Of course, this is also in line with Bai Ye's thinking, after all, the purpose of his visit this time is not as simple as just adding a name.

You may not be able to get the first work, but you must have something to think about when you work together.

Chapter 254 defects.

Soon, the three of them came to a room similar to a sand table room inside the laboratory. On a huge round table in the house, hundreds of simulated elf models were placed in small circles, and around the circle were written classification name.

"This is where we usually discuss breeding and classification. In order to make the discussion process more interesting, I specially customized a batch of highly imitated elf models."

As he said, Hua Liangsong picked up a model of Morubek from the table and put it in Bai Ye's hands, "Isn't it quite cute?"

"It's really cute." Bai Ye replied with a smile. I didn't expect Researcher Hua Liangsong to like to make things like this.

"Haha, as long as you like it, I can give you a set later." Hua Liangsong laughed, "I still have a lot here, and I gave a set to every researcher here."

"Then I won't be polite." Bai Ye didn't refuse, he just had some doubts about Hua Liangsong's purpose, whether he wanted those researchers to work at home.

"Let's take a look first. This is the general grouping situation we discussed last time. Do you have any other insights?"

"There are also some models with identification plates on their bodies. The ones with the same identification are all elf species that we have tested and can reproduce with each other." Hua Liangsong added later.

Bai Ye nodded, glanced at the small circles on the round table and the models in them, and a lot of information flashed in his mind.

Hua Liangsong on the side looked at Bai Ye with some expectation, he hoped that this young man could bring him something different.

After about a few minutes, Bai Ye turned his head and frowned slightly and said, "I have two questions."

Hua Liangsong's eyes lit up instantly, "Say it."

"First, I think your dolls are not comprehensive. They only have the final evolutionary form of elves, but their previous stages are missing. I don't know if you have considered such a situation. What about the breed type~"

"This..." Hua Liangsong frowned slightly.

"Improbable?" Xia Youlan murmured to herself with a somewhat uncertain tone.

"Why is it impossible? You have to pay attention to evidence for everything. You haven't tried it. How can you say they are impossible?"

As Bai Ye said, he picked up a model whose whole body was oval and egg-shaped, with two small wings growing on its back, holding a white egg on its chest, and said:

"Take the race of Happy Eggs as an example. I believe you have all discovered that only Lucky Eggs and Happy Eggs will start to breed, while the Little Fortune Eggs seem to have no ability to reproduce. Does that mean that the Little Fortune Eggs may be related to the Happy Eggs?" And lucky eggs are not in the same breeding category."

"This...could it be the reason why the little lucky egg is not yet fully developed?" Xia Youlan asked doubtfully.

"Then why can other elves who are also elves be able to reproduce in the first stage of the race?" Bai Ye asked back.

"Also, shouldn't development be related to physical development at all? It has little to do with their shape."

"Of course, this may also be related to the particularity of the group of happy eggs. In order to verify this conjecture, we need more examples."

Hearing this, Hua Liangsong nodded subconsciously, "Indeed, everything is possible without verification, I have not thought carefully about this, and I will add sprite models of different stages. "

"You continue!" Hua Liangsong looked at Bai Ye with even more expectation. Even he didn't expect that Bai Ye would find out the major flaw in his plan right away with the first question.

"Secondly, I think your divisions are too detailed. Fishes, shrimps, etc. can be classified into the category of aquatic elves."

"Actually, the simplest division is to divide by genus first, first determine whether the genus can reproduce freely, and then try to breed with other genus elves. If they can breed offspring, they will be merged directly; if not, they will be divided directly. out of a category."

"For example, the insects and the ghosts are two major types. In fact, I think it should not be a problem to breed within their families, but it is difficult to breed with elves of other families. Of course, special circumstances cannot be ruled out. Some elves have Multiple breeding classes are also possible."

Hua Liangsong was noncommittal, "This is also a feasible idea, but actually I think it might be better to divide them based on race first, and then merge them bit by bit."

