
The two spoke at the same time.

"Are you talking about me?"

Renn had a flattered look on his face.

Golden Lion, Red Earl, Barrett: "..."

Their current condition is not very good.

Can you go and beat him up in a group?

"I accept your praise."

Renn stretched out his hand as if he didn't dare.

The Red Earl has an elegant and aristocratic temperament. He is more like a real aristocrat than those nobles. Through Ren, he saw those thick-skinned superiors.

Not like a navy, not like a pirate.

If the superiors really had Ren's ability and vision, bad times would never come.

Ren asked: "Then let me put it another way, who else is there besides me?"

"Based on your performance, I can guarantee that if you meet the Five Old Stars, those five rotten old guys will never be able to do anything to you. However, the Five Old Stars are the highest authority in the World Government, and the World Government is above all forces. Are they qualified to change the world?”

The Red Earl half-smiled.

Ren said disdainfully: "The bones in the five graves will surely die in my hands sooner or later."

"Then Rocks dominated the New World back then, and no pirate could compete with him. Was he not qualified to change the world?"

The golden lion is interested.

He had followed the sea overlord Rocks for a period of time.

Ren said calmly: "If he loses, he loses to the joint efforts of pirates and navy, then he is a loser."

The golden lion's face darkened and he asked again: "What about Roger? He defeated Rocks, who was most likely to become the overlord of the sea, and became the first pirate king in history. The era that was born after his death was born from him. Does it count as changing the world?”

"Selfishly and pursuing freedom, Rocks attacked the Valley of the Gods and provoked the World Government. As a pirate, he betrayed his position and joined forces with the navy to fight for the World Government. You know the purpose better than me, and later became the The Pirate King single-handedly promoted the birth of this era. The people are in dire straits and are extremely hypocritical! But the world has changed?"

"He's a hypocritical jerk at best."

The golden lion felt a little happy, and drank a big bowl in one gulp, scolding him vigorously. Roger's banner at the beginning was that they would shake the order of the world and cause countless families to be separated, so he had to stand up and stop them.

that moment.

Whitebeard remains unchanged from beginning to end, Kaido whose blood is still cold, Charlotte Lingling who still remains kind...all are shaken in their hearts.

That battle.

The Rocks Pirates fell apart.

They all broke away from the Rocks Pirates and formed their own pirate groups again.

But after the Battle of Wald, the Golden Lion had a brain problem. After a while, Roger became the Pirate King. He also felt that there was no problem. All he had left in his heart was his persistent pursuit of Roger, because Roger defeated him with one The golden lion defeated this once high-spirited lion in an extremely unwilling way.

The Golden Lion didn't think it was anything at all back then, but now he thinks it's a huge problem. After thinking about it again, he must have lost his mind and invited Roger to join forces back then.

"That bastard Roger, I really regret not being able to kill him back then!"

The golden lion's rudder that affected his brain was removed, his brain became normal, and his IQ returned to above the level. All the memories of that year came to mind, and deep regret filled his heart.

Attack the Valley of the Gods that year.

He is one of the few great pirates who has not wavered.

"What do you think of the four emperors of this era?"


Barrett snorted coldly.

The title of the Four Emperors.

The Golden Lion, the Red Earl, and Barrett all looked down upon them.

Golden Lion has no interest in today's era of children playing house. The large number of pirates are all scum who bully civilians and wield knives at the weak. Such scum cannot be looked down upon by strong men like Golden Lion.

It can be said that the Golden Lion, Red Earl and others have already mentioned all the existences that they like, but Barrett did not say it. That is because Barret has no existence that he likes except Ren.

Whitebeard barely counts as one.

But in their eyes, Whitebeard is a big pirate with no ambitions.

"Whitebeard is dead, Red Hair is dead, Roger deserves to die, Kaido, Big Mom is still alive."

"They are all losers!"

"They don't deserve to be compared to us!"

"Ren, it is said that you rejected that boy Dorag's invitation back then."

"Dorag, a thug leader, is not worth mentioning. Garp's son, calling it a revolution is all bullshit. His son is a pirate. He wants to be the pirate king and use the whole ocean as a playground for his family to play!"


Ren, the Golden Lion, the Red Earl, and Barrett talked about world affairs.

The four of them talked about the four emperors, the powerful men, and all the forces in the sea.

They demoted many legendary pirates from beginning to end.

