So, during a feeding, Lie Bite Lu Sha did not follow, but only Bai Ye, Xia Youlan and the magic wall doll who helped carry it came.

At first, Bankiras didn't change much, and his attitude was still very indifferent.

When the time came to the next day, Lie Bite Lu Sha still hadn't come. At this time, Bai Ye had a faint feeling that there seemed to be something wrong with Bankiras.

On the third day, seeing that Lie Bite Lu Shark still didn't come, Bankiras finally couldn't bear it anymore. As soon as the transportation was over, this guy immediately roared at the two of them and the elves who followed.

And along with that violent roar, its malicious and intimidating aura immediately spread out.

When Bankiras suddenly yelled like this, Xia Youlan was so frightened that she sat down on the ground, and the electric flying squirrel on her body cried fiercely.

Not only Bai Ye and Xia Youlan were taken aback, but several researchers in the monitoring room were also taken aback, for fear that Bankiras would go crazy, and it would be a big disaster if Bai Ye and Xia Youlan were hurt.

The Biting Land Shark, which had been hiding in the dark, couldn't hide anymore and jumped out directly, looking at Bankilas eagerly, ready to teach Bankilas a lesson.

It's just that this ecological room is obviously not a place for fighting, and Benjilas just roared and didn't do anything directly, so the idea of ​​biting the land shark to teach it a lesson was in vain.

After this incident, Lie Bite Lu Shark returned to the food delivery team again, and Bankiras seemed to have resumed the rotten life of eating and sleeping when he was full, and eating when he was full.

However, with the vigilance of the last incident, the researchers did not believe it easily.

Obviously, this Bankiras probably got into a fight with them, and it was very cunning. If Lie Bite Lu Shark hadn't been following him all the time, he might have fallen for it.

Although the elves look similar to beasts, they generally have intelligence similar to that of humans. Among them, Hu Di, Zhihuang, or most of the super elves, their intelligence is much stronger than that of humans. .

Therefore, no matter how cautious you are when dealing with elves, you can never be too cautious.

"What should we do with this matter, why don't we starve it for a few days first?" In the small meeting room, Bai Ye, Master Hua and others had a small meeting, planning to discuss the solution of Bankiras.

"Hungry it for a few days? If you're not afraid that people from the Fairy Protection Association will trouble you, just starve it for a few days." Before Master Hua could refute, another researcher from the evil group raised objections.

"Didn't I just say it casually?" The man shrank his head, and was quite afraid of the existence of the elf protection organization.

This elf protection organization is an official organization of the whole alliance, and it also has a large number of supporters among the people, so it has a good reputation.

If they catch you, you will have to skin yourself even if you don't die, and the physical and financial losses are only trivial, the key is your reputation.

If the general public knew that he was suspected of abusing elves, not only his personal reputation, but also the reputation of the entire research institute would be greatly affected.

Therefore, it is totally not worth paying such a high price for a Bankira.

Master Hua at the side also frowned tightly and said nothing.

Under the premise that coercive means cannot be used, he has nothing to do with Bankiras' actions.

"Wait for a few more days. If it still doesn't work, we have no choice but to return this Bankilas." Master Hua had already given Bankilas an ultimatum in his heart.

"Perhaps, I have a way." At this moment, a slightly flat voice rang in everyone's ears.

Chapter 389 Bankiras, you don't want to..

you have a way?

What can you, a ten-year-old kid, do?

If other Bai Ye's peers said this at this time, then there is a high probability that everyone would think this way.

But Bai Ye is different. He has already won the recognition of many researchers including Master Hua by virtue of his performance. Therefore, no one will think that Bai Ye is talking big.

"What method?" Master Hua looked over expectantly, and the other two researchers also looked inquiringly.

"Well... how should I put it, this method is not correct." Bai Ye hesitated for a moment, and said vaguely: "But it won't break the law, you can just watch my performance later."

"No!" Master Hua would not be so vague by Bai Ye, "You must tell us before taking action."

After all, this is not Bai Ye's business alone. If the operation is not good and spreads, it may be a problem for their entire research institute.

There was no other way, Bai Ye had no choice but to explain his plan to everyone in general, and after hearing what he said, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, their expressions were even a little hard to say.

As Bai Ye said before, this method does not seem to be righteous, but it is not illegal.

"Wouldn't it be too good to do this?" Xia Youlan's face was relatively tender, and she couldn't bear to say.

