"That's enough." Master Hua's mouth slightly raised, "Okay, you should get up and prepare the relevant materials. It's best to take care of this when you go to the opening ceremony later."

Although Master Hua has asked for leave for Bai Ye, he still has to attend the opening ceremony.

As the No.1 major, Bai Ye had to go up and speak a few words at the opening ceremony. In addition, the reward for being the top in the assessment list also needed to be collected at this time.

Therefore, this opening ceremony must be inevitable for him.

"Okay, I see, I'll go back and get ready." Bai Ye nodded silently, then turned and left.

"By the way, don't affect normal work." Behind him, Master Hua added another sentence.

Bai Ye twitched the corner of her mouth, "Got it."

Later, when the official working time came, Master Hua held another brief meeting to give orders on this matter.

After hearing that Master Hua actually used several energy cubes invented by Bai Ye, the researchers immediately valued him a lot.

After the meeting, Bai Ye greeted Xia Youlan, and then went down to 'inspect' again.

In order not to be approached by the elf protection department, the experiment of this egg group is in a hurry, and can only rely on the elves to match themselves.

However, this would be too slow, and it would inevitably require some guidance from the researchers. Xia Youlan was a bit thin-skinned, so this work was left to Bai Ye.

Of course, this is what Bai Ye himself requested, after all, he still needs to sneak a look at the training of the little guys.

After driving the small car used for traveling in the base, Bai Ye went to Luoxia Peak for a stroll as usual.

If you want to say which place is most likely to have love, it must be in Luoxia Peak. After all, there are beautiful scenery and a lot of handsome big rock snakes there.

As for why there is only the handsome guy Big Rock Snake but not the beautiful Big Rock Snake, that is naturally Bai Ye's intention.

Handsome guys and beauties are also attracted to each other. If Big Rock Snake and Big Rock Snake get married, wouldn't all his previous work be in vain?

Therefore, at present, only the handsome big rock snake exists on Luoxia Peak. After the research on the reproduction and classification of the big rock snake is almost done, Bai Ye will replace it with other species of elves.

As soon as he came to the top of Luoxia Peak, Bai Ye saw a very eye-catching scene. He saw two big rock snakes tightly entwined, and their two huge heads collided with each other.

The collision between the two big rock snakes was quite fierce, and large pieces of gravel fell from their bodies from time to time.

When Bai Ye saw this, he didn't do much, he just summoned the giant needle bee.

After the big needle bee came out, it was also the type of person who didn't talk too much. It was a mess when it went up. After the two big rock snakes were blown away, they calmed down instantly.

For the elves living in rocky areas, the Great Needle Bee is their undisputed leader. As long as the Great Needle Bee is around, all conflicts can be suppressed.

It's just that because the big needle bee went out with Bai Ye for more than ten days, the group of dragons here has no leader, so the conflicts that were suppressed before will naturally intensify again.

After solving the small problems of the big rock snakes, Bai Ye took the big needle bee to Baizhang Cliff again after asking about it.

Chapter 378 unfinished?

At the edge of Baizhangya Waterfall, Bai Ye summoned all the little guys out.

"Ku Jie!" I went to bring the lucky egg over.

Ghost Stone was about to fly away but was stopped by Bai Ye.

"Don't worry, I have something to ask you."

Ghost Stone stopped, and at the same time, the other little guys who were about to move the big noses over also stopped silently and pricked up their ears.

Sensing these little guys who were about to eavesdrop, Bai Ye didn't stop him. After all, he originally wanted to take this opportunity to let someone know.

"Do you, the Guis clan, have a lifespan limit?"


Ghost Stone scratched his head, this kind of thing, it really doesn't know.

"Kou Jie!" I don't know, maybe there shouldn't be, at least I haven't seen any old ghosts.

Hearing this, the Sting Bee on the side couldn't help but feel a look of deep envy in the depths of his eyes.

"I guess that's the case. You ghosts are somewhat similar to what we humans call souls. There should be no lifespan limit." Bai Ye said as if he was sure.

"There are also metal monsters, which belong to mineral spirits, so it should be the same."

The metal monster on the side nodded silently. As an elf who was born with Bai Ye, it didn't even know if its own family had any lifespan limit.

