The next day.

Because Tingshui City is not too far from Changqing City, Bai Ye chose to take the train this time.

The train of the Great Yan Federation is similar to the maglev train of Bai Ye's previous life, and it also uses electromagnetic force as the power source.

In recent years, as scientists have deepened their research on the energies of various genera, some people have thought about using new energy sources as power.

However, due to the difficulty of research and development, this idea has not yet produced useful research results.

About an hour later, Bai Ye finally arrived at the destination - Tingshui City.

After leaving the train station, the first thing Bai Ye did was to find a place to stay.

After learning the lesson of going to Longdu University last time, Bai Ye booked the hotel several days in advance this time.

Tingshui City, like Zhuhai City, is a coastal city, moreover, it is a coastal city mainly engaged in tourism and vacation industries.

Tingshui City's annual tourist season is mainly concentrated in summer and winter, especially during the few days of the Tide Watching Festival, which is even more prosperous.

Therefore, many taxi drivers will gather near the train station and the airport.

Not long after Bai Ye walked out of the train station, many taxi drivers greeted him.

I found a taxi that was relatively close, and after telling the master about the destination 773, the car drove slowly.

"Young man, are you also here to participate in the Chaos God Festival?" The driver seemed very chatty, and soon after getting in the car, he chatted with Bai Ye.

Bai Ye nodded, after all, isn't this obvious.

"Then the location you chose is not right." The driver continued: "The location of the Yinhai Hotel is located on Heyuan Road. If you watch the tide nearby, you may not even be able to see the tide."

"You have to go to Haining Road upstream of him, near the Chaoshen Pagoda, that's the best place to watch the tide."

"That's it." Bai Ye felt slightly embarrassed. He really didn't expect this. The reason why he chose Yinhai Hotel was because this place was relatively close to Tinghai Waterfall, and it seemed not too far from Honglan River.

At the beginning, he was delighted that there was such a place where he could go to listen to the sea waterfall without disturbing the tide watching, but now it seems that this is not the case.

"See if you can return the hotel. After the refund, I will take you to find a hotel near Chaoshen Pagoda." The master said enthusiastically.

"Okay, then thank you master." Bai Ye thanked, and then started to operate on the phone.

Checking out is easy, but only part of the deposit cannot be refunded. After all, people have stayed for many days, which is also a loss.

After that, Bai Ye went to the Internet to check the tide-watching strategies in Tingshui City, only to find that there are so many ways to watch the tide just by watching the tide.

For example, the best spot to watch the tide is actually on the Chaoshen Pagoda, where the tide is the strongest, and it is characterized by a line, so it has the reputation of "Tingshui Pagoda Line Tides".

The second best place to watch the tide is at Yuanhai Building near No. 176 Haining Road, where you can see the wonderful scene of tides colliding. Moreover, Yuanhai Building itself is a big hotel integrating food and accommodation. Here you can enjoy delicious food while watching the tide.

It is very comfortable.

However, Yuanhai Building was already fully booked a few days ago, so there is no need to count on Bai Ye.

Besides Chaoshen Pagoda and Yuanhai Building, there are other good spots for watching the tide. As for the Silver Sea Hotel that Bai Ye chose, it is obviously not among them.

"Master, besides watching the tide, are there any other fun things to do in this Tide God Festival?" Bai Ye asked casually after reading the strategy on the Internet.

"There are so many interesting things here, such as Chaosong Photography Exhibition, Chaoyun Chinese Music Show, Chaosong Pop Concert, etc., there are many, many, many more. I will give you a travel guide and you can read it yourself." The driver master handed over a A folded travel guide is here.

In this guide, there is a traditional introduction of the tide of the Honglan River and the time and place of some recreational activities, which is much clearer than the driver's dictation.

"But let me tell you, these things can be seen or not. It's a waste of money. It's not interesting. Only you tourists from other places will go."

"Actually, for our Chaos God's Festival, just watch the tide, eat some delicious food, and buy some souvenirs if you can't do it. These things are not necessary at all."

The driver master is a real person, and he directly told Bai Ye the truth.

"By the way, young man, are you a trainer?"

"That's right." Bai Ye nodded.

