The trainer I was going to introduce to him before is coming to Zhuhai, so I want to take him to get to know him.

Naturally, Bai Ye had no objection to this and readily accepted it.

Put away the big needle bee and Bobbi who are still training, put the elf eggs that have moved into the backpack, take a taxi in Baiye, and go to the Silver Building.

As soon as he arrived at the entrance of the building, Bai Ye saw Xu Shengdu sitting in a convertible sports car, swiping his phone with a bored expression on his face.

Seeing Bai Ye coming, his eyes lit up and he waved to him, "Come and sit, it will probably take some time for that guy to come out."

Opening the car door next to him and sitting down, Bai Ye asked casually, "Did he go shopping?"

"No, don't worry about him. This guy has a lot of social activities. He will come out naturally after the processing is done." After saying that, he turned around and said with excitement:

"You kid is good at training. According to your suggestion, even though it's only been a few days of training, I feel that the fighting ability of biting land sharks has improved to a certain extent."

"It's good if it works. In fact, I just applied the training experience of the big needle bee to the biting land shark." Bai Ye scratched his head and said truthfully.

"It doesn't matter whether it's a universal one or not, the most important thing is to have an effect." Xu Shengdu stopped Bai Ye on his shoulder, "Master, do you have any suggestions about my other elves?"

Xu Shengdu's eyes were full of sincerity.

Originally, his impression of Bai Ye was that he had a dark belly, a poisonous tongue, and some tricks. In the future, he might become an excellent trainer like him, and he might also follow his path.

However, ever since he saw that Bai Ye had already started to publish papers in such an authoritative place as the alliance's scientific research section, he felt that he could no longer understand him.

Moreover, he also read Bai Ye's paper, and it has been recognized by many researchers, which is even more rare.

His understanding of Bai Ye has been refreshed again.

Originally it was just an excellent trainer, but now it is necessary to add an excellent researcher.

Therefore, he felt that it was necessary for him to face up to this guy a little more.

Hearing this, Bai Ye felt a little troubled. The reason why his suggestion was useful for Lie Bite Lu Shark was because Lie Bite Lu Shark's real sensory organs were actually two bumps on the top of his head, but Xu Shengdu had never felt it before. The reason for using it.

As for his other elves, judging from his current level of cultivation, they have been perfectly cultivated, and it is difficult to find other suggestions.

After pondering for a moment, Bai Ye finally uttered four words: "Teach students in accordance with their aptitude."

These four words can be said to be correct no matter if they are placed on any elf.

Afterwards, Bai Ye used these four words as the core, combined with some ideas from the previous life to increase the effort value when playing games, team building ideas, etc., and discussed with Xu Shengdu.

But just as the two were chatting happily, there was a commotion at the gate of the West Buddha Building.

After the sound of dense footsteps, Yuan Yuming and several staff members in suits and leather shoes walked out around a handsome little boy wearing a black dress and silvery hair.

While the boy was dealing with Yuan Yuming, his eyes were aiming randomly around the door.

But when he saw Xu Shengdu on the roadster, his eyes lit up.

"Manager Yuan, my friend is already waiting for me. If you have anything to do, please talk to my private secretary first." He gestured at a capable-looking girl in a suit behind him. A look.

The girl stepped forward skillfully and started talking with Yuan Yuming.

After getting rid of the chores here, the boy walked straight towards Xu Shengdu.

"Entering the party?" Xu Shengdu shook his head as he looked at the oncoming boy with broken hair, "Get in the car."

On the other side, Yuan Yuming was talking to the female secretary while looking over in confusion.

But when he saw the people in the car, his pupils shrank.

Why did I see this unlucky reminder again, and, how did he have a relationship with this big guy?

Just as he was secretly wondering, Xu Shengdu drove away with the two of them.

"This is Bai Ye, and he is the little guy I told you was lucky enough to get an iron dumbbell elf egg." Xu Shengdu introduced while driving.

With silver hair, an exquisite black dress, an elegant and confident smile, and that rare red aristocratic bow tie, Bai Ye found out that this boy, he seemed to have seen in the report not long ago.

The noble son of the Monte family, the chief heir of the Monte consortium's trillions of assets, Monte Luwu.

