"Qa Ke Yi!" What do you mean, everything is within your expectations, I will not allow you to do such dangerous things again!

Borkby pinched his waist and puffed out his mouth, looking angry.

"Hiss!" Agreed!

The big needle bee nodded in agreement, it felt that it could help with the operations just now, and there was no need for Bai Ye to do it by himself.

"Da da!" I can do it too!

The iron dumbbell also agreed, and it felt that it was the best candidate, and that bit of poison had no effect on it at all!

Ugly Fish: Gurulu, it also agrees.

Seeing the little fellows standing in front of him all the time, while Bai Ye was moved, he also felt that he might be a bit overbearing.

If those liquids were accidentally splashed into their eyes, these little guys might have to eat tomorrow, and he didn't know who would end up with his billions of dollars.

Taking a deep breath, Bai Ye raised his hands, "Okay, I admit, I was wrong this time."

This time, he made a mistake that most breeders would make, underestimating a certain raw material or a certain elf, and at the same time overestimating himself

"Next, I will choose an assistant to make energy cubes with me, who will come?"

Hearing this, Bokby and Big Needle Bee immediately raised their hands excitedly, followed by Ditto.

After seeing this, the ugly fish hesitated for a moment, and then raised its own fin.

"Tap?" I seem to have no hands?

In the next moment, it had a flash of inspiration, and then found two metal plates, put them on both sides of its body, and then lifted them up.

Hey~ I'm so smart!

Iron Dumbbell thought with some pride in his heart.

Seeing the coquettish operation of the iron dumbbell, Bai Ye was speechless for a while.

However, after thinking about it, he still thinks that the iron dumbbell is the most suitable, because things like mind power are more flexible than hands, and he can just take this opportunity to exercise the iron dumbbell's ability to control mind power.

So he pouted at the iron dumbbell, "It's just you, remember to be gentle later, a poisonous aconitum is worth hundreds of thousands."

The iron dumbbell nodded, his eyes forming a crescent moon.

Sure enough, I am the most trusted cub in Bai Ye's heart!

Although the other little guys were a little reluctant, they also knew that the iron dumbbell was the most suitable one, so they didn't refute anything.

188 chapters professional level.

嘡 嘡 嘡...

The sharp knife fell continuously on the chopping board, and the poisonous aconitum above was quickly divided into even small pieces, and then sent to the centrifuge by the iron dumbbell with the power of thought.

Looking at this scene one meter away, Bai Ye felt satisfied in his heart.

Unexpectedly, Iron Dumbbell is so stupid. Although he usually looks a bit naive, I didn't expect that this hand work is quite delicate.

"Good job, keep up the good work, I can hand over all the work to you in the future.-"

"Tack!" No problem!

The iron dumbbell's eyes happily curved into a crescent moon.

Soon, dozens of poisonous aconitum plants were cleaned up, and the black-purple liquid in the container below the liquid outlet had only just laid a bottom.

"Take out the glass at the bottom first, and then close the lid." Bai Ye commanded, while the iron dumbbell efficiently bent into his command.

After cleaning the centrifuge, the next thing to deal with is insect fruit, chocolate fruit and other tree fruits.

The processing of tree fruit is much simpler, only need to peel and remove the core.

The movement of the iron dumbbell is gradually proficient, and the processing speed is also getting faster and faster. Soon, the table is full of raw materials that have been processed.

As for the remaining most critical step, Bai Ye was not ready to let Tie Dubell do it. After all, he was the only one who could see the purity of the energy mixture.

The first kill of this super-quality energy cube must be done by him personally!

Bai Ye put all kinds of tree fruits into the machine according to the proportion at one time, and then started the machine. These steps are actually no different from the previous steps.

The most critical part of the premium quality is the fusion of the Aconitum aconitum essence.

After all, its toxicity is too high, and it can easily cause damage to the essence of other tree fruits. Therefore, if you want to integrate it perfectly, you must use it in small amounts and many times. With the gradual addition of other raw materials, let it fusion.

The most difficult part is to control the concentration of venom in the mixture. Every time it is added, it must be perfectly controlled below 5%.

Therefore, in order to control it accurately, Bai Ye had to prepare a computer beside him.

Time passed bit by bit, and soon the rumbling machine gradually stopped, and white mist appeared in the machine, which was the final condensation process.