"Then you'd better take part in the Chaos God Festival. I heard some people say that some elves got the Chaos God's blessing at the Chaos God Festival. I don't know if it's true or not?"

"However, after the news came out, there were a lot more trainers participating in the Chaos God Festival, and the shrine also organized a selection event. I guess it shouldn't be fake."

Blessing of the Chaos God?

Moreover, even the local driver, the master, doesn't know much about it?

Bai Ye checked the Internet again, and only then did he have a general understanding.

The so-called Tide God Sacrifice naturally refers to the sacrificial activities of Tide God.

Originally, the Chaos God Festival was considered a kind of traditional festival, and everyone ate and drank to see how the sacrifice passed.

However, at some point, this Chaos God Festival was tainted with a hint of mystery.

According to legend, during the Tide God Sacrifice at an unknown time, the originally sunny weather suddenly became covered with dark clouds, and then golden rain began to fall.

There seems to be a mysterious power in this rain, and all the people or trainers who bathe in the rain have a feeling of being purified.

The golden rain came suddenly and went away suddenly. In just over a minute, the Chaoshen Festival returned to its original sunny weather.

Afterwards, according to reports from relevant sources, these people who participated in the Chaos God Festival are generally in good health, and many of them have not even suffered from illness for several years.

In addition, there is another theory, which is that the Honglan River suddenly flooded, and the unprecedented tide reached a height of nearly 50 meters, directly washing away the river bank.

Just when the tide watchers on the river bank were about to die, a mysterious figure suddenly appeared and directly blocked the raging tide.

That is to say, since then, there has been one more object to be worshiped at the Tide God Sacrifice, and it has also become a bit more mysterious.

Of course, these two statements are just rumors. As for the truth or falsehood, the editor is not too sure.

At least, the so-called golden rain has never appeared again in the past few decades.

Chapter 394

After a while, the driver took Bai Ye to a rather narrow alley, and the surrounding walls showed a gray-black color that had been honed for a long time, which seemed to be old.

The driver stopped the car in front of a door that only allowed one person to pass through.

"Sister Wang, do you still have a vacant room at home?" The master shouted directly without getting out of the car.

"Yes!" Not long after, a shrill female voice came from inside the door.

The driver turned his head, "What do you think of this house? Don't look at the dilapidated appearance of her house, but the interior decoration is not bad, and it's quite clean."

"You go take a look first. If it doesn't work, we'll find another one."

Bai Ye glanced at the shabby rental sign in front of him. This time, he didn't fully believe the driver. "Okay, I'll go in and take a look first."

Bai Ye got out of the car, pushed it open, and suddenly a cool feeling came over his face.

On a somewhat dim counter, a middle-aged woman in her 50s and [-]s was eating melon seeds and looking at the computer. From time to time, the voices of a man and a woman could be heard from the computer.

Sister Wang didn't even raise her head, and said directly: "It's 200 a night for accommodation, no food is provided, if there is any damage to the electrical appliances in the house, everything will be compensated according to the price."

This price is much cheaper than the hotel that Bai Ye booked before. At this time, as long as it is a hotel near the Honglan River, the accommodation price has gone crazy, and the minimum price starts at 300.

"I want to see the room first."

Hearing this, Sister Wang reluctantly moved her gaze away from the computer screen.

After the mouse paused, she looked up, a look of surprise flashed in her eyes, "Hey! Young man, you look familiar."

Bai Yewei smiled slightly, "Maybe it's because I look similar to a certain celebrity."

"Maybe." Sister Wang looked at it carefully a few more times, but she still couldn't remember where she had seen it.

As for the celebrities that Bai Ye said, the elder sister didn't believe it at all, and she didn't follow stars, so how could she know a celebrity who was somewhat similar to Bai Ye?

"Come with me." Sister Wang took a bunch of keys from the table and came down, "I have only two rooms left here. If you want to live in, you have to decide early."

Following Sister Wang upstairs, Bai Ye took a look at her only two rooms left.

As the driver said, there are not many layouts in the room, but it is unexpectedly clean, and even the dirtiest toilet has no peculiar smell.

Quilts, pillowcases and towels should be new, clean and tidy without any trace of washing.

Seeing this, Bai Ye didn't think about it any more, and even made a decision.

"This is the room."

