!"

Alicia patted her chest very grandly and said, "Don't worry, I understand everything!"


"More real than pearls!"

"That's good."

Seeing Alisa who believed it was true, Alicia immediately exchanged glances with Suzuka and Nanoha, and then showed a funny smile.

Laughing to death, as long as I don't fall into your hands, isn't that all right?

Perfect idea, wonderful!



"Although the plot has changed slightly due to Miss Know-it-all's intervention—"

Lin Qiong gestured at the universe on his fingertips, and then said seriously: "But it's not a big problem, I've got it back on track!"

I haven't seen it for a long time. The young lady who has been studying in the gourmet world and finally has time to take a vacation took a sip of milk, and then said helplessly: "There is no need to repeat the plot, right? The current Feite and Naye are also good. Are you friends?"

"Mainly because if you don't do something, this time is too boring—"

Lin Qiong looked at the eldest lady with an innocent face, and explained: "Furthermore, the Space-Time Administration must be aware of the existence of the Holy Stone Seed—that useless ferret is now almost becoming the dog of Miss Know-It-All. !"

At the very beginning, Mr. Ferret was a little rebellious, but after he followed Miss Passer-Talk for three days of experimentation, it really was——if he didn’t dig out his heart, he would die, and he appointed to dig it out to show his loyalty okay?

Space-time Administration?

who!How unfamiliar!

"Well... Anyway, as long as you have fun."

The eldest lady gave up and continued to think, and then lay down on the table, humming and saying: "Then how is Miss Wanshitong's Yuanli cultivation method perfect?"

"Thanks to Naye's friends and family, the source force cultivation method is now more than half completed."

Lin Qiong couldn't help sighing, and said, "It's just that Miss Wanshitong said that more 'samples' are needed to continue to improve the source force cultivation method."

"For example, that Yagami Hayate?"

"No, they are magical creatures from other worlds." Lin Qiong waved his hand and said, "In the words of Miss Know-It-All, the 'magic properties' of the Magic Cannon World have been almost collected."

"I see--"

The eldest lady nodded suddenly, and then said with a strange face: "But having said that, you are now trying to catch Naiye's family."

"Ahem, isn't this a coincidence?" Lin Qiong coughed twice and said, "You can't leave Naye's family alone and teach others, right?"

"That's right—"

The eldest lady stretched, and then said lazily: "Now we are waiting for the response from the Space and Time Administration, right?"


Lin Qiong nodded, held his chin up, and muttered: "If there's going to be a fight, maybe we have to resist the rainbow cannon - I'm a little excited just thinking about it!"



the other side.

Space-Time Administration.

Dimensional space sailing ship.


command room.


Lindy Harlowin with turquoise hair opened her red lips lightly, and blew on the steaming coffee cup, then took a small sip of the cat cake coffee newly bought by her subordinates, squinting her eyes in satisfaction, He said with emotion: "Recently, it's really peaceful——"

"Captain, you are committing a crime, do you know that?"

Hearing Lindy's words, a short brown-haired girl sitting in front of her turned her head teasingly, and said, "You know what? Usually, when someone sighs for peace, the next second will definitely be Come on!"

"Do you still believe this?"

Lindy put down the coffee cup, and said dumbfoundedly: "What can happen now? There won't be some ancient relics that have been lost for a long time..."

Lindy hadn't finished speaking when a scarlet siren sounded in Asura.


"High energy reaction detected—"

"Signal recognition——"

"It is indeed believed that the ancient heritage, the seed of the holy stone—"


Hearing this voice, everyone including the brown-haired girl couldn't help but look at Lindy with sad eyes, which immediately made her scalp tingle, and hurriedly explained: "It's okay, it's okay! I remember that the seed of the holy stone was excavated some time ago It’s probably because the other party’s transportation route just passed through Asla—don’t be nervous, how could it be possible for the seeds of the holy stone to scatter to the backward planet?”

The red warning sounded again.


"It has been confirmed that a total of thirteen sacred stone seeds are lost in the codename: Planet Earth—"

"Please recycle as soon as possible—"


Lindy, who was chatting, couldn't help but shrink her neck, then weakly picked up the coffee cup, took a guilty sip, and at the same time observed the others——

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