"Hello, I'm Monte Luwu, just call me Luwu." Lu Wu smiled and extended his hand to Bai Ye.

"Hello, I'm Bai Ye." Bai Ye turned around and shook hands with him politely.

The two of them had just gotten to know each other.

"Let's add a communication. If there is anything you don't understand when cultivating iron dumbbells in the future, just send me a message." Lu Wu continued.

"Thank you very much." Then, Bai Ye took out his mobile phone and added friends with Lu Wu.

Lu Wu smiled slightly, put away his phone, turned to Xu Shengdu and said, "The relic you are talking about is the Zhuhai relic uploaded on the Internet recently, right?"

Hearing this, Xu Shengdu couldn't help but said angrily, "It's not the Zhuhai ruins, it's the Shengbai ruins!"

"Bai Ye and I discovered this ruin together. Naturally, the two of us were asked to name it, and theirs doesn't count!"

white night:"???"

"I think it's better to call it the Baisheng Ruins."

"Oh! Did you two discover it together?" Lu Wu's eyes lit up, "Can you tell me about the discovery process?"

Xu Shengdu waved his hand, "I'm driving, you can ask Bai Ye, he was with me the whole time, and the discovery of this relic is mainly due to his special ability."

Lu Wu moved his shining eyes to Bai Ye.

Seeing Lu Wu like this, Bai Ye felt that he was a lot more real immediately, so he smiled and said, "Of course."


Chapter 127 Grumpy Elf.

"It's an interesting process. Unexpectedly, there is a mysterious ruin hidden under a secret laboratory, and there is a passage to the spirit world hidden in the ruins." After listening, Lu Wu slammed his mouth, as if Some ideas are still unfinished.

"Don't you like to drill into various ruins the most? If you encounter a place with no clues in the future, you can draw Bai Ye to him. With his luck and special ability, he may be able to help you." Xu Shengdu pimped.

After all, Lu Wu was only 15 years old. He felt that Bai Ye and Lu Wu were not much different in age and could definitely get closer.

On the contrary, his 20-year-old big brother seems to be unable to play together.

"Bai Ye, is it okay?" Lu Wu asked excitedly.

"I'm fine." Bai Ye nodded slightly, which could be regarded as reciprocity.

"That's really great." A smile appeared on Lu Wu's face. With such a helper, maybe he can find more ruins.

After a short silence, Lu Wu asked curiously: "Bai Ye, what is your special ability? Can you tell me about it?"

"Well, it's not inconvenient. My ability is similar to a kind of intuition. He will give me a reminder when I face some abnormalities."

It turned out to be the case.

Lu Wu nodded thoughtfully. He felt that this special ability was a bit similar to the characteristic of insect elves. The premonition of insects was all based on intuition.

And sometimes, problems that cannot be solved by relying on knowledge, relying on intuition and luck, can often produce unexpected results.

So, this is a great talent!

At this moment, he even had the urge to dig Bai Ye back and accompany him to explore the ruins.

Of course, he just thought about it, the guy who could be with Xu Shengdu would not be short of money.

Since there is no shortage of money, the only option is to start with the elves.

So, Lu Wu and Bai Ye started chatting about the cultivation of iron dumbbells.

After driving all the way, everyone arrived at the entrance to the secret realm.

The ruins are just below the inside of the secret realm, so, in order to facilitate exploration, the personnel of the relevant department directly closed the original intersection, and then dug a new hole from the secret realm.

Once in the secret realm, it was easier for the three of them to move forward.

The aura of the Qixi blue bird swept away, and there were no elves on the periphery who dared to step forward to provoke.

At the same time, Bai Ye also saw the rather powerful Metagross in Xu Shengdu's mouth.

The next moment, his pupils shrank slightly, and an unstoppable look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

Not to mention that the strength level of this golden monster is as high as 47, and it is actually a different color, with excellent individual value and aptitude, and the most terrifying thing is that its own potential is as high as the champion level!

To be honest, this golden monster is definitely the elf with the highest aptitude and potential he has ever seen, enough to be worthy of a sentence of horror!

"Let's go, there is still a distance between here and the ruins, let's hurry up." Xu Shengdu waved his hand, and the Qixi blue bird took off first.

And Lu Wu sat on the body of the giant gold monster, followed closely behind.

