Chapter 289 Unspoken rules!

"At eight o'clock tomorrow morning, Longdu Nanling Airport, meet at gate [-]?" Seeing the assessment message that was suddenly sent to his mobile phone, Bai Ye decided to hand over Pokkigu and a few other little guys to an acquaintance to take care of them.

After all, seven days is not a short time. If they are placed in some foster care base, Bai Ye is worried. After all, it will not be fun if they unexpectedly become their father.

It's not good to leave them alone at home, these little guys are very skinny, and if the house is demolished, he can't afford it.

Don't pay yourself in at the end, it will be ruined.

So, Bai Ye called Xiao Xu, and after hearing his intentions, Xu Qingwei immediately agreed without any hesitation.

"I'm still over at the South Campus. Just find a time today to send the elves over."

Bai Ye thanked him, and then waited until the afternoon before preparing to leave for Longdu University's South Campus.

It just so happened that Longdu Danan Campus and Nanling Airport were on the same line, so I stopped by the way, and I didn’t come back when I left in the afternoon, so just find an Internet cafe near the airport or something like a cat for a night.

Although you can't grab anything in the hotel, there should still be a place for this internet cafe.

It is economical and affordable, and there are still things to do. This place is much more interesting than staying in any hotel.

Speeding all the way, he finally arrived at the South Campus before five o'clock.

"You came at a good time." Seeing Bai Ye waiting in front of the door of the apartment building, Xu Qingwei stroked the hair on her cheeks and said with a smile. "I'm just about to go out for dinner."

"Let's eat together, I'll treat you." Bai Ye said directly. After all, why did he single out this place and ask others to help? He had to show something.

"Alright." Xu Qingwei didn't refuse either.

"How are you preparing? Do you need me, my senior sister, to teach you some experience." The two chatted as they walked.

"Say~" Although Bai Ye felt that he already knew enough, there had to be something to talk about along the way.

"In this survival trial, the first task is naturally to survive. Therefore, after you arrive at the place, the first task is to find food, water, and build a shelter. These three are undoubtedly the most important."

white night:"..."

Why do these words sound familiar? Could it be that you still have a cousin Bell?

"Moreover, in dangerous areas, you not only have to guard against elves, but also the other candidates who participate in the survival assessment with you. Moreover, if it is not necessary, it is best not to listen to nonsense about forming a team."

"Although the school does not explicitly prohibit candidates from forming teams, it secretly makes it more difficult for candidates to form teams. It's good for you to know this, but don't say it." Xu Qingwei whispered cautiously.

"I see." Bai Ye also replied in a low voice. He didn't have any idea of ​​forming a team, so he didn't need to pay too much attention to this point.

"In addition, if you meet some candidates who have already formed a team, if you don't want to be eliminated early or be affected, my suggestion is to stay as far away from them as possible."

Bai Ye nodded silently. After all, people have more power and strength. It is very easy to work together to bully a few lone candidates. Of course, because there is surveillance on the island, these guys will not go too far.

The two talked while walking, and soon came to the entrance of the school cafeteria.

"Eat here or go out?" Bai Ye asked.

"Just here, I can't eat too much at night."

"Losing weight?" Bai Ye looked at her in surprise. After all, judging by Xu Qingwei's muscular body, there was absolutely no need for it.

"No!" The corner of Xu Qingwei's mouth twitched, and then she replied angrily: "I'm used to it, eat less at night and eat a balanced diet."

"Okay then." Bai Ye shrugged and didn't say much. Everyone has his own habits.

Afterwards, the two carried a large pile of food to the kiosk they had visited last time.

Summoning their respective elves, except for Pokjigu, everyone has already met them once, so they are relatively familiar with them.

"Which two elves are you going to take to see the assessment?" Xu Qingwei happily stroked Pokkigu's body, a little reluctant to let this little guy suffer with Bai Ye.

"Big Needle Bee and Metal Monster." Bai Ye said casually.

Although he didn't understand how the three little ones decided the places, in the end, both Ghost Stone and Pokkigu walked back dejectedly, and only the metal monster had the last laugh.

So, this time it's Big Needle Bee and Metal Monster working together.

"Is it a metal monster? That's okay. The elves with super powers are indeed more convenient in the survival test." Xu Qingwei smiled slightly, as long as it wasn't Pokkigu.

