Arriving here, the environment suddenly changed dramatically.

The outside is bare, with only a lot of yellow weeds distributed in the barren wilderness, but in the front, there is a sudden change, dense trees towering into the clouds, bushes overgrown, like a vibrant scene.

This astonishing contrast between the front and the back makes one feel as if the place has been forcibly spliced ​​together.


Suddenly, a loud sound of footsteps sounded from behind, dust was flying, and a huge buffalo-like elf suddenly stopped beside the two of them.

"Officer Lin, do you need me to give you a ride?" On Kentaro's back, a big man dressed similarly to Bai Ye said in a muffled voice.

"Bah, bah, no need, next time, be more careful. If you are as reckless as you, how can other people walk?" Lin Yi cursed, spitting the dust out of his mouth.

"Got it, got it, next time, definitely next time." Saying that, before the two of them could react, the big man galloped on the bull again.

"This guy, don't let me run into him in the city next time." Lin Yi was scolded by the face of dirt again, and Bai Ye couldn't help but suck the dust, but because of the veil on the sun hat , I feel fine.

"Okay, within my line of sight, you can do whatever you want." Lin Yi said when the dust cleared.

Bai Ye didn't reply, he had already started to gather around in large numbers, not limited to unicorns, all trees, shrubs and even land were within his search range.

A lot of information passed before his eyes, but unfortunately, there were really no treasures. Because this route was taken for a long time, even if there were treasures, it would have been discovered by others long ago.

However, there are quite a few unicorns around here, and in terms of aptitude and potential, they are generally much stronger than those he found in the urban area. He even found a few of the first-V ones.

Even so, this still doesn't meet Bai Ye's standards.

His idea is, at least speed and physical attack [-] V, and it is best to escape with hidden characteristics.

Just like that, Ji Dong led the Lurk cat on patrol, while Bai Ye kept rummaging up and down the trees around the route.

About half an hour later, Bai Ye felt that his footsteps became heavier and his clothes were completely soaked in sweat.

In just half an hour, he experienced the horror of hiking in the dense forest.

Knee-high weeds and bushes that can be seen everywhere make it impossible to see where you are stepping, and you may step on the rotting silt if you are not careful.

The canopy is tall and dense, and the sun is almost invisible in the forest. Rotting weeds and dead leaves cover the ground. If you are not careful, you may die by stepping on a unicorn sleeping under the dead leaves.

In addition, those tangled tree roots, thorns everywhere, and annoying mosquitoes everywhere also bring unimaginable difficulties to people walking in this dense forest.

Despite this, Bai Ye still gritted his teeth and persisted, because he knew that if he came alone, even if he rented an elf, it would be far more dangerous than it is now.

Ji Dong's side was alright, he had always been on the path that his predecessors waded out, so it wasn't too difficult.

As if sensing Bai Ye's gaze, Ji Dong turned his head and smiled slightly.

Behind the smile, Lin Yi looked at Bai Ye's thin body, but his heart was extremely moved.

"Extraordinary mind, genius-like mind, coupled with the amazing perseverance he is showing at this moment, the future of this little guy will definitely make most people look up to him."

"However, if he goes on an evil path..." Thinking of Baoya and the tragic situation of the other two, Ji Dong fell silent.

"He...just for self-protection." After a long time, he convinced himself in his heart.

On the other side, Bai Ye, who had been searching for a long time, finally found something.

[One-horned insect (insect/poison)]

[Level: lv.5 (novice level)]

[Characteristics: scale powder. 】

[Character: Afraid of loneliness]

[Individual Value Qualification: HP (28), Attack (30), Defense (26), Special Attack (14), Special Defense (25), Speed ​​(31)]

[Skills: poisonous needle, spinning silk, insect bite. 】

[Current potential: Hall leader level. 】

Speed ​​V, physical attack U, it still feels a bit short, and the characteristics are not hidden characteristics.

But unfortunately, this is the unicorn that Bai Ye has found that best meets his standards. He feels that his standards are not very high, but why is it so difficult to find?

