Yumiko turned her head around again, only to see that Xiaoxin was already leaning in front of her, her whole body was completely attached to her, and their eyes were completely aligned, very close at hand.

Her face turned red and she instinctively took a step back, but unfortunately there was already a wall behind her.

"Shh~ don't move~"

Xiaoxin stretched out his index finger and slowly approached her eyes.

"You... what are you going to do..."

At this moment, how can there be any Queen of Flame? It’s just a nervous kitten leaning against the wall, her brain is running wildly, what is Nohara-kun going to do? Confess to me?

Hey hey~!! Wait a minute, I'm not ready yet, what should I do, I, I, I... can't, I like Hayato... But...

Seeing Xiaoxin's index finger getting closer and closer, her brain was already under load.

"Crack." Xiaoxin's index finger pressed lightly on her forehead, and then slightly raised the center of her eyebrows, then retracted the index finger, and then he took a step back and opened the distance. Act like a normal person.

"Okay~ Yumiko-chan, it's all right now."

"...Huh?...Huh?" Yumiko blinked after reacting, the lingering halo on her cheeks hadn't dissipated.

In fact, Xiaoxin just thought that the "antenna" that the birdman made it up was still attached to Miura Yumiko's forehead, so he just tapped her forehead and successfully recovered the antenna.

"It's nothing, I just thought it was interesting just now, and I suddenly wanted to tap your forehead." Xiaoxin said perfunctorily: "Okay, go talk to Xiaokui."

"..." Yumiko just felt that she was being molested by Xiaoxin again, she gritted her teeth, her face was also very red, but this time it was red from anger.

"No~hara~jun~!! You are teasing me, right!!!"

"Huh? No, Yumiko-chan, don't get angry, if you get angry, your skin will get worse, so Ye Shanjun won't like you..."

"Don't take another bite of Ye Shan, you are still a nasty guy!!"

Yumiko stretched out her jade feet, stepped on Xiaoxin directly, and stepped on her a few times.

Xiaoxin didn't hide, not because he was M, but on the one hand, it actually didn't hurt. On the other hand, he felt that Yumeko was unknowingly involved in his dream world. If she owes something, let her calm down.

After stepping on it a few times, Yumiko felt more comfortable, finally snorted again, and then returned to Xiaokui's room.

"emm..." After recalling the feeling of being stepped on by Yumeko just now, Xiaoxin murmured: "Last time in Netherworld Palace, Yukino-chan seemed to have said that I might like this feeling of being stepped on. When she comes tomorrow, I I can just talk about my experience just now.”

Yumeko returned to Xiaokui's room, where she was reading comics.

"Sister Youzi, you are back, why did you talk on the phone outside for so long?"

"No, we've already finished talking on the phone..." Yumiko coughed softly, "I just met Nohara-kun, and we...well, we chatted for a while."

"Oh~ We chatted for a while..." Xiaokui heard the interaction between the two outside just now in the room. After all, it was just outside the door. The soundproofing of the room was not very good, so how could she not hear it?

She didn't mention this matter, but asked: "By the way, sister Yuiko, I heard from him that there is a man in your class called Hayama Hayato, who is very handsome and sunny. He is also your sister's crush. You can talk to him." Shall I tell you about him?"

"Hayato? Okay." Yumiko took out her mobile phone. Most of them were photos of campus life. Some of them had Hayama Hayato in them, and some of them had Shin-chan in them.

"That's him, he's Hayato! He's very handsome, has a good personality, and is very considerate of everyone, hehe... Unlike some guy who only knows how to bully and tease me."

Xiaokui smiled awkwardly: "Haha...brother is like that, he's a little...a bit out of touch? But at critical moments, he's still quite reliable..."

"Really?" Yumiko recalled that in the dream, when she was attacked by monsters, Nohara-kun did come to save her, which is quite reliable... But dreams are dreams, and reality is reality.

Then, she talked about many advantages of Hayama Hayato, and every time she mentioned one, she would inevitably pull Xiaoxin out as a control group to count his shortcomings and ungentleness.

Later, Xiaokui even noticed that Yumiko's chat content was all, only her own brother was left, and Hayato Hayama was hardly mentioned.

Just like that, Xiaokui listened silently, without interrupting or pointing out.

Chapter 095: Message from Little Love

At this moment, France in the Western Hemisphere...

The time in Paris is seven hours behind Tokyo. It is now nine o'clock in the evening in Japan, and it is still daytime in France.

Miss Xiao Ai is sitting in the room. She is drawing various tree diagrams and mind maps in her small notebook, planning how to propose to her parents about transferring to Japan next semester, and how to return to Japan. Finally, how to "capture" Master Xiaoxin step by step.

"Knock knock!" At this moment, someone knocked on her door: "Miss Xiaoai."