"Cha Ke Yi!" It's not you who caused it!

As if he heard the conversation between the two, Pokjigu glared at Ghost Stone hatefully, while Ghost Stone lowered his head with a guilty conscience.

"Jieguo?" Weren't you the one who deceived me first?

Of course, it only dared to spit out a few words in its heart, because it was indeed not very authentic and crazy.

The way for the three little guys to decide the spot is very simple, guess the Ding shell.

However, considering the special circumstances of Pokkigu and Metal Monster, the three of them must not be guessed by hand. Therefore, Ghost Stone ingeniously printed patterns representing fists, scissors, etc. on the paper.

The three of them only need to choose a piece of paper with a pattern to compete.

Originally, this game should be quite fair, and it would be quite beneficial to Pokkiguna. After all, judging from her luck, it should be impossible to lose in such a game of luck.

However, Ghost Stone cheated and marked each piece of paper with a coquettish move, so that it knows exactly what Pokkigu did.

The guy Pokkigu also took it lightly, and just went to play the game, but didn't find it, but the guy Metal Monster, with the advantage of his superpower, discovered Ghost Stone's hands and feet on the paper.

Then, this guy is not stupid, and he didn't make any noise. First, he used his super power to feel the position of each piece of paper and the corresponding pattern. Get rid of it.

Then, a world in which only Pokojigu lost was born. After three games, Pokojigu was the first to be eliminated. After that, Ghost Stone and Metal Monster had their peak showdown.

In the end, Metal Monster came out on top with a little luck.

Chapter 2: Boss, do you want to form a team?

"This is Pokkigu's energy cube, this is Ghoststone's, and this is Uglyfish's. I have marked everyone's energy cubes on the box, and I just need to take them out for them to eat. "

Bai Ye showed Xu Qingwei the various energy cubes in his backpack.

In order not to lower the quality of life of the little ones, and not to owe more favors, Bai Ye prepared the energy cubes of the little ones in advance.

"Okay." Xu Qingwei nodded, but did not refuse.

She has also seen the quality of the energy cubes that Bai Ye's elves eat daily. They are all super-grade, and she can't find energy cubes of the same quality in a short time.

It's best for Bai Ye to bring her own, if she doesn't bring her own, she can only use high-quality energy cubes to top it first.

After everything was arranged, Bai Ye temporarily handed Pokkigu, Ghost Stone and other little guys into Xu Qingwei's hands.

After getting into the taxi to Nanling Airport, he shook his head regretfully.

"Xiao Xu is the same, don't you know how to ask about grades?"

Of course, it's also possible that Xu Qingwei already knew about it, so she didn't bother to ask.


Nanling Airport.

Compared with the Longdu International Airport in the white night, it is a little smaller and is hardly open at ordinary times. Only some specially visiting planes will land here.

For example, students from other institutions come to Longdu University for exchange and visits, and other federal colleges and universities send exchange teams, and for example, some well-known chaebols come to Longdu University for business talks and so on.

Here, it can almost be said to be the private airport of Longdu University.

This time, when Bai Ye came here, he didn't meet many students who came to visit like him, probably because it was too late.

Nanling Airport is generally not open to the public. When Bai Ye came, it was still under lockdown, and he could only take a look outside the airport.

After roughly identifying the place, Bai Ye found an Internet cafe nearby.

There are a lot of people in the Internet cafe, and many of them are carrying a small backpack, which seems to be candidates who are preparing to take the exam.

When he came, there were no private rooms, so Bai Ye could only turn on a machine in the hall.

However, fortunately, everyone came for the same purpose. When the time came, they all chose to turn off the computer and go to sleep. Suddenly, the entire Internet cafe became quite quiet.

Time passed, and the night passed in a blink of an eye.

The trial of survival in the wild is about to officially begin.

More than 1 candidates went to Nanling Airport in two batches. At this time, the first batch of more than 6000 candidates had gathered outside Nanling Airport, and there were still many passers-by not far away.

In addition, some TV media, personal video producers, etc. also shuttled through the crowd with long guns and short guns, trying to find those few famous examiners for interviews.

For example, Lei Jun, Xia Yushu, and Yu Wenle from the Fighting Department, Bai Ye and Bu Fengyun from the Training Department, Xie Yifei from the Acting Department and others.