After thinking about it for a while, Bai Ye didn't bother the unicorn resting under the dead leaves, he just silently made a mark on the surrounding trees.

If you can't find it in the end, you can only choose this one.

In fact, there should be a group of large needle bees in the secret realm, and the aptitude of the unicorns there should be better, but he doesn't have the strength or the courage now.

"Why don't you look for it, why don't I take you to the cultivation house to have a look, the elves there are better than you looking here, if you don't have money, I can borrow it from you first."

"Well, less than [-]." Lin Yi added.

Bai Ye sighed, "You should take care of yourself first, you're not even willing to rent a set of equipment, uncle~~"

Hearing this, Ji Dong smiled awkwardly. Indeed, since he raised the Lurk cat, his savings have plummeted, and his life has indeed become a little tighter.


The sound of water waves came, and the fresh air brought a burst of coolness to their nostrils. Before they knew it, they had already walked all the sections and arrived at the final destination of the route, the golden beach.

According to the legend, a random kick could kick out a piece of gold.

The moment he saw the golden beach, Bai Ye decided to take a rest first, dig for treasures, and fight again in the afternoon.

Chapter No.17: Big baby!

[Suspicious sand, there may be something hidden underneath. 】

Bai Ye picked up the small shovel and started digging towards the sand in front of him. ruo

After one shovel, the yellow sand remained the same, but after the second shovel, a faint trace of bright red began to leak from the sand. the water

[Star Sand: The delicate and beautiful red sand contains a small amount of star power. 】 head

Bai Ye didn't know about the power of the stars, but he knew that with this shovel, he could get hundreds or even thousands of

Under the envious eyes of the treasure diggers around, Bai Ye put the newly dug out star sand into the bottle.eight

The scarlet sand shone beautifully under the sunlight, and Bai Ye shook it in his hand, 312 grams, 3120 yuan.five

Putting the vial back into the backpack, Bai Ye walked towards the next suspicious

After he left, other treasure hunters around immediately ran towards his original position, and a strong man arrived first with his excellent physical strength and distance advantages.two

Seeing the smug look of the brawny man, the other popular ones are beating their chests and stamping their feet. They really wish they could grow two more legs.

"The little rookie is very lucky, but his experience is still a bit lacking. Where there are stars and sand, there is a high probability that there will be star fragments below. Why did that bull get ahead of him? I'm really pissed off." Six

"The kid who just lost tens of thousands of yuan is still angry, why are you a bystander." Someone teased.five

While speaking, the strong man had already started digging hard with a shovel in his

A few minutes passed, and a large crater about one meter appeared, but there was no shadow of planetary

"Trough!" The brawny man cursed angrily, and continued digging in disbelief, while the others showed gloating smiles.

Bai Ye didn't know if there really were the planetary fragments they said there, but there was a high probability that there wasn't any, because his Real Eye didn't give a hint.

He didn't really care whether it was there or not. At this moment, he had already arrived in the river and started pulling at the pebbles.

Not long after, a golden light flashed.

【Golden Beads: Shining golden light, beads made of pure gold are useless except for selling money. 】

Glancing left and right, no one noticed him, Bai Ye quickly put Jin Zhu into his trouser pocket.

This small bead was obtained for tens of thousands of dollars, which is much more valuable than the star sand just now. He is vulgar, and he does not think he is useless, as long as he can sell it for money.

Bai Ye happily looked at the entire Golden Beach, he felt that he fell in love with this place, and even the unicorn didn't seem to be that important anymore.

The breeze was blowing, bringing a slight chill, and the waves were rolling. Even though it was early spring, it was still bitingly cold, but all these still couldn't stop Bai Ye's inner fiery heart.


Keep digging!

He is going to dig out a bright universe for himself today!

Of course, just kidding, with Ji Dong following, it's better to stop in moderation, after all, this guy's analytical ability still has something, it would be bad if he could see something abnormal.

Moreover, the golden beach is here, and you can't run away. When you are short of money, just come and dig at any time.

In the next period of time, Bai Ye made a casual thought again, and after digging out a small pearl, a round stone, and a Cardinal brand watch, he chose to stop.

If he digs any further, Bai Ye wonders if that thick-eyed guy like Ji Dong will choose to sneakily kill him and kill himself.

After all, according to his guess, this guy's whole body is estimated to be less than 10 yuan.

And he, just this harvest, at least 10 yuan went up.

But since he has money, should he still choose the unicorn as the initial elf?

Bai Ye reviewed the elf eggs worth hundreds of thousands or even millions in the blue cabin in his mind, and decisively abandoned this unrealistic idea.

Moreover, you must know that Lanlan Hut is just a mid-to-low-end cultivation house for the general public. The mid-to-low-end is already at this price. If it is better, wouldn't it cost tens of millions, hundreds of millions?

In addition, the cultivation of elves also requires a lot of money, so his little money is really nothing.

Near noon, Bai Ye sat on the beach, ready to take a rest first, and continue his journey of searching for unicorns in the afternoon.

As for why not buy unicorns in the breeding house, because it is not worthy, elves like unicorns that can be seen everywhere are not even qualified to be put on the shelves.

The reality is so cruel.

After sitting for a while, Lin Yi brought a boxed lunch, saying that it was provided by the police station, and there were several other policemen with him.

Bai Ye didn't show any politeness to him, picked up the box lunch and started eating.

The other treasure diggers also rested at about the same time. Everyone ate their own food. If they wanted to eat with the elves, they ran to the woods not far away to eat.

In the place of Golden Beach, although there are many people who made a fortune, there are also many people who lost their lives because of it. The wealth touches people's hearts. When the benefits are large enough, it is inevitable that some people will have crooked thoughts.

Coupled with the magical creature of elves, this possibility is greatly magnified.

Therefore, on the Golden Beach, except for the patrolling police, other trainers are strictly prohibited from releasing elves.

After drinking enough food, Bai Ye decided to change the route to continue searching, while Ji Dong discussed with the police on that route, and the two exchanged patrol routes in the afternoon.

This time, Bai Ye chose to search along the edge of the golden beach.

The so-called golden beach is actually the buffer zone at the mouth of the Changyan River. Its area stretches for dozens of kilometers and is very wide.

There will be a short section on the edge of Golden Beach that extends into the depths of the secret realm, so this route is much more dangerous than the one in the morning.

Bai Ye cautiously searched along the edge of the beach, because he didn't need to go deep into the dense forest, so walking was much simpler than the route in the morning.

The more he walked forward, Bai Ye felt that the number of unicorns seemed to be decreasing, but the quality had increased, and they were hiding more and more hiddenly. If you don't look carefully, it's really not easy to find.

Suddenly, Bai Ye stopped moving forward, what did he find? ? ?

[One-horned insect (insect/poison)]

[Level: lv.8 (novice level)]

[Characteristics: Escape. 】

[Character: Hearty]

[Individual Value Qualification: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (30), Special Attack (27), Special Defense (31), Speed ​​(31)]

[Skills: poisonous needle, spinning silk, insect bite. 】

[Current Potential: Hall Master Level (Affected by the Insect Gem, promotion is in progress, it is estimated that it can be promoted to the quasi-king level). 】

The moment he saw this unicorn, Bai Ye really wanted to sing a song.

I finally waited for you, but luckily I didn't give up...

Chapter 18 The Real Trainer

Edge of the jungle.

Bai Ye looked at the words "Insect Gem" in the message prompt, thinking deeply in his heart.

In other words, the aptitude potential of this unicorn may not be as strong as it is now, because of the influence of the worm gem.

Some rare treasures may affect the potential of elves.

Bai Ye kept this discovery in his heart. Apart from the task panel, there are other ways to increase the potential of elves. This discovery is not good or bad for him.

No matter what, he wants to order this unicorn!

"Why, I have a favorite target." Seeing Bai Ye stop, Lin Yi walked over curiously.


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