"Come in." Hearing this voice, Xiao Ai put away the notebook first, and turned to face the door.

The door opened, and a man in his 40s walked in, wearing a sharp black suit and sunglasses.

She has been Xiao Ai's personal bodyguard since she was a child, and she is also the chief guard of Xiao Ai's bodyguard group - Mr. Heiji.

Of course, the appearance of restraint and viciousness is just an appearance. In fact, when he is quite careless, his personality is actually gentle (in non-working state), and occasionally funny situations appear.

"Miss, what do you want me to do?"

Looking at the bodyguard who had taken care of him since he was a child, Xiao Ai softened and said: "Kuroiso, I just thought about it carefully, maybe you haven't seen Mr. Ueio for a long time, right?"

"Ah? Well, yes." Heiji replied, he didn't know why the eldest lady suddenly mentioned this matter.

Masumi Uedo was a female teacher of Ai and Xiaoxin when they were in kindergarten. At the beginning, she misunderstood the fierce-looking Heiji, but the relationship between the two became more and more ambiguous and gradually warmed up.

After graduating from kindergarten, Xiao Ai went to France, so Heiji couldn't stay in Japan all the time. Only occasionally when she had to go back to Japan to perform some special tasks, could she have a long-lost and short time with Mr. Ageo.

Because of this, the two are still unmarried, and they are in a long-distance relationship like Cowherd and Weaver Girl.

"Ai~ It's so pitiful." Xiao Ai sighed softly: "Look, you and Sensei Uedo have been in love for so many years, but you haven't been able to make a promise to her... Sigh~ When was the last time you met? Two years ago ? Five years ago? How about this, Kuroiso, I will give you a vacation, you go back to Japan, and get together with Sensei Ono."

"This...Miss..." Heiji said: "Thank you for your concern, but if I go back to Japan, your safety..."

"There are so many guards in the house, are they all dead and useless waste?" Xiao Ai snorted coldly, and said softly: "Don't worry, there are so many people who can protect my safety, but Kae O Teacher, you are the only one, Heiji, just as I hope that Master Xiaoxin and I can be happy, I also hope that Heiji and Mrs. Ageo can have a happy ending."

"Miss...Miss..." Under Heiji's thick sunglasses, there was a pair of eyes that were about to cry. He was moved: "I didn't expect... I didn't expect Miss, to think of me so much, I am... so touched ..."

"It's nothing. You can go back to Japan tonight, oh by the way."

Xiao Ai began to explain her real purpose, took out a letter wrapped in a pink envelope, sealed with a love sticker, and handed it to Heiji.

"Miss, this is..."

"This is~my greetings and blessings of love to Young Master Xiaoxin, and it can also be regarded as a little love letter~"

Xiao Ai touched her face in embarrassment.

"It's already night in Japan now. When you arrive in Japan, it should be daytime the next day. It's Young Master Xiaoxin's birthday. Help me deliver this message to Young Master Xiaoxin's house on time, so that Master Xiaoxin I know, Xiao Ai misses him, as well as birthday wishes."

"Is that so... The subordinate understands!" Heiji nodded: "Miss, don't worry, the subordinate will definitely get things done."

Good job~ plan is clear! Xiao Ai thought complacently.

Of course, caring about Heiji is also one aspect, but the most important thing is of course Xiaoxin's birthday~

Originally, she wanted to say, "Impress Heiji by meeting Mrs. Ageo", but if this trick fails, she will use plan b-threatening tactic. Recently, she just happened to take a lot of photos of Heiji breaking the collection at home.

But now it seems that plan A is quite effective and this trick is not needed.

"I hope, Master Xiaoxin, you can receive this kindness from me~"


At 05:30 on the morning of May [-]th, at Nohara's house.

Last night, Yumiko and Xiaokui chatted all night, mostly talking about Xiaoxin's affairs, and fell asleep after chatting.

Xiaokui originally wanted Yumiko to sleep on the bed, but Yumiko insisted that she didn't need it, and she would just use the floor.She is a queen and her personality is right, but she is not a spoiled young lady, and now she lives in someone else's house, so she still knows how to be polite.

Although he was sleeping at Xiaoxin's house, Miura didn't recognize the bed. He slept on the floor and slept soundly until early in the morning.

"Hmm..." At 05:30 in the morning, she was awakened by a urge to urinate.

Opening her eyes, she looked around: "This is..."

A strange room, styled like a little girl, and sweet little Kui sleeping next to it.

She just remembered, yes, she stayed at Xiaoxin's house last night.

"Hmm... I want to go to the toilet... I remember the toilet is on the first floor..."

She got up, opened the door, and closed it gently, trying not to disturb Xiaokui, then went downstairs to pick flowers in the toilet.

"Huh~ Yesterday was really a day full of twists and turns and tiring..."

