After the big needle bee came the iron dumbbell, which was also similar to the big needle bee, spinning and hitting it directly.

Strictly speaking, the slam move has no rotation, but Bai Ye still added it.

There is no other reason, it's just defense. Although the rotation will consume an additional part of the iron dumbbell's stamina, when it is rotating, it can appear a protective cover similar to the return shield mode.

In this way, even if the opponent launches a long-range attack, the iron dumbbell can also defend well while attacking.

There are not many moves that Iron Dumbbell can learn at present, except for slamming, there are only three moves of Iron Wall, Iron Head and Mind Head Hammer.

The offense relies entirely on head-to-head output. Iron Dumbbell is not very smart at all. What if he gets knocked stupid again?

Therefore, Bai Ye felt that he had to develop a defensive awareness in advance.

In addition, looking at those two first-class moves, Bai Ye had another idea in his heart.

If the moves can be connected and combined, then can he combine the slam with the iron head or the mind hammer? If the two are superimposed, will there be some interesting effects?

As far as the iron dumbbell is concerned, the move of slamming is actually an attack with the head, so the combination of these two moves is actually very promising, and it seems not complicated.

Of course, before that, he had to let the iron dumbbell learn all the moves he could learn.

Thinking in his heart, Bai Ye recorded his thoughts.

Chapter 183 Beauty and Energy Cube Formula

After the iron dumbbell, the third elf who challenged the waves was an ugly fish.

As the weakest one in the current team, its challenge is also very simple, just need to rush up against the waves.

Of course, it's only temporary now. Next, Bai Ye still has deep water vortex, riding the wind and waves and other trainings waiting for him.

Of course, with the training, the diet must also keep up.

At present, the ugly ugly fish is the same as the iron dumbbell. The staple food is mainly mixed with intermediate energy cubes. After reaching the excellent level, Bai Ye will replace them with higher-quality energy cubes.

However, in addition to the basic staple food, energy cubes that seem to be specially designed to increase its beauty seem to have to be arranged.

This world does not yet have the concept of beauty, and naturally there are no energy cubes that can specifically increase beauty. Therefore, it seems that he has to create this set of energy cube formulas himself.

Thinking of this, Bai Ye rubbed his chin, a thoughtful look appeared in his eyes.

When he played games before, he was barely considered a battle party, but in fact he was more of a hatching party and leisure party. His favorite thing to do was to catch some high-quality elves and take them 607 to the breeding house.

Of course, if he has no money to incubate eggs, he will occasionally work as a beater to make money.

Therefore, he didn't have much research on beauty and intelligence, but he generally remembered that the tastes of energy cubes such as spicy, astringent, sweet, bitter, and sour corresponded to the handsomeness, The five attributes are beauty, cuteness, intelligence, and strength.

I don't remember any more, and as for the specific formula, I don't even have the slightest impression.

However, despite this, the knowledge of the previous life also provided him with a key piece of information, astringency!

Normally, he only needs to take some astringent berries and combine them by himself, which should be enough to create the most basic beauty-enhancing energy cube.

"I remember Lingyu fruit, Qiqi fruit, Hami fruit, orange orange fruit, etc. are all astringent tree fruits." Bai Ye thought about it, and then he can try it.

"But I don't know if Ugly Ugly fish like astringent taste. If they don't like it, it may be a little troublesome."

Seeing the ugly fish flying up, Bai Ye decided to try it out sometime.

As soon as he thought of it, he acted immediately. As for the rest of Torkby who was still choking in the water and Ditto who was teaching him how to swim with a distressed look on his face, there was no need to read on.

Although he didn't know how the other elves felt when they saw it, Bai Ye felt a little flustered after seeing it.

After going out to the supermarket upstairs, Bai Ye quickly came down with a bag of orange fruit.

"Take a break first. If you feel tired, you can come over and eat some fruit to replenish your energy." He said, throwing a few orange fruits over.

