Looking at the reappearance of Carp King, Bu Fengyun's left hand clenched his fist unconsciously, and blue veins popped out on his forehead.

If possible, he hoped that there would no longer be elves like the Carp King in the world, it was so annoying!

To be honest, as a breeder, he had never hated a kind of elf so much, and this carp king was a precedent.

It's not that King Carp can't be eaten, but its meat is very difficult to eat, and its body is basically made of bones. Furthermore, as a junior breeder, he has long realized that elves are actually just like humans, a kind of animal. Highly intelligent creatures.

He was a little bit hesitant to eat another highly intelligent creature.

The magic wall puppet released the carp king again, and Bu Fengyun was a little bit over the top at this time, "I still don't believe it, I won't be able to catch an edible fish tonight!"

So, he hung up the bait and continued to throw the rod.

After swinging the club and closing the club, and repeating it countless times, just as he was about to give up, a taupe figure appeared in his sight.

Seeing the little grass carp picked up by the magic wall puppet, Bu Fengyun burst into tears instantly.

Even if it's just an average-tasting grass carp, even if it doesn't look like it's heavy enough to fit between the teeth, it's still better than the previous King Carp.

In fact, when the species of elves suddenly appeared in the world, it was not human beings who suffered the most, but various native wild animals on the planet.

After all, no matter how weak the elves are, they are stronger than some wild animals. There are dozens or even hundreds of predators for no reason. It is no wonder that life is easier.

The same is true for these fish. Today, the number of wild fish on Blue Star is at least [-]% less than before the appearance of elves. In the lake in front of us, there may be more elves than wild fish. .

These native fish are less or less, but as long as they exist, there is hope of catching them.

Bu Fengyun put the only catch in the supply box, which was a good start, and he believed that he would catch more.

He swung the stick again, but suddenly, he thought he heard a high-pitched bird song.

Bu Fengyun looked at the magic wall puppet with some doubts, and before he could think about it, the magic wall puppet immediately carried him in the direction he came from with his thoughts.

Before it could take a few steps, the continuous sound of birdsong continued to come from a distance. The sound became louder and closer, and some toucans who were resting in their nests were also awakened.

"Who is it?" Bu Fengyun gritted his teeth, filled with hatred.

He felt that he was really unlucky these few days. No one came to the island in the past few days. Why did someone suddenly come to him just after he caught a fish?

Finally, taking advantage of the toucans just waking up, Bu Fengyun and his elves quickly went back to their lair.

Chapter 3 Night Attack.

The trial island at night is quiet, except for nocturnal elves such as the big-mouthed bat, there are few elves active.

As the saying goes, the moon is dark and the wind is high to kill people, so Bai Ye took advantage of the night and quietly touched the toucan's territory island.

And, fortunately, the toucans didn't seem to have the habit of arranging guard elves, so his sneaking in was quite smooth and didn't alarm any of the toucans.

After sneaking in, Bai Ye's eyes shimmered, and he began to search for some powerful toucans purposefully.

It is very difficult and unrealistic to directly separate the professional-level toucan from the senior-level toucan, even with the cooperation of other trainers.

Therefore, Bai Ye thought hard for an hour, and finally let him think of a way, that is, to get rid of the professional-level toucans in advance.

Anyway, judging from the Toucan group, there should not be many professional-level Toucans.

To be precise, this is a common problem among elves of almost all ethnic groups. Truly powerful individuals only account for a very small portion of the total number of individuals.

Of course, if the number of elves in the group is large enough, the number of this very small part is also considerable.

So, after Bai Ye entered the Toucan Island, he began to search carefully.

The search process is not too troublesome. Judging from the habits of elves like toucans, the stronger the toucans, the thicker and taller the trees they inhabit will be.

Therefore, he only needs to find those tall and thick trees, and he can usually find powerful individuals among the toucans.

Bai Ye thought so, and did so.

And the result was not what he expected. Those large-billed birds that built their nests in tall and thick trees were very powerful.

After finding the professional-level Toucan, Bai Ye decisively called the Big Needle Bee to take action.

It was difficult for these sleeping toucans to resist effectively, and they were directly knocked down by the big needle bee in their sleep.