After another few minutes, small purple cubes began to flow out from the exit on the other side.

Bai Ye picked up one, put it in his hand and looked at it carefully, the appearance was fine and smooth, and the whole showed a strong glass luster with grease, and when the light was on, it was crystal clear, and even exuded a glistening purple halo.

There is no doubt that the various energy essences are perfectly mixed, and there is no doubt that they are of proper premium quality.

"Come and taste the big needle bee, the freshly baked energy cube."

The big needle bee who had been waiting for a long time flew over immediately, picked up an energy cube with a long needle and ate it.

While chewing, its eyes gradually brightened.

"Beep!" Delicious!

This one is obviously much tastier than the previous one, and it is already comparable to those dark purple energy cubes!

Originally, the big needle bee had been saving those dark purple energy cubes, but now, it felt that it could let go a little bit.

"It's fine if you like it, these energy cubes will be your staple food in the future."

The big needle bee nodded excitedly, then tapped with long needles, and picked up a few more to eat. After training for so long, it is also a little hungry, just to replenish its energy.

It's just that, eating, eating, Big Needle Bee felt that the two lines of energy in his body seemed to have undergone a slight change, the ratio between them seemed to have become a little more harmonious, and an inexplicable sense of harmony emerged. heart.

The long needle in his arm waved a few times casually, and it felt that its control of energy seemed to become more handy.

The momentum of the big needle bee rose, and it took this opportunity to directly break through to level 40, becoming the first professional-level elf under Bai Ye.

"Good job!" Bai Ye was delighted, but at the same time regretful.

He felt that if he had prepared a super-quality Yingdu energy cube for the big needle bee earlier, maybe it could break through a few days earlier.

Each energy block that reaches special quality has its own special effects.

And the special effect of the Yingdu Energy Cube is energy reconciliation, which can perfectly reconcile the energy of insects and poisons in the elf's body, so that it can reach a most suitable ratio.

Energy imbalance is a problem that almost all elves with dual attributes have to face. Attribute energy is like various energy elements in the human body. It must be maintained in a relatively stable and balanced state. If there is an imbalance, Various problems will arise.

Although there are no lesions in mild cases, there may be phenomena such as slowing down in strength growth and a decline in energy control. In severe cases, they will not be able to afford the disease, and they must find a specialized doctor for treatment.

Naturally, the change of the big needle bee did not hide the truth from the other elves.

Seeing that it was eating happily, and even its strength had increased, all the elves looked at Bai Ye eagerly.

Because Bai Ye has already emphasized before that even companions cannot exchange energy cubes for food, so everyone is still restrained at the moment.

"There will be energy cubes. As long as you can reach the critical point of professional level and senior level like Big Needle Bee, I will exchange them for super-quality energy cubes."

Upon hearing this, the eyes of all the elves lit up.

Especially the two foodies, Bobbi and Iron Dumbbell, were instantly full of energy.

"Cha Ke Yi!"

High-quality energy cubes are so delicious, but can super-quality energy cubes be even more delicious!

Pokby, who has just become obsessed with high-quality energy cubes recently, feels that it is not delicious, and wants to eat premium ones.

"Hey, there is no one who actively trains. It seems that none of you want to eat super energy cubes." Bai Ye shook his head and said with regret.

"Cha Ke Yi!" Who said that!

"Tap!" Who said that!



So, without Bai Ye saying hello, the little guys instantly entered the training state with great enthusiasm.

Watching them re-enter the training state, Bai Ye took out the remaining astringent tree fruits and began to try to combine them.

Reasonably speaking, he felt that with his current cultivation level, it should not be difficult to create a primary energy cube formula when he already knew some key information.

Chapter 189 recipe was born.

To make an energy cube, the first step is to determine the formula, and to determine the formula, the most critical and important step is to tailor it according to the training direction of the elves.

Take Uglyfish as an example, the four kinds of berries, algae root fruit, Hami fruit, grape fruit, and tomato tomato, all contain astringent taste, and all have the effect of increasing the intimacy of elves.

When selecting materials, it is obvious to choose one from the algae and tomato, rather than the other two fruits.

The reason is very simple. The first two will reduce the attack and speed attributes of the elves respectively, while the latter two will reduce the special attack and special defense attributes. The future training direction of Bai Ye for Ugly Ugly Fish is towards meat tanks and support positions. direction to go.

