"By the way, I see that your big needle bee has been training to spin silk into a net. It wants to learn grid moves. I feel that it has almost practiced, and the rest, I guess my Roentgen cat can do it. Do me a little favor."

"You mean..." Bai Ye's eyes lit up, and he instantly understood Ji Dong's thoughts.

"That's right, the reason why your big needle bee is not successful now is probably due to the control of electric energy, and my Roentgen cat just has some experience in this item. If it guides it, it should be able to Get a lot faster." Lin Yi affirmed.

"If so, that would be troublesome." Bai Ye rubbed his hands, feeling a little embarrassed.

The chaotic resistance training in the afternoon has to trouble the other party, and this morning I have to help the big needle bee familiarize itself with controlling the energy of the electric system.

"It's okay, guiding the big needle bee is also a different kind of training for Roentgen cat, and I guess this little guy is quite happy in his heart."

"Hehe." Bai Ye laughed awkwardly, hearing the stingy look of the Roentgen cat before it evolved, he couldn't help but sweat for his big needle bee.

As Ji Dong had expected, Roentgen the cat was very enthusiastic about instructing the big needle bee, and never tired of it, and the big needle bee became more diligent in studying perhaps because of what happened last night.

In this way, there was a happy scene in the grove until a certain phone rang.

Chapter 38 Something went wrong, my fault?

jingle bell~

"Hey, hello, okay, it's already here, please transfer it to Yunhai Homeland, and I'll pay for the extra shipping cost, um, okay, I'm sorry."

Bai Ye hung up the phone and turned to meet Lin Yi's slightly puzzled gaze.

"Have you bought something from the Internet?"

Bai Ye shook his head, "No, the energy cube maker that my friend gave me has arrived."

Energy cube maker?

Lin Yi raised his eyebrows, this is something most people can't buy.

"The senior breeder?"

Bai Ye nodded, "I plan to study with him when I have nothing to do."

Hearing this, Ji Dong patted Bai Ye on the shoulder, "Study hard, if you can get the certificate of cultivator, then you basically don't have to worry about it for the rest of your life."

In today's society where almost all elves are there, even if it's just a junior breeder, it's absolutely no problem to be a little rich.

This kid is really lucky to be able to get the guidance of a senior breeder.

Feeling emotional in his heart, suddenly, Ji Dong sniffed a few times, then frowned.

"Bai Ye, do you smell a bad smell, did someone's sewer blow up?"

Bai Ye also frowned, "I've smelled it a long time ago, I guess it should be, otherwise why would it stink so much."

"Don't worry about him, let's continue training, and wait until your energy cube maker arrives, and then we'll change places." Lin Yi decided.

After almost a morning of training, the big needle bee has a little feeling for the control of electric energy. Although it is not yet at the level of radio network, it can almost form a few small blocks.

With the previous experience of spinning silk into a web, I believe that it is not too far from the big needle bee radio into a web.

In this way, the training continued, and after another half an hour of practice, the courier called again, saying that he was already at the gate of the community.

Bai Ye and Lin Yi went to pick it up together, but the smell got bigger and bigger as they walked towards the community, and along the way, many sewers were spitting out stinky water.

"Could it be that the underground pipeline in the community has collapsed?" The two thought with some doubts in their hearts.

"You guys are here. The smell is a little bit sweet after smelling it for a long time." Seeing Bai Ye coming, the courier immediately poured out bitter water, and the strange force next to him seemed to be speechless from the stink.

Bai Ye and Lin Yi smiled, they were fine yesterday.

"However, it's not just your community. The neighborhoods we passed along the road were all smelly. I guess there is something wrong with the sewer main in your area, and it may have been bitten by Lada. , In order to repair it quickly, the surrounding sub-pipes were shut down."

The courier uncle looks very experienced.

"I remember that the manager should be divided into two channels, one master and one assistant?" Lin Yi asked doubtfully.

"Then the auxiliary pipeline must be broken." The uncle was convinced of his conclusion.

Finally, with the help of Wei Li, the seemingly small but extremely heavy medium-sized energy cube maker was placed in the living room of Lin Yi's house.

The energy cube manufacturing machine mainly relies on a centrifugal force, the higher the rotation speed, the more expensive it is, and the heavier the machine is at the same time.

"Actually, if you use it for home use, I think you can buy a small one. If you use this medium-sized one, I'm afraid the upstairs and downstairs ones will come to you." After putting the machine away, the courier uncle commented again road.

