After hearing Rogge's threat, he couldn't help putting his hands in his arms, and said dissatisfiedly: "Otherwise, don't blame me for using the super invincible ultimate trump card to deal with you!"

"Hahahahaha, don't you think I'm joking with you?"

Hearing Lin Qiong's threat, Rogge immediately let out a piercing ridicule.Immediately afterwards, he slapped the ground in front of Lin Qiong, then moved his head towards it, and said coldly: "I will do what I say, and I will crush your bones into pieces inch by inch!"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He took his right hand out of his pocket, and a key inlaid with crystals shone brightly in his hand.

"To be honest, I didn't want to use this key at first - its existence has broken the balance of this world, but you have repeatedly threatened me, so I can only lift its seal"

Lin Qiong caressed the key, raised it above his head with emotion on his face, and then, with a question mark on Lucy's face, he said loudly: "Open it, the door of the Nose Hair Seat, Uncle Nose Hair!"

Roger: "?"

Lucy: "?"

A big question mark appeared on the heads of the decent and the villain at the same time.

Nose seat?Uncle nose hair?What's the mailing name...

The next moment, as the stars gathered and the galaxy reversed, a figure holding a giant sword appeared behind Lin Qiong.

Lucy, who was so frightened that she was deformed, screamed: "Hey hey——!! Xing, Xingling King!?!?"

Chapter 0540 The Covenant

Say something.

After witnessing the scene where Lin Qiong summoned the dragons with his gestures, Lucy said to herself in her heart: "Lucy, you are the eldest lady of the Hartfield family. You must learn to be graceful and calm. You can't do this anymore." What a fuss. '

Therefore, after seeing Lin Qiong actually took out a key she had never seen before and used it to summon the Star Spirit King, Lucy still maintained the elegance that a young lady should have...

No wonder! !


After appearing in the human world, the Star Spirit King raised his hair and let out a barbell-like laugh, "My old friend, you actually made a key that can summon me!"

"That is, don't you see who I am?"

Lin Qiong rubbed his nose with his hands proudly, and then complained angrily: "Ahu, listen to me, this little [beep——] bastard in front of you actually threatened me and said he would crush my bones It’s scary, won’t you help me beat him up to vent my anger?”

Star Spirit King: "?"

He glanced at Rogge who had already fallen into a daze in front of him, and couldn't help asking: "My old friend, before I do it, can you tell me what the name 'Ahu' means?"

Lin Qiong explained: "Uncle Beard!"

"I said it's not a beard, it's a nose...huh?"

The Xingling King retorted subconsciously, but only halfway through, he felt that something was wrong, "Wait, wait! Let me stroke..."

He rested his hand on his chin, trying to figure out the conversation just now.

"Okay, okay, it's not a beard, it's nose hair, nose hair!"

Lin Qiong shook his head, sighed helplessly, and said, "You are so strange, why do you like to emphasize such things?"

The Star Spirit King hesitated to speak, then stopped to speak, then thought for a while, and finally set his sights on Rogge.

"It's you who threatened my old friend, right!?"

The Star Spirit King raised the Holy Sword of Stars in his hand, pointed the tip of the sword at Rogge, and angrily shouted: "You dare to threaten my old friend, I will definitely punish you!"

Rogge: "??"

He recovered from his stupor, then rushed towards the Star Spirit King without hesitation, and roared angrily: "I will kill you first, and then I will kill him!!"


"Abba, abba aba—"

Standing beside Lin Qiong, Lucy raised her right hand, pointed her index finger at the Xingling King who was beating Rogge violently, and said to Lin Qiong beside her, "Hey, Mr. Lin Qiong, if I read correctly, that is Xingling King." Spirit King, right?"

"No, it's Uncle Nose Hair."

"Liar! That's obviously the Star Spirit King!"

"If you are willing to admit that the Xingling King is Uncle Nose Hair, then he can also be the Xingling King."

"Ah ah ah, why was the Star Spirit King summoned to the human world!"

"Because I have the key."

"So, why do you have the key of the Star Spirit King in your hand?"

"Because I made it."


"This is what I made."

Lin Qiong took out the only key of the Star Spirit King in the world, waved it in front of Lucy, and said: "This is how I gathered the aura of heaven and earth, the essence of the sun and the moon, and it took me seventy-seven and 49 days. Made."

"Really, really?"

"I lied to you."

"It's actually a lie!!"