"Day?" Is there something to eat?

Iron dumbbells have always been very keen on eating, and they were the first to rush over at a speed of eighty miles in an instant.

Looking at the iron dumbbell that had already rolled up an orange fruit into his mouth and was eating happily, Bai Ye was speechless for a while.

Having carried the iron dumbbell for so long, he didn't see anything he didn't want to eat or the smell he didn't like. His first thought when he saw anything was to go up and take a bite.

Later, several elves such as the Giant Needle Bee and Togepi also rushed over. Bai Ye handed out the orange fruits, and then secretly observed the performance of the ugly fish.

Soon, he was relieved.

Eating the orange fruit, the ugly fish did not show any resistance, and there was no negative emotion in the status bar of the panel.

I don't like it, but as long as I don't hate it, that's enough.

After Bai Ye took all the elves to rest for a while, he continued to train.

However, the iron dumbbell was stopped by him.

"You wait a moment, and I will give you a new set of training later."


A trace of doubt flashed in the iron dumbbell's blood-red pupils, and the next moment, it flew to Bai Ye's chest, looking at the computer screen in front of him together.

Feeling the familiar temperature behind him, the iron dumbbell's round eyes formed a crescent moon.

This was its favorite position before, and there was no such nasty eggshell to compete with it, which made the elf even more happy.

At the same time, a certain eggshell who was struggling in the water couldn't help puffing up his mouth when he saw this scene.

Not long after, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Putting the iron dumbbell aside first, Bai Ye went to open the door, and then a strange force came in carrying a huge metal box.

After Bai Ye instructed it to be put aside, he happily paid for the shipping fee.

As for the iron dumbbell beside him, the moment he saw the box, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Dah!" It's the smell of food!

Bai Ye opened the box, and there were stacks of alloy plates neatly arranged in the box, and on both sides of the alloy plates, there were two thicker alloy blocks.

Ding Ding!

Bai Ye pulled out two alloy plates, and knocked twice under the salivating eyes of the iron dumbbell, "How about it, do you want to eat it?"

"Tap!" I want to eat!

Iron dumbbell brain melons.

"It's very easy to eat, just listen to my instructions and move out these two blocks."

There was a blue light in the iron dumbbell's eyes, and soon, the two alloy piers were carried to the position designated by Bai Ye.

Bai Ye put the alloy plate on the two blocks, "Next, your task is very simple, that is to gather the energy of the steel system on your head, and then hit him, as long as you can break this plate or form a stronger Big bend, I will allow you to eat him."

"Tack!" No problem!

The iron dumbbell nodded its head again. For it, as long as it can be eaten, everything is fine.

"There are two other conditions, that is, you can't hit the steel plate too far away, the distance is at most one meter, and you can't use the slamming move, and secondly, you have to hit it one after another, not the kind of pressing. "

The reason why he let it control the distance is because Bai Ye wanted to exercise the explosive power of the iron dumbbell while training the iron head moves.

Limiting the distance means limiting the process of accumulating energy. If the iron dumbbell wants to break or bend, it must have a higher initial velocity.

Hearing this, Iron Dumbbell agreed again without even thinking about it.

Isn't it just a piece of food? Just do it! .

183 chapters with respective missions.

嘡 嘡 嘡 嘡...

In the private room, the sound of huge gold and iron clashing continuously resounded.

Looking at the tree fruit information on the computer screen in front of him, he frowned tightly.

Bai Ye admitted that this time he hadn't thought carefully, and he shouldn't let the iron dumbbells do any iron head exercises right now, it's too noisy.

But looking at the iron dumbbell with a very motivated expression, he was embarrassed to let it stop at this time.

Moreover, it seems that the iron dumbbell's steel talent is really high, and in just a short while, its head has begun to faintly glow white.

It probably won't take long before you can master the Iron Head move.

Of course, it is also possible that his teaching skills through words and deeds had an effect.