Bai Ye rolled his eyes. He also wanted to buy a small one, but if the speed could not meet the requirements, it would be impossible to manufacture high-quality energy cubes.

This medium-sized energy cube making machine can only produce high-grade and special-quality energy cubes. If you want to produce top-quality energy cubes, you must use a large one.

jingle bell~

"I'll go out and take a call first." After Lin Yi said this, he quickly walked out of the door.

After paying the transfer fee to the courier uncle, Bai Ye rubbed the metal energy cube making machine, feeling eager to try.

Of course, you have to read the operation manual before trying it out.

At this time, Ji Dong quickly walked in from the door.

"Something happened, Bai Ye, you should be fine now, go on a mission with me." Lin Yi's face was a little dignified, it seemed that the matter was serious.

"No problem, what happened?"

"On the road, the situation is a little urgent." Lin Yi quickly changed into his police uniform, and brought his gun and relevant documents.

Seeing this situation, Bai Ye didn't ask any more questions.


After he changed, the two quickly went downstairs, got into the car and drove to the urgent location of the mission.

"There was an accident in the sewage treatment plant in the northern suburbs. The stinky mud they raised rioted. A group of wild stinky muds, led by a stinky mud leader, sneaked into the sewage treatment plant by shrinking their moves, and then instigated the sewage treatment. The original smelly mud in the factory rioted."

Zoom out, stinky mud?

Hearing this familiar combination, Bai Ye's expression was quite subtle.

This...could it be your fault again?

No, I'm not going to be blamed for this pot. The smelly mud rioted by himself has nothing to do with Bai Ye.

"The current sewage treatment plants are almost all occupied by stinky mud, and in order to prevent the stinky mud from continuing to grow, the leaders of the sewage treatment plants shut down all the underground pipes in various areas before leaving, so all the places in the city That’s why there are so many pipe bursts.”

Ji Yi continued to talk, and Bai Ye also roughly understood the causes and consequences of this emergency.

"However, shouldn't it be just the two of us going there?"

Ji Dong, who was driving, paused for a moment, and smiled a little embarrassedly, "How is it possible, there are other colleagues who will also go there, but most of the police force is on the prison side, and there are not many people who can be mobilized."

"However, don't worry, the Trainer Association has also issued a task, and there should be many other trainers joining. Just in time, you can go to the trainer's official website to receive a task, and the matter is over. In the future, you should be able to get a bounty of tens of thousands of dollars."

Bounty missions are tasks issued by the Trainer Association. The Trainer Association will release certain types of missions related to material acquisition, field elf investigation, and finding specific elves every day. When the trainer completes the mission, he will receive a certain bounty .

This is also one of the main ways of making money that Bai Ye planned for himself before.

However, it seems that if you want to accept the bounty task, you need to register with the Trainer Association first.

After seeing this condition, Bai Ye cursed secretly in his heart.

Although the alliance registration is not easy within a short period of time, there is basically no threshold for registration in the Great Yan Federation, as long as there is one elf, but he was delayed by various things and has not done so.

After this incident is over, the first thing to do after going back is to register with the association first! .

Chapter 39 Sewage Treatment Plant

In this world, there are two types of registered trainers, alliance registered trainers and national registered trainers.

Alliance-registered trainers can enjoy free medical care, housing, and travel services throughout the entire alliance, no matter which federation they are in.

However, registered trainers in their own country can only enjoy certain benefits in their own country, and once they arrive in other federations, they will no longer enjoy any benefits.

One is for the entire alliance, and the other is only for the country. This is the most essential difference between alliance registered trainers and federally registered trainers.

Of course, the difference in benefits between the two is also very different, one is completely free, while the other is only a certain amount of benefits.

However, the former is a benefit that only a few people can enjoy.

To become a registered trainer of the alliance, not only must you pass the political examination, but you must also donate a large sum of money to the alliance every year for ten consecutive years without interruption every year. After the interruption, you must accumulate again.

In addition, there are also some asset certificates and miscellaneous other documents. Only when they meet the standards can they become a registered alliance trainer when they get the three elves.

If you want to enjoy the benefits, you must pay a lot in the early stage.

Therefore, when Bai Ye saw the multiple standards of the alliance's registered trainers, he temporarily put this task aside.

This so-called alliance registered trainer is obviously not prepared for civilians like him.