Bai Ye said no, so there is no, anyway, it doesn't care.

After hearing that the metal monster had no lifespan limit, the Needle Bee's heart suddenly became more complicated.

There is an elf who can accompany Bai Ye all the time, but that elf is not destined to be him, which makes him suffer a lot.

Sensing the self-pity that came from the big needle bee, Bai Ye was a little speechless.

Can't this guy use his brain!

Since the big needle bee can't use his brain, then only he, the trainer, can explain it clearly.

"Speaking of which, it's also thanks to you and the metal monster. Because of the existence of the two of you, maybe we can all live for a long time."

Big Needle Bee: "???!!!"

"Kou Jie!" Hehe!

Ghost Stone smiled shyly.

And the big needle bee on the side fell into a huge surprise. It seems that the power of this bond can share the lifespan!

It was belatedly, but it finally realized this under Bai Ye's reminder.

If it didn't have what happened last night, it would definitely not believe it, or even if it believed it, it would retain some doubts.

But after the experience of the sudden increase in strength last night, the big needle bee has a high degree of trust in Bai Ye's description of the power of bondage.

Therefore, at this time, after realizing that the power of fetters can share lifespan, it is also convinced.

Bai Ye glanced at the bond value of Big Needle Bee, which was already quietly full, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

"Okay, go and call the lucky egg over."

Ghost Stone responded, and then flew towards the forest not far away. Seeing this situation, the other little guys who were eavesdropping, as if they had been stopped, also suddenly moved.

The big needle bee suppressed the excitement in his heart, and on the surface, he still had the same expression as usual, and together with the metal monster and Pokkigu, he flew towards the cave where the big north-facing noses lived.

The ugly fish started to warm up towards the waterfall in the distance. Without the gravity of the metal monster, the waterfall could no longer stop the ugly fish.

The little ones got busy, and Bai Ye looked at the task panel again, but the smile on his mouth gradually disappeared.

"What's the matter, it's not finished yet?"

Looking at the life task of the big needle bee that was still in an unfinished state, Bai Ye narrowed his eyes, and a look of incomprehension flashed in his eyes.

The big needle bee's heart knot has been opened but the task is still not completed, which shows that the situation is not as he expected.

He did not attain eternal life.


Bai Ye frowned slightly, and his thoughts were running at high speed like lightning.

There are two possibilities for this to happen.

First, no matter the ghost stone or the metal monster, although they may have a long life span, they do not have eternal life, and they will perish with the passage of time.

This is not impossible. For Ghost Stone, maybe its body is fine, but its consciousness is hard to resist the passage of time.

When their consciousness gradually fades away, it may be the day of their death.

And the metal monster, perhaps its body and consciousness, couldn't resist the passage of time.

However, having said that, Bai Ye does not agree with this point very much. Since AZ and Huayeti in the anime can stop the passing of thousands of years, there is no reason why Metal Monster and Ghost Stone can't stop it .

Moreover, there are gods in the Pokémon world, such as Arceus, the space-time twin dragons, etc., according to the setting, their lifespan should also be infinite.

Especially Arceus, who is the God of Creation. This guy will not be worried about his lifespan no matter what.

Moreover, there is another key question, what is consciousness, why is the death of consciousness counted as real death.

According to Bai Ye's understanding, consciousness, that is, the three views of the living being and the memory or adding spiritual power, its main body should be the living being's memory, while the body is the carrier.

If the body is immortal, the load is immortal. So as long as there is memory, the consciousness of the living being cannot be lost. As long as the consciousness exists, then Ghost Stone is unlikely to die.

Therefore, Bai Ye is skeptical about this statement of annihilation of consciousness.

Second, perhaps because his bond power is still too weak, although he shares the physical fitness of the elves, he has not yet reached the level of sharing lifespan.

This is not impossible.

When Bai Ye accepted the power of bondage, the inexplicable feeling told him that he could share all the abilities of both parties, and all of this should naturally include some elves' own characteristics.

For example, Pokkigu's ability to perceive happiness, Ghost Stone's ability to sneak into the shadow, and Diversity's ability to change itself at will.

