The blond boy with golden eyes disappeared from the spot, reappeared, and came to everyone's side.


The blond boy with golden eyes said hello.

"Hazy, what are you doing here?"

Matcha took her hand away, and Ren was in a bad mood.

I don't know if other strong men have bad memories, but his memory is very good. Since he became stronger, the memories in his mind are like becoming databases, and he can call them up at any time if he wants.

This blond boy with golden eyes.

His real name is "Pan Yu", he belongs to the Shajie Dragon Clan, his strength is mysterious and unpredictable, and he is one of the top experts at the Wujin level of the Ninth Star Cluster.


After being silent for a long time, he asked with a trembling voice: "Are you my brother?"

Ren: "???"

Wuya, Dingdang, and Tang Xiaobiao looked shocked, and even Matcha looked at the two of them curiously.

In addition to being handsome and handsome.

Are there any similarities between the two of them?

"what are you saying?"

Renn's mood at this moment cannot be described in words.

"Are you not a Shajie dragon? You recognized me at a glance, and you still have the aura of a dragon on your body. You must be of the same type as me. You should be older than me. In terms of age, you are my brother."

He smiled brightly, confidently and happily.

this moment.

Matcha believes the two are brothers.

"This one……"

Renn didn't know how to explain, descendant of the dragon?That's not right. I have the devil fruit ability of a dragon-type fantasy beast. Is this the reason?

"I am not a member of the Saje dragon clan."

Ren's tone was affirmative.

Hagi looked disappointed when he heard this.

"I'm really not his brother."

Starting from the Seven Stars Shrine, many people asked if they were Hagi's brothers. Even the three Matcha sisters were a little doubtful whether they and Hagi were brothers. Ren was in trouble and couldn't tell her.

He is a devil fruit ability user.

He is trying to figure out how to eliminate the flaws in his own fruit ability.

Regarding Devil Fruit, he once heard a very interesting explanation from Vegapunk. The so-called Devil Fruit is the possibility of human evolution that people expect. It would be great if it could be like that... It would be great if it could be like that... …

The countless futures of human evolution are fruit abilities.

This unnatural existence is disgusted by the mother of nature, the sea, so it bears punishment. People with abilities are many people living in different dimensions imagined by someone...

He thought the Vegapunk hypothesis was interesting at the time.

The reason for eating devil fruits is simple.

Become stronger.

"You, you really are not my relative?"

Hao once again confirmed that after seeing Ren, his heart was ready to want the same kind of people. As a survivor of the Sand Dragon Clan, he had never encountered the same kind.

Now that he met a similar person who exuded the aura of the dragon clan, Hao couldn't help but be excited. No jade beauties were as important as his own clan members.

They are living kin!

"You stay away from me."

Ren's eyes looked disgusted. What did a grown man want to do when he was so close to him?Although this man is very handsome, he is a man and his taste is not that strong.

"so sad."

Hajime clutched her chest and came to Matcha's side.

"Emerald Beauty, actually I just wanted to come over and help you. I am a passing traveler and I hope I can go with you."

Hagi plans to launch his own plan.

"Get out of here!"

Before Matcha could say anything, Ren rushed over and pushed Obi aside, blocking him between them.

"We have enough people, we don't need others of unknown origin."

"He's really not your brother?"

"Absolutely not. He is a man of unknown origin. I am innocent."


Are you innocent?

The more Matcha looked at him, the more strange he felt. It was clear that the two of them looked nothing alike, but sometimes their words were a bit out of tune, and they even claimed to be travelers. One was a traveler from another world, and the other couldn't tell clearly.

The origins of both are unknown.

After all, we got along with Renne for a while, performed well, and can be trusted.

"Well, can you guys hear me and say a few words?"

Hiro interjected.

"You don't have to speak, it's not your place to speak."


"Let him say a few words."

"The matcha beauty said so, then you can just say a few words."

Ren waved his hand.

"Hurry up."

"The way I appear should be cool."

"That's it."

Wren held up a finger.

"I am a god! Shajie Dragon Clan! Everyone is a god! We should help each other and support each other. I am really not a man of unknown origin!"

Hao felt that his image was completely ruined.

But facing a person who is not inferior to him in strength and may be of his own race, he really wants to have a destination.

I've been looking for it for so many years.

This was the first time I felt the aura of the same race.

That is the breath of the dragon clan.

Absolutely nothing wrong!

"He said more than one sentence. You can't believe it at first glance. Let's go."

Renn naturally took Matcha's hand.

"Wait a minute, are you taking advantage of me again?"

Under Matcha's dangerous gaze, Ren reluctantly let go of his hand.

"I have heard of the Shajie Dragon Clan, but so what, the God Clan has long been history. I have found a powerful bodyguard and don't need so many bodyguards."

Through Ren's battle with Baidia, Matcha confirmed that Ren was a strong person above the level of Purple.


"Brother~ I won't steal my sister-in-law, can you give me a ride?"

Hao changed his attitude and said humbly.

"Your shameless style is really..."

Kind of like myself.

But Wren wouldn't admit it.

Just like a truly bad person thinks he is a good person from the bottom of his heart.

"I can indeed turn into a dragon, but I am a five-clawed golden dragon and you are from the Shajie dragon clan. We are both from the dragon clan. I am more advanced than you. You will be my younger brother from now on. This is your sister-in-law. Behave well. I only give you this a chance."

"I admire you very much. Call me sister-in-law a few more times and I'll think about it."


Hao successfully hitchhiked with them. During this time together, Ren gained a pivotal position in the hearts of the three Matcha sisters. Matcha himself was very curious about the Gods and wanted to know the secrets of the past.

It's just that with Renn here, she wants to suppress the new Shajie Dragon Clan named Long. Otherwise, there will be two Renn. Who can bear this? !

Hagi becomes another servant on the Titan.

There are three servants in total.

One is Tang Xiaobiao, the other is Shaorou, the white jade escort who defrauded them of their money, and the last one is Long.

Renne's treatment is naturally different from them.

Not servants.

You can learn mechanogenesis at any time.

Ding Dang’s admiration is almost full.

This led Matcha to think that Renne had thoughts about Dingdang, and would come to Renen from time to time to communicate with him for a long time.

This just suits Ren's wishes.

Ding Dang, that underage little loli.

Not interested in.


He has been able to transform Barret through mechanical generation, and has made some progress in the mechanical field, but he still cannot transform into Gundam.

They delivered the escorted goods to the owner and headed directly in the direction of Mengluo College.

Hagi becomes a servant on the Titan.

I was in a very happy mood. I met the same clan, as well as the Gara Phoenix clan, the Shura Tiger clan, and the Ganda Crane clan. I met so many divine clans at once, no matter whether the emerald beauty was with her own clan or not.

He didn't care. Hagi and Matcha had just met, and his impression of Matcha was not as good as Ren's.

He has decided that Ren is his brother.

During the time when he went to Mengluo Academy, Renn gave Wuya, Dingdang, and Tang Xiaobiao special training, teaching them how to master their own Qi. Two of the three got started quickly and made rapid progress.

Only Tang Xiaobiao learned Qi as fast as a turtle can crawl.

Renn felt a headache.

It’s been a long time since I’ve had such a challenging teaching. Tang Xiaobiao is a theoretical genius. He’s a loser in the early stage and will explode in the later stage. For this type, there is only one way, and that is to work hard in one direction.

Others practice advanced techniques.

He practices basic techniques.

Others practice a hundred times.

He practiced it ten thousand times.

Chat group.

Renn: "@MoHe, do me a favor, this is your future student, I think there should be a suitable learning method for him, right?"

Mo He: "What good can I do to you?"

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