"Think about how that Bankelas roared at you before." Bai Ye glanced at her and said, "Besides, we are doing this for its own good."

"In case Bankiras is returned, who will it fall into?"

"Do you think it's safer with us or with one of the trainers?"

"Our place is better." Xia Youlan nodded and was convinced like this.

"I also agree that it's better to stay in the base for this buy one get one free deal." The other two researchers also agreed.

"Since everyone agrees, let Xiaobai try it." Master Hua finally made the decision, but he did not approve of an operation in Bai Ye's plan.

"Are you really not letting Lie Bite Lu Shark follow? Is it a little too dangerous? What if that Bankylas is so angry that he does it?"

"It's okay." Bai Ye himself was confident, "Banjilas doesn't dare to do anything, so just rest assured."

Of course, Bai Ye would not really put his safety in the hands of Bankiras, his real confidence was still in the newly developed trick of repaying gratitude in the past ten days.

The trick of repaying gratitude uses the power of emotion combined with general energy to form a mixed energy to stimulate the bodies of elves, and then make them burst out with more powerful power.

And the power of fetters is a special kind of emotional power, and it has a strong match with the trick of repaying favor.

Therefore, when Bai Ye uses the technique of repaying a favor, he does not need any general energy at all. He only needs the power of the bond to exert a more powerful effect than the original repaying a favor.

At this time, his instantaneous burst speed was comparable to that of some professional-level elves. Therefore, even if Bankiras made a move against him, Bai Ye should be able to dodge it.

And in addition to the development of repaying kindness.Bai Ye also learned the guarding skill and developed a guarding shield. With the protection of this shield, it should be enough for the little guys to carry out rescue.

However, Bai Ye's current confidence is only known to him, Master Hua and the other two researchers are not clear.

Therefore, it was naturally impossible to agree to his risky behavior. Therefore, after some communication, Bai Ye also realized that he might be a little inflated and underestimated the strength of the master-level elf.

Therefore, he chose to listen to everyone's suggestions and let Lie Bite Lu Shark secretly protect him.



Bai Ye and the metal monster pushed a small cart of ore towards the ecological room where Bankiras was located.

Because this operation might be dangerous, Bai Ye didn't let Xia Youlan participate, so he was the only one who delivered the meal at night.

After arriving at the ecology room, Bai Ye pushed open the door, and just like that, Shi Shi ran in pushing the small cart.

On the other side, Bankilas turned his head involuntarily when he heard the sound of the door opening and felt a strange elven breath.

"The biting land shark is hiding again?" Looking at Bai Ye and the metal monster, but not seeing the little girl and biting land shark from the previous few times, Bankilas felt a little confused and even more wary.

It doesn't know what this group of human beings are planning, but what is certain is that it must not be a good thing.


Two carts of ore were piled randomly in front of Bankilas. Bai Ye and the metal monster made great movements, and many ores even hit Bankilas' feet.

In the conference room, the researchers who were observing secretly through the surveillance system couldn't help but sweat for Bai Ye after seeing this scene.

He was blatantly provoking Bankiras. If Bankiras really made a move at this time, the distance is so close, biting the land shark may not be able to rescue in time.

Looking at the ore that fell to his feet, and then looking at the little one in front of him, Banjilas's heart rose with anger.


"Metanco!" It tastes pretty good.

The metal monster picked up a few pieces of ore on the ground with his thoughts, and just like that, in front of Bankiras, staged a tiger's mouth for food, and also made a provocative crunching sound of eating.

Wild elves, in a sense, have some habits and habits that are very similar to wild beasts.

Even among the elves of the same ethnic group, the class hierarchy within the group is quite strict, and this class is not only reflected in the distribution of food, but also in the order in which food is enjoyed.

Elves with stronger strength and higher status can enjoy better food. At the same time, only if they eat first can other elves with lower status be able to eat.

Therefore, the action of the metal monster at this time is undoubtedly a serious provocation. If this was placed in the secret realm, Bankilas would inevitably have to fight it for [-] rounds.

However, this is not the wild after all, and it is no longer the previous lord of Bankiras.

Facing the provocation of the metal monster, Bankiras was a little bit confused at the moment, wondering what the group of humans were up to.


If everything is uncertain, let's roar first before talking, at least we can't lose in terms of momentum.