Because they do have that qualification.

Evaluate it this way.

Ren was happy.

Golden Lion, Red Earl, Barrett is happy.

"Tell me why you two didn't leave?"

Ren asked as he looked at the golden lion, the red earl, gossiping.

"The Golden Lion was looked down upon by others. They thought he didn't have the strength he once had, so they didn't let him go."

Ryder replied.

"Nonsense! That's because they are blind!"

The golden lion is unhappy.

If the Golden Lion had the strength and ambition it once had.

[-]% dare not let go.

Ryder didn't dare to be let go.

Cyborg Kong's status is quite high.

Ryder is pretty strong.

Barrett didn't want to leave.

sixth floor.

The combination of the Golden Lion, the Red Earl, and Barrett is very scary, but the Golden Lion has a broken leg and a brain disease, and the Red Earl is old and frail, so only Barrett can fight.

Compared to the Golden Lion, Barrett is a little more immature, and his strength is close to Roger's strength back then.

Not to mention these two are close.

When the two of them met Roger, they still couldn't tell who was stronger.

the next day.

Ren didn't notify the new director of Impel Down City, and swaggered from the sixth floor to the first floor with the Golden Lion, Red Earl, and Barrett. No one dared to stop them.

"You will be my people in the future."

Renn took out the Bat Fruit, Phantom Beast Species, and Vampire Form obtained from Sleeping Ancient Town.


The Red Earl recognized the precious fruit without being pretentious. After yesterday's exchange, he recognized Renn very highly. It was quite interesting to get this fruit and risk his life for Renn to fight against the World Government. of.

"Where do you think the person who can treat my leg is?"

"Navy Headquarters."

Lane, the Golden Lion, the Red Earl, and Barrett board an empty naval ship.

"Long time no see outside."

The Red Earl smiled evilly.

"I came out of Impel Down City twice."

The golden lion caressed the warship and used the power of the Piao Piao Fruit to float the entire warship in the air and move quickly along the shortest path.

"Nice ability."

In the eyes of the three golden lions, Ren took out the recliner and lay down on it.

"When you get to the place, call me."



Naval Headquarters.

"Your naval headquarters was reduced to rubble after a battle with the Whitebeard Pirates and the Red-Haired Pirates. How many important people are there? We won't come here in vain."

asked the golden lion.

"The Navy Headquarters will not be moved for the time being. Many sailors were injured in that battle and need to recuperate here for a while. Before the next Navy Marshal is officially selected and the transfer of power is completed, it will take some time to establish the new Navy Headquarters."

"There should be important people down there."

Ren lay on the armchair, took off his blindfold, and looked down at the naval headquarters below.

"Where we are, there is justice!"

This sentence comes from Sengoku, but Sengoku is a good friend of Garp. He was extremely loyal to the World Government when he was young and was promoted by perfectly completing the tasks assigned by the World Government.

If Warring States had not grown old and could say such things, Ren would not have dared to keep this marshal.

The older generation of the Navy should retire and take good care of themselves.

The four Rennes arrived at the Navy Headquarters. Many navymen who stayed behind at the Navy Headquarters thought that Admiral Rennes had been kidnapped by three legendary pirates. Some navy even winked, which may mean, 'Admiral Rennes, if you are threatened, then Just blink. '.

"Don't worry about them."


A large group of young marines looked excited.

After the navy had a battle with the Whitebeard Pirates and the Red-Haired Pirates, most of the remaining ones were the navy recruited over the years, not many old guys from the old era.

Today Wren's prestige in the navy is unmatched.

"Tell me, who has the highest official position in the navy staying here?"

"General Yellow Ape."

Renne communicated with a navy officer on an equal footing and learned about the current situation at the navy headquarters.

On the road.

He met Moria, Yuzhiliu, and Enel who had received the notice. Among them, Eniru and Yuzhiliu's injuries were almost healed.

“It’s nice not to have to work overtime~”

Kizaru sat on the Admiral's seat and drank tea comfortably.

"Kizaru, I heard that you want to compete with me for marshal?"

Chapter 120 Chapter 118, Luo, I want to do something big

"Kizaru, I heard that you want to compete with me for marshal?"

Ren received the information and took the shortest road to the place where the Navy Marshal once had his office. But now, the place was in tatters and could not see what the Navy headquarters looked like back then. The war had reduced the place to ruins.

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