"It actually only took a day."

"So this kind of place lied to me!?"

"Hahahaha, Lucy, your level of fanfare is better than your protoss magic!"

"You better be praising me!!"

"Hahahaha hicc—"

"What's going on with this laughter!? Are you so happy? Are you so happy!!"

"Lucy, I approve of you!"


"For the convenience of making complaints and flattery, I would like to call you the strongest in the world!"

"I don't want to be the strongest in this aspect!!"

"I bestow on you the title of Lucy, the highest honor in the world of complaints and flattery!"

"Is the title actually my name?! Am I bound to these things for the rest of my life?"

"Quack quack-"

"Don't laugh!"

Lucy covered her face with her hands and let out a groan.

Qianlue, mother in heaven...

Leila: Who is in heaven?I'm not dead yet!

Lucy: Wait, I seem to know why I complain so much! ?


"Enemy Xiu, I'm going to take off his clothes!"

Uncle Nose Hair carried his Holy Sword of the Star, and threw the dying Rogge in front of Lin Qiong, "Do you understand the gold content of the Star Spirit King?"

"Cow batch!"

Lin Qiong gave his own applause to save face, "As expected of the uncle with nose hair who is known as the Star Spirit King..."

"So beard, beard!"

"As expected of the man with the nose hair known as the bearded king..."

Star Spirit King: "?"

The Star Spirit King was silent for a few seconds, then looked at Lucy, and said, "My old friend, long time no see."

Lin Qiong: Ah, are you just ignoring me?

"Hey, long time no see—"

Lucy smiled and waved her right hand towards the Star Spirit King, and said, "Nose... bearded uncle!"

Star Spirit King: "..."

He looked at Lin Qiong who was covering his mouth again, and said sadly: "My old friend, do you have anything to say?"

Lin Qiong rubbed his face, stopped the smile on his face, tilted his head and asked, "What does it have to do with me?"

The Xingling King said confidently: "Isn't this your fault? Another old friend of mine used to call me directly...huh?"

The Xingling King pinched his chin and fell into a state of contemplation again.

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

He looked at Lucy suspiciously and asked, "What's wrong with him?"

"Well, probably, I mean maybe, maybe, uh..."

Lucy scratched her head in embarrassment, and said, "I used to call him Uncle Beard too."

Lin Qiong: "Happy."

"No Road Race!"

The Protoss King kicked Rogge twice in anger, and said cursingly, "Close the door quickly, I'm going back!"

"Yes Yes Yes--"

Lin Qiong nodded while suppressing a smile. He took out the key of the Protoss King and waved it again, and said, "Close it, the gate of the Beard Zodiac, Nose Hair King!"

Star Spirit King: "You fucking——"

Looking at the Star Spirit King who disappeared in front of her eyes, Lucy said with a complicated face: "Now I have a feeling of urgency to go home and tell my mother about it..."

"Is it Layla Heartfilia? I also want to meet this last woman who was 'loved by the stars'—"

Lin Qiong touched his chin and said, "Why don't you visit her after this matter is over?"

Lucy: 0.0

Lucy: "Eh-!!"


The Dragon King Festival event came to an end smoothly.

Rogge summoned a total of 27 dragons, causing extensive damage to the buildings in the capital, countless economic losses, and an astonishing zero casualties.


The mages present showed expressions of pride mixed with a bit of shyness—this incredible number of casualties was the result of their desperate battle with the dragoons.

It's amazing.

Fairy Tail President Makarov: "However, I think the more important thing now is..."

President of Snake Princess Scales, Oba: "Indeed, more importantly..."

Blue Sky Horse President Bob: "The anomalous group over there..."

The president of the four puppies Goldman: "Well, no matter how you look at it, it's not good?"

In the direction of the four presidents' comments, there is Lin Qiong who is communicating with Naz, Gajeel, Wendy, Sting, and the normal Rogge, and behind him is a group of giants who have turned into human shapes and are grilling around the campfire. Dragons.

After this incident in the royal capital, the magisters of the Kingdom of Fiora all have a consensus -

Without the power of dragons, ordinary mages would not be able to deal with giant dragons.

If it wasn't for the dragons of Sky City that stopped the dragons summoned by Rogge in the future;

If it wasn't for Irene from Sky City who blessed the wizards with dragon power magic;

If it weren't for the city lord of Sky City summoning the Protoss King to defeat Rogge in the future.

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