Chapter 467 Little tricks.

Pushing open the door, a strange smell of fruity aroma mixed with the smell of medicinal materials came to the nostrils.

The first thing you can see is a huge storage room, with a storage cabinet the size of a wall, densely marked with the names of various raw materials.

In the refrigerated showcase below, there are all kinds of fresh fruit.

Grabbing the bamboo basket, Bai Ye first went to find his main material, the lychee fruit, which is an orange-yellow tree fruit with a hard shell on the outside and petals on the inside, a bit like a mangosteen.

There are many signs of turning over in the storage cabinet of Zhili fruits. Among the remaining Zhili fruits, there are very few large fruits and most of them are small and medium-sized fruits.

The selection of raw materials is also one of the contents of the assessment. Generally speaking, the bigger the fruit, the better its quality.

Of course, some special cases are not excluded.

Every cultivator has his own set of selection plans, either by smelling the fragrance or knocking, most of them are judged by experience.

And Bai Ye is relatively simple. With a glance, you can see the general quality of these berries~, which is fast and convenient.

This kind of precious tree fruit has restrictions on the materials used, and a student can only choose two at most.

As for two chee lychees, if they are relatively large, they can produce at most two boxes of energy cubes in standard units. It can be said that it is equivalent to giving the examiner two chances.

After choosing the main ingredients, Bai Ye began to choose other accessories. There is no limit to the quantity of cheap accessories. However, the accessories that cannot be used up need to be returned.

Therefore, occasionally there will be some unscrupulous guys who deliberately take more accessories and return them after doing something wrong.

As for this kind of situation, the society regards it as part of the assessment, as long as it doesn't add too much material, it won't stop it.

Candidates get tampered with raw materials, and then fail the assessment, it can only be said that you are not good at learning and can't tell the difference.

Therefore, you need to be more careful when choosing auxiliary ingredients than choosing main ingredients.

Of course, this is only for ordinary people, and Bai Ye still only needs to sweep his eyes.

Suddenly, Bai Ye narrowed his eyes slightly as he looked at a certain light blue berry.

"Unexpectedly, I really met such a guy who harms others and does not benefit himself."

This kind of light blue strawberry-like fruit is one of the three main materials for this assessment. Berry is a common material for new students, and it is used in large quantities.

However, in this huge pile of berries, two of them were tampered with. One of them was filled with dragon fire juice, while the other was filled with limu juice.

The former can turn the energy cube with the effect of healing burns into a catalyst in an instant, making the burns of the elves more serious, while the latter can greatly reduce the healing effect.

Limu fruit itself has the effect of curing freezing. Freezing and burning are two opposite states, and the berries that can cure these two abnormalities are also mutually exclusive in nature.

Once shared, the healing effect of both will be greatly weakened.

Because the berries were not included in his recipe, after thinking about it, Bai Ye just put the two berries aside and ignored them.

If this is still wrong and hasn't aroused her vigilance, then she deserves to be tricked.

Soon, Bai Ye had almost collected all the raw materials, so he walked out of the raw material warehouse and returned to his machine to start processing raw materials.

Time passed, and with the buzzing sound of the machine, the door of the computer room was slowly pushed open, and Liu Yuyan and the little girl from before walked in.

The two walked slowly in the computer room, their eyes kept scanning over the students who were making energy cubes, and at the same time they were evaluating their operations in their hearts.

Liu Yuyan passed by the machine where Bai Ye was, glanced at the zhili fruits he was handling, paused slightly, and then walked forward as if nothing had happened.

"It turned out to be a chee lychee fruit. It's okay for Bai Ye's elementary school brother. Sister Yan hates waste." After seeing the fruit in Bai Ye's hand, the little girl next to her felt a little nervous.

As an internal member of the society, she has a good understanding of the standards of this assessment.

The three different tree fruits represent three different levels of difficulty, and also represent three sets of assessment standards.

Those who choose berries as the main material can basically pass as long as they do not use too rare materials, control the cost within [-] yuan, and the quality of the energy cube reaches the middle level, and the appearance is good.

Of course, this set of standards is limited to freshmen and intermediate students in the school. For advanced students and graduates, who have been in school for several years, it is quite shameful that they can only make intermediate energy cubes.