Bai Ye didn't refute it either. After all, if the eyes of the sky were not opened, perhaps Hua Liangsong's method was the most meticulous and rigorous solution that a normal researcher could come up with.

It's just that it's a bit too slow in that way.

"Mr. Hua, I actually drew up a general division before I came here. I wonder if you are interested in helping me out."

Hearing this, Hua Liangsong immediately looked over with interest, and said, "Tips are not counted, let's discuss with each other."

Bai Ye nodded, and then took out his own computer from the middle of the backpack.

Naturally, his stay in Longdu these two days was not a waste of time. This basic egg group division was the result of his hard work in the past two days.

Turn on the computer and open a file on the desktop.

"Look first, there are actually my classification bases below, but there is no experimental basis. Among them, I think the five major groups of mineral group, plant group, insect group, flight and amorphous group should be the easiest to verify."

"If these five groups can be verified first, then the subsequent workload will be much less."

Hua Liangsong didn't answer, but silently watched the groups on Bai Ye's computer.

He found that the breeding categories classified by Bai Ye are indeed much more general than those of their group, and the basis given below is actually not lacking in real experimental evidence.

It can be seen that he has indeed been carefully investigated.

"Also, I think the progress of our research institute alone is too slow. Perhaps, you can ask other conservation bases for relevant information."

"You don't need to ask anything else, just sort out their breeding records. Take the elves that only have females like Happy Eggs as an example. With a little tidying up, you can basically divide them into a category." Bai Ye continued Said.

This... doesn't seem to be impossible~

However, having said that, he felt uneasy about writing data that he had not personally verified.

This is annoying.

Chapter 255 Entry

In the simulated sand table room, Hua Liangsong and Bai Ye shook hands friendlyly, "I hope to have a happy cooperation in the future!"

After more than half an hour of communication, Hua Liangsong confirmed again that Bai Ye was the person he was looking for.

His unique way of thinking brought a different kind of inspiration to this research, and, also under his suggestion, gave him a general idea for the next research.

"It's natural." Bai Ye replied with a smile. No matter what the final result is, being able to join Hua Liangsong's team is a very dazzling resume for him.

"Xiao Lan, take Mr. Bai Ye to apply for the job first, and we will discuss it in detail later."

Xia Youlan nodded, "Mr. Bai Ye, please come with me."

After some previous arguments, she was completely convinced of Bai Ye's joining.

Even, there is still a little bit of admiration for him in my heart.

Afterwards, under Xia Youlan's leadership, Bai Ye and her went to the personnel department.

When I came to the personnel department, I could hear the chirping voices inside from a long distance away.

Pushing open the door and entering, Bai Ye followed Xia Youlan to a 667 woman in blue casual clothes with a plump figure.

"Sister Zhang, the lab will apply for a job entry. This is Teacher Hua's approval form. The position is the same as mine, as long as it is an assistant researcher."

After looking at the approval form, the woman named Sister Zhang turned her head to look at Bai Ye and Xia Youlan, with a warm smile on her face, "No problem, give me your ID card first."

Bai Ye handed over his ID card.

"Is this your relative's child?" Sister Zhang took it and asked casually.

"No, this is an expert specially invited by my teacher." Hearing this, Xia Youlan's expression froze, and then she frantically gave Sister Zhang a wink.

be careful!be careful!

Invited by Master Hua?

The smile on Miss Zhang's face stagnated, and then she glanced at Bai Ye with a little embarrassment.

Immediately began typing information into the computer.

However, just after entering a few lines of numbers, she realized something was wrong.

"Xiao Lan, I'm afraid you can't apply for the position of assistant researcher."

"what happened?"

"Not old enough."

Not old enough?

Xia Youlan took the ID card handed over by Sister Zhang, looked at the number on it, her expression was a little broken, "Are you only ten years old?"

Bai Ye nodded silently, and then tentatively asked: "Would you like to change your position?"

Seeing this scene, Xia Youlan felt that her heart was hit instantly.

She felt that all her hard work these years might have gone to dogs, and she was even worse than a ten-year-old boy.

