But the route from the north gate is quite complicated. Now, the two of them don't know where they have gone, and they are completely lost.

Xiao Ai looked stern. As a princess, she had absolutely no adventure experience.

Right now, she doesn't quite know what to do.

"Why don't we... see if there are any residents here? Ask them for directions?"

"It would be great if there were residents..." Xiaokui said disappointedly: "But there isn't even a kitchen smoke nearby, so there should be no residents..."

Hearing what Xiao Kui said, Xiao Ai closed her eyes and thought about it carefully, there is a way.

In fact, Xiao Ai, Princess Irene, who guards her empty boudoir all by herself, has always had a secret.

She often had dreams, and it was the same dream, a strange dream.

In the dream, it was a very magical world. There were machines that could fly in the sky, and armored rhinoceros that could run as fast as a tiger. People could sit in it. There were all kinds of magical things, no magic needed, no magic. It needs demon power, and natural elements such as water, electricity, and fire will come out by themselves.

In that world, she was not a princess, but the daughter of a merchant, but she still had power over the world, and her life was even better than now.

She met a very special man. Xiao Ai couldn't remember the man's face. After all, it was in a dream and everything was blurry. But in dreams again and again, she gradually fell in love with that man.

He is special, eclectic, his own way, and willful, which is different from those princes and nobles in other countries.

He, it can be said, is Xiao Ai's dream lover.

It's a pity that this person will always only live in a dream. This is the regret in Little Love.

"If... if it was that person... what would he do?"

Xiao Ai clasped her hands tightly, thinking about the man's behavior in her dream.

She was thinking about what he would think.

Seeing Xiao Ai's sudden silence, Xiao Kui tilted her head and asked, "Xiao... Sister Xiao Ai, what are you thinking?"

"I was wondering... what would he think..."

"He? Who?"

Xiao Ai suddenly opened her eyes: "I know!! I know what he will do!!"

"Who? Who the hell?"

Xiaokui looked curious, why did Princess Irene suddenly act strangely.

I saw Xiao Ai walking to a tree, pulling out a branch, and throwing it up hard.

The branch spun several times in the air and fell to the ground, pointing west.

"Okay!! Let's go west!!"

"Ah? This..." Xiaokui blinked: "Sister Ai, are you serious? Deciding this way?"

"Yes!!" Xiao Ai said to herself: "This is the best way at the moment!! Believe me, just go west."

Xiaokui felt that this was so ridiculous that she decided to just throw a branch, which...

"Okay, let's go!!"

Xiao Ai took Xiao Kui's hand and walked towards the west.

"I... this... hey, okay..."



After walking for a day, the two decided to set up camp on the spot and light a bonfire.

After all, it was late at night, and no one knew of any poisonous snakes and beasts in the forest.

The two took out some rations and drinking water from their cloth bags.

These foods were bought when they passed by a village, but they were almost finished.

"Miss Ai..." The light of the bonfire reflected on Xiaokui's puzzled face, and she asked, "Why...why do you suddenly want to decide by throwing a branch?"

"..." Xiao Ai took a mouthful of dry food, looked at the bonfire, and meditated quietly.

Finally, she said: "Actually, I often have dreams, and the dreams I have are all the same dream."

"It was a strange world...in that dream..."

She shared all the contents of her dreams with Xiaokui.

Girls like romantic stories. When Xiao Ai talked about love, Xiaokui's eyes lit up and her ears listened straight.

"Wow~ Sister Ai, you actually have the lover of your dreams. What kind of person is he?"

"It's a..." Xiao Ai touched her blushing cheeks, and said quite embarrassedly: "It's a very handsome person, not that kind of handsome person, but that kind of person, who behaves in all aspects , it all feels very…”


"It's cool~!!" Her eyes were starry: "In the dream, that person was a maverick. In the dream, although I was not a princess, I was still a young lady locked in a boudoir. It was him who broke me My life, it is him, let me see all kinds of colorful world~”

"He is a person who does not follow the trend, is not rigid, does not follow the crowd, is a person who insists on his own opinions and is full of confidence. His every move and every move makes me feel that this person..."

"It's so handsome~!"

Xiao Ai said, the smile on her lips kept rising.

Xiaokui really didn't know that the dignified Princess Irene actually had such a little girl side.

As if aware of her actions, Xiao Ai coughed lightly, and asked back: "Then... Xima, what about you? Did you have any dreams?"

"Oh? Me? I..." Xiaokui thought for a while, and said, "Actually...I had a similar dream before. In the dream, I also visited a country full of mysterious machines. It is exactly the same as what you described, Miss Ai."

"However, I didn't dream of any dream lover that moved my heart." She sighed: "The part that impresses me deeply is the part of family affection. In the dream, I have a pair of parents who love me. One...although it's weird and funny, but it's my brother who cares about me..."

Speaking of this, she unconsciously laughed again.

"It sounds good too~ Although there is no love part, but...but you seem to have a family who loves you. In my dream, my mother...huh! Just like reality, it's all a self-determined decision. People of fate will restrict my freedom, hum~!"

"Haha... But in the dream, my mother often scolds me and my brother."

"It's okay to scold, scolding means caring." Xiao Ai muttered: "My mother, whether it's in a dream or in reality, doesn't care much about me. She only comes to me at critical moments. You have decided on your own for me..."

The two girls chatted about their respective dreams, talking and laughing, and the sister-in-law relationship (?) unconsciously became a little closer.

Chapter 060: Dream and Reality

The next day, early in the morning.

Xiaoai Xiaokui, sister-in-law and sister-in-law continued on their journey, heading west.

On the other side, after spending the night, Xiaoxin and his party also came to the stream.

