Lin Qiong finally showed an expression of realization and said, "I see, did Anna use that bottle of potion on you?"


Leila nodded lightly, and thanked again: "If it wasn't for Mr. Lin Qiong's potion, I'm afraid..."

"Hey, what a big deal."

Lin Qiong waved his hand and said, "Anna and I are friends, and you are Anna's descendant. You can be considered as my younger sister if you round it up..."

"Etc., etc!"

Lucy couldn't help but interrupt Lin Qiong. She complained with a black line on her face: "Isn't this rounding a little too much?"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He glanced at Lucy sideways and said, "Lucy, let me ask you a question——"

Lucy: "On?"

"Anna's full name is Anna Heartfilia, she lived 400 years ago, the ancestor of your Heartfilia family—"

Lin Qiong looked at Lucy expressionlessly, and said, "According to the calculation of one generation in 25 years, there are about sixteen generations in 400 years, that is to say, she is your ancestor from sixteen generations up."

Lucy: "..."

A drop of cold sweat fell down from her forehead, and she seemed to vaguely understand what Lin Qiong wanted to say.

"If Anna and I are contemporaries, that is to say, I can also be regarded as your ancestor from sixteen generations up—"

Lin Qiong crossed his arms and looked at the 0v0 Lucy playfully, and asked with a smile: "I remember that the Hatfilia family has family rules, and when you see ancestors of more than sixteen generations, you have to kneel on the ground. Kowtow a hundred heads, right?"

Lucy: "No..."

Leila: "There seems to be such a rule!"

Lucy: "Mom?"

Leila looked at her daughter innocently, and said, "Although Mom misses Lucy very much, after all, Mr. Lin Qiong happened to be my ancestor fifteen generations ago, so Mom doesn't need to do this big gift. "

Lucy: "Mom!?"

Leila touched Lucy's head with a distressed expression, and said, "It's okay, Mom will prepare the softest cushions and carpets for you, and they will definitely not hurt you."

Lucy: "Mom!!"

She was about to cry, no, she was already crying!You are really my mother! !

"So, dear Lucy--"

There was an undisguised smirk on Lin Qiong's face, "Do you think I should round up or not?"

"I'm sorry, I admit that my voice was a bit loud just now—"

Lucy nodded with tears streaming down her face, and said with a sob: "Please be sure to round up!"

Lin Qiong said with a smile: "Then give a nice shout~"

"It's not like I haven't called before—"

Lucy looked at Lin Qiong resignedly, and said, "Brother Lin Qiong, Brother Lin Qiong, Brother Lin Qiong—is it alright?"

Lin Qiong nodded contentedly, then made a heartfelt gesture to Leila next to her, and said, "Thank you very much, Leila Jiang, for your great cooperation."

"Mr. Lin Qiong's reputation is too high——"

Leila covered her mouth with a smile and said, "'It's just a little help~"

Lucy shed kelp-like tears again: woo woo woo, I can already see my dark future where I can't see my fingers!

Chapter 0542 you have to be strong, Lucy!

"Speaking of which, some of the questions you just asked..."

At this time, the eldest lady on the side smiled and said, "It seems that there is already an answer."


After hearing the eldest lady's words, Layla and Lucy couldn't help but look at each other.

Seems to be the case?

"Mr. Lin Qiong, I hope you can stay in Hatfilia Manor for a while."

Leila looked at Lin Qiong in front of her and said seriously: "Actually, because you didn't show up from the eclipse gate back then, ancestor Anna has been looking for you all these years."

After hearing Leila's words, Lin Qiong nodded sheepishly and said, "I understand what you mean, I will stay here until Anna comes over."

"It's great that Mr. Lin Qiong is willing to stay."

Leila breathed a sigh of relief, then pointed her right hand towards the direction of the mansion, and said, "Please enter the house—it's really rude to say that, I've been standing at the door chatting with you."

"Actually, I quite like the scenery in the garden—"

The eldest lady blinked her eyes, then looked at Leila with a smile, and said, "How about Madam Leila taking us around the garden?"

Leila blinked at the eldest lady gratefully, and then said with a smile: "Of course it's no problem, please come with me—"


the other side.


Anna, dressed in a mobile traveler's outfit, wiped the sweat from her forehead, then sat on a tree root exposed on the ground, and said to herself, "14 years..."

Although Leila used her own vitality to fill the vacancy of the Aquarius key when she opened the eclipse gate, the lack of a key still caused the eclipse gate to become unstable.

This led to the fact that when everyone came out of the eclipse gate, except for Anna, who was a star spirit wizard, the rest of the members didn't know where they were bounced.

After healing Layla's body with the panacea given by Lin Qiong, Anna embarked on a journey to find her former companions—but when she saw that Naz and others had their own lives, she didn't know what to do. Choose to disturb them.


She found Natsu, Wendy, Gajeel, Sting, and Rogge, but she couldn't find any trace of Sky Castle.

"Your Excellency Lin Qiong, where are you? Why can I find the whereabouts of Naz and the others, but I still can't find out the news of Sky City?"

Anna took a sip of the water in the kettle, then showed a sad expression, and said to herself, "Could it be that you didn't land on the Ishgar continent?"