Therefore, even if the students of these two grades made a fairly high-quality intermediate energy cube, they would not be able to pass the level.

For those who choose thousand fragrant fruit or lychee fruit as the main material, control the cost within 5 yuan, and the quality of the energy cube must be at least high-level, and the appearance needs to pass the test before they can pass.

For new students, as long as they can reach high-level quality, their appearance is almost fine, and they are basically stable.

And if some examiners use very rare materials, but in the end they only produce mid-level quality energy cubes, vomit, then it's over!

This is a waste of materials. No matter how good the energy cube you make is, even if you are still a freshman, you will not pass, and you may be blacklisted by the society.

Originally, in Bai Ye's situation, as long as he could produce a mid-level energy cube, even if the quality was slightly different, their jury would be able to scoop him in.

But now, he chooses the rare material of chee lychee, which is troublesome.

If the energy cubes he made were not of high quality, they would not be able to fish them even if they wanted to.

"I hope you kid can give me a little bit of confidence. We have been preparing this proposal, but we have been preparing for nearly a year." The little girl sighed silently in her heart.

If this proposal can be passed, their energy cube research club will usher in explosive development, and it is not impossible to catch up with the battle club.

It's just that if this plan is to be passed, it must first go through Director Huang's test. If he doesn't approve it, nothing will happen.

On the other side, Bai Ye was still immersed in making the energy cube, and knew nothing about the little girl's thoughts.

Chapter 468 special grade.


Accompanied by the sound of deflation, white mist filled the energy cube maker, and dozens of azure blue energy cubes rolled down from the discharge port.

Bai Ye casually picked up an energy cube, glanced at the sun, and immediately showed a satisfied smile, "Not bad."

On the basis of the original recipe, he added mango and phoenix fruit for seasoning on his own initiative.

The former has no effect other than increasing intimacy after eating, and is one of the condiments commonly used by breeders, while the latter can be polished and strengthened, which is a kind of tree fruit with a more suitable compatibility.

The effect of the revised tree fruit formula is not much different from the original version, but there is an additional effect of slightly enhancing physical fitness, which can be regarded as a benign improvement.

Put all the prepared energy cubes into the transparent glass box that had already been prepared, and Bai Ye immediately began to fill in the labels.

Energy cube name: white - power cube.

Quality: Premium.

Condition: High.

Recipe effect: Long-term consumption can greatly enhance the strength of the elf and slightly enhance its physique.

Special effect: fast absorption. (This kind of energy cube is easier to be absorbed and digested by elves than other energy cubes.)

After writing, put the label into the interlayer on the surface of the box cover, and finally paste your own label to seal it. Bai Ye's assessment work is considered complete.

Bai Ye looked up and looked around, and found that Wang Mengmeng and Miss Lanlan were still in the intense production process.

"Forget it, don't wait."

Next, he was going to the battle club. It is estimated that the two little beauties would not follow him, so he could go by himself.

Bai Ye brought the freshly baked energy cubes to the storage place in front, and then walked out of the machine room.

After walking out of the teaching building, Bai Ye sent a message to each of the two little beauties, and then walked towards the school gate.

The members of the Battle Club are mainly students from the Battle Department, which is equivalent to the main club of the Battle Department. Therefore, the place where they recruit new recruits is naturally the South Campus where the Battle Department is located.

Just like the Energy Cube Research Institute, other departments are only doing publicity, selection and so on, and have to go to the headquarters.

On the other side, not long after Bai Ye left, the petite girl from before came to the storage box.

She picked up the energy cube made by Bai Ye, and after glancing at the label, she couldn't help opening her mouth slightly, her eyes full of surprise and disbelief.

"It turned out to be... special grade!"

"This elementary school boy can actually make super energy cubes?"

As an intermediate-level cultivator close to advanced level, her energy cube production level is still acceptable, but she is limited to making high-level energy cubes.

She also tried to make super energy cubes, but she never succeeded.

My senior sister, who has been practicing in the academy for two and a half years, has never successfully produced a super energy cube, but now a freshman has easily produced it during the assessment.