Compared with the first simple special task, this second special task is obviously more difficult.

"You haven't registered as a trainer yet, have you?" Seeing Bai Ye's sullen face, Ji Dong asked in surprise.

"Too busy and never had time."

"...." You are so busy that I am busy with work, Lin Yi was speechless.

"Take my mobile phone and register yourself. Our police station and the Trainer Association are interoperable in this regard, just to find you potential dangerous elements who obviously have elves but don't register."

It goes without saying that a registered trainer or an unregistered trainer is more dangerous. The reason why the threshold for federally registered trainers is so low is to a large extent for the convenience of management and monitoring.

Hearing this, Bai Ye was overjoyed that he could make some extra money.

Next, following Ji Dong's instructions, he uploaded his identity photo and the relevant information of the big needle bee, and soon an electronic version of the trainer certificate came out.

Finally, accept the task and set off!


In the distance, towering water storage towers gradually appeared in Bai Ye's sight. As the distance from the sewage treatment plant got closer, an unpleasant stench gradually spread.

"It smells so bad, will there be a trainer to lead the mission?" Bai Ye was a little unsure. To be honest, he, who had already been tainted by the stench, couldn't stand the smell.

Putting on the anti-odor mask he had prepared earlier, Bai Ye finally felt better.

The inside of the mask is a spice compartment made of various spices. It smells like a faint floral scent, but it seems that the smell is too strong. The combination of the aroma and the smell forms an indescribable scent. Weird smell.

Even so, it was much better than simply smelling the stench.

Soon, Lin Yi drove to the gate of the sewage treatment plant. At this moment, there were many vehicles parked at the gate of the factory. More than [-] trainers wearing biochemical suits and whose appearance could no longer be seen were waiting in an orderly manner outside the gate of the factory. .

"Are they all so professional?" Lin Yi glanced at the deodorant mask prepared by himself and Bai Ye, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

"That's not necessary. The unprofessionals have already gone home halfway, and the ones left behind are well-prepared." A police officer wearing a gray camouflage protective suit and maintaining order came over.

"You kid is really fierce. You dare to come here with only a mask on. Come with me. I know you didn't bring it. I still have extra protective clothing in the car."

"Are there any smaller ones?"

Only then did the police officer see Bai Ye standing aside, and shook his head, "There are small ones, but I guess a kid like you still can't wear them."

This police officer is no stranger to Bai Ye, but he can't figure out how Ji Dong brought him along, isn't he afraid of danger?

"If it's almost time for people to come, Lao Xia and I will bring people in, and you and A Ming will stay outside to maintain order."

Ji Dong changed his clothes while refusing: "Brother Xiao, you don't have to take care of me and Bai Ye. Everyone has gone in, so what order is there to maintain? Just give Bai Ye a mask and an oxygen tank. It doesn't matter if you have anything else. "

Seeing Lin Yi's insistence, Brother Xiao didn't try to persuade him any more. Moreover, following a large army might indeed be much safer than being alone outside the door.

Soon, Bai Ye sucked in the oxygen, the odor was completely cut off, and he felt a lot more comfortable immediately.

After about a few minutes, everyone finally arrived. At this time, there were at least 50 trainers gathered outside the sewage treatment plant, and most of them were wearing special protective clothing and were very well prepared.

After waiting for everyone, under the leadership of several police officers, they opened the gate and walked into the sewage treatment plant.

"Be careful where you step, these stinky muds have mastered shrinking moves, you may accidentally step on them."

"Now, listen to my instructions. For those with super-power elves, scan the front with mental power, and move forward after confirming safety."

Brother Xiao commanded calmly, and pink thoughts burst out from the crowd, sweeping away in a fan shape.


However, before everyone got too deep, inside the sewage treatment plant, there were four huge steel water storage towers that suddenly began to tilt towards this side.

"All super spirits, hold him steady!"

Seeing this, several super energy systems immediately exerted their strength, and the four inclined water towers suddenly stabilized slightly,

Yes, it was just a little bit. There seemed to be some kind of life in the water storage tower, and it was crazily impacting inside the tower. Even though the super spirits tried their best, they still couldn't push the tower back to the right.

At this moment, the water storage tower is at a frightening and half-tilted angle.

"Big needle bee, get ready." Bai Ye reminded the big needle bee beside him.

He felt that this water storage tower was probably going to fail, because there were too few super elves here, only three, and they were not very strong, and the other elves couldn't help at all.

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