Thinking of this, Anna's expression became even more bitter.

"Isn't it? Isn't it enough that I have traveled to the entire Ishgar, and I also need to travel to the entire world?"

Anna raised her head with a look of despair, pressed the back of her head against the tree trunk, and said with tears streaming down her face: "Your Excellency Lin Qiong, I beg you to show up quickly - let me not eat meat for three months, no, half a year. It will be all right!!"

As soon as the words fell, an exceptionally plump Scottish chicken with a round face flapped its wings and landed in front of Anna.It proudly raised its little paw so that Anna could see the letter strapped to its leg.

Anna hurriedly untied the fat chicken transmission on its leg, and found a line of small words written on the note——

Ancestor Anna, His Excellency Lin Qiong is visiting the mansion, come back soon!

Signed: Layla Heartfilia.

"Huo! Good guy, found it!?"

Anna stood up from the root of the tree with a look of surprise, and the round-faced fat chicken next to her was startled and fell to the ground, "Your Excellency Lin Qiong, your Excellency Lin Qiong, you really made it easy for me to find you, now you can be regarded as... Wait, wait?"

Anna blinked, then thought for a few seconds, and murmured with a pale face: "I seemed to have said something terrible just now!? I won't eat meat for half a year..."

Well, that kind of thing, don't wow...

Anna Heartfilia, let out the sob of a defeated dog.


A week later, Heartfilia Manor.


Anna looked at Lin Qiong who was sitting at the dining table with [_] eyes, enjoying the lady's handiwork.

Lin Qiong: "?"

He glanced at Anna with a puzzled look, then took a spoonful of Mapo Tofu and brought it to her, saying, "Do you want to eat it?"

Anna: "?"

Do you think I'm staring at you to eat your mouthful of tofu?Although it does exude a very attractive fragrance, and the wonderful color combination between the bright green onion, white tender tofu and bright red chili oil makes people feel appetizing, but...

I!Anna Heartfilia, I don't want to eat it...

"Then give me one."

Anna sniffed, ignored the protest in her heart, and said: "In order to rush back to see you early, I have been traveling the whole time these days and haven't eaten anything."

"Okay! Chocolate, let the kitchen prepare another stir-fry—"

Lin Qiong turned his head to the chocolate behind him and gave instructions, then looked at the dusty Anna, and suggested: "Why don't you take a shower first? Anyway, it will take some time for the new dishes to be served."

"Ahem, that's fine."

Hearing Lin Qiong's words, Anna lowered her head and looked at her slightly "simple" "appearance". She couldn't help blushing, and hurriedly put the luggage on her shoulders on the chair, and said, "Then I'll excuse you first." one time."

"Okay, then we'll wait here...huh?"

Halfway through Lin Qiong's words, he saw a few pieces of paper falling beside the chair where Anna placed her luggage. He bent down to pick it up in confusion and murmured: "Receipt from the restaurant? The time is..."

Anna: Σ( ° △ °|||)

She paused slightly, then turned around abruptly, snatching the receipt from Lin Qiong's hand like a fly.

Lin Qiong: "Are you on your way these few days?"

Anna looked away a little guilty.

Lin Qiong: "Haven't you eaten anything?"

Anna twisted her neck uncomfortably.

Lin Qiong: "_Stare——"

Anna blushed and said: "Sa, Salia is not a high-end product! A people-friendly restaurant... a people-friendly restaurant is not a big meal..."

Then there were difficult words such as "Mashed potatoes only 130J", "Snack platter only 190J", "Pasta only 140J", and the restaurant was filled with a joyful atmosphere.

Lucy standing at the door of the restaurant: "..."

She couldn't help but shed kelp-like tears again, and choked up in her heart, saying, "Could it be that the genes of comedians have been imprinted deep in my blood since the ancestors' generation?" '



Anna wiped the grease stains from the corners of her mouth with a tissue, sniffed her nose, and choked: "I just regret it, I really regret it."

Lin Qiong thought for a while and said, "Is there something you are unhappy about, tell us to make everyone happy?"

Anna: "?"

She glanced at Lin Qiong with a question mark on her face, and couldn't help but ask: "Mr. Lin Qiong, how can you, a person with 37 degrees Celsius, say words at minus 37 degrees Celsius?"

Lin Qiong thought for a while and said, "Because I'm not a human being."

Yes, very beautiful.

Anna threw the paper towel into the trash can next to her, and said angrily, "I just...sucked... just because this tofu is too spicy!"

Qin Linqiong showed a very obvious disappointed expression, and said, "Oh——"

Anna: "?"

She looked at the eldest lady, and couldn't help asking: "Miss Nakiri, has your boyfriend always been like this?"

After the eldest lady briefly recalled what Lin Qiong had done in other worlds, she pondered for a moment and said, "Actually, he has restrained himself."

Lucy: Σ( ° △ °|||)

"This is called restraint!?"

Lucy opened her mouth wide and looked at Lin Qiong, and couldn't help asking: "Brother Lin Qiong, can you tell me what you can do if you don't restrain yourself?"

Anna: Σ( ° △ °|||)

"You called him brother just now!?"

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