And Bai Ye directly threw these fainted toucans into the supply box under him.

He has a total of twelve supply boxes like this. This time he brought ten of them, enough to hold ten toucans.

So, just like that, Bai Ye searched for the target, and then the big needle bee shot, all of this was so easy, happy, and smooth.

But when he put the third professional-grade toucan into the supply box, a sharp bird song that seemed to be filled with endless anger suddenly came from a tree next to it.

Under the warning of this inexplicably awakened toucan, all the surrounding toucans woke up instantly, and then, the sharp bird song instantly resounded through the sky and gradually spread into the distance.

Under the cold moonlight, more and more toucans gathered in the sky, covering a large area, as if the entire island was shrouded in shadow.

The toucans whose sleep was disturbed cast their angry eyes on the three uninvited guests who were fleeing wildly not far away.


Still want to escape!

The toucans uttered an angry long cry, and then, led by a few professional-level toucans, they frantically chased Bai Ye.

Toucan has a speed race value of 100, which is higher than that of Big Needle Bee and Metal Monster.

Although they have not undergone special training, but relying on their innate qualities, this speed cannot be slowed down.

Toucans may not be able to catch up to the big needle wasp, but it is still safe to chase a senior metal monster.

Of course, Bai Ye had already anticipated this crazy escape situation and had already prepared a response plan.

For example, there is a material box in the hand of the big needle bee at the moment. Although flying with the material box will make the speed of the big needle bee drop a little, but the speed of the metal monster will increase.

Driven by the big needle bee, the speed of the metal monster is at least twice as fast as flying alone!

Although it may not be as good as the professional-level toucans, those senior-level toucans will definitely not be able to catch up.

"One, two, three... There are fourteen professional-level toucans in total." Bai Ye sat on the metal monster's back, running for his life while counting the number of professional-level toucans behind him.

While the metal monster was running, it condensed dozens of rocks and threw them towards the rear.

Moving and casting, under Bai Ye's training, the metal monster has mastered this skill very well. To be more precise, it has mastered this skill after just a little familiarity with it.

After all, moving and casting spells, the most important thing is to learn to use one mind at two times, and the metal monster is an elf with two brains, and now its thinking and computing power can already be compared to some small computers... ..

With the blessing of two brains and super high computing power, moving and casting spells, a skill that the big needle bee learned after practicing for a long time, seems to be an innate ability for the metal monster, and it can be mastered immediately.

In addition, metal monsters can also achieve dual-casting by virtue of their dual-purpose advantage, that is, they can cast two moves that do not interfere with each other at the same time.

The Earth Explosion Sky Star move that Bai Ye developed for him is based on this technique. Two or more rock blockade moves are gathered together and superimposed to form the Earth Explosion Sky Star move.

Of course, the reason why this move is so powerful is the addition of the gravity move.

At this time, the metal monster was moving at high speed while attacking. Although it couldn't use the Earth Explosive Star, some ordinary tricks were still possible.

Seeing the huge boulder flying towards it, the toucans chasing after it hurriedly dodged, and the few that couldn't dodge it even ran into it directly.

The toucans that were hit staggered and fell towards the ground like a crashed plane, but soon, they regained control of their bodies and caught up again.

And then, the metal monster repeated its tricks, throwing a large piece of rock over whenever a toucan was about to approach.

In order not to be hit by the rocks, the toucans had to slow down their pursuit and reduce their speed to avoid the huge rocks that shot in front of them from time to time.

However, once the toucans slow down, there will be a consequence. The distance is getting farther and farther, and it seems that these few guys who dare to invade their territory will escape and ascend to heaven.

So they had to speed up again.

And Bai Ye commanded the metal monster, keeping a relatively safe distance from the toucans behind him at all times.

Professional-level Toucans are very fast, but senior-level ones are far behind.

After chasing for such a long time, the Dazui group behind them seemed to have been divided into two groups, the professional-level group and the professional-level group.

Therefore, if the distance between the two groups is longer, maybe he can fight back! .

Chapter 3: Beaten.