According to Ye Shan, following this stream, one can reach the territory of the Grand Duchess Uchina.

"Wow, wow, wow~!!!!"

The rapid water hit the coast, and the waves were angry, rolling forward, and tumbling downstream.

This is not an ordinary creek, the water is quite powerful.

"Not good..." Kazama, who was leaning towards pessimism, said solemnly: "This stream is too fast, if we forcefully cross it, I'm afraid..."

"How about, let's walk on the shore, just follow the flow of the river..."

Zhengnan shook his head: "No, like that, if you use walking, the speed is too slow, and you may not be able to arrive in ten days and a half months. By then, Andrew City may have already fallen."

"But...but we don't have a boat here..."

"Dai..." Duan pointed to the woods beside him quietly: "You can... use trees... to make rafts..."

"Use trees..." Kazama frowned: "This method...but we don't have an ax at hand..."

Xiao Xinyi clapped his hands: "Okay, okay, this method is good, you are worthy of Dumb, so smart!"

"Stay~" Dumb's face flushed slightly, obviously very happy to be praised.

"Okay! Then let me repair and chop the raft!"

Xiaoxin pulled out the silver sword from his waist and walked to the big tree.

"Look at me ~ Shinnoski swordsmanship!!"

Seeing a flash of silver light, he swung his sword forward vigorously, as if drawing a crescent moon in the air, cut off the bottom of the tree trunk, and the big tree suddenly collapsed, with a sound of "Bump!!", it fell down on the ground.

This process took less than three seconds, from Xiaoxin unsheathing, swinging the sword, to the time when the big tree was cut down and fell down, it took less than a blink of an eye.

Xiaoxin stepped forward and waved the silver sword in his hand, repairing and chopping on the collapsed trees, as if he was cooking vegetables. Where the silver sword was swung, the wood was cut like mud, just like a child. Like pruning and cutting paper easily, it is not difficult to carve trees into rafts step by step.

"Okay... so amazing..." Kazama swallowed.

"After all... it's... the Silver Swordsman..." Dumb said calmly.


Sawdust flew down, leaves fell, and Xiaoxin swung his sword faster and faster, even blowing up a strong wind. He already had superb swordsmanship, and with this sharp silver sword, he was like a fish in water, as easy as flipping the palm of his hand.

After about a few minutes, Xiaoxin has successfully carved a small wooden boat.

"Okay~ Now, you're done!"

He took the silver sword back.

"Papapa!!!" Several people clapped their hands, admiring Xiaoxin's swordsmanship.

This small wooden boat has a total of five seats, which can just sit for five people. Although it is a bit cramped, it is enough.

"The next step is to launch the wooden boat."

Xiaoxin squatted down and was about to lift the wooden boat.

"That...that..." Nini, who hadn't said much all this time, suddenly ran over and said, "If you don't mind, let me help too! I'm quite confident in my strength."

Together, the two successfully put the wooden boat into the stream.

Among them, Xiaoxin clearly felt that Nini's strength was more than a little stronger than him.

"Oh~! Miss Anne is so strong, you can't even tell from her appearance."

Nini blushed and said, "After all... I'm an all-round full-time maid. I have to do a lot of physical work..."

"Hmph~! This guy only has this little ability~" Zheng Nan didn't care much.

Maybe it's because in the real world, Nini bullies Zhengnan too much. In this dream world, the law of heaven is reincarnated, and almost all Zhengnan sneers at Nini.

After setting up the wooden boat, several people boarded it without any oars. Because the current was fast and fast, the wooden boat was smoothly pushed by the waves and headed downstream.

Except for the occasional need to pay attention to whether there are any reefs in the middle of the stream, it is generally relatively easy, without any effort, sitting on the boat and going down the rapids naturally, it is estimated that it will reach the territory of the Grand Duchess in a day or two.

"I'm so hungry, I just exercised my muscles and bones, let's have something to eat."

"Yes... Cheng..." Dui nodded and said, "It's... lunch time..."

Several people took out bread and other food from their backpacks. These things, which Ye Shan gave them before leaving, were worth more than ten days.

While eating, everyone started chatting.

"By the way, speaking of it..." Kazama suddenly said, "Did any of you have any special dreams?"

"Dream?" Everyone looked over.

"Yeah, dream, I often have a dream, huh~" He said proudly: "In the dream, it is a very special world, full of all kinds of high-tech things, people don't need to rely on magic , You don’t need to rely on the church, you can use various natural elements. I am a family of senior scholars in that world, and I am expected to be high. In that world, I was admitted to a first-class prestigious school. Where is the minister!"

"emm...yes, yes!" Xiaoxin raised his hand and said, "When you said that, I remembered that I have indeed had similar dreams often, and they also happened in a very magical world."

"There, I have a mother who cares about me very much, but is fierce. I often dream that I make her angry and get beaten up by her... Sometimes it's because I got into trouble, and sometimes it's because I don't want to eat a The unpalatable vegetable called green pepper is sometimes because I secretly used her stuff... Anyway, various reasons."

"Really...huh! It seems that my dream is better. In the dream, my mother also cares about me, but she won't hit me, won't scold me, she is very kind and gentle to me, um...although She also has great expectations of me, which often makes me feel a little stressed..."

Kazama couldn't help but feel proud.

He looked at the male Nini and the two of them again.

"What about you? Have you ever had a similar dream?"


Zhengnan opened his mouth, but stopped talking.

He did have a similar dream. However, unlike the majestic Lord Masao in reality, in the dream, he was a coward, fierce and inward-looking, and was often bullied and robbed by bad boys. He didn't dare to resist at all. girl, but can only become a licking dog.

In short, all kinds of bad things, all kinds of failures, this kind of dream...

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