If the World Government does such a thing, don't blame him for using these three big pirates to deal with the World Government.

"Not interested in."

Barrett returned to darkness.

"You lose with me."

Lane Road.

"You killed Rayleigh."

Barrett's words came from the darkness.

"You have a good relationship with them? You are different from them. Most of the Roger Pirates are wanton scum, but you are a soldier! Your dream was to protect your home and country! Go and achieve glory again and again. Medal!"

"That's already a thing of the past!"

"If you really don't care, why are you contradicting me so angrily?"

Ren asked rhetorically.

Barrett was speechless.

The dark cell fell silent.

"Think carefully, Barrett, you are different from them, I am willing to give you this opportunity."

When Barrett went on a killing spree, they were all nobles and royals.

But in this world, the lives of nobles and royal families are much more important than civilians. If Barrett massacred civilians back then, the Navy would still need to consider whether it was worth it.

"I will take revenge on you. No matter whether I win or lose, I will settle my grudge with Roger. If I win, you give me my freedom. If I lose, I will follow you."

Barrett made a commitment.

"Jie hahaha! Ren, I see your ambition. It is an ambition stronger than anyone else. You want to be the king of the world just like my captain back then, right?"

Shiki was as excited as a lunatic.

"More or less, I want to change this era, change this world, and transform this world into what I like, instead of being so dirty now."

Renn smiled.

Shiki's captain is of course Rocks.

"Ryder, aren't you eavesdropping on my thoughts?"

"No, I can't eavesdrop now, but I heard your inner voice back then. It was a very pure belief and justice."

"Those two have some problems. Please tell me the specific situation."

Rennes' mentality returned to a calm state.

"On the third day after you arrived in Impel Down, members of the World Government specially visited your room to confirm that you were not there. Afterwards, a riot broke out and the prisoners on the sixth floor escaped in large numbers. Magellan tried his best to prevent him from being severely injured by the prisoners."

"But Magellan noticed something was wrong with this riot during the battle, and was transferred out of Impel Down City soon after."

"Knights of God."

Ryder picked out the key points and unlocked the key words, while Renne sorted out all the causes and consequences.

The world government is doing a good job.

The Knights of God.

A mysterious force in the hands of the World Government checks and balances with the CP organization, and it must be no less powerful than the CP organization.

World governments like to have checks and balances like this.

It is believed that this kind of mutual checks and balances is conducive to their rule.

"This matter has nothing to do with you, but the top leaders of the world government will not miss this opportunity to suppress you."

Ryder reminded.

"Suppression? Garp, Sengoku, and Tsuru, the top naval officers who formed the small naval group, have not been suppressed. Who else has not been suppressed? The world government will never let go of the top naval officers who are disobedient and do not agree with the World Government's ideas. "

Ren said coldly.

Zefa's fate in the original work.

Akainu ordered, Kizaru was buried, and Aokiji was buried in the grave.

One-stop service is in place.

He will be morally kidnapped by the world government.

Although the escape of the criminals on the sixth floor of Impel Down City was the work of the World Government, the Five Old Stars would never admit it. Instead, they would place the blame on those who took the blame, such as Renn and Magellan, to maintain the stable rule of their World Government.

Renn's moral level is not high, and when dealing with those beings who have no bottom line, the bottom line is even lower.

Do not harm civilians.

That's the bottom line.

"I heard that you want to serve as the next marshal of the navy. That position is not easy to fill. Regarding the news about the war on the top, I already know that you have done a good job. You can recruit Anmarco and other white men without killing the red eye. The bearded remnant, go and protect the civilians of the new world."

"No one in the navy can do better than you. I look down on Garp and the two old guys from the Warring States Period, but I can take a high look at you, a new era navy."

Ryder and Garp look down on each other.

The two officially never fought.

But Lane thinks Ryder has a better chance of winning.

"You want to become a navy marshal, a world government, and the top navy leaders with Garp, Sengoku, and Crane as the core are all obstacles to you. I know that you have very few people under your command, very few strong people, and you are recruiting everywhere, but Hawkeye, Are Marco and the rest of Whitebeard's remnants really reliable? Hawkeye and Redhead have a close relationship, and you killed Whitebeard and Redhead with your own hands."

"How long will it take for the five newly recruited supernovas to form combat capabilities?"

The corners of Ryder's lips curled up into a devilish smile.

"I'm really in a lot of troubles. No matter how strong I am alone, I can't just kill people randomly. I need someone to help me. I think the three of you are quite good. Why don't you follow me to reorganize the navy first and deal with the two emperors of the new world? Let's go together. Defeat the World Government, a behemoth that has maintained order for 800 years."

Ren smiled and said: "If you don't agree with what I say, I will beat you to death right now."

Golden Lion, Red Earl, Barrett: "..."

Chapter 118 Chapter 116, Discussing heroes over wine

Chat group.

Tu Shan Honghong: "Wouldn't it be dangerous to recover the three big pirates?"

Lei Shi: "Only those kinds of characters have the value of regaining them. If Ren doesn't want them, I don't mind spending some money to buy those three people to use them to strengthen my Lei Shi pirate group."

Tu Shan Honghong: "..."

Lei Shi: "@雷恩, there is a problem in your world. If I am not wrong, the world government has long had the idea of ​​​​taking action. If they cannot find you, they will take the opportunity to implement their own plan and take this place that belongs to them. The World Government's Impel City is firmly in my own hands. But I believe in you, except for one different concept, you and I are the same kind of people, and we must have a back-up plan."

Renn: "I really didn't think that much when I came to Impel Down. I never thought about taking Impel Down into my hands. Don't give it to me. Don't learn from Yakumo Zi."

Yakumo Purple: "What do you mean, don't learn from me? When did I transform?"