However, not long after flying, Bai Ye felt instantly slapped in the face.

There really is no way to order the elf to dare to stroke the tiger's beard.

Bai Ye felt a little strange looking at the flock of sparrows who were directly hypnotized by the Qixi blue bird's singing move.

It seems that last time the sparrows were not so irritable, no matter how fierce they are, they still know which ones cannot be messed with.

What's wrong with this now?

"I suspect that group of ghost elves must be hiding in the real world. The elves in the secret realm started to riot precisely because they felt their threat." Xu Shengdu frowned, feeling that something was wrong.

After calming down for a few days, he thought that those ghost elves had stopped, but now it seemed that this was not the case. The previous few days seemed to be deliberately paralyzing him.

"Could it be hiding underground?" Bai Ye also felt something was wrong. He felt that if this continued, he might trigger the elf siege mission.

Moreover, that life task of Bokby has not been completed, which means that the group of ghost elves is likely to continue to act.

"I think the space created by the power of secrets is also possible, and it is more concealed." Lu Wu also said beside him.

"Forget about that, I'll find Sisters Makina later, and ask them if they can invite the ghost army of King Juyou, I still don't believe it, digging three feet, I can't find a few little A ghost?" Xu Shengdu said bitterly.

Seeing this situation, the two of them stopped talking. If Xu Shengdu could really invite King Juyou's ghost legion, then these guys would not be able to hide anywhere in the world.

The three of them continued to move forward, and after experiencing several waves of inexplicable attacks, they finally arrived at the entrance to the ruins.

Because this relic was discovered not long ago, it is still in the protective exploration stage at this moment, and the surrounding area is specially sealed off, and unrelated people are not allowed to approach.

However, Xu Shengdu and Lu Wu are both extraordinary people, so this blockade is basically useless to them.

After the two revealed their identities, the three of them were respectfully invited in by the guards here.

After entering the ruins, Bai Ye summoned the Giant Needle Bee and Togepi.

Although it is said that there are special personnel to protect the surrounding area, and normally there will be no wild elves in the ruins, but after the last experience, he still feels a little uneasy.

Seeing this situation, the two who originally planned to put away the Qixi Blue Bird 550 and the giant golden monster finally kept the two elves.

"Megro, flash!"

The originally dark passage suddenly became brighter.

Lu Wu stepped on the back of the giant metal monster, took a magnifying glass, and began to carefully observe the surrounding murals.

"This should be a relic from the ancient times. These patterns seem to depict a rather strange elf." After observing for a while, Lu Wu said with certainty.

Modern historians roughly divide the ruins civilization into three eras based on the excavated ruins.

Ancient, recent and modern.

Ancient times refers to the period before the elf ball appeared. At that time, the relationship between humans and elves was not friendly, so the murals in the major ruins were all about war.

In modern times, it refers to the period when ancient stone elf balls appeared. In the murals, images of human beings relying on elf balls to seal other elves began to appear, and large-scale domestication of elves began.

As for modern times, it is the period from the appearance of the tree fruit poke ball to the disappearance of human beings. This period left the most remains, but the various written materials are the least.

Therefore, this period is also the most curious and controversial period, and many historians often argue endlessly on the Internet because of a certain issue.

Chapter 128 Unknown Totem.

Bai Ye nodded, this is indeed a weird elf, and it seems that it has never appeared in this world.

"Cha Ke Yi!"

Togepi looked at the slightly gloomy and dim corridor ahead, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes, and he couldn't help but burrow into Bai Ye's arms again.

After Bai Ye stroked its small head to soothe it, they continued to move forward.

However, the speed of progress is very slow. It can be seen that Lu Wu seems to really like these things. He will carefully observe every piece of mural on both sides of the corridor, and then take pictures to record it.

"This should be an elf that has never been discovered before!" When walking to a certain mural, Lu Wu suddenly shouted excitedly.

"We seem to have discovered a new type of elf!"

He turned around and found that they were not very excited, but just smiling. He scratched his head in embarrassment, "Do you two already know?"

"It's not just the two of us, there are also a group of historians who probably already know about it." Bai Ye added. Of course, before the specific elf is found, this matter will not be announced to the outside world immediately.

Lu Wu smiled embarrassingly, then turned his head away, and continued to observe carefully.

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