This is the case with the shape changer feature. After a Ditto with this feature comes out of the poke ball, its body will involuntarily transform into the first creature it sees.

In terms of speed, it is a Ditto that has a soft characteristic.

Therefore, in order to prove the effect of the shapeshifter's characteristics, he only needs to find a double-bomb gas with chemical change gas characteristics to cooperate with the experiment, and then find a variety monster with soft characteristics for comparison.

Of course, you don’t need to do the experiments yet, but you can already start working on the paper.

Touching the keyboard lightly, Bai Ye typed a line of words on the title of the thesis.

"A new feature, shapeshifters! "

Once this characteristic is recognized, then he can be regarded as a famous name in history.

At least, whenever someone chooses to study Divers, his name will inevitably be known by some people.

Why would anyone be interested in discovering new features?

The process of discovery is not important, the process of leaving a name is the most important.

This name leaves not only the name of the characteristic, but also his own fame.

Time passed quickly, and the sun gradually set.

Suddenly there was an inexplicable clicking sound in the room, and then, the lights on the roof flickered.

He turned his head to look at the iron dumbbell lying on the TV and swallowing big gulps, and Bobbi who looked at it with a shocked expression.

Several clear 557 black lines emerged on Bai Ye's forehead.

"Cha Ke Yi"

Aware of Bai Ye's sight, Bokby quickly turned his head to interact with the Dittoman next to him, you take one, I take one, this has nothing to do with me.


Iron Dumbbell, the iron fool, looked at Togepi, who was clapping and playing with the Variety Monster, with some confusion, and couldn't figure out what was going on.

"You can't eat this stuff, you'll become stupid after eating it."

Bai Ye was thinking about how to explain it to the young lady at the front desk, so as not to be scolded.

"Da da?" Don't you want to eat?

With a slight force on the iron dumbbell, he bit off the corner of the TV completely, and then the blood-red pupils began to look at other possible edible things in the room.

"Don't eat other things randomly. If you are hungry, come to me directly." Seeing this situation, how could Bai Ye not know that this guy is obviously hungry again.

Looking at the empty ore pile on the ground, Bai Ye couldn't help shaking his head.

This is just born, this appetite is already so big, it will be fine in the future.

There was no other way, so Bai Ye had no choice but to take the iron dumbbells and go directly to the warehouse where he stored the ore, and he also brought the grinder and related ingredients down along the way.

In terms of the appetite of iron dumbbells, let’s eat directly in the warehouse.

Chapter 138 Attention from afar

Great Flame Federation, Evergreen City.

Evergreen Incubation Base.

A researcher in a white coat, with a thin figure, messy and somewhat greasy hair, was comparing his own experimental results on the computer.

Researcher Hua Liangsong, a well-known elf researcher, has a deep understanding of all kinds of elves.

Moreover, although he is only a researcher now, it is estimated that he will be able to obtain the title of doctor in a short time. Moreover, he has close ties with Dr. Lin Xue from Xincheng City and Dr. Lin Kong from Chengchuan City.

The main goal of his research in recent times is the reasons for cross-racial reproduction among elves, and he has achieved incredible results.

The most famous paper, "A Discussion of the Reasons for Elves to Continue Their Offspring across Races," has received unanimous praise from the elf world. It creatively proposed the term "reproductive category" to explain how different species of elves can reproduce with each other. reason.

And his breeding theory has been unanimously recognized by many industry leaders, and therefore was jointly recommended by many doctors from various regions.

At this time, researcher Hua Liangsong was working on a project, but it was a task urgently assigned to him by the alliance.

It is to use his breeding theory to find more suitable breeding objects for endangered elves such as Onion Duck and Laplace, so as to pull them up from the endangered level.

It's just that he has only initially proposed this set of breeding category theory, but he still doesn't have a clear position on how to classify various elves.

Therefore, in the face of this sudden task, he has made some difficulties.

How to proceed with this first step, is it possible to put these endangered elves together with a large number of other elves and let them fall in love freely?

"No, no, although elves can reproduce across races, elves of different races are still not as attractive as elves of different races. If they are put together like this, it may be difficult to see results in a short time."

Researcher Hua Liangsong scratched his messy hair in distress, "Is it possible that I have to create opportunities for them to enhance their relationship, such as a sudden disaster~"

Heroes saving beauties, sharing adversity, etc., aren't these common scripts in some romance dramas?

At this moment, he felt like he was not a researcher, but more like a matchmaker, thinking hard all day long about how to match those elves.

Is there a simpler and cruder way?

Yes, but Hua Liangsong can't do such a thing of coercion. If it gets out in the future, his old face will be lost.

Moreover, this is not only a moral issue, but also a legal issue. The alliance not only has the elf protection law, but also the elf protection organization.

Especially when endangered elves were involved, one had to be extremely cautious.

But if it's just the same race, it's not in line with his research direction, which is very annoying.

Occasionally, Hua Liangsong noticed an elf with dark hair and a cute fox-like appearance.

Zoroya, which is also listed as an endangered species, is very rare.

The reason why it is endangered is very strange. In the Zoroya race, female elves account for only about 10%, while male elves account for nearly 90%.

You must know that the elves are all inherited from the maternal line. Fewer female elves means fewer newborns who make noises. Therefore, over time, the number of Zoroya is also decreasing.

And this time among the elves distributed by the alliance, there is a very precious female Zoroark.

At this moment, Hualiangsong was thinking about the fact that Zoroark has a very strong ability to transform. The elves it transforms are difficult to distinguish between true and false, and even elves of the same race are difficult to recognize.