Bai Ye glanced back, and saw that the fourteen toucans that were the most chasing were still in a group, chasing after them, but because of the lack of long-range moves, they had to stare blankly, watching Use metal monsters to consume them remotely.

"Do you want to consume it remotely for a while?" But seeing that the toucans had consciously dispersed, Bai Ye had no choice but to give up this idea.

The hit rate of the metal monster moving and performing its unique move is not high, and after the previous lessons, the toucans have become vigilant, so it is even more difficult to hit.

They can't even hit it, so it is obviously unrealistic for the metal monster to use the rock blockade to consume it, the efficiency is too low, and the rate of return is too low.

After thinking about it, Bai Ye decided to change his mind, "Metal monster, do you still remember your favorite steel plate?"


The metal monster replied silently, a little confused as to why Bai Ye asked it the steel plate at such a time.

"Try turning your thoughts into steel plates, and then swatting them like flies!"

Hearing this, the metal monster's eyes lit up. How could this operation be similar to a whack-a-mole game it had played, except that the prey was changed from a gopher to a toucan.

The metal monster turned around and performed its inverted flying stunt.

With the supply box of the big needle bee in front of it for traction, the metal monster felt that he needed to check the direction at all, and only needed to fly with the traction.

So, isn't this flying backwards just with a hand?

Toucans: "???"

Fly backwards?

Is this looking down on us?

The toucans were filled with anger and anger.

Sneaking into their territory in the middle of the night, even if they disturb their rest, they even dare to fly backwards to mock them!

Really uncle can bear it, but aunt can't bear it!

So, the leader was the fourteen toucans speeding up again, vowing to make the intruders in front feel pain.

At the same time, after trying a little bit, the metal monster also successfully mastered the skill of turning thoughts into steel plates.

After all, it just turns into a steel plate, which is not too troublesome for metal monsters who often use their mind to eat energy cubes in their hands.

After mastering the technique of mind-powering the steel plate, the metal monster began to try it with great interest.

The victim No. [-] who was injured first was the leader of the toucan who was the highest level and the closest to him. As soon as the leader of the toucan sped up, he was slapped back by the metal monster.

Huge strength came, and the toucan's own acceleration power, coupled with the power of the metal monster, made this blow quite heavy.

The leader of the toucan, who was hit hard suddenly, fell straight down like a volleyball, but just after falling, it regained its stability and caught up again.


The leader of the Toucan sparrow let out a sharp neigh, and his sharp eyes looked like knives at the fleeing metal monster and the big needle wasp.

Thought power is an invisible substance. Although it doesn't know how it was hit, the attacking party must be from the two elves in front, especially the guy covered in steel is the most likely!


Seeing their leader being beaten, although the other toucans didn't know what was going on, they also neighed angrily and looked at the two elves ahead with fiery eyes.

What is this called, this is called political correctness!

"What did I tell you before, if you can attack the vital points, you should attack as much as possible. It was such a good opportunity just now, if you didn't hit its bird's head, why did you hit its body?" Bai Ye reprimanded a little angrily. One sentence.

The metal monster's attack just now meant that he completely forgot his instructions. Could this not make him angry?

"Metanko~" Got it, got it.

The metal monster nodded resentfully. He was a little excited just now, so he forgot about it. He will definitely not do it again next time.

So it once again gathered the steel plate of telekinesis and swatted at the big-billed leader. Because of the invisible substance of telekinesis, no matter how vigilant the big-billed leader was, he still couldn't escape.

With a bang, a huge force hit the forehead, even though Toubi Que Dang felt dizzy for a while, his body staggered and fell down again.

However, the strength of the metal monster is a little low after all, and the basic power of the additional thought power is not high, so, soon, the leader of the toucan rushed up angrily.

Seeing this, Bai Ye was not in a hurry to start, with a smile on his face, he said softly: "You continue to practice first, and you can knock on the toucan that is closest to you!"

"Metanko!" No problem.

The metal monster responded happily. It felt that this game was much more interesting than whack-a-mole.

Ahead, the giant needle bee flying with the metal monster at high speed was speechless.

I'm flying in front of you exhaustedly, why are you two still playing?

And, most importantly, they didn't even call me!

This is the most angry!

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