"Some logistics jobs don't have those age restrictions." Sister Zhang added silently from the side.

Although there are minor protection laws in this world, they are not so absolute. If the conditions are met, it is also possible to employ child labor. After all, the society is so chaotic, and there are always accidents in some families, resulting in orphans and widows.

And these unfortunate children also need to make a living. If they only rely on social welfare institutions, they cannot afford to support these people.

"Wait a moment, I'll ask the teacher." Then, Xia Youlan dialed Hua Liangsong's phone number.

After some exchange, Xia Youlan then said: "Sister Zhang, you can propose him a new position, and the title should be special assistant. The teacher will give you a review later."

"Alright." Sister Zhang nodded, and then started to move.

About half an hour later, after completing all the formalities, Bai Ye followed Xia Youlan back to the laboratory, and Hua Liangsong's strange eyes met him.

"You can have such an achievement at your age, I am really ashamed..."

Bai Ye smiled, "I think it's better to discuss the real thing now than to discuss my age."

"Also, Brother Hua, don't you think the word breeding category is a bit too official? Maybe we need a new and interesting name."

a new name?

Hua Liangsong touched his chin, but it was not impossible.

So, in the previous sand table room, the two had a heated discussion again.

At the same time, several rumors suddenly began to spread inside the conservation base under the dissemination of a certain person with a big mouth.

Someone said that a distant relative of Master Hua came to the base.

Others said that a nephew of Master Hua came to the base.

The most outrageous thing is that someone actually said that Master Hua brought his illegitimate son to the base.

Each of these versions is exaggerated and mysterious, but even so, some people still believe in it.

Because they have evidence!

But at this time, Bai Ye and Hua Liangsong, who were the parties involved, didn't know anything about it. They just felt that the eyes of other researchers looking at them seemed a little weird.

In the afternoon, in order to find a suitable training ground for the elves, Bai Ye asked Xiao Lan to take him around the conservation area.

Doing research is doing research, but the training of elves cannot be left behind.

There is no special training place in the conservation base, so Bai Ye plans to set up a small site of his own in the conservation area for daily training.

The conservation area is very large. Most of the surrounding area, including Yishan, is actually part of the conservation base, covering an area of ​​more than 500 square kilometers.

In the end, after hearing Bai Ye's request that there are mountains and water, it is better to have a waterfall, Xia Youlan took him to the Baizhangya Waterfall on the east side of Yishan Mountain.

The drop of this waterfall is as high as 120 meters, which is much more magnificent than the artificial waterfall in the training room.

Moreover, below the waterfall is a relatively flat stone platform, which is suitable for placing some training equipment.

With a little repair, a basic training location will be available.

After Bai Ye made the decision here, Xiaolan didn't refuse, but said that as long as Bai Ye didn't destroy the ecological environment here, everything else was fine.

In addition, there are other elves living in the conservation area, and they may cause damage to the various equipment that Bai Ye moved here, and the loss caused by the damage can only be borne by him.

Bai Ye had already considered this point. The reason why he chose the training location in the conservation area was not only to save money, but also to have other thoughts.

There are many elves in the conservation area, and there are naturally some powerful individuals among them. They can be used as training partners for the big needle bees, and they can even learn a lot of moves from them.

As for the loss caused by the destruction, it is the hard work of being a sparring partner for them.

Chapter 256 A short peace.

Time flies, half a month passed quietly.

Ten days is enough for a person to get acquainted with a strange environment and life, and make many new friends.

But for Bai Ye, the environment is familiar, friends and so on, forget it.

After all, a group of old men and old aunts, the age gap is too big, usually go to the bar or anything ~ do not take him to play.

Of course, this is just a joke. In fact, everyone is usually very busy, and it is difficult to have any communication-chat time.

These days, Xia Youlan is probably the one who communicates with him the most, after all, the age gap between the two of them is the smallest.

In addition, Bai Ye's work here has also been confirmed.

In addition to classification, the most important part of the egg group is the verification link, and this verification naturally requires the joint efforts of elves and trainers.

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