The water flow ring plus self-regeneration is enough to guarantee the recovery ability of Menus, and the stand-in and defense moves are enough to ensure its ability to stand on the field. Finally, it is perfect to add a wave of output with moves such as intensifying poison.

From this point of view, the attributes of dual defense and physical strength must not be lost, and special attack and speed are second. Personally, Bai Ye feels that special attack is slightly more important than speed, and the most useless attribute must be physical attack.

Therefore, the first auxiliary material has been determined, algae root fruit.

Of course, these are just supplementary materials. After reading so many cultivation books, plus the lecture notes of Master Jinxiu from the auction, Bai Ye still has some experience in researching the formula of energy cubes.

To determine the formula, in addition to being suitable for elves, the most important thing in research and development is to have a suitable match, with a clear distinction between the primary and the secondary, which is a bit similar to the feeling of the ruler, minister and assistant in the previous TCM theory.

The choice of the main material is undoubtedly the most important thing. After thinking about it, Bai Ye chose the coconut tree fruit specially used to polish the beauty.

Coconut fruit is purple in color and looks long, similar to eggplant. It is also quite popular among some ladies in the market.

After all, for them, it doesn't matter whether the elf is strong or not. The key is that it must be beautiful enough, so that they can have face when they are taken out.

After determining the main material, Bai Ye chose Longqing fruit, apricot fruit and candle tree fruit as auxiliary materials.

The first two can increase the Chou Chou Fish's defense and special defense respectively, while the latter can increase its resistance to electric moves and has seasoning properties.

After all, it's not good if the astringency is too high. It is appropriate to add a little sweetness to the energy cube.

After doing the calculations like this, Bai Ye found that the tree fruit formula that he initially confirmed, except for algae root fruit, didn't have a cheap one.

Several auxiliary materials are much more expensive than the main materials.

But this is also good, the amount of auxiliary materials is less, and he will spend less in the future.

After selecting the material, the next step is to determine the proportion and then make it.

"As a condiment, candlewood fruit must not be too much, only one part is enough. The remaining four materials, the main material coconut tree fruit is the most important, accounting for [-]%, Longqing fruit and apricot fruit each [-]% , As for algae roots and fruits, there are side effects, which also account for [-]%."

Finally, with a wave of Bai Ye's hand, the approximate ratio was determined.

Then there is the production link he is most familiar with. To be honest, with the assistance of the Eye of Reality, this may be the easiest link for Bai Ye.

After gradually adding materials in the order of primary and secondary, the machine in front of Bai Ye started to spin again.

Various information about the energy mixture kept flashing across his eyes, and finally, after 5 minutes, Bai Ye pressed the condensation button.

Then a white mist rose in the machine, and not long after, azure blue energy cubes rolled out of the discharge port.

Seeing that a new energy cube was released, the little ones took another sneak peek.

Just pick one up and put it in the sun.

"The color is crystal clear, without impurities, the hand feels very smooth, the light transmittance is very good, the overall QQ is bouncy, and the smell is not bad. Overall, the pure purity is very good, but I don't know how the effect is. "

Bai Ye opened the eyes of reality to see.

[Energy Cube (unnamed): Very astringent energy cube, long-term consumption, can greatly increase the beauty of Pokémon below 170 beauty, defense, special defense and lightning resistance will be slightly improved, if Pokémon If you like astringent taste, the intimacy between the Pokémon and the trainer will increase, if you hate astringent taste, it will cause confusion...  …]

Seeing the introduction, Bai Ye suddenly showed a satisfied smile.

"Perhaps, this is genius."

It was successful the first time. Although it has not yet been rated, Bai Ye feels that from the perspective of effect and purity alone, it should be no problem to achieve a mid-level rating.

The rating of energy cubes depends not only on the purity of the energy cube, but also on the effect, both of which are indispensable, and the pure purity does not mean that the grade of your energy cube is high.

Generally speaking, long-term consumption can greatly improve a certain attribute of Pokémon, and it can be rated as an intermediate formula if the purity is achieved and there are no major side effects.

However, it can be rated as an advanced formula if it can greatly improve a certain attribute of Pokémon, the purity is achieved and there are not too many side effects.

When it comes to super-grade, energy cubes don't change much in terms of attribute improvement, but the upper limit of use is much higher than high-quality energy cubes.

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