The layout of the two rooms is similar, but this room has better lighting than the previous room.

"How many days?"

"Three days."

"Okay, the accommodation fee is 600, and the deposit is 200. Come with me and pay."

Bai Ye followed Sister Wang back to the counter, and handed over her ID card by the way.

After a while, Sister Wang handed over a key, "If you lose the key, you will have to pay for it, and remember to lock the door when you go out. If you lose something, we will not be responsible here."

"Okay, I understand." Bai Ye came out this time. Apart from the necessary elf food, he didn't take any valuables, so naturally he wasn't afraid of stealing.

After locking the door, Bai Ye walked out of the hotel and got into the driver's car again.

"Not optimistic?" The driver asked in surprise, he seemed to be very confident in this hotel.

"Well, I'll stay here, but I still want to go to Tingshui Villa. I don't want to bother the two masters, but I have to trouble you, master."

Just taking advantage of the free time today, Bai Ye planned to let Ugly Ugly Fish complete the task.

"No problem, I'll take care of it." The driver replied with a smile, and he could earn a lot more after this trip.

On the way, Bai Ye checked the time, and after touching his hungry stomach, he asked directly, "Master, are there any good restaurants nearby to recommend?"

"Didn't you go to Tingshui Villa to eat?" the driver asked doubtfully.

Bai Ye rolled his eyes, "I'm not stupid, the food in the scenic spot is expensive and not delicious, why should I go there to eat, I want to go to the villa to see the waterfall."

Besides, in a tourist city like this, fame and taste are not necessarily equated, but fame and price are definitely equated, and those really delicious restaurants are often hidden in the streets and alleys.

Only those who are most familiar with the city can find them, and taxi drivers happen to belong to this category of people.

"You have good eyesight. It's time for dinner. Uncle will take you to a good place." The driver was also unambiguous, and immediately turned the car around and drove Bai Ye into a small alley.

"Let me tell you, the sake duck here is a must. It has a strong fruity aroma and tastes very refreshing. It is suitable for eating in this big summer. Pair it with a glass of iced fruit beer. The taste is simply amazing!"

While the driver was introducing, he brought Bai Ye to a small restaurant called a small restaurant.

"Boss, here are two meat dishes and one vegetarian meal, and two bowls of rice."

After the driver selected the dishes, Bai Ye also ordered a bowl of rice, one meat and one vegetarian, and then took half a sake duck.

These meat dishes, vegetarian dishes and so on are considered big pot dishes, a few yuan a piece, which is very cheap, but the sake duck needs to be cooked fresh, so it is a little slower.

The two found a table to sit down at random, and began to eat.

Not long after, the sake duck also came up.

The taste is exactly as the driver said, the duck meat is firm and elastic, and it has a faint fruity aroma, which is very delicious.

"How is it?" Seeing Bai Ye swallowing, the driver immediately looked over.

"Delicious!" Bai Ye gave a thumbs up, sure enough, eating with the taxi driver was right.

"You want some too?"

The driver waved his hand, rejecting Bai Ye's invitation.

If he does it, I'm afraid he won't have to do this afternoon's work.

After all, some elves nowadays have a much more sensitive nose than alcohol testers, and can smell even a little bit of alcohol.

After eating and drinking enough, the two set off again, and after about half an hour, they finally arrived at Bai Ye's final destination.

After paying more than 100 yuan for the fare, Bai Ye bought the tickets, and then walked into Tingshui Villa.

This Tingshui Villa, although it is called a villa, is actually similar to a scenic spot, except that the buildings in the villa are relatively retro, and the decoration situation is similar to that of ancient villas, which is why it got the name of Tingshui Villa.

After Bai Ye entered the villa, he didn't go anywhere. The first goal was to walk towards Tinghai Waterfall.

While passing a small wooden bridge, he suddenly saw a few familiar figures.

"Hey, Bai Ye!" Yi.

Chapter 395 together.

There were five people in total, two men and three women, and Bai Ye happened to know those two men.

Two men, one tall and strong, the other tall and thin, have obvious characteristics.

Seeing the person coming, Liu Dongdong clenched his fist unconsciously.

With this small silver coin plus luck ratio, he refused to accept the loss in the last game!

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