Therefore, this guy should be the most promising target, as long as it is transformed into an elf of another race, there is a great chance of success.


Recalling the description about this Zoroark, he felt that his idea was a bit unreliable.

Picky and extremely arrogant, with strong self-esteem and vigilance, it is difficult for ordinary people and elves to get its approval.

Extremely vigilant, this is almost a common problem of all Zoroarak, and there is no need to change it.

Therefore, it is simply impossible to open a passage from it.

"It would be great if there were other elves who could transform into other elves." He sighed helplessly.

"Transformation...transformation..." After murmuring a few words, Hua Liangsong's eyes suddenly lit up, "Diversified monsters can also transform, how about using it?"

"It's just, is there any record of Dittina breeding with other elves?" He remembered that elves like Dittina seem to have no gender distinction, so if they lay eggs with Dittina, what is the race of the offspring individual elves? Who should it be?

He first browsed through the list of elves in the incubation base, but found no breeding record of the Variety Monster.

After all, the main task of this incubation base is to provide high-quality elf eggs to the major breeding houses, and it is naturally difficult for elves like Ditto that few people cultivate to appear in the incubation base.

After thinking for a while, Hua Liangsong opened the alliance official website and entered the researcher forum.

He wanted to see if other researchers had any breeding records related to the Variety Monster.

After entering, the first thing that catches the eye is some of his own successful papers, and in some of the top posts below the papers, there are many praise comments.

Posted at the top of the post, this is not a treatment that ordinary researchers can enjoy. Those who can enjoy this treatment are usually very famous researchers.

After glancing at these comments, Hua Liangsong had an unconcealable smile on his face.

After all, no one would dislike compliments, especially those from other industry leaders.

After a few glances, Hua Liangsong entered the three keywords of Ditto in the search bar above.

The page quickly jumped out of a large number of articles about the subject of Ditto.

"How come there are so many? Do Ditto have so many people studying it?" Looking at the total of these dozens of pages, Hua Liangsong couldn't help frowning.

After a general browse, he quickly discovered the clues.

The release time of these topics is very new, and the names of the topics have almost the same meaning.

It's all about exploration, discussion, and speculation about the hidden characteristics of the Variety Monster.

"So, did someone confirm that Ditto should still have a characteristic? This has attracted so many people to post articles and discuss it."

Aware of this, Hua Liangsong immediately became interested, and began to search one by one.

Just as the mouse scrolled, Hua Liangsong's browsing speed became faster and faster.

Because he found that these papers on characteristics were full of nonsense. They were all things that couldn't be touched, and then there would be people who would forcefully pull them up.

However, people have said that this is speculation, and there is nothing wrong with writing it this way, it just makes people look bored.

"A group of laymen pour water here, and the administrator doesn't care?"

After closing a post, Hua Liangsong clicked a report.

Compared with these irrigation papers, he now wants to read the article that proposes new features.

So, he browsed quickly,

Soon, in the middle, he found an article marked with flames.

"A Probe into the Hidden Features of Ditto".

The 139 chapters are enough to change the discovery of the cultivation world.

"Is this the original discoverer?" Hua Liangsong clicked in without hesitation.

About six or seven minutes later.

Looking at the computer screen, Hua Liangsong stroked his chin, and there was a flash of appreciation in his brows.

"I don't understand the darkness of night during the day. I guess this name should be a young man."

He felt that this young man had great potential. He had a pair of eyes that were good at discovery, and his thinking was very sharp and his mind was very smart.

Without being able to provide a lot of tangible evidence, he relied on the strength of other researchers to help him prove this thesis.

Huang Liangsong clicked on the black and white profile picture, but was a little surprised to find that there was another paper with a flame logo under his name.

"A new feature, shapeshifters! "

"...I said why I didn't find it. It turns out that there is no such word as Divers."

After shaking his head speechlessly, Hua Liangsong clicked in again.

A few minutes later, Hua Liangsong smiled again and returned to the previous page.

He once again felt that this person who is called the man who does not understand the night during the day is really very spiritual, and the use of the chemical change gas characteristics of the double-bomb gas is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

As for his conclusion, Hua Liangsong is positive, but he is not completely sure.

The confirmation of the effect of a new feature is bound to require a large number of experiments to summarize, and the experimental data shown in his paper, to be honest, is not enough.

He just proves that Dittos with new traits will have these changes compared to other Dittos, not only these changes.

Moreover, the selection of the control group is too small, which is also a major flaw.

This can be seen from the smoky and mixed comment area below his paper.

However, considering that he was just a young man and lacked test subjects, he felt that he could draw such a conclusion that this person who is called the black man who doesn't understand the night during the day is already very good.

"Would you like to write a few words of encouragement?" Looking at the many ironic comments at the bottom of the paper, Hua Liangsong couldn't help but love talents.

Although it was only two papers, he felt that this young man had a lot to do in the future.

After thinking about it, he finally decided to encourage him: "It's a pretty good proof process, and I hope you can further improve it."

The moment he hit enter, his reply was immediately on the top, and even below, comments had already begun to appear.

“Hearty boss comment!”


Seeing the increasing number of replies, Hua Liangsong quit the article and returned to the young man's main page.

However, when his eyes flicked to the screen, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows, "Yo, I really met a hot guy, and, besides, did you upload two papers at once?"

"In-depth Exploration of Dittomon's Transformation Ability and Its Possible Application!" "

"An Elf Variety Monster Who May Change the Pattern of the Cultivation World! "

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