But there are too many people, it is not easy to find.

However, the media reporters still did not give up. As long as they find one of these guys, it will definitely be a very popular report.

I haven't seen the video of Bai Ye's previous interview with the cultivation department, and this period has exploded again, because someone has already exposed him. He is the man who got 485 in the written test and a perfect score in the actual combat simulation.

It only took half the time to hand over such a terrifying answer sheet, which made many netizens shout abnormality, and at the same time made them full of curiosity about this guy named Bai Ye.

Therefore, most of the media who came to Nanling Airport were targeting Bai Ye.

It's just that the media, who couldn't find anyone after searching around, couldn't help but have some doubts. Could it be that he was in the second batch?

In the end, they had no other choice. They had to find a few candidates who were still a little bit impressed and interviewed, which could be regarded as an explanation to the above.

At seven o'clock in the morning, the airport blockade was opened. At the same time, the surrounding staff began to clear the area, and all the media and other irrelevant personnel were cleared out.

Under the arrangement of the staff, the candidates on site stood neatly in a huge square according to the queue lines that had been divided by the airport.

At this time, Bai Ye stood silently in the No. [-] Square. Because of his size, it seemed that he could hardly be seen from the outside.

Looking at the back of the person in front of him, Bai Ye silently comforted himself in his heart: "Don't worry, don't worry, I still have a lot of time to develop!"

After waiting for a while, the square team started to move. Under the guidance of the on-site staff, more than 6000 candidates boarded six huge planes in batches and orderly, or airships are more appropriate.

The airship is divided into upper and lower layers, and its shape is a bit like a bloated capsule. Its flight speed is not as fast as that of an airplane, but it has a large passenger capacity.

According to the seat number in the previous text message, Bai Ye found his seat on the window seat on the second floor.

Not long after, a rather energetic young man with a short cut, a duck face, and thick eyebrows came over, and when he saw Bai Ye, his eyes lit up.

Bai Ye just glanced at him and then continued to look out the window.

At this moment, he thought how great it would be if there was a young lady sitting next to him.

Among the eight major departments of Longdu University, except for the combat department, which is a typical department with many males and few females, the ratio of males and females in other departments is almost the same.

Therefore, if there is a 50% probability of missing, it will be very sad.

Suddenly, Bai Ye felt his elbow being poked lightly.

He turned around suspiciously.

I saw this spirited guy with thick eyebrows cover his mouth and asked in a low voice: "Boss, don't form a team, there are more people and more strength."

Bai Ye raised his eyebrows, starting to form a team on the plane?

Isn't the landing position at the trial site random?

Even if you form a team now, it's useless if you can't reunite by then.

Seemingly sensing Bai Ye's doubts, the spirited young man raised his thick eyebrows and continued in a low voice with some pride: "We have a special way to meet up. How about it? Do you want to come? We've basically got it covered."

Bai Ye waved his hand, "No, no."

He doesn't do this kind of favoritism and cheating. Although he doesn't know how these guys do it, no matter how smart you are as an examinee, some small tricks will definitely not escape the eyes of the teachers.

Therefore, sooner or later these guys will receive special treatment, so stay away from him.

Seeing Bai Ye's refusal, the spirited guy didn't say much and started contacting other candidates around him in an attempt to draw them into his camp.

Chapter 291 The trial begins.



"Can you hear them all?"

The airship took off slowly. At this time, a thick and slightly hoarse male voice came from inside the airship.

"I am the overall person in charge of your survival trial assessment for this round."

"First of all, congratulations to all the candidates here for successfully passing the first two rounds of tests. Of course, the previous two rounds of tests are just the simplest and safest assessments. The real difficulty and danger are still in the third round."

"I don't know if you are ready, but you still have room to regret it."

"Next, staff will distribute life and death agreements to you. Candidates who are ready and decide to participate in the assessment can sign the agreement. If they want to give up, they can sign the voluntary abandonment column on the last page of the agreement."

"There is only one copy of this agreement. You have 3 minutes to think about it. Please sign carefully after 3 minutes. Once the agreement is signed, it will take effect on the spot!"

With the sound of the horn, several staff members quickly distributed an agreement to the candidates.

After Bai Ye glanced at the major items in the agreement, he signed his name without hesitation.

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