The latter two may not be possible due to physical reasons, but Pokkiguna's ability to perceive happiness can be regarded as a talent and should be shared.

But Bai Ye didn't feel any breath of happiness at this time.

Therefore, it is obvious that he has not yet shared this ability and talent.

Even this talent cannot be shared, let alone lifespan? .

Chapter 379 Auxiliary power.

"No, maybe there's something missing!" Bai Ye clapped his hands lightly. He always believed that the second reason was the most likely.

If he and the elves are compared to two worlds, then whether it is 10% sharing or 20% sharing, does it mean that the two worlds are only 10% or 20% integrated.

And whether it is 10% or 20%, it has never reached the core of the world. Some core abilities and talents cannot be shared!

"Perhaps, when the sharing bonus reaches 50%, there will be another qualitative change!" Bai Ye speculated in his heart.

At the same time, he looked at the life mission of the big needle bee, thinking about whether to cancel it and replace it with a new one. After all, it seems that he can achieve this transformation without mission rewards.

The Needle Bee already thinks that he has achieved eternal life, so it shouldn't be too troublesome to change his life mission.

After Bai Ye pondered for a while, in the end he still didn't choose to replace it.

Although he lied to Big Needle Bee again, but this time, Bai Ye assured that he really didn't do it on purpose, and he also wanted to help Big Needle Bee complete this task, so this task can't be changed yet.

Keeping this task, on the one hand, is to remind himself, and on the other hand, because Bai Ye also wants to verify whether he has obtained eternal life.

Now, the highest sharing bonus is 15% for Pokkigu and Big Needle Bee. The distance is 50%, which is only 35%. It seems that it is not a lot.

Therefore, this task should not be retained for too long.

Soon, Ghost Stone brought Lucky Egg, Big Needle Bee, Pokkigu, and Metal Monster brought Big North Noses here, and the training started immediately.

And taking advantage of the time when everyone started training, Bai Ye called Pokkigu to him.

"Let me tell you about your next training plan." Saying that, Bai Ye took out his laptop and inserted a CD into it.

"In addition to basic training, you also need to learn auxiliary forces and repaying moves to improve your offensive ability and attack surface."

Bai Ye clicked on the new compressed package that appeared on the desktop, inside the compressed package was a video file plus a text document.

This is the teaching CD for the auxiliary force. Because of the existence of elves, these express delivery are still very fast. As long as it is not separated by a few big cities, it can basically be delivered on the same day.

"Cha Ke Yi!" I understand.

Pokkigu nodded, snuggled into Bai Ye's arms, and looked at the screen with him

Click on the video, and a Xanadu figure appears on the screen.

Afterwards, Shanaido started teaching, with text translation attached at the bottom of the screen.

This skill CD is not something that can be learned just by reading it like in the game. It requires the elf to spend time practicing and the trainer's guidance.

Therefore, this translation is naturally not Pokémon language but human language, and this is also to allow trainers to understand various precautions during training, and at the same time guide their elves more deeply.

"The principle is like this!" With Xanadu's continuous guidance, Bai Ye has a considerable understanding of the auxiliary force technique.

If strengthening moves can be regarded as a kind of stimulating overdraft, then the auxiliary power is to aggregate the power obtained through overdraft and release it all through one attack.

Therefore, the more power gained from strengthening, the greater the power of the attack after release.

But correspondingly, the greater the attack power, the greater the damage to the Pokémon itself.

Strengthening is a move that overdraws the Pokémon's physical potential, but the auxiliary power is to release these overdrawn powers at once.

After release, the power disappears, but in order to maintain the strengthened state, the Pokémon's body will squeeze the body potential again to replenish it. If the squeeze is too hard in a short period of time, then the Pokémon's physical potential is likely to be permanently damaged. This leads to a decrease in potential.

Therefore, in the video, Xanadu clearly pointed out that the auxiliary force should be used in an orderly manner, and it can be used to help the elves tap their own potential, but it is best not to use it when there are too many reinforcements.

From its perspective, the auxiliary power move is really just an auxiliary move, used to assist training, rather than a means of attack.

After all, moderately squeezing the elf's physical potential will allow the elf to feel a higher level of power in advance, and the body will adapt in advance, which will also help the elf's strength grow.

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