How embarrassing is this.

However, she didn't fully believe it before undergoing a professional machine test. Although, in her opinion, the energy cube in the glass box is quite good in terms of appearance alone, at least it is of high quality.

But whether it can reach super quality still needs to be further verified by machines.

"No, I have to go find Sister Yan quickly, this kind of big baby, I can't let him run away!" Although the little girl was anxious, she was not stupid.

There is surveillance in the classroom, and her every move is under surveillance, so without opening the glass box or damaging the signage, she can take a look at the completed works of the contestants at will.

But if she leaves the classroom and can see it without surveillance, the nature of this is different, and the possibility of the contestant's work being dropped and secretly replaced by her is not ruled out.

Therefore, the best way at this moment is to call Liu Yuyan over.

So, the little girl put down Bai Ye's work and ran out stomping.

Then, not long after, Liu Yuyan was pulled over by her.

"Sister Yan, take a quick look to see if this box of energy cubes has super quality."

"What, super energy cube! Where is it?"

"What are you doing? It's not a bluff, is it?"

"Which great god has broken through?"

The actions of the two immediately attracted other members who were monitoring in the classroom.

Liu Yuyan put on a serious face, stared at her phoenix eyes, and sternly shouted: "What are you doing here, go back and inspect!"

The other members who gathered around fell silent for a moment, and even some candidates who were relatively close were taken aback, almost making mistakes in the work they were doing.

The members moved lightly with their lotus steps. Although they all have big feet, they felt as if they had stepped out of a three-inch golden lotus...  

They couldn't hide their curiosity, and they wandered around the storage area one after another. Some candidates who were closer also slowed down their handling of raw materials, and quietly pricked up their ears.

Yayo, this is a super energy cube!

Usually, the super energy cube that only senior breeders can make appeared in the examination site, and it was in the same examination room as them.

This made everyone feel as if a great god was by my side.

After noticing the movements of the crowd, Liu Yuyan felt a little helpless, but ignored them.

After all, as members of the agency, they will know about this kind of thing sooner or later.

In order to ensure fairness and justice, after the recruitment is over, they will announce the results of the students who participated in the assessment, so this kind of thing cannot be hidden.

Liu Yuyan picked up the glass box and put it in the sunlight for a look.

The azure blue radiance fell down, and although there was a layer of glass in between, she could still tell clearly that the energy cubes in this box were at least high-quality, and their appearance was quite good.

It is crystal clear, without any impurities, just like the beautiful sapphire, the purity is very high, which means that his handling of raw materials and the centrifugation steps of the machine are quite perfect.

As for whether it has reached the super quality, to be honest, she can't tell the difference.

The gap between high-level and super-level lies in the upper limit of energy cube usage and special effects of 4.5. This requires a special machine to detect it, and it is difficult to distinguish it with the naked eye.

However, even so, at Bai Ye's age, being able to make a high-level energy cube at this age is also an amazing and even heaven-defying operation.

In her opinion, this is a little unbelievable, a little inhuman!

You must know that she, a genius recognized by the cultivation department, has only reached the level of being able to make super energy cubes, and the success rate has only reached about [-]%.

Liu Yuyan suppressed the turbulent emotions in her heart, and said expressionlessly: "The quality of an energy cube cannot be determined just by looking at its appearance, and it needs to be tested with a tester."

"Send it to a key test later, you supervise each other, don't make any mistakes."


Chapter 469 Battle Society

Longdu University, South Campus, one of the exclusive training venues for the Versus Club.

The area here is huge, like a football field, with a huge training field in the center, surrounded by circular seats arranged from low to high.

Bai Ye is no stranger to this venue. He was here a month ago, beating up dozens of children, and finally passed the level with his life, reaching the top and winning the championship.

The scorching sun hangs high, and at this time, the place is still very lively.

The freshmen from the combat department, acting department, scientific research department, etc. who have ideas about joining the combat club gather here.

Of course, it's not just freshmen, there are also many old students.

Among them, some of them simply came here with the idea of ​​watching the excitement. After all, every time the battle club accepts new students, the newcomers must receive some education.

This can be regarded as their old tradition against Zhanshe.

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