Ren: "@八云子, are you really not retaliating against yourself for teaching Rikka that way?"

Yakumo Murasaki: "Ren, please keep a line in your behavior so that we can meet each other easily in the future."

Ren: "You are not a human being, and I am not human either."

Lei Shi looked at the interruption in the communication between Ren and Yakumo Murasaki in the chat group. Most of the group members turned their attention to it and laughed twice. He didn't believe that Ren was just showing off and doing nothing to Impel Down. No idea.

If you really don't have any ideas, you won't be able to adjust your mentality so quickly after getting a chat group, use all kinds of manpower that have been prepared long ago, and continue to deal with these things.

It is even less likely that after disappearing for a while, he noticed something was wrong after returning, reacted and dealt with the changes in the impel city in an orderly manner, and did not immediately go on a rampage.

They found two minor characters one after another, and then went to the sixth floor of Impel City to confirm the situation in person, instead of going to the new director, and the deputy director questioned them.

Most people don’t have this kind of methodical action and rationality.

Afterwards, Lei Shi put aside the matter of Ren and devoted himself to the sea of ​​books, frantically absorbing nutrients from another world, not only the strength system, but all aspects.

Lei Shi is a prince, and he has the ability to become an emperor. He can endure loneliness and read these boring books, which most people cannot do.

Thunder Lion can do it.



The sixth floor of Impel Down City is the most feared place on the sea, where many extremely vicious pirates are imprisoned. Some of the great pirates can even possess power that can make big forces such as the Navy and the World Government pay attention to them.

Ryder: "???"

He kept reminding Ren about what happened during this period, as well as the Knights of God, the relationship between red hair and Hawkeye, and the fact that the white-bearded remnants cannot be counted as reliable combat forces. He did not let Ren fight. Kill yourself.

As one of the four legendary pirates of the old era, Red Earl Ryder's ambition has never disappeared. The world thinks that Ryder wants to pursue the Pirate King, but only Ryder himself knows that he does not have much pursuit, it is too complicated. thoughts.

He has possessed powerful Haki since he was a child. As he grows older, it becomes stronger and stronger, and he can see into people's hearts.But because of this, he was used to seeing the ugly hearts of the people around him, so he was greatly repulsed by people and developed a withdrawn character.

The goal of chasing the Pirate King is not to follow the crowd, but to have a more interesting goal in life without him.

What Ryder is most proud of is loneliness, what he cares about most is loneliness, and what he most wants to abandon is loneliness.But he can't do it. He has a persistent pursuit of his own strength and cannot accept that he has become weaker due to old age.

"I'm just kidding you. I won't kill you on the spot. I'll let you stay in Impel Down for the rest of your life at most. For the sake of the opportunity you gave me, Shiji, I will buy it for you after you die. A coffin to bury you in person."

Renn smiled.

Shi Ke: "..."

Barrett calmed down and was not as panicked as Shiji. Anyway, he had made an agreement with Renn. No matter he won or lost, there was always a way out and he would not stay in this prison.

Ryder has a stronger mind than Shiki and remains calm. He understands that Ren is willing to talk to these three pirates for so long and talk so much. He must have a purpose, otherwise the other party would have walked away early, instead of Choose to stay here and continue to accompany them.

Since the Battle of Wald, Golden Lion Shiji had a ship's rudder inserted into his head, and he has been going crazy and not thinking clearly. In that battle, he almost defeated the Roger Pirates, but lost to the weather.

The rudder above his head left Shi Ji with hidden dangers, and he has been unable to recover since then.

Compared with the crazy Barrett who can stay calm at this moment, Shiji's brain is much worse. He is sometimes good and sometimes not good. Only occasionally can people feel that he is still the high-spirited lion back then.

It's a pity that Ren rarely sees Shi Ji in high spirits and looks like a lion.

"This is different from what I imagined. Didn't you agree to treat my legs and brain?"

Shi Ji was dumbfounded and couldn't believe it. He grabbed the sea stone specially made for him in the cell and let out the lion's last struggle and roar. His eyes were filled with despair.

"It depends on your own performance."

Ren took out the biscuits made by Xiao Dangjia for himself from his pocket and started eating them. "It's a pity that there is no wine. Just eating biscuits is a bit dry."

Shi Ke: "..."

Where do you want me to get you some wine in this prison?

"Follow me forever."

Ren didn't want to continue dawdling with Shiji. This male lion was not very smart. If he continued to dawdle, it would be of no benefit to him if he got frightened. Shiji had shown kindness to him at the beginning and had no mercy as in that battle.

Can Renne still have such achievements, majesty and confidence in strength?


Repaying kindness, repaying revenge.

It can be said that Golden Lion Shiji is not a pirate, but can be regarded as a warlord. He led the Sky Pirates back then and wanted to dominate the sea and become the king of the world. For this reason, he caused many troubles for the Roger Pirates.

Civilians were rarely implicated.

It belongs to the type that can be killed or not.

Of course, Renn would not kill.

"That won't work!"

Seeing that things were slowing down, Shi Ji immediately exploded when he heard these words for a lifetime. There were only four existences of his level in the entire sea in one era. One of the four legendary pirates, a spittle A nail.

It was hard for him to accept the promise to Renn that he would stay with her forever, but when he saw Renn's expression change, Shiki's unconscious mind immediately sobered up, as if he had become a normal person and no longer crazy.

"Of course it's not impossible. We can have a good discussion. Can we change our life to a few things? Or how many years should we agree? When I followed Rocks, he fell down, so I left. You can't do this. With you for the rest of your life? I’m not a slave, I’m Shiji the Golden Lion!”

Golden Lion Shiji looked panicked.

But he still retains his last bit of dignity and pride.

"When Rocks was defeated, you established your power on your own. Can he do it and I can't?"

Ren asked rhetorically.

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