After picking the flowers quickly, she went upstairs and returned to her room, and at the same time, she was muttering with a lot of thoughts.

"Speaking of which, in the end... I still haven't bought a gift. Today is his birthday, so there's no rush... Forget it, don't want to, huh!"

She walked back to the room and lay down again, ready to sleep for another half hour.

"Huh? Strange..." She suddenly felt weird, why is the floor so hard? Didn't you make the floor last night? Where's the sleeping mat?

At this time, she heard the sound of a boy snoring next to her, and when she looked aside, she realized something - she went to the wrong room! This is Xiaoxin's room.

"Ah... I was too absorbed in thinking about what happened yesterday, but I accidentally entered the wrong room..."

At this time, Xiaoxin was lying on the bed, the quilt on his body had been kicked off, his sleeping appearance was very ugly, with his mouth open, his hands and feet were spread out like a puppy lying on the ground, faintly Jojo seemed to be still talking in her sleep.

"Hul...Evil Catwoman weirdo...don't run away...I must...defeat you today...in the name of justice..."

"This guy... What kind of weird dream is he having? His sleeping posture is really ugly..." Yumiko blushed.

"Also, that is..."

She moved her gaze down and noticed Xiaoxin's place. In the early morning, the phenomenon of "raising the flag" that is unique to men made her face flushed.

"Wh... what, that thing, why is it so big and protruding..." She immediately turned her head away, swallowed again, blushing, and turned her gaze back again.

Chapter 096: Morning Benefits (?)

"Is this... the phenomenon of men... as mentioned in the health education textbook..."

Although Yumiko is a real girl, she is not the kind of young lady or nightclub lady who wandered around the society early. She is just an ordinary high school student who loves to dress up and love fashion. In terms of sexual knowledge, it can be said that she is similar to Xiaobai.

"It's... too embarrassing..." She gritted her teeth lightly: "Why is it such an embarrassing occasion every time I get involved with him..."

"However, looking at it from another angle, he used to see all kinds of images of me being ashamed, showing fat, and missing ○, whether it was in a dream or in reality... indirectly taking advantage of me in various ways."

"And now, it's me who sees him in the morning, so I should be the one who takes advantage of..."

"No, no, no!! Why is my head about to become as abnormal as his!!"

Yumiko took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down.

Then, she was about to get up from the ground and go back to Xiaokui's room next door.

And at this moment, Xiaoxin started talking in his sleep again.

"No... don't run, stop... Evil Catwoman... Eat me...Dynamic whirlwind legs..."

While he was talking in his sleep, his body also began to roll to the side, rolling and rolling, and even rolled out of bed.


Yumiko was about to get up from the ground when Xiaoxin rolled down on the bed next to her, and landed on top of her.

"Oh...it hurts..." Being pressed down by Xiaoxin, Yumiko gritted her teeth and said angrily, "What are you doing...why is your sleeping posture so bad..."

At the same time, she also realized that the posture of the two of them was very indecent.

Xiaoxin's head was lying in front of the two white jade peaks on her chest, and her body was pressed against her legs.

"Hmm..." Yumiko hummed softly.

And in this situation, Xiaoxin continued to talk in his sleep: "Snoring...evil cat...catwoman, even...even if you feed me steamed buns...I will not let you go...any evil...will be brought to justice... "

The hot breath from his words blew out and blew on Yumiko's two white jade peaks. A hot, itchy and numb feeling flowed through her whole body like an electric current.

"Well..." Two blushes suddenly appeared on Yuko's cheeks, and she began to gasp for breath. Her whole body felt strange, especially because she had just gone to the toilet to relieve herself, and now she felt there again. ...It felt like another urge to urinate was about to come out.

"What...what does this feel like...Huh...so strange...Nohara-kun, Huh...you are such a pervert...Huh...get up...!!"

Yumiko bit her lips lightly, and pushed Xiaoxin upwards with both hands, hoping to push him away. At the same time, her feet also gathered together, and her jade feet rested on Xiaoxin's stomach, pushing forward, hoping to push him away. Able to use hands and feet to push Xiaoxin away from him.

Just as her feet were kicking around Xiao Xin's belly, suddenly, there was a foreign body sensation. It seemed that something was clamped between her two bare feet, and it felt like a cylinder.

"Huh? It feels like..."

She frowned, her feet began to rub up and down, and moved ten flexible toes, trying to confirm what she had caught.

Just as she was doing this, Xiaoxin's intermittent sleep talk continued: "Woo... oooh... but... damn catwoman... I didn't expect... I didn't expect you to use... such a despicable method... oooh..."

Yumiko finally understood what she was caught in, and the sense of shame rushed all over her body, breaking through the critical point of her psychological endurance. She yelled: "Ah!!!" and then punched Xiaoxin on the head call to...


Whether it was screams or punches, they were loud, and Xiaokui next door was awakened instantly.

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