It looked at Bai Ye fiercely, as if it was about to strike at the next moment.

Facing the oppressive feeling coming towards his face, Bai Ye just said lightly: "Bangiras, you don't want to be separated from your child either."

Upon hearing this, Bankilas' pupils shrank suddenly![-] million.

Chapter 3 Persuasion


Amidst the furious roar, a gust of stench with an inexplicable copper rust smell rushed towards his face, and circles of air waves surged towards the surroundings.

Bankiras looked at Bai Ye, his eyes were full of tyranny and undisguised killing intent.

It really wanted to kill people, but the unborn child in its womb allowed Bankiras to retain the last sliver of reason.

Outside the ecology room, Lie Bite Lu Shark, who originally wanted to make some moves, moved a few steps, but was finally calmed down by Luo Jinbao beside him.

"Your breath really stinks, you should brush your teeth." Bai Ye covered his nose and continued to provoke with a fearless expression.

But his determined attitude made Bankiras even more afraid to do anything.

However, even if he couldn't take action, he couldn't lose in terms of momentum. Bankilas stood up slowly and came directly to Bai Ye in two steps, looking down at him with murderous eyes.

And the metal monster on the side, not to be outdone, directly stood in front of Bai Ye, not letting Bankiras look at him one step at a time.

"Okay, stop roaring. If you dared to take action, you would have done it long ago. No matter how loud you roar now, it will be of no use to me."

As soon as Bankiras opened his mouth wide, he was interrupted by Bai Ye before casting the spell.

Whether it is for itself or for the child, it is impossible for Bankiras to attack Bai Ye at this time. This is the real reason why Bai Ye is so fearless

Although a pregnant elf will become more irritable and irritable, maternal nature sometimes overcomes the irritable nature.

It's just that it's a bit disgusting to threaten Bankelas through children.

Of course, Bai Ye didn't feel any shame based on Bankira's bad performance in the past ten days.

"It seems that I guessed it right, you are really pregnant."

Bankiras didn't make any movement, but continued to look at Bai Ye with cold eyes.

"Since you are pregnant, why are you so uncooperative?" Bai Ye asked as if confused, "Don't you really think that the wild will be safer than inside the conservation base?"

"There are other powerful wild elves and elf poachers. No matter which one you encounter, you may not be able to protect your children."

"Especially as a quasi-god elf, your family's value in our human group is not low. Even if your strength is not bad, you and your children are enough to make some elf hunters take risks."

"Besides, it's not time for you to lay eggs yet. After you lay eggs, you will be inconvenient and your strength will decline. I'm afraid it will be even more difficult to protect your child."

"So, I really don't understand, why do you have to go against us?"

Bankilas's eyes were vaguely touched, but for the sake of face, they still had the cold look before.

"Also, don't you really think that if you leave here, you will be sent back to the wild?" Bai Ye continued to strike while the iron was hot.

"Wake up, you are a quasi-god elf, very rare, and very valuable. The director of our research institute also spent a lot of effort to apply for you from above."

"If he sends you back, you will most likely go to another conservation base to stay for a while. Of course, you may also fall into the hands of a trainer and become his elf."

"And by that time, people may not be as easy to talk to as us, and they may not have my vision. If you are pregnant and have to fight, the consequences of this, I don't need to say more, you should understand what will happen, right? ?”

Hearing this, Bankiras felt a little irritable in his heart.

It was indeed expecting that Master Hua and others would release it back into the wild when they saw that it was disobedient, but now it seemed that this was not the case.

Because of its own identity and value, it seems that its way back to the wild has been blocked.

Of course, it didn't fully believe Bai Ye's words. To be precise, it would not believe any human beings now.

"It's okay for you to be stupid, but Yukira is innocent. I only tell you so much for its sake. As for whether you believe it or not, it's up to you."

Bai Ye also understood the concerns in Bankilas's heart and didn't force it anymore.

Anyway, he has already said what he should say, and if some elves really want to die, he can't stop them.

Bai Ye casually kicked away the ore on the road, pushed the cart and was about to leave...

The metal monster followed suit, but instead of kicking the ore away, it stuffed it into its own mouth.

This action immediately caused Bankiras, who was deeply in thoughts, to stare over.

"What are you looking at? After telling you so much, what's wrong with eating a few pieces of ore from you?" Bai Ye didn't tolerate it and directly retorted; "Besides, we didn't transport these ores."

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