Seeing this situation, Bai Ye couldn't let it stop.

Therefore, Bai Ye had no choice but to temporarily give up his plan to continue studying, and instead focused his attention on the task panel-.

"After one night, some little guy should give me a surprise..."

Elf: ugly ugly fish.

Special task: jump over the dragon gate, choose a waterfall, and jump over it! ! !Task reward: variable, the higher the difficulty of the waterfall, the higher the reward, the basic reward is a random individual value.

Daily task: Swim three kilometers.Task Reward: Physical fitness plus one.

Life mission: Evolve into the most beautiful elf in the world without using beautiful scales.Current difficulty: Grade A, task reward: Charming body. (yes/no build)

Surprise, what is Tamade Surprise!

Unexpectedly, Ugly Ugly Fish brought him such a big surprise the next day.

Bai Ye's eyes lit up, whether it was a special mission or a life mission, it made him feel overjoyed.

Needless to say about the special tasks, if the difficulty is high enough, the rewards obtained can greatly make up for the shortcomings of the ugly ugly fish's innate individual value.

Moreover, Bai Ye had a general idea about the choice of this waterfall.

There is also this life task, which perfectly coincides with his training plan for ugly ugly fish, saving trouble, effort and worry, which is very nice.

Of course, this reward looks very good, a charming body, but I don’t know if it is the charming body that he remembered.

If so, then Menus might become his first elf with dual characteristics!

Of course, it's useless to think so much now. The most important task at the moment is to maintain the body of the ugly fish and build up its self-confidence.

After establishing the task, Bai Ye turned his attention to the task panel of the iron dumbbell.

Iron Dumbbell's first special task was just completed yesterday. The two individual points obtained, one point each for special attack and special defense, successfully turned it into a quasi-god with five V and one U.

Now, it only needs to complete one more special task, and it can become the third six-V elf in White Night's team.

Special task: drag racing party, the iron dumbbell who has experienced the speed and passion once has a strong interest in the sport of drag racing, and regards Mr. Tian Xingguang as the first opponent he wants to beat!

Defeat Mr. Tian Xingguang in a one-on-one drag racing competition.

Mission reward: Four points of random individual value. The extra individual value will increase the speed potential of the iron dumbbell.

Daily tasks:...

Life mission: the pride of the quasi-god!Replace Big Needle Bee and become Bai Ye's most powerful partner!Current task difficulty: S rank.Mission Reward: Leader Halo!

Seeing the two tasks refreshed by the iron dumbbell, the veins on Bai Ye's forehead throbbed.

As worry-free as the ugly fish was before, the iron dumbbell was as worry-free as the little guy.

He didn't learn well at a young age, but he actually imitated other people's racing skills!

Moreover, how old are you, that you are thinking of seeking to usurp the throne right now!

Looking at Tie Dumbbell's life mission, Bai Ye didn't know what to say for a while, this Tie Hanhan never made him feel at ease.

After thinking about it, Bai Ye finally retained this life mission.

On the one hand, it is because competition in the team is a good thing. As long as it is well controlled, healthy competition can stimulate the initiative and enthusiasm of the elves, improve the training efficiency and the speed of strength improvement.

On the other hand, it was because Bai Ye felt that with Iron Dumbbell's straightforward character, he probably wouldn't be able to change his mission in life if he didn't experience some severe beatings.

Therefore, it is better to keep this task first.

Finally, Bai Ye set his sights on Bokby's mission panel.

Life mission: the figure in the memory, rescue the mother who was taken away.Current mission difficulty: None.Mission reward: None.

The moment he saw the mission, Bai Ye was slightly silent, and then doubts appeared in his eyes.

Task difficulty, no?

He took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Xu Shengdu.

However, after waiting for a while, there was still no reply.

Seeing this situation, Bai Ye frowned, and had no choice but to calm down his restless mood first.

There were constant wails in his ears